I read with great interest an article that appeared in the Times News of Twin Falls Idaho early in the week, and wanted to shed some light of and on the fact that HazzardAyre Radio, and 5 other affiliated companies not only survived but continue to thrive in Idaho and extend into 10 other states. Even the Knytes(knights) ourselves not only thrived but survive as the if not thee premier rural gearheads organization with 300,000 plus members around the globe. If there is a fan of the old hit TV show , The Dukes-of-Hazzard anywhere on earth , bet your next tank of 100 octane fuel that , that person IS: a member of the Hazzard County Knytes as well as involved in the many subsidiary organizations attached to thereof.
Back in 2012 when the concept of re-establishing the radio station gig was conceived many in Cassia County considered it a farce and did little to give it any kind of push. No matter how much we begged and pleaded neither the Times News or any mainstream press would give us ink, let alone sell us an ad to get people's attention.
But tiny HazzardAyre which is Hazzard County Radio combined with military aviation enthusiasts radio hence Air only spelled a bit quirky, got started with a gift of gear from the then Radio Shack of the Magic Valley Mall and a nice local manager Amber Humpfries. By October 2013 we wanted to not only be a powerhouse over the air but on line. A TV guru from California, turned us onto a outfit called Livestream.com , we currently have 9 channels there. Then got in with an outfit called Spreaker.com which is our primary carrier on line. Thing is, we never gave up and continue to grow. In fact we are making a move to Buhl, soon to create a super radio/tv media center there, that will excell over many of our kind and then some.
Now then; When it comes to failure. In Idaho, at least this part of Idaho, you have to constantly reinvent yourself, there is no room for complacency. If you just hover on your company and not market out of the area you will surely die. The other half, unless the business is directly connected to production agriculture, you will stumble but again look beyond our borders. The main hurdle ? Finding suitable, trainable and energetic people that want to expand their horizons. Example; Go on Facebook. There you will see ads for on air employees, from us on AyreWolfFM, to HazzardAyre to Talking Toew(a show for tow truck owner operators) . The few and damn few responses We have gotten from most especially women, has been lackluster. Most are willing to learn , but have never been on air or in a radio studio at least behind the console. Most of the reluctance comes from our studio currently residing in our organization's Rode House(Club-House) in Wendell. Even so I have yet to see more than 4 people even drive over for a meet and greet, let alone get hired.
In response to Heather's article in the Times News on 1 in 5 Idaho start ups fails, A poorly educated work force for careers outside of farming or health care, Two a timid work force, that has a problem with working at a in home business environment, and three, a local news paper and Television station that would rather overlook a company rather than give a start up some ink, in fear that by doing so that company might outdo them .
A Wendell Idaho, is about to get a 40/40 fibre connection and the rebirth of everything HazzardAyre.
Next time.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Just get over it, I have and lets move on; Search for new HQ still going on
So going thru computer hell finally got online and saw a comment from some obviously heckler on our Hazzard Knytes fb page. Asking what did I get stabbed with a few weeks ago? For those not into automotive nor tools there is a screw driver called a torx driver, about the size of a very small ice pick. Which was on the side of my roll back when I responded to the toew call, that got me impaled. Thank God it wasn't bigger and thank God above that the wound wasn't worse than it was, but it was such that a quick trip to the hospital in Twin Falls, a big bandaid and some mushy cream, and two bottles of antibiotics and I muddled home. Taking Old school road to 2+ Plus Road then to the Bob Barton, got the truck to our port near Hazzard then home in the General . It's still damn sore, and no its not my belly button,
Still that cream stuff stings like hell, the court is doing its job, the hearing is next week and so it goes. Yes now for a while I have to wear two T-shirts to keep my belt buckle from rubbing on the wound, yes I have to soak the wound in the tub twice a day, then reapply the stingy cream, but I'm still alive. Shit it's thank God again that it wasn't worse so lets move the hell on. What is anyone going to do, the perp, is in the jail, the wound little by little is healing sort of, and yes I have an irritation there, but so what at least I lived through it.

Okay must everyone keep heckling me over simple shit? While you may not agree with my methods, still I'm working to better my world, or at least my half of Dixie Nation. I don't do what I do, to get laid, since if all I needed to do to get laid is take a few hundred bucks, and a trip to Miss Donna's or the Sugar Shack in Wells Nevada. Its only a 175 miles one way there. Plus I have my Shelly, and I'm keeping myself clean for her. The reason I recruit women for second chair in the studio here is that women look at things different than us male corpuscles, two; many guys would rather listen to a southern belle's voice on air, and three what works for Stern with Robin Quivers should work for us, and in those times that I have had one in studio things ran like silk. If it were not for that and the fact that still to date 70% of our membership is still deployed in parts of the World that I can't say here, but if there were more Knytes in the area, they'd be on air rather than me. Truly I would love to have the time off, to do my own thing, take a ride on my bike and get away from civilization. Thing is, who else is going to step in and do what I do on air? Male or female? More over someone I can trust. As far as a formal studio, we had one, in Gooding, and if I hadn't gotten conned we had a great one in Woods Cross Utah. But I got talked into a deal in Wyoming, spent 4 years getting out of there although any more I wish'd I'd had stayed put, but its just life. If only 10% of those that give me crap, and want to take a part and criticize what I and us at HazzardAyre radio does, likewise the Knytes, would contribute and in a good way participate in what we do, as an organization and all the hecklers, much of these pressing issues to low employment, DACA, and others could be solved. No you have to give me a load of shit all the time.
That all said, and I am not sure where yet, but the search for a new media HQ is going on, until this spring when we as an organization can begin construction on the new Super media center near Buhl Idaho. Much of the hindrence is due to a bad head gasket on ye old General, and an inflected wound on ye ole Mini Wolf. See someone taking target practice near where I live decided to aim in the wrong way, which hit the front left tire of the Mini-Wolf. Now its been said that it was the age of the tire, nope brand new tire, some said it was the heat, naw the rest survived, someone shot the tire, and wont fess up. No biggy, in time I'll scrape up a few bucks, and go snag a new tire. But with me limited in locating new quarters and such is due to limitations on durable transportation. With all that has happened in Etown, outside of once, this kinda crap never happened there. For the most part most left me the heck alone. And for the answer to the next question, why don't I move back? Why? This end of Idaho is where I was born, went to school here, why should I move just because some folks can't understand simple kindness? Any way like I said the search is on.
HazzardAyre/KnyteWolf Radio is on at 08:00
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