Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Dixie Ayre Lawg


When your truckin by the seat of your pants,nothing sounds more official than having a plan B. Whyle the idea of something as outrageous as Wyld-Eagle Toewing was a solid concept, after a spell I got to thinking, why mess with numero uno just to satisfy a few egos from MHI or Pocatello? After all at nyte when I go to bed or when a contract is signed its styll myself along with the Knytes of Anarchy that I sleep wyth, more over what generates income for the club as well as myself. So my plan B is of course staying with Dixie-Toewing of Idaho and not messing with names or substitutions and getting down to well business. Alrighty then. Haven’t yet made up my mind as to what to call the shop . Although Cooter’s Kustmz is high on the list,I’m not yet decided. Which is part of my dilemma . See ya’ll , years ago, following the sale of the homestead near Hazzard,(aka-Hagerman)Idaho, and the following death of Paul Picard the exec producer of the Dukes-of-Hazzard along with a few others, I promised them that as long as I had a breath in me, all things Dukes and Hazzard would be preserved and kept alive through Dixie Towing, now respelled Dixie Toewing. That I would not put a label on anything or substitute Dixie Toewing until I had decided upon, or honored the creation they made with the Dukes, nor what the show they created had in me.

The Dukes rage on in a few newly but poorly done remakes, of or from the show. The new a few years ago of the Dukes that had Jessica Simpson in it was and its not just me, but was not, to the quality nor the original concept of the show. More over The Dukes-of-Hazzard the Beginnings I felt was done poorly. The guy on that movie playing Boss Hogg, and the insult by the gal who played Boss Hoggs wife LuLu, and the intense sexual intent was not in keeping with what we as a production team, including Gy Waldron had in mind. The idiot who played Roscoe was too much of an idiot, took away the whyle not too swift but not completely a retard,like it was on the Dukes-of- Hazzard, the Beginnings. Whyle it could be said that the Original series of the Dukes, insulted the concept of what was being laid out as it was in the pilot movie the MoonRunners. But the Dukes captured not only my imagination but too my inner soul. So not changing nothing , Dixie Toewing stays as it is.

Until L8R ya’ll,

My Cooters Sig 144010

Quote of the day:
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. - Albert Einstein
Romans 3:23-24“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

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a HazzardAyre Tail 13

Oil goes up so do other things!!


SKL-8021_12pgAds4_mch.indd Is going up, wuzz $4.50 a can, now its $4.65 a can . Damn near what a gallon of go fluid is costing these days. Any time it costs more to haul it from point A to point B. More over the raw ingredients.

midnight haulin These days truckers are catching hell from both increased enforcement of speed laws to fuel. Not only OTR truckers but us toew truckers, clasic hooker Heck , even me. With fuel going up feeding our trucks, I’m considering increasing my rates from my usual $35.00 to $45.00 plus my out of area charges from $2.00 per loaded mile one way, to $2.50 both enroute plus loaded mile. I’m still the cheapest hooker in Idaho, but here lately ya’ll gotta do what ya’ll got to do to eat and keep ones head above water.

One way I did this, is adding a new truck to the fleet. I’m proud to announce better yet introduce, the Orange Angel.

our new addition Watch here for more on the Orange Angel.

When I goof I admit it. The Progressive Insurance ad I referenced in my last report, was the gal was shopping for skinny jeans not heels. Guess the toew is still brewing in my mind huh.

Last but not least, the next meeting of the Knytes-of-Anarchy will be at the new Knytes Hall in Burley. Location on our stealth site.

Until L8R Ya’ll

cm sig

Quote of the day:
Good-bye. I am leaving because I am bored. - George Saunders
Romans 3:23-24“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Truly Hate Bait & Switch, but that’s what ya’ll get dealing with Yankee’s

HAZZARDAYRE HEADER MINI hazzardayre nyte prowl

Bait & Switch, offer something as a come on, then switch the deal to a more expensive or costly thing. Example; went to Burley, to a complex to set up the next Wolf’s Den, only to find that the one quoted was not the $210.00 model, but in reality , is $280.00. Okay fine, but then to find out that the place was already spoken for, by a PG mom with two other diaper wearers so that was that. Of course, the resident manager was all apologetic, said she would ring my phone, if something else came up, but okay. Bait and switch. Thankfully not everyone is like that. Shop, $250.00 a month, new Wolf’s Den elsewhere $180.00 all utilities paid in both, and guess what? A refrigerator. Something that according to Buhl City regs, rentals can’t be rented with a refrigerator. Something to do with public health. Really? What ? If someone shits in it fine, but public health? More like too many landlords got together and decided that they were too cheap to buy a refrigerator. Amazing. Okay then, not just these folks but, there are the misleading TV ads. Case-n-point. Cable One has a promo going, saying, that Satellite TV outfits like Dish, and DirecTV are the leading cause for complaints to the BBB for not honoring promises or getting the deals promised on their ads. Fact is Satellite TV outfits provide better channels, more channels including ours , (Confederate Star TV Network) but also RFDTV and RTV(Retro TV Network). Here’s the case of Cable-One’s bait & switch. They offer business phone service. Introductory price of $75.00 or $25.00 a smack, for phone, cable TV (expanded basic) and internet. For one year then they jack up the price the next year and it will scare you shitless. Long B4 they offered business packages to the open market, they offered it to us at our studio in Gooding. For $350.00 pricey but okay, 20 meg speed they said, bullsbreath. So a month after go to pay the bill, installation they promised free, we got charged for, total bill? $950.00 needless to say I told them where to go. And Cable-One sezz they don’t bait & switch, horse stuff. Now I will say that us in and of Hazzard don’t occasionally do a bit of shuck & jive, but to outright fraudulently claim, they offer one thing but jack up the price? It’s easier to just tell folks the real price and do it that way. Saw an ad on Progressive Insurance, where this gal goes in for a pair of heels, some guy who also does the Keith Stone gig, for KeyStone Beer, says to the clerk, do you show what other stores charge for those heels? Which got to me a thinking. Put the price for a toew that others charge, on a placard on my trucks, then put my price for a toew, which is $35.00 Mini Cassia area, or for out of the immediate mini Cassia area its $35.00 plus $2.00 a mile loaded. Plus I never charge for extras, like dollies or night calls. But I let the customer pick , no bait & switch. Don’t you wish everybody did that? It’s the difference between dealing with a true Confederate and a Yankee.

More L8R, the Dukes are on.

my blog sig  HCC AD

Quote of the day:
It was such a lovely day I thought it a pity to get up. - W. Somerset Maugham
Romans 3:23-24“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

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a HazzardAyre Tail 9082

Monday, April 11, 2011

TV is getting worse


If your like me, your major outlet for entertainment is the TV. Problem is TV is getting worse. From ads that are seldom creative, to, even with cable and satellite, the offerings are few. Traditional viewership is tapering off, and the nights you used to gather your kids and sidekick together to watch TV no longer has much to offer. Sunday night except for a very and I mean few shows it was like, the times of the writers strike several years ago. As well as the fact that small lptv stations are shoved off or limited. Like RTV. Retro TV has more quality family suited programs than the hundreds of cable,satellite,as well as full power OTA stations. Then there are TV ads. Like the new one for the Idaho Lottery. That fat woman dancing on there is enuff to make one puke. Likewise, what does the tune there goes another rubber tree plant , have to do with the damn lottery? Makes no damn sense. Then there is the segue between the show your watching and the ads. You adjust the volume to suit the show then get blown off your Lazy Boy by the audio from the ads. There is a requirement by the FCC that the volume segue be even. For most stations this means having to hire someone to be in the control room to monitor such things. Most area broadcasters think, that nobody will notice. Bullsbreath.

Needs work, can TV get better? Sure and that’s where the Confederate Star TV Network comes in and of course HazzardAyre TV.

More on that Tuesday night.


my blog sig 13

Quote of the day:
Nothing changes your opinion of a friend so surely as success - yours or his. - Franklin P. Jones
Luke 9:23-24“Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.”

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

HazzardAyre News # 93 Too much BS

HAZZARD AYRE HEADER a wolf prowl header

No matter how you get the news, do ya’ll ever get the feeling?

AyreShit Award Of course ya’ll cain’t say nothin cuzz its not PC or politically correct or proper, but ya’ll still want too. The creation of web 2.0 allowed such things as this online blog edition of what is printed and published here in the Tragic Valley area of Idaho. Web-2.0 also allowed for social pages such as Facebook and a few others , like Twitter. Used to be when you heard that someone or something tweeted, it was a gall dang bird. If it Tweeted too much, ya’ll got out the 12 gauge and powdered its ass.

I am one of those who tune into such TV cable news channels like FoX News Channel. When I watch FNC I am always amazed at the blonde bombshells they have on there, doing both comment and delivering some news, but mostly tabloid style news. One on there is Megan Fox who I thought was not entirely blonde. There is only one place to check on a gals body to see if they are truly blonde.

meganfox061009 BullShit2

bullshit Then there is Glenn Beck’s show on FNC, along with Bill Oriely or however its spelled. Of all the government crap out there, none of them are willing to stand up and discuss let alone mention the obvious alternative, us in the United Confederate States-of-America movement that includes the Confederate National Party. Even a few that proclaim being part of the effort, will not just stand up and say , “ Lets overthrow the USA Government and get the UCSA going here” As the UCSA/CNP is the only earthly salvation this nation hazz.

While I offer my condolences and all to those in Hawaii and such that suffered loss in yesterdays 10 Earthquake , in Japan, as far as Japan is concerned, I say let the damn slant eyed bunch perish. We wiped them off the Earth in WWII, with the A bomb, and yet we as many Americans do, prop them up with aid, and commerce.

I say now that the land of Toyota is in disaster mode, let them import a few Detroit built Chevy’s.

My thoughts this early Saturday morning.

L8R Confederate Aviators,

my blog sig MW KOA LOGO

Quote of the day:
There comes a time in every man's life and I've had many of them. - Casey Stengel
2 Peter 1:4“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

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HazzardAyre 91 Anyone ever feel like giving FaceBook the finger?


Hazz anyone of you , ever wanted to give FaceBook the one finger salute?

With an ever growing quagmire FaceBook whyle a good social network for posting the news of the club and all that, FaceBook is at tymez a real pain in the rumpus. Thus , here is my feelings on FaceBook, the AyreFinger Salute to FaceBook from me the AyreWolf.


My opinion , I could be wrong.

L8R Confederate Aviators

my blog sig MW KOA LOGO

Quote of the day:
The higher the buildings, the lower the morals. - Noel Coward
2 Peter 1:4“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

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HazzardAyre90 Change is good but can still be uncomfortable


Change can be good but still feel uncomfortable. Isaac Newton said it best, change is inevitable, nothing remains the same. Einstein also said, “that doing the same things but expecting different results is stupid” . With that said, terrible as it sounds, Dixie Towing(Toewing) has ran its course. It has been one helluva ryde. Some calm tymez as well as rough roads. Whyle Hazzard County Choppers(HCC) will continue the connection we here at both AyreWolf Aviation and Wyld Eagle Toewing, have with both the Hazzard County phenomenon as well as the Knytes-of-Anarchy, there is a need to revamp operations here in my company to continue my own legacy and not just the Knytes’ . As such , I am keeping my dear promise to all those legends and creators of things Dukes-of-Hazzard that I would not change Dixie Toewing(Towing) until I had something good to put the Hazzard name into or onto a suitable shop. That tyme hazz arrived. Wyth the move back to Rupert, a new shop that is a re-entry into the one I rented at the same location in Rupert, just prior to moving to Pocatello in 2006. It is that to make our new place and put on a new face, there, that the change is being made from Dixie to Wyld Eagle Toewing.

But change is styll uncomfortable. Change means looking different, taking chances and risks, and cutting a new path , and that means leaving a very warm spot that has been an easy flyte up to now. Even so, I know for the company to grow, and go toew, Dixie had to be swapped out for Wyld Eagle. The only two constants are AyreWolf Aviation that has supported me in addition to the lean funds from SSI, as well as Hazzard County Choppers. That started out to being just a sibling organization of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, and grew into not just a name of our custom road bike cousin group, but a fully operational custom road bike(Harley) shop.

Any myle, need sleep, have big goings on today at 10:00 hours.

L8R Knytes,

my blog sig   WET LOGO 2

Quote of the day:
Well, if I called the wrong number, why did you answer the phone? - James Thurber
2 Peter 1:4“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”

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