When I hear from others that they support our armed forces and all I wonder, is it just lip or keyboard lip service? Or do they really support our military? Recently a friend of ours had another friend that was diagnosed with a severe case of lung cancer. With an impending termination of life, requests of prayers and all went out. Of course we in the Knytes were all doing that. But I thought to, who would our Texas Angel's friend turn to for help on burial costs and such? One of the reasons here lately that we in the ayre(air) wing of the Knytes-of-Dixie , aka AyreWolvez,

are seeking donations, from those who care, is to establish a health and benefits fund for all military aviators as well as all armed forces veterans. Sure the power bill thing, and the radio station is important, but what about a aid fund for military Vets? What about those who have served from all wars and conflicts that are not looking for a hand out , but a helping hand up? I remember at the conclusion of my last tour of duty for the UCMC , I came home to a community that was not all like I left it. There were bills that I knew I owed and ones that I didn't know I still owed. It takes time to get paychecks from the UCMC and VA to get flowing, but I needed a phone, and I needed my computer. Cable-One, nope not until I paid the bill, same think with CenturyLink and Verizon. It was very lucky that I had a caring neighbor next door to me that kept me fed and wired plus was there for a friendly pep talk each morning. That stopped those hours of thinking why didn't I just get shot down or blown away serving my country? After a time the Knytes got reunited and I had someone to call on when shit hit the fan, such as this last bout of corporate greed of Rocky Mountain power. But it would have been great if all of that could have happened back in 2009 when I first got back home to Gooding. At that point, it was AyreWolfFM, that got the word out that the Knytes and Wolf-Pack was back together and thus grew even stronger since, this is one of the great parts of HazzardAyre Radio. Sure our Texas Angel has been howling at her followers to donate and the main reason behind her pillows and such for us to sell. To keep HazzardAyre on the air, even if it is right now only heard online and through Armed Forces Radio. So in closing on that when you say you support and honor our discharged military warriors , the question I have for you, is, "Do you really?"
Okay then onto Club Business.
Overnight the Knytes and I got a hand up on my power bill from one of our Club Members, who I thank very much, although its going to be just a jump help since I'll have to pay the same thing next month. However, due to that, I withdrew my nomination to be President of the Knytes. I'm just not ready to handle that stress any more, however the Original President of the Club Jonny Muir of Utah, has accepted the nomination for that office, while I will remain executive Vice President of the Club.
Here's some observations from the road/.
Never ever roll down your mirror when it's wet on a 15 degree day outside. Reason the damn thing freezes and you can't get it back up. Kind of like going to bed with a large woman that looked good at the bar, but when morning arrives and you see it in the light, you just can't get it up. Have you ever noticed ? That when deer season is over, the damn 4 legged critters are all over the place, but hide during season? Deer have calendars and secret trap doors in the fields that they go hide in, I am convinced of that. Wouldn't it be great if all business's answered their phones within an hour like we in Toewing do? While voice mail and all is great, you can bet your next box of donuts , that when you call me, or my company, someone will get back to you within an hour or less. Or how about these people that never return a phone call, or have never set up their voice mail? Example; While I love my SheWolf seriously, still to date she never has set up her voice mail. Her best means of communication is text, if I'm parked I can answer and only if its short since texting runs my cell phone battery down really quick, or via Facebook, which is great if I'm near or on my computer, then I get bitched at for not calling, answer there is simple honey, want me to call? Then answer your damn phone!! Last but not least, found my problem, on my marker lights for LexiBelle, bad ground. Just need to strip some wire and fix the ground. It warmed up here in western Wyoming today. Enough to where I could get into the shop. It's a fact, that the drinking straws at Arby's for their larger drinks are longer than the ones at McDonalds for the same sized drinks. The one from Arby's is long enough to fit in a bottle of my DewShine, where as the one from Mcdonalds isn't. Oh and on the subject of my DewShine, DewShine comes in a glass bottle, not plastic, thus in sub zero temps a partly drank bottle of DewShine in your trucks cup holder left overnight will break and create a terrible mess. Which is what happened to me in the General. Fun, Fun. fun, cleaning that up.
Its my dinner time so see ya'll on the bounce around. Good numbers to Ya'll , I'm 10-10 , on the side.