Well that’s it for the Presidential Debates for this election.
I heard little, except that even though I’m not a big fan of Obama, I’ll vote him in as I do not think Romney, even though Romney, by marriage is a shirt tail kin folk. I just don’t think Romney has the experience . Libya was not mentioned enough and specific statements on just what both would do to get our economy going again.
While our economy sucks big time, its not entirely government’s fault. It’s more to do with a very uneducated and uncaring people as to low job numbers.
Hell how can you hire those that will not get off their ass to work? Case-n-Point, been sitting in our studios of HazzardAyre Radio for nearly 3 years looking for female on air as well as on camera employees. There are none. Even if you do pay twice the normal going rate, for entry level broadcasters and even mid level broadcasters of all genders.
Don’t blame Government when you the public are so stubborn and bullheaded. there were many issues, but lets look at the good, bad and fugdugly of the two candidates. Today, Obama signed an order to allow Military personnel to get their CDL’s while still serving so one can get a job driving a rig when they get home. However , Obama’s FCC Chairman allowed the wide range radio and TV spectrum to be gobbled up , like the old Federal land grabs that caused many Native Americans on reservations. No mention or damn little of it was ever mentioned in the campaigns either one. What it did do is force many who are on low and fixed incomes to find housing near where cable is available, or get satellite or convert to digital. Also mandating that many senior citizens to buy new TV’s, there is no yet nationwide broadband computer access, more like more ability for mobile apps on cell phones.
The list goes on and on, but why not drop this message out there? Neither did.
Commerce is stumbling, but its gaining traction by its own efforts. Communities are saying to the old farts running things Phooey, its time we do our parts, and that means more hearing, less speaking. I talk and hear from our youth saying that the ideas put forth by SAMCRO MC, and the Knytes-of-Anarchy are smart, what I hear too , is from some of our law enforcement community is, that will not be allowed here.
Bullsbreath, this reminds me when I tried in gest to run for Sheriff of Power County one year. Hell I got put in the klink, until after the election. Was let out long before, but it’s the same idea. Thing is, don’t cover it up, listen up, shut up and get out of the way.
I saw stupid in government here, in Cassia County a week or so ago. Moved out to the shop, tried to get mail flowing there, did the change of address, shuffle, but got informed that oops not right the number my landlord said it was did not align with the 911 grid so the Post Office said no delivery. Get told by some guy in the P&Z office, a absolute address would be out on Friday. Go in no number or addy yet. Really? To date the entire ordeal cost me $5,500.00 , think I could get our local P&Z or the Post Office to pay me because they did not have it together?
I saw on an email from a Dukes of Hazzard fan who said, he’d not be paid enough to watch a Presidential Debate. My question is can anyone afford not to give attention to these debates and election. This year the leader that with form and shape this nation and indeed the world will be chosen. There is not enuff in Idaho to make much of an impact there, but this nation needs to be knowledgeable.
Bottom line do you REALL WANT a Mormon in the White House? If you didn’t pay your tithing, the IRS would come after you.
The way an LDS Bishop says F.O. is he puts his arm around you and says, “Trust me son, trust me”.
Haven’t you heard that from Romney?
L8R Ya’ll

Quote of the Day:
The person who is not hungry says that the coconut has a hard shell.
--African Tribal Saying
Proverbs 15:23“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”
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