Thursday, July 14, 2011

And you want me to buy from you again? When?

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Had a situation and a condition today that requires illumination.

For a weak blonde moment , I blew off my cell phone bill. So had Cuzzin Bud send up a check from SAMCRO funds to cover it. So got the check which was made out to me, and could I cash the damn thing in Burley or Rupert anywhere? No!!! I went to every bloody bank, store, and outlet I could think of. On my last few gallons of go fluid, went to a buddy at the shop, bumbed $10.00 trucked to Twinky Flatts , went to Money Tree, cashed check. Of course, Syringa Wireless is closed so will pay the bill, but question is, in an area of near 50,000 people, over two counties, should it be that big a thing to cash a $40.00 check? Even Syringa in Rupert would not cash the check, even though over half would have went back in their kitty?

Why is there no Money Tree check cashing place in Burley? Plenty of Cash advance places, but no outright cashing. Of course there are banks. Although the claim is open an account, unless you have a birth certificate which is still in Cuzzin Bud’s files, and/or two pieces of photo ID, forget opening an account.

And yet, the same people , late at night or on a weekend will want me to have a compassionate heart, give them credit, and release their car etc after they spend the night at the Mini Cassia Criminal Justice Center. Really? I’ll be saying, didn’t I try to cash a check at your place once? So again , why is there no check cashing places here? For that matter, what does it take to do that? If it ain’t such a big deal, maybe SAMCRO ought to get in that racket, and oh yes , find at least 4 Mexican speaking gals to front the front counter.

I will tell ya’ll this, if the shop and where I live wasn’t so cheap, rate wise, I’d can this gig and either go to Pocky or SLC. Of the two SLC makes sense since Utah overall, has figured out and found the 21st Century.

Of those who are tyred of hearing my gripe, hear this; I’d love it to death, if the no none sense approach to inviting new business, to the community., Here we are associates of the second biggest towing automotive fleet in the state, knocking down minimum of 30 calls a day, a shop that builds, radical customs that value at near a half a million a piece, and we have trouble cashing a $40.00 or even a $200.00 check? And this is how a community encourages growth? Perhaps the invitation for growth is just a mirage . Its early in the game here, so I’m not crapping out here nor is SAMCRO, but does SAMCRO/aka-Knytes-of-Anarchy, need to do everything? Shit it’d be easier just to create our own town. Maybe we need to go look at Strevelle again?

So to Rupert’s Riddley’s, all 4 banks, and PMT, you want me to do business with you when? Don’t hold your breath, since you’ll turn blue.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the day:
Oh, I don't blame Congress. If I had $600 billion at my disposal, I'd be irresponsible, too. - Lichty and Wagner
James 1:21“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

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America is becoming more paranoid.


Some might think its because of the tragic events of 9-11. Some might argue that in many ways our society is attempting to become too much of a homogenized population, whatever it is, its making our nation paranoid and simply scared squatless. Problem is that fear is being passed down or in some cases taught to our kids.

Example. Next door to me a gaggle of kids reside. Two are smart as heck, one is cuter than a button, and also very intelligent, albeit not gave credit for it.

Then there are the other two of the brood, one male youth , is so spooked that even a task as simple as fetching a lost ball from under an old truck, in an old barn had this kid in tears. Come on now, This is a 9 year old going into 5th grade in a month or so, and he’s spooked of cats, and bats? Talk about citified induced fear. Then over yonder are three kids three boys, One looks like a chimpanzee monkey , which picture would really make evolutionists convinced they are right. The other two are so spooked that just the slightest thing, makes one of the boys, cry like a girl. Have these kids been nurtured or neutered? Then there are the two, that huddle around me, who love the fact , that I helped them find the world.

A three year old, that understands college aged words, even though she can’t say them is a step in the concept that this little toddler is going to be a leader in whatever career field she goes into in her future life. The other boy of I think 7 years old, loves to tinker with engines, so hangs around me, and as such , his mother hen, thinks that the fact that our club guys etc talk , perhaps more than we ought, but talk about women. He’s gotten the idea of his head, that girls have cooties. And this is wrong?

Are other parents cutting off the flow of testosterone and other grow up bodily fluids , thinking they need to over protect? Has recent news events such as the Casey Anthony trial and what lead up to it, made parents, try to cover the eyes and push further in the nest their young?

Our nation is entering a time of both scientific, and political change such as we have never known. Populations from all over the world will be bidding for advancements in both technology as well as nation dominance. If American parents, want our children to be able to compete, more than just advanced scholastic skills need to be taught, both in and out of schools.  Life has to be taught as well. We no longer can over protect our kids, we need to expose them to the real world, and if they hear a word that they don’t understand , as parents we should not , encourage or discourage the word, explain in real terms what the word means and move on. Sex, Drugs, and the Internet, are showing our kids so much these days, some good, some bad. We need to educate, not just shelter our kids.

L8R Aviators,

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Quote of the day:
All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable. - Fran Lebowitz
John 15:10“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”

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rebel ayre tail

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Indoor plumbing the challenges of ancient pioneers!!

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B4 I get off on my rant here want to include this to the people who do up AYREFINGER SALUTE I went to their site to set up a profile and all, only to be told I was rejected. As for finding hiney online, phooey, I’ll stick to the bar. Anybody snagging booty off of a website gets exactly what they get. And have you ever really seen the offerings. Heck I have seen better stock at the Hazzard County Livestock Sales. No thanx, again; AYREFINGER SALUTE

Okay then, at 15:00 hours with some pushing, got water in the house, took a very needed shower, and look forward to sleepy time. If it stays cool as it is, should get some needed ZZ’s. Though I did think, what about those adventurous pioneers who never had indoor plumbing? Who when nature called, had to dress up, and head to the outhouse? Or had to get water in buckets, from a Well, haul it in, heat it up on the stove, and poor it in a tub. Then, had to wash with Lye soap.

The slight inconvenience I experienced is nothing compared to them.

Alrighty then,

A no alky bar?

That in my next entry.

Need shut eye.


Quote of the day:
We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact. - Jean-Paul Sartre
Matthew 4:4“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’””

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Things ya’ll need to know about PCS & me


The time table is not important here. The names of the school’s staff and ah so called counselors will time date my 8 months in that hell hole.

It all started on a beautiful sunny day in August. I got home, had some grub, but here came this couple of guys from some place in Utah that had been recommended by Cuzzin Bud for gifted students.

So the whiffed me off in this little car. About Roy Utah, I puked, so bad they had to stop the car. I nearly bolted right then, but was tied up, and thrown back in the car. At that point, I knew this was not a good thing.

The first thing I was exposed to, was having to get in these red jump suits, and do this detail called time reduction. Who knows why someone makes a teen stand for the equivalent of 250 hours, with only 3, 5, minute breaks? No water, no potty break. This dude by the name of Frank Purvis, who was more like a pervert than anything was the guard. They called them Primary Therapists, guards is a better description. By the time 22:00 hours rolled around, sleep was a gift, escape and the only healing a kid got there.

The next morning was a school day. In came another PT, by the name of Ron Garrett, who woke you up, got you to some sort of food.

At the time , Provo Canyon School was a Boys only school. I guess now they let both genders in. However the exposure to anything female was shall we say, both suggestive and just plain wrong. The female teachers of 2, one, Barbara Graves, and another teacher in training, by the name of Mary Ellen Lewis, yes that Lewis, whose distant relative is C.S. Lewis of Chronicles of Narnia fame.

Both Ms, Graves and Lewis, wore skirts that were so short, that if they farted you could not help but see butt. And if you got a stiffy, which most teen boys get regular, you were given needle shots of salt peter, and put on what was called the PLAN. In a 5 X 5 room, with little air, no food and again no potty. POW’s in WWII were treated better.

I was there long enough to use what few brains I had to get my butt outta there. Progression was getting to where I got some privileges, to where I got to go out on the campus. Guess construction for girls had begun. One construction worker, had a good ole CB in his pickup. I got ahold of it, got in touch with a few RoadCommanders Association members there in nearby Orem, who relayed the intel to Mom & Dad who got me outta there. Shortly after I was enlisted in the USMC which saved my life. Had it not been for the Corps, I don’t think I could have held onto any sanity.

Today, I still have bad dreams equal to any a Vietnam vet has from that conflict.

There’s a gal that got out of there by the name of Angela Smith, who I hope wins the fight. If she does, it will set the stage so that others like me can file similar suits.

I have seen the promos on YouTube for PCS, and conveniently the comments have been closed.

There is much more I could say. But if you have a disturbed child, stay away from enrolling them in PCS of Utah or any of their affiliated programs.

As for Cuzzin Bud, again he was misinformed of the school’s operation, had he known I would never had been there.

If any of you have youth that was enrolled in PCS, and wish to join the class action suit being prepped by Knytes of Anarchy attorney’s or wish to contribute funds for our case, please contact me at; .


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Quote of the day:
My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income. - Errol Flynn
Matthew 4:4“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’””

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rebel ayre tail

Get it right or quit

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The power went out here in Rupert , Monday night. That’s a mother nature thing, nobody can keep that from happening . When Mother Nature decides to turn the lights out , I rekon there ain’t much ya’ll can do about it.

So the power comes on, but, no h2o. Why? Well water. Never did build up pressure enuff to get the augwa flowing. Glad I found a better place in Burley and getting out b4 it gets worse, but dig this, the place is for sale, at least there’s a FOR SALE sign up. So went to the listing Realty company’s web site, and found no listing. Amazing. Maybe the landlord ought to tell all in advance and torch the place and collect the insurance money. That’s what I’d do. Nobody in their right mind would buy this crap joint, and if I hadn’t been under the gun as I was, never would have rented it to begin with, oh well. But again, at least I got lucky or blessed or both, and got out long b4 it got bad. I just pity those kids next door , who have to live here after I go elsewhere. Since I wont be here to help them hold it together. I’m thinking of letting H&W know of the situation, so that these kids can be rescued b4 the abuse becomes acute. I’m no saint nor anything, but these kids, especially 1 little girl , clings to me like flys to a honey jar. What I think is, and I could be wrong, but what I see is a little girl holding onto someone solid and safe. One of the boys in this family next to me, would rather go to the shop with me than stay home. Heck he nearly screams when its time to shut down for the day.

So if any of ya’ll out there reads this, that can do something, make a call to Idaho Health & Welfare. Tell them there are kids in trouble at 824 Meredith in Rupert.

The final question is; Are we in the Knytes-of-Anarchy, the only organization , doing it right? For that matter the only club company doing it right?

If so, maybe the President of the Knytes, ought to be elected President of the U.S.-of A, states.

A new accessory for preventing a DUI, will be, offered by the Knytes.

That in my next Entry.



Quote of the day:
There are grammatical errors even in this silence. – Boss Hogg

hazzardayre tail

Monday, July 11, 2011

Circle the wagons

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A couple of years ago, I got a message from youth that was a victim of abuse as I was of a place called Provo Canyon School in Provo Utah. I had thought that the place had been shut down , since one of the talent agencies I was working with for HazzardAyre Media, was a stones throw from where PCS is located. Must be well covered huh?

Any flyte, this Angela had contacted me to join in a law suit, against PCS which I am all for, since I’d love to get something for my pain, and memories that don’t heal. But most attorney’s I had talked to, said that the statute of limitations had expired for me to take action , likewise it would be a tuff case to get anything from. So I dumped the idea and just let it ride.

So all of a sudden I get this email, then phone call from Angela, then some sikeo from San Francisco, that took most of my night and cost me many minutes of cell time. But hey I was on board. Have always been told that I would be called to personally testify on this suit, since few have the inside 411 that I do, and can name, names like I can, even take investigators to real address’s where staff lives, that could really give PCS owners a real case of hemorrhoids to say the least. So once in Bliss, one attorney calls me has a conversation, with the old Wolf here, but never heard from them again. Then got another email, saying it was in the court room in June, guess what AyreWolvez, no contact.If these people really want to win , there’s few that could finger PCS like I can, and PCS knows it.

According to communications from this Miss Smith, someone is hacking her email’s, and other communications, involving PCS law suit thing.

This could be, and although I would not put it past PCS staff, I have a feeling there is a ton of stuff PCS has in their arsenal besides hacking computer stuff.

If ya’ll see anything on this anywhere let me know, and I’ll pass the link onto Miss Smith.

To Miss Smith, if you need me, I’m here, but I’m not doing it for free.

However , AyreWolvez, this does make me scratch something other than my sweaty crotch. If Miss Smith, is suing PCS, should I?

Keep it Wings Level

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Quote of the day:
Human beings are seventy percent water, and with some the rest is collagen. - Martin Mull
Jeremiah 32:17““Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”

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rebel ayre tail

Sunday, July 10, 2011

When TV DOES become reality

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It’s no secret that the reformation of the Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association into the Knytes-of-Anarchy, and its no secret that the club itself was a path to bring the lifestyle and lessons of the Dukes-of-Hazzard to life as a real entity. The Knytes were carved from the TV show Sons of Anarchy, and we proudly display and carry on what Kurt Sutter saw in his vision of creating the hit TV series which is celebrating its 4th season beginning in September 2011. Which you can bank on, seeing membership recruiting ads for the KOA on.

Granted, most TV shows are best left to the 45 minutes of airtime. But every once in awhile, some creative guru genius comes up with one that demands attention if not emulation.

Why not establish what is on the tube, make it real life, and inspire people including youth? Especially the youth , which have few if anyone or anything to model their lives over or for? Let’s face it , in our beloved America, has real problems, our political leaders are corrupt, and misleading. Sports hero’s get busted for everything from illegal drugs to rape.

TV shows are not much better today. All the remakes of childhood hero’s from SuperMan to the Green Lantern, all have way too much junk for any kid to get his mind around.

So what’s a kid or for that matter adults supposed to aspire to?

In 1978 a group of youth with 3 adults assembled in a small town corn dog and hamburger style cafe, in the small town of Hagerman Idaho.

10 teens seeking to unite and celebrate our affection for home grown created custom rides. From Harley’s to big rig trucks. We loved our machines, we loved showing them off and we enjoyed the fact that in all of it we were not going to be assimilated and melded into an established society. We were after all seriously fans of all things anti establishment.

Then in 1980 as a club and all a discovery was made right here in the Mini Cassia area, of white vynal Go-Go boots, for a diorama for a hot rod we were taking to that years SLC (Salt Lake City) AutoRama. A year went by and upon another diorama prop hunt lead us back to the Burley area. In Paul, a youth that had just entered the LDS Missionary field, had a raw, rather crude remake of ye ole General Lee.

We bought the car, the car went to the show, connections were made between the club, and the TV show’s producers. But what to call the club?

While not a TV show, there was a movie playing at that time called, “The Hollywood Knights” . The choice was made and in 1982, 15 no longer teens but kountryfied gearheads , motornuts, and just radicalism got together at what was called the Polish Palace, aka, Snake River Grill today, and some rework on the handle, Hollywood became Hazzard County and Knights became Knytes. The story as they say is history.

It wasn’t until mid 2007 when a need was made, that a name change was required to a bunch of image and reputation problems. A name search began. In 2008 , September 2008 to be exact, the concept of Anarchy, was established.

Of course there is styll the learning curve that goes with the reformation of any organization such as ours.

Through many trials by fyre of trying on places for an HQ or Headquarters for the club, the Mini Cassia area, mainly Burley was chosen, for not only economic reasons but logistical reasons. Burley Idaho is half way between both our eastern Mountain West states, as well as our Utah, and Western Mountain West States. So all charters can meet together on a regular basis without a long , long drive or flyte just to get there.

Then in between there is the fine dining , BJ’s in Heyburn where the best of the west CheeseBurger is served, I mean none better regardless , and of course lodging, with all the attributes that anybody could want.

Of course the cheaper rent on the shop and Wolf’s Den was a clincher.

Before I forget however, speaking of the Wolf’s Den.

There needs to be in Idaho a lemon law on rental properties. Or at least a truth in leasing law.

The ad for where the Wolf’s Den is now here in Rupert needed to read,

One BDRM Apartment for Rent. Needs work, ceiling falling down, plumbing substandard but works.

If your looking at this place, understand you need to pay for electricity, gas for heat and water heater and trash. You need to like to be around children, especially Mexican children.

Move in costs, $800.00  .

Then ya’ll would know what your in for. Not just the rent, power and deposit. Heck the deposit on electricity is $200.00 . Where does low or fixed income people get that much money? There ought to be a clause in the lease, that states people on fixed incomes less than $600.00 need not apply.

Such was the case, here with the Wolf’s Den, as such thankfully we found a place in Burley for $415.00 which is both shop and apartment. And all utilities ARE INCLUDED.

So its move em up , move em out. But being 30 seconds from the shop means 30 seconds to being on scene with toew truck.

In closing there are times that good things happen when TV does become reality, but not reality TV.

Next entry,

When people are pusillanimous.

Keep it tween the ditches and Roscoe off your bumper,


Quote of the day:
Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves. - Albert Einstein
Philippians 1:6“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

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a HazzardAyre Tail