You wont hear or see much if anything on the daily news at 5-6&10PM about this, and even Dr. Oz never mentions this, and my an uproar would start on the Doctors. However men in fact do have periods. This malady is not just women any more. The condition is now just being recognized by our slow to come to point medical community, Its not always an accepted medical condition for us male corpuscles, but hey we have them. Usually male periods happen in mid to late summer and winter to spring. The term 7 year itch, or mid life crisis usually denotes the time in a mans life, when the periods stop. Usually at age 60 or so, and its term is menopause . Reason I bring this up is I saw a brief segment on TV on FoX News Channel, my is that place going to get a shake up now that their main Captain has been made to walk the plank, Any mile, on Fox and Friends this morning there was this clip about a guy refusing to go to work, because his period cramps were such that he could not hardly move. His employer of course cried foul ball, and terminated the mans employment. Now the man is suing over the situation. I say I hope the man wins, as it would set a legal counterpoint, and make the always excuse for women chopping off a mans penus or worse, and getting away with it saying she could not handle the emotional swing of her PMS and period. So what if a guy, has his period, PUWWS (putting up with womens shit) and whacks someone. Could he say oops , I was having my period judge and made a bad decision. Many of these violent outbreaks we are seeing across the Union, might just be linked to male periods, or now just might have that option for a defense.
This is going to be interesting, and since I'm having my period today I'm taking the rest of the afternoon off. See you at 11:00PM on Livestream, and here locally over the air at 104.7 KKOD FM.
I was going to put up something big and useful, but my mind and body are not cooperating. Its mind saying go-go-go, and the body saying bed-bed-bed. Needless to say I'll be on the air on Livestream, at noon instead of 06:00 Hours. These fire flights are killing me, but its our contract so must fullfill it, but not wanting to is only part of it. Of course I love to fly, anytime in the left hand seat is bliss, but when you start to make stupid mistakes, or don't take on fuel when your supposed to or not enough fuel, and those rotors start coughing, its time to put it down and head to the bunk house. And that's near to what I'm intending to do. For 48 hours.
One of a few of the guys at the fire barn this evening said something that made me do some real thinking. He and the rest of us were watching the Presidential Speeches , the Don is now headed to the White House, but one of the Don's daughters came on, and one of the fire byrds here said, man I'd love to give her the shaft just once, Heck I'd go all night long then some more. To which I got to thinking, because here lately, if I do get blessed enough to get laid, I'm lucky if I can make it past a bit of leg massaging, and a head job, once inside it's over for the night. I'm ready to roll over and snooze.
So I did some looking around on Google, and of course the porn sites and near exact articles were there, but no real exact on concise information on just how long that an average guy, or even a USDA Male corpuscle can last before ejaculation. As well as how long it takes to recharge after cumming. In my years, I have had only one lady , that could keep me going for more than an hour and cumming twice in both those two hours. Course she was a hot blonde security guard that lived near Clearfield Utah, that I met up with on one of those 1-900 numbers when I was still connected to Monkee. Past her none. Debby was her name, I think, and her hole was so damn tight that it was like a pop bottle. Plus she knew how to use my turn ons, as well as her vaginal muscles. If she didn't want you out, you didn't get out. Looking back on it now, I'd have been better staying with her, and sent Monkee packing, seeing how that all turned out, and I'd Have been $200k richer, but oh well that's life you learn. But getting back on the vectored course here, why hasn't there been a researched scientific study done on this subject?
More L8R Aviators

The only thing missing in Evanston Wyoming is a place to tie the horses, in front of a business, a water trough and a horse feeder. Beyond that Evanston Wyoming, is greed and fraud or at least nearly that. I can see the day when Evanston, is smaller than Randolph Utah and there's many here that wish it would go back to that point. Honesty is not one of the attributes of this community, of nearly 80% Mormon and the rest trying to combat the malady of that denomination that infuses itself under the skin of many. While the peaceful scenic beauty is unmistakable, if you visit here don't expect much if any of anything in the way of modern technology, or anyone that can either repair it, or willing and able to fix or repair it. Your better off if you can to take whatever it is 100 miles south to either Salt Lake City or Ogden to get it repaired. You'll get it back faster. If your looking to create an enterprise outside of the box, beyond the mainline staples of getting drunk, or feed, or fuel, or a bed , forget it. We're lucky if there's a AutoZone and a Walmart, that in itself leaves much to be desired.
The Knytes have decided to relocate the radio operation to Ogden Utah, as there is the human resources factor and low cost office space that NObody has a problem with turning or renting out as a radio production and business space. More over one can get office space there for under $500.00 a month, much of it with utilities furnished. Right down to a conference room, and even front office greeters supplied. Be nice to have a receptionist, that we don't have to chase down all the time.
I used to wonder why there are so many property owners here that live and work elsewhere like in Metro-Utah. I don't wonder any more. It's better for business to do business in the neighboring state than here in Evanston.
I read and have heard all too many stores and rumors of remodeling the Etown, Round house here. Make it into a expo type structure. My question is why? Nobody in their right mind, and I say RIGHT mind, mine wasn't when I came and had Lil Wolf not frozen the first year , I wouldn't be here now. but anybody else in their right mind would never come up here and stage an event. Examples of that ? Check this out; the Knytes had all good intentions of staging the Hazzard Nationals aka DukesFest West here. Now granted expanding the community to 300,000 people in one weekend might have frightened them a bit, but its not just us. Selena Gomez was set to do a one night show here a year and a half ago at the Fairgrounds as part of a celebration. Some of the uptight bigots here said, nope, not her , she's too nasty. Same thing for Larry the Cable Guy, for the fair last year. The list goes on.
The other night I commented on the fact that I don't bag or cuss out places without just cause. I have more than just cause, but more over I have ways to fix the problems. The difficulty in those solutions, is that I do not wear a black Elders missionary plaque on my 3 piece suit, and will not kiss the ass's of those who do.
So tie up your horse at the bar, boot scoot in there order up a tall one, eat greasy fries, in your chaps and spurs, then ride on out on the tumbleweed winds.
Only thing that's missing is the stanchons for the horses, ain't got much of anything else. Now if I can just get P.C. Innovators to finish fixing my laptop that's been there for 3 months now.

I really get a albeit a frustrated one, but a chuckle of all the pages and postings from so many of the Confederacy , our flag of Dixie and all the rest. Since mid 2007 when The Knytes went from just being a old skool long haul trucking/trucker lifestyle(gearheads) organization rooted in the south, and all to a political organization as well, we saw the degrading of our nation under Obama, and even before Bush. We knew there was a change needed. I met both on phone and on line a guy named Stephen Monk, who was heading with little luck a movement to bring to power a thing called the Confederate National Party. A political party where a person could vote and be elected on. Few of the western states especially ones rooted in Mormonism, were in favor , but Stephen suggested a rally at the steps of Idaho's capitol . So word went out and nearly 20,000 people half of which were Knytes members but 20,000 people graced the steps, of the white domed building. Governor Otter signed the papers that admitted the CNP, to parties in Idaho, that could be a political party. After that work done by the Knytes got Utah to allow the admittance of the CNP to their elections, and work is now underway for both Wyoming and Montana.
Just over $3,million dollars, countless hours fighting and who is doing the work for the cause of southern liberty? The Knytes-of-Dixie(aka Knytes-of-Anarchy).
Yet I will see on all to many postings of people posting who will support the Dixie flag, Southern this or Confederate that. But if you post a request or a suggestion that they do away with at least one weekend of beer and boobs and take that same $100.00 that they'd spend on one weekend and send it to the Knytes, to help fight for the cause, you'll get excuses, oh I don't have any money, I'm poor, or something along that line, but they have money for Internet, cable TV, and boobs, brews, and smokes. Could you imagine and we keep working towards this, if just one morning, to see on Fox News Channel of CNN, an ad or a sit down, interview of views of the Modern Confederacy? The way to a cable networks heart is money. Buy enough ad time, and you'll get the attention of the newscasters on there. The idea of the Modern Confederacy is not only to honor those famous General's and battlers of our past, but to take that fight into our present and perhaps future. You have two corrupt idiots running for President, both Clinton and Trump. Yet and I expressed this even on my TV show in Pocatello in 2008 that we need to step up and get a candidate for 2016 from and of the CNP, on the ballot. Considering the rukus over the flag and all the stage has been set, yet still when I have came to so many online to save our online radio station on the subjuct of the Modern Confederacy, the pleas have fallen on deaf ears and blind eyes. The damn money aint for me, its for all of us. Yet same noise, oh I can't I don't have a job, I don't have extra money, I say bullsbreath. To put it in the words of today, The Modern Confederacy, Matters.
We'll never get things done for this election. Your ears, mouths and wallets are sealed, but if we start now, we could have enough cash in the hands and ads on TV to get a candidate up in gear, for the next election cycle. Our radio network can reach from sea to sea , and creating our own TV channel on cable/satellite bringing to view the lessons and southern heritage to all who would watch is not all that impossible. But again I'll ask, are any of you willing to step up like we in the Knytes-of-Dixie have?
Its easy to get on Facebook, or Twitter and say your in favor of something or to post things from another page, its called lip and keyboard service. My question is, what will you sacrifice, what fun thing this weekend will you give up, to take the same amount of money, and contribute to us in the Knytes-of-Dixie to fight for the cause. If your not willing to help, I say shut up.
For many it's the 4th of July, a time of blowing things up with Fireworks, picinics and just another reason for many to be lazy. And people wonder what's wrong with our nations economy. Too many days off, too many days unproductive. The day is to symbolize and celebrate our nations break with England, tyranny , and taxation without representation. In reality the foundation of that is not what's being displayed today. Your cussed out if your nice to people or try to help them without any thought of repayment, but hey its America Today. As for me, my generosity and fellow person kindness has ended , go read Reaper Crew Report.
People from the south have been pummled, and tramped on for so long that any kind of celebration of ANY kind of independence is kaput. It has no meaning. Our southern heritage and liberty was taken from us, and albeit a few of us are fighting back but those who can't (or wont) fight back, are getting hammered and jailed.
There's a lady who I admire, by the name of Beth Ann, who does a thing every weekday called CSC Talk Radio. She has been preaching and defending America's life for at least 2012 that I know of maybe longer. I got turned onto her from Ray McBerry of Dixie Broadcasting, and she makes sense. With all her many followers and guests, she tells it like it is. Real truth really makes people mad. Despite the fact that they know deep down that Beth Ann or myself is right, they will not outright say so because it might take a few dollars out of their pockets, or cause them grief in their communities. It's the, " yea I know that's right but I ain't sayin so in town or in public"
I hate to say this nation is far from the freedom loving, liberty nation we once were, and even before that treaty was signed by Grant/Lee the south will not and has not been liberated since.
When I see both
these flags flying together, and the people of the entire nation defending, not condemning the one or both will I celebrate the day of Independence, but since that ain't gonna happen any time soon, I just consider the day as just another day.

As you may have already read, or heard elsewhere, and you need to again. I went to the delectable Tumbleweeds to have dinner snag a few smoothies and dig on some tunes. What I got was nearly isolated , two drinks and no food, my how the temprature of the water changes when you pull back from the buyers table. Deb was the only one giving me any attention, and I wouldn't be surprised to find her involved in HazzardAyre Radio somewhere along the highway soon. But the isolation was the worst of it. This reminds me of the condition of the situation when I went to a recent function at our LDS Ward. They had this Pinewood Derby there for the youth, with a junk food dinner. While the event was sorta cool, I wondered why the heck I even went? Sure I know times are rough even for the church and all, but could at least one or two others of the Ward sit down and break bread with me? Apparently I must have Typhoid or something, or an invisible neon sign that reads Bad Dog, don't go near. Last week our area stake had Stake Conference, I had intended to go, but thought was, Why? Sure I am knowing of the fact you don't go to services to be popular , you go to remember, honor and learn of Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. But would it hurt someone to come sit down beside me and at least share a hymn book?
Every week, Brother Hutchinson, or the Bishop, get's up, greets the congregation and say We hope you all feel welcome. Reality, no I don't. Haven't since I got here and after a year with few exceptions, still am not accepted. Maybe it has something to do, with a wandering eye at every young filly in the Ward, only from a pure business sense. Like Brother Hutchinson's daughter several weeks ago, came home from her mission. Pretty of course, but it was not the Mission report that stood out, it was the method and way she delivered it. I thought, dang I need to get her on air, she has a great voice and knows how to use it. Right away there were those grumblings from many who thought, uh oh, the Wolf is about to ingest Little Red Riding Hood. Damn it friends, look past your carnal thinking and look at things from someone attempting to help another person in the Frigging Ward. The list goes on, but while I'll go to services, and sit with the very few that still considers me as a none dangerous human I do it for Jesus, nobody else. Sure there are many, who go to services, with the adage of Church on Sunday sell on Monday attitude. They Don't say it, but its in their minds. I'm guilty of it, but only from a humanitarian view, not to tarnish some young filly's virtue. Unlike some ancestrial Church leaders who used to harvest young pleasing to the eye girls for wives and in any other culture it's rape, still, I'm held at the Judgement cross as the one step from Lucifers hand. Let's get real. This reminds me of when I finally sat down in Twin Falls again in 2009. I would not go to ANY church, except Nurse GoodBody's . After researching and feeling left alone I started going to the River Fellowship of Twin Falls
I was made more welcome and accepted than any place I had ever went, I got to thinking about my own testimony of the Mormon situation than I ever had before. I found holes in the teachings that couldn't be answered. Of Course I moved to Ogden, Bishop Belnap there welcomed me in, and had weekly sit downs with me again I felt welcome. When I got here to Evanston, at the base of nearly committing suicide I went to the Yellow Creek Ward, then once I moved here to the Wentworth apartments found the Uinta View Ward. Sure our Bishop is a fine person, and I love him as a church member and all, but outside of one family, you'd think I'd ripped a fart in the Ward that smelled so bad , no one would sit down with me. After a long drawn out time finally Vern and Dave and family started sitting with me , but does it make me much more welcome than only having the Bishop and one family cotton to me? To date haven't been asked to say a opening or closing prayer, or a talk, that most everyone else there feels like its an imposision to do, and only one family that will sit with me in services, and will say howdy in public the rest of the week,. Then my Bishop wonders why I don't attend services more. Sure I'll go for Jesus, but I really feel abandoned and kicked in the groin, every week for doing so.

As you may have already read, or heard elsewhere, and you need to again. I went to the delectable Tumbleweeds to have dinner snag a few smoothies and dig on some tunes. What I got was nearly isolated , two drinks and no food, my how the temprature of the water changes when you pull back from the buyers table. Deb was the only one giving me any attention, and I wouldn't be surprised to find her involved in HazzardAyre Radio somewhere along the highway soon. But the isolation was the worst of it. This reminds me of the condition of the situation when I went to a recent function at our LDS Ward. They had this Pinewood Derby there for the youth, with a junk food dinner. While the event was sorta cool, I wondered why the heck I even went? Sure I know times are rough even for the church and all, but could at least one or two others of the Ward sit down and break bread with me? Apparently I must have Typhoid or something, or an invisible neon sign that reads Bad Dog, don't go near. Last week our area stake had Stake Conference, I had intended to go, but thought was, Why? Sure I am knowing of the fact you don't go to services to be popular , you go to remember, honor and learn of Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. But would it hurt someone to come sit down beside me and at least share a hymn book?
Every week, Brother Hutchinson, or the Bishop, get's up, greets the congregation and say We hope you all feel welcome. Reality, no I don't. Haven't since I got here and after a year with few exceptions, still am not accepted. Maybe it has something to do, with a wandering eye at every young filly in the Ward, only from a pure business sense. Like Brother Hutchinson's daughter several weeks ago, came home from her mission. Pretty of course, but it was not the Mission report that stood out, it was the method and way she delivered it. I thought, dang I need to get her on air, she has a great voice and knows how to use it. Right away there were those grumblings from many who thought, uh oh, the Wolf is about to ingest Little Red Riding Hood. Damn it friends, look past your carnal thinking and look at things from someone attempting to help another person in the Frigging Ward. The list goes on, but while I'll go to services, and sit with the very few that still considers me as a none dangerous human I do it for Jesus, nobody else. Sure there are many, who go to services, with the adage of Church on Sunday sell on Monday attitude. They Don't say it, but its in their minds. I'm guilty of it, but only from a humanitarian view, not to tarnish some young filly's virtue. Unlike some ancestrial Church leaders who used to harvest young pleasing to the eye girls for wives and in any other culture it's rape, still, I'm held at the Judgement cross as the one step from Lucifers hand. Let's get real. This reminds me of when I finally sat down in Twin Falls again in 2009. I would not go to ANY church, except Nurse GoodBody's . After researching and feeling left alone I started going to the River Fellowship of Twin Falls
I was made more welcome and accepted than any place I had ever went, I got to thinking about my own testimony of the Mormon situation than I ever had before. I found holes in the teachings that couldn't be answered. Of Course I moved to Ogden, Bishop Belnap there welcomed me in, and had weekly sit downs with me again I felt welcome. When I got here to Evanston, at the base of nearly committing suicide I went to the Yellow Creek Ward, then once I moved here to the Wentworth apartments found the Uinta View Ward. Sure our Bishop is a fine person, and I love him as a church member and all, but outside of one family, you'd think I'd ripped a fart in the Ward that smelled so bad , no one would sit down with me. After a long drawn out time finally Vern and Dave and family started sitting with me , but does it make me much more welcome than only having the Bishop and one family cotton to me? To date haven't been asked to say a opening or closing prayer, or a talk, that most everyone else there feels like its an imposision to do, and only one family that will sit with me in services, and will say howdy in public the rest of the week,. Then my Bishop wonders why I don't attend services more. Sure I'll go for Jesus, but I really feel abandoned and kicked in the groin, every week for doing so.