Sunday, June 5, 2011

The bubble revisited

HazzardAyre Mini2 ATC HEADER

Back in the middle 1980’s there was a phenomenon called the web bubble. Web companies swallered smaller companies. Start up’s were swallered up by bigger firms , facing being shut out. Many who survived that , got out just before the bubble burst and came out better had they stayed in.

Today we are seeing companies in financial difficulties being bought out by bigger giants. Comcast bought NBC/Universal, A.T.&.T. bought T-Mobile, NBC also bought Bravo, the Weather Channel, as well as USA/ScyFy , and the evolving epidemic of take overs are all over the place. All of this reminds me of urban encroachment that occurs when a developer seeks wide expanses of land, goes in a swallers up some farmers farm to build farms.

I will say its true when a firm or farmer is near dire straits and somebody with really deep pockets comes in and offers big money. Its hard to turn it down. Over the years many have tried to take over our media operation. Not becuzz we are in dire straits, but becuzz we are threatening to many traditional Radio and or TV stations. I want to say here and now, HazzardAyre and the Confederate Star Network are not now nor will ever be for sale at any price.

  That all said, I have received information that the predominant Telco in our region is also selling out.

That’s right Qwest is being swallered up by a company called , CenturyLink. What will this do for you and your phone/Internet service? Will it improve? Will CenturyLink bring our Telecom services into the 21st century ?  I can only hope so. The question is; when are we as consumers going to say no? No, to massive corporation take overs that will certainly take over our lives? Some take overs are good. When Bonneville Power Corp, was taken over by Scottish Power from Scotland many were afraid that local control of their power company would result in really poor service. In fact the take over resulted in Utah Power becoming Rocky Mountain Power and as such greater resources and dependable electric supplies are better and strengthened.

Maybe this will be the result of Qwest’ take over by CenturyLink.

Maybe not. What I can say is , I see another tech based bubble reforming.


My AyreWolf Sig  awmaa logo2


A pint of my blood and finger prints please.

HazzardAyre Mini2 ATC HEADER

America has become more paranoid and more spooked of its shadow than ever before. Just to go to the Twin Falls office of the Federal agency SSA one needs to nearly take your clothes off just to get in the door. More over don’t even try to take in a mini crescent wrench. Shoot they have a conniption fit.

Of course smarts are not that abundant, most that work in there are so damn stupid, that if brains were dynamite most could not blow their noses. Then its real tuff to get anything done, if you just happened to forget your birth certificate. I nearly asked, “ What do ya’ll want a pint of my blood and finger prints to prove who I am?” Don’t laugh, its nearly came to that point, in our nation. Of course renting the new place in Burley here, I wanted to ask nearly that question. Damn Sam, have we gotten that spooked? General Robert E Lee said it best on a hill overlooking one great battle, “It’s good that war is so bad or we would get too fond of it.” Do we as a nation really need to go to war again to get things right in this nation again? Are we on the brink of another Civil War? I’m getting to think that we are on the verge of it. Course it wont be like the first one, since Yankee’s have become so stupid that us Confederates can pick em off like fish in a barrel . Paranoia is such today more than it ever has been. Between, online hackers to 9-11 several years ago, people are so skiddish that you can cut the fear with a knife. And yet while paranoia was rampant before 9-11, it got worse after. The problem is Yankee stupid has been a constant since the great war between the states , right to now.

  I still have to keep asking myself, just what would life be today if Jefferson Davis would have won?

Would Yankee’s have become so stupid and would our nation be so paranoid?

Does make ya’ll wonder , don’t it?

More Sunday, Stay tuned.

My AyreWolf Sig   awmaa logo2


Friday, June 3, 2011



The Tornado’s in the Midwest as well as our deep southern lands are reeking havoc on more than homes and our loved ones. Many of the Servers and connection points that govern or gain us access to our blogs, and  Internet are also catching hell. That is , if you can connect at all.

With that and other disasters on our doorsteps if not our front porches, its easy for many that are not directly connected to those problems or have never faced both hunger, to starvation to being homeless to just brush it aside and say, “ God Bless it wasn’t me” and go on our way.

What if it was you?  Your home, car, bike, right to your bed? Could you just turn your head? Can you just sit back and say I hope that they are okay? Without taking from your blessed bounty, and not help those in need?

SAMCRO MCC Idaho , along with the entire  club , has created a fund, for you to contribute to the SAMCRO Relief Fund. The money will be sent to those charters to be distributed to those in need for food, shelter and transportation. Email me

at to find out how you can help.

In our area, you will find jars for donations at the Texaco Mini Mart ,in Buhl, the Wayside Cafe in Heyburn, and all Magic Valley McDonalds.

Help us to help them.


AyreWolf Signature1 MCC1

Badaba ba ba I’m hating it!!


I’m getting to think that Google or something is scanning my accounts, since it’s only Google’s sites that I bog down to a near crawl. I have always sedd, if you want to insure quality on the web, best thing to do is own your own. So as we have been promising for nearly 6 years now, now that I’m in Burley with someone who knows what the hell they are doing, that ultimate rebel web site can now get built, and on line so that this whatever cain’t piss on our parade any more.

That sedd, and perhaps its my computer, but the kicking on , kicking off at McDonalds , here in Buhl where I access the web , that is until the stick gets put on the roof at both KDXB as well as at the shop, but its ridiculous how damn long it takes to load a site, plus access my Gmail. Also too, this morning I couldn’t even open most of my Gmail, letters.

So for those that need to, email me at one of the two, other email accounts, either or, then at least I can read what you send me.

I took this little computer to this place in Twinky Flatts two months ago , after the little bugger swallered a virus. Since then, the thing barely has enuff horsepower to do even the most mundane tasks. So will be off line for awhile, since I’m taking it over to BestBuy in Twinky Flatts to see the the Geek Squad can do anything for it.

Maybe buy a new computer as well, both notebook, as well as a desktop.

Bud is finally out of the hospital, but grumpy as a hornet that just got sprayed with bug killer. With that in mind, working feverishly to get the club money in another bean counters hands so the flow is more rapid.

Still grieving over my General Jackson Mustang. Even after the damn elk put the byte on my car , and totaled it, thank goodness I lived well sort of. More on that next time, but, Idaho Fish & Game wouldn’t even let me take the elk home so I could have it cut up for my freezer.

Next time, if there is another time, going to just call my toew truck , sling the damn elk, and not tell nobody, just get the damn thing cut up for grub.

Until next time, Stay tuned;

My AyreWolf Sig

Quote of the day:
Against logic there is no armor like ignorance. - Laurence J. Peter
Proverbs 15:1“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Some Things just take longer than you expect


Some things just take longer than you expect, more over just becuzz in your mind you think your a King, does not mean that everyone will just drop everything to service or serve you. Case-n-Point, Folks in Burley at an apartment complex I’m moving into, have taken their own sweet tyme, getting my paper work processed and me in the place. While , I’m not too tickled, at least I’m moving, but damn it all to a son of a revenuer.

Yesterday was Memorial Day, where we honor military dead. Okay great, but did you see a Confederate battle flag flying over any graves? How about that? Why? After all don’t Confederate military, deserve to be honored as well?

How about getting a Confederate Memorial Day? Read the Confederate Star Tymez, as we are working on doing that.

They sure don’t make em like they used too. I’m talking about my General Jackson Mustang. Was cruising last weekend coming home from Utah on old Highway 80 up from Snowville Utah through Strevell, and hit an elk, Needless to say the car is toast. So I’m greeving some this morning, but since its a car, looking at redouxing the concept on a Thunder chicken I saw in Twin about the same year.

Any mile things going okay, here, but will be glad when this damn  move  is over.

L8R Ya’ll

My AyreWolf Sig

Quote of the day:
A short saying oft contains much wisdom. - Sophocles

rebel butt

Wednesday, May 25, 2011



SAMCRO LOGO1[2] It don’t get no plainer than that.

As it is getting spring at least its supposed to be spring, although finding the season of Spring is as illusive as a government check in the mail after tax time, it seems as though we as a populas are going from winter to Summer. That being that.

Many of a two wheeled open road personality are faunching at the bit to get out and ride.

We have went on two joint club rides over the last two months, but most were short tailed after getting wet on both.

Living under a grain feed mill has really been playing hell on my allergies. Seems I’m taking more meds to breathe and sleeping more than I want to but hey, its relief. I’m glad that the move is nearly done so I can get to living out in the open ayre rather than under a fish feed grinder every day. Seems the only day I can breathe is when that damn mill is closed and workers are off which is Sunday.

The move is something I wanted to bring up as it relates to some of the quirkiness that’s been going on with the club, both SAMCRO MC and the Knytes.

We are in a state of transition , both in making a home HQ for both clubs as well as myself. One would argue , one is in the same. Not so. The club has been under a heavy taxation thing, at least in Idaho, so there has been some discussion of finding another cover for the HQ in Idaho or just moving in with the Utah Charter. And setting up the HQ for both in nearby Tremonton, or Ogden.  As far as that is concerned, the Knytes are looking at the same thing. I would drop Idaho at least western Idaho in the drop of a pussy hair if it was not for the fact that a shop has been leased for a year , so in the intrum I have convinced Curt, to forestall from pulling the charter for the Knytes from Idaho for at least a year.

The success or lack thereof, of a few of our projects will determine, if Idaho remains so much brain dead to accept or reject operations as we have determined them.

Reminder : The SAMCRO/IDAHO membership meeting for May has been bumped to June 4th . 

Another reminder: The annual Summer thaw ride in, for all of SAMCRO MC will be on July 2nd, at Wendover Utah.

Last, nominations and applicants for MISS SAMCRO MC, needs to be in to SAMCRO in ChowChilla CA no later than Saturday June 18th.

Until L8R Bro’s

AyreWolf Signature1  SAMCRO LOGO1[2]

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Wolvez putting on sheep’s clothing.

HazzardAyre Mini2 wolf prowl header 2

One of the things both us in the AyreWolvez as well as the Knytes have not done well, if at all is play nice in the sandbox with others. The club is unison has never networked well with those that could have or would have helped the groups to advance or rise to the altitudes that we should have.

However at Thursday nights meeting held at the Wolf’s Den, here in Burley we all came to the conclusion that maybe pulling back on the fight the system attitude and network with both media and other groups that have like minded philosophies. So what does that mean? It means being so sexual in imprints and appearances. Rather be a bit more subdued and a bit more tame in operations, at least outside to the none military aviation and classic and custom ride communities. An old guy that truly is a legend in this business of customs , Bill Baulding of Boise, said it once, If I want to look at a screw book, I’ll buy a screw book, if I want to look at hot rods, I buy a hot rod book. The two , do not have to be blended together.

Now this might be me, and/or the club, that is mellowing in our older age, and make no mistake, I have no plans on turning queer, or that my admiration for a hot bod posing with a hot rod, in a publication or showing stuff off on TV. Nor do I have anything wrong with recruiting gals to be a focal point for doing new age nose art on a vintage warbird. But lets face it, the amounts of that kind of talent is far and few, more over, even if there is , the attitudes in our small community, that stretches from Malta to Mountain Home, and all parts within that circle, is to restrictive to allow anyone to do much of anything that extends out of the accepted standards. If you do, you are shunned, and boycotted. Could that be why the clubs projects, are still being self funded instead gaining outside sponsors?

So extending a peace branch, to some of our area broadcasters etc and saying lets stop fighting and us working with them , might gain us , well some better fruit from the same near bare tree’s we been picking from.

So in a few weeks, I’m out shopping and talking to the important people.

As I close, and I mean this not in a derogatory way, but have you noticed how KMVT has been directly attacking their competitors? As far as the best news station in the valley? While it may be a fact that many more people watch KMVT for local news, than CH-7 or FoX – 35, I’ll bet you money that if even one of them did more Magic Valley oriented news that people would flock to them. Oh wait though, have you noticed two things? A KMVT has not said or compared themselves to HazzardAyre TV? Or HazzardAyre News? The other thing that all news outlets do is bark about the same thing and do it twice. Once at 18:00 hours, then again at 22:00 hours. Why not report something new? Or do a report on something not normally covered? Say like truckers news, truckers weather, oh wait a second that’s what we do, and we do it better than the others do, because the foundation of the Knytes-of-Anarchy is being a truckers organization. Have you ever seen the tow show in Reno Nevada covered on a local TV news show? Outside of a tragic accident, have you ever seen any of the local TV stations do a diddy on any warbird enthusiasts group in Idaho. Granted there is only 3 , us,(The AyreWolvez) The group in Idaho Falls based at Fanning Field , and the WarHawks based at the Nampa/Caldwell Airport in Nampa. Have you ever seen any local news station go to the big airshow in Reno, or Oshkosh? What’s hideous about this, is right out KMVT’s back door right under their towers at the Jerome Butte, sits AirPower Unlimited and the Warbird museum. Yet have you ever seen a story on that? When KTVB did their road show this past week or so, did KTVB go out and take a look at that? Nope. And why didn’t KTVB on its road tour, take in such magical towns such as Hazzard(aka-Hagerman) If these TV stations, cain’t serve these communities better than they do, why not sell off one of their sub stations, like, KTVB, KSAW, or FoX-35, HazzardAyre is buying.

What I’m saying and giving a warning, to KMVT, do as it says, in the Bible, paraphrasing here, before you throw stones at another, best make sure your own house is in order first.

In nearly  39 years since mom and dad stupidly moved here in 1972-1/2 KMVT through as many configurations, under several managers, and three owners, has never improved. My Dad used to ask the question, “what rock did that reporter crawl out from under?” Until KMVT gets rid of some of the people that have been there for all too long, That dates back to when KMVT was under the same roof and in the same building I worked in when I was on air at KLIX AM 1310, then and only then , will KMVT become the area leader that they aspire to. But then too, that will be a tuff uphill climb, since HazzardAyre TV has them by their walnuts.

Until Saturday

AyreWolf Signature1 awmaa logo2

Quote of the day:
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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