In this day and age, frugality is the play of the game.
Although credit must be given to our bean counters and all for rather creative and innovative book keeping, still the way that the Knytes-of-Anarchy and all its siblings have stayed operational, is being reasonable in finding low cost to no cost ways of acquisition, and methods.
Case-n-Point, the Knytes have for years, been in planning a web streaming and OTR radio station. Besides the costs of doing things as prescribed by those pesky varmits at the FCC , buying brand new, fully computerized equipment to do the studio with was just not in the plan. Why buy new when so many stations of the region, are selling their analog gear for much less. Sure it takes a lot of Ebay looking and searching, but you get what you need, not more of what will not function well in the primitive environment we operate in here in rural Idaho. Power fluctuations, weather related mayhems that makes this new stuff have more than a conniption fit.
The web while being okay is not always dependable, and unless you own a site, don’t expect the site, to always be available when YOU need it. This is something we in the club said, we do not want this to be the case for our members and supporters coming to our site to be entertained and informed. But having discount web site developers is the last thing one needs. Sometimes being too frugal is just wasting money. Case-n-Point, last fall , had a guy in Boise that did , minor and I do mean minor web site creation. But in trying to save some green by having this feller do it, we’d have been better to have the gal over at Surf the Snake in Burley build the site along with our friends at Abacast. We’d be running by now. But that said , before, and I mean long before this goes out the door, the search is on to find someone that really knows how to build a streaming web site.
Okay then moving on.
Long before, and really very much before. There was the idea brought up in one of the meetings of the Hazzard Knytes(now the Knytes-of-Anarchy) to build a one off Dukes of Hazzard/Hazzard County theme park. By building a duplicate of the original Burbank set of the hit TV show add some specialty concepts and open it as Hazzard County USA. The original site was at what is termed or called Black Mesa Idaho, an abandoned farming location just west of Glenns Ferry Idaho. BLM said no, so no go. So we looked at where that nuke plant was going to be built near Hammett, Idaho. County commissioners said no can alter P&Z . So we finally , said hold on and the same project is underway at the abandoned southern Idaho town called Strevelle . Which sits on the Idaho / Utah border, on old highway 81. Only now the costs will be higher for building construction as well as the fact we now have to compete with ole Ben. Although discussions are under way to make he and ours parks merge to where ours would be the only western version of Cooter’s Place. So always being frugal is not always wise, but then there are times when squeezing old Abe’s head to where blood runs out of his ears, and through bartering, you get what you need, and no more that will not do the job.
Sure fuel will never be 89 cents a gallon again. NASCAR started using ethanol since ethanol is shine with a dye that makes it undrinkable. But Ethy is also cheaper that $4.00 or better a gallon race fuel. Funny didn’t we at Dixie-Deere Racing start barking about use corn fuel in 1999? We were laughed at.Maybe we should have listened to, huh? Same goes with buying stock on both NASDAQ as well as the NYSE. We said, buy stock in the company John Deere. Deere’s stock has remained stable. Has not dramatically fluctuated, and usually pays a good dividend. Again we were laughed at. But the club bought Deere stock, and guess what? Money in the bank.
Now then looking at toewing. I have seen many guys buying all this fancy gear and trucks. One of My best friends in the business here in this area, owns some of the best, most up to date rigs in Idaho. But he also is heavy into debt. If you want to test the mettle of the new toew jocks, tell them to block and sling a wrecked ride, or bring it in on a sling. 70% will not have the slightest idea of how to block & sling. 60% have never used dollies, and yet its our old work horses that are mechanical like on the back of LexiBelle that gets the job done, without the hassles and more over the high costs of the new equipment. Sure a new roll back is good, and at times a roll back is required, but I have yet to find a ride even crumpled that can’t be recovered and transported with a good low boy flat bed trailer, or set of dollies. Plus I saved the costs of a new roll back. Retained the integrity of my old Holmes 500’s abilities and that’s why, I’m not worrying about seeing my banker, every month. Being frugal here, means buying older equipment, doing some work on it, know how to use a welder both mig as well as arc, and you toew while those who owe are crying. Same goes with credit cards. While my own credit is not worth anything, still my debts are not of the plastic kind. Good old Green gets the thing done , bought and yours while those who use plastic are up to their neck in revenuers. Plus if you use cash only you never have to worry about identity theft. Can’t get id 411 off of cash. Which the Congress is looking at getting rid of in favor of coins. Hell one would need a armored truck just to go to the movies to haul that many coins. Watch that idea go into Hazzard sand pyle. What goes in there very seldom if ever comes out again.
I do not, will not have a credit card. The only one I carry is my EBT card. And few know my secret password, so that is fairly safe.
I learned this method of operation from both my Mom & Dad. When everybody was going to wheel lines to irrigate, Mom was out there with a plastic dam, shovel and siphon tubes. Mom kept 300 some odd acres wet and we always brought in a crop. The only investment I suggested as a youth that would be profitable today of which even a cuppl of land brokers scoffed at was buying that hill just off of U.S. 20 east of MHI. I said we ought to build a truck stop there. We didn’t but look at what’s there now. That’s getting off course.
In today’s era economy being frugal is the play of the game.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the day: The higher the buildings, the lower the morals. - Noel Coward
Deuteronomy 7:9“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.”
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