Sunday, September 25, 2011

May I please be excused?

cooters phootenotes Despite the fact that mankind, like it or not, was created from the template of the Apes, Hey Kahless(God) had to have something to work from, and despite that we all were imported from other continents of Mother Earth, we are all underneath, the same beings. With only slightly variations of mind patterns, thoughts and emotions. We are still biped Humans.

So why can’t we just get along as people?

Even though much of my upbringing and ancestors came from the deep Confederate states of America, and while much of my thought patterns generate from that culture, I also never judge from just skin color or ethnic backgrounds. I judge from who the person under the skin is. How they conduct themselves , more over how the person interacts with me.

Sure I have a bit of animosity towards, some of the Latino community getting jobs, that I’m willing to work for the same wage, sure, I get flustered over Latino’s getting benefits that those truly born on American soil should have priority for. But beyond that, again I just want to ask, Can we all just get along and be kind to each other? Can we share in the bounty that Kahless has provided for all of mankind? If not , May I please be excused from having to bare this burden? May I please be excused from being in this dimension , may I please be excused from being human and living on Mother Earth?

More over, may I please be excused from living in a pre warp civilization?

Just boggles the mind , that supposedly , Kahless allowed man, to rule over the entire planet, to have as it says in Genesis , have dominion over all creatures, yet it is in fact man has pretty much screwed the pooch when it comes to himself and the planet he lives on.

Shoot, the apes from which we were patterned out of, have more brains that humans do.

I have a family canine, that would rather spend time with me, in my home than live and undergo the noise, from next door. Not that I’m anywhere near perfect, but just like the young children, that live there, both the toddlers and canine, see there is much more stability in my home, than in the one they live in, and yet the parents can’t see the problems they are creating? Young children and yes canines may not be able to put into words what they feel, or even understand, but can unite and run to something much more solid than and less abusive than their current environment. So how does one tell others , “ Hey pal, your situation needs fixing”?

The Complex I lived in , is for sale. Under the current situation, nobody in their right mind with what’s there and all would buy the mouse infected, cardboard built houses, stapled together to be an apartment complex. But then, perhaps, the property owners need to be informed.

In the meantime, May I please be excused?

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. - Albert Einstein
Revelation 3:14,20“[To the Church in Laodicea] “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Don’t blame me if you over did your credit card


So don’t blame me if you overdid your credit card.

Cry as they did, the Hector famdamnly that I used to live by, bought several new things that are high cost not needed for basic survival things, then came pissing and moaning to me over a shared $44.00 Internet bill. Really? Not saying that I shouldn’t pay the damn thing, but the real clincher here? They were pissing at me over a $44.00 bill? Maybe that new car, new bedroom set, and new albeit leased from Aarons still might be rerouted to saving the money and paying the bills first, might have been a better choice.

awl logo2  AWOLF EYES

So , since that debacle , I moved into a satisfactory single wide trailer house, in a good neighborhood. Been driving Tater truck to generate money to build the eventual BlackSheep Toewing of Mini Cassia Idaho. That’s right friends , Dixie Towing of Idaho will be kaput by next year. BlackSheep Toewing for those who missed it, is honoring those I flew with in the modern VMA214 BlackSheep Squadron, as well as honoring the man who created the unit , Pappy Boyington. BlackSheep Toewing also holds hands better with AyreWolf Aviation . So that’s the reason for the changes.

The connection however with all things Hazzard County remains, with the establishment of Hazzard County Choppers, HCC, is what happens when you give a southern bred high octane kaynyne , a welder and plasma cutter and tell me to build custom bikes(Harley’s).

HCC also keeps me and my crew in the groove of all things Knytes-of-Anarchy, aka The Hazzard County Knytes.

Finally will be off line, for a few weeks as I do my duty in the fields, as well as getting my trusty computer a needed tune up.

Get me on my cell,>>> MY CELL # <<<<<<<<

Until then, set a gig in one of the local newspapers here to find honey for money, to give our TV and newspaper ads for BST a kick, and some spice. See if it works.

airwolf_logo_by_bagera3005 4by2_new_hero_un_07_12

Honey I'm here

I'm here inside once again. Been awhile, but here I am.

Been driving a tater truck for a local firm here, and anyone that thinks this is an easy job, I have news for you.

Driving tater truck is hard work.

Any way will be back online full time in two weeks, but doing tater truck duty has kept me and will keep me busy for another month.

Keep it trucking

Saturday, August 13, 2011

There ought to be a truth in leasing law


There truly needs to be a truth in leasing law, when it comes to rental housing. If there is in Idaho , I’m not aware of it. I’m not necessarily talking about the financials, but other residents and those of which you might interact with there. Case-n-Point, next door to me a mixed bunch of white with Mexican, with a real total bunch of mixed children. Other day , one is blowing up a balloon with her nose. I jokingly said a nose blower, the mom mistook the comment of me saying something of drug intoxication,  something totally out of context, completely innocent and yet someone takes it face value? More is going on in that house than the obvious, and something that I surely don’t need to get mixed up in. A week ago, the same neighbors inquired why another set of neighbors were not very sociable? Really? Look the other neighbors, have been there, done that, and don’t want to get involved. They keep their involvement with others in the complex to a simple howdy and that be that. I am aiming my involvement to that same occasional howdy.

Be that as it is, I’m calling the owners of this property, and working towards getting out of Mini Encino here.

Okay then was reading something on a Cemetery was bitching about out Confederate battle flag flying over some graves . The protests are from African/Americans, about the issue. When are those same people, going to get off the slavery kick and understand that BOTH FLAGS had slavery traits and histories. After all it wasn’t Confederate’s that imported African’s to the USA to enslave. And yet its us.

If any group on this continent has a reason to bitch, its the Native American’s. Since both African Americans and Whites, were not evicted from their lands and stuck on reservations.

Perhaps the Confederates (us) and Native American’s need to unite and give the boot to the rest? Any takers?

Getting back to rental properties, it should be, that long before one pays all the money, to a property owner to rent a place, that you be allowed to live there for a minimum of 30 to 60 days, then pay the deposit etc. In essence take it for a test drive before signing a lease.

So , yep, I’m looking again.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
If little else, the brain is an educational toy. - Tom Robbins
Revelation 3:14,20“[To the Church in Laodicea] “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

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a HAZZARD REBEL TAIL 273541_100000143161707_6989753_n

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why fix what ain’t broke and the 70’s Show should have been the 80’s Show.


There you were Monday, checking your Yahoo email, and found , over the weekend, Yahoo changed things in the eye of improvement. I cain’t see any improvement. In fact Yahoo, mail, opens slower than it used to. Yes being the first to market is one thing, copying somebody else is not innovative its just chicken shit, to try to garner ad dollars. Of course the one they copied is FaceBook that has no direct free email program. Although they tried. Of course king Google that I stick with still delivers 80% of the time. Unless you sign in from a foreign ISP then its a pain, or don’t sign in for a month or so. But eventually Google gets shit back to running. Hey that’s progress. The Preteens and all can have the FaceBook’s, the MySpace’s and so on, I’ll keep my Hotmail, Google’s Gmail, and of course Yahoo, just wish you could switch back to the original. Yahoo, should have proved out the new email program before launching, but then that is what one expects from Silicon Valley California.

Viacom’s Nick @ nite ran a overnight marathon of , That 70’s Show. The strange part of That 70’s Show, is that most of what you see is more what went down in the early 80’s , not the 1970’s. But then Hollywierd dramatic accuracy is not Hollywierd ’s strong suit.

Even the Old Skywagon that you see is a 1980 model not anything 1970’s. Gas then , like now was too expensive to be hauling around in a Olds stationwagon that got maybe 15 miles to the gallon. Remember the Oil embargo of 1973? The only accurate part is some of the scicho delic music and flower trips of the early 70’s, that ended about 1974.

Why not do up something called That 80’s Show? Since nothing really creative is coming out of the Hollywierd minds and studios these days, no matter the studio, or format, beit movies or TV. I know that dollars are scarce these days and will be until we get that black guy out of the big house in DC, but dig this, Smokey & The Bandit was done with a very sparse budget, and became a classic, now there’s talk of a Smokey 5 which wouldn’t be a bad idea. But if we could churn out classic films in the late 70’s & 80’s , heck even the original Star Wars was done on the cheap. Want a modern example of cheap budgets becoming dynamic hits? The film and franchise , known as American Pie, was made by two UCLA College students, using school equipment and college students. It worked grand and is an icon.

In closing, Yahoo mail did not need fixed, the 70’s Show does and so does Hollywierd.

As I close, dig this; Cable-One’s Ad department is pushing ad sales again, guess they are hungry. But I saw a promo that included MicroChips Computer Service in Twin. While an okay promo, its far from the truth. First, Cable One can’t insert local ads in its HD grid as they don’t have the equipment nor production capability to do so, second while Cable One might employ 70 people in the Tragic Valley, only 4 people are employed at Cable One Advertising, and as far as far as being able to handle anything you got? Bullshit. Remember our attempt at doing business with them? Local standards, means THEY CAIN’T AND WONT handle ANYTHING you got.

Keep it tween the ditches,


1 Corinthians 6:19-20“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Highway Hookers don’t go down easily


Tuesday was one of those days that comes around once in awhile that makes one do a not at all favorable self inventory. Of skills and abilities. However once I’d slept it over on Wednesday , I found that not everything was my fault nor due to lack of ability.

When it comes to trucks and trucking, few have logged as many accident free, ticket free, legal miles as I have. The fact that I had been put in a truck that I was not familiar and thus had trouble finding gears , was again not due to inability, as just being rusty. The fact that I had been out snagging and toewing the night before, being woke up Tuesday at noon, being hungry so much that I could have eaten a horse and chased the rider, plus being stung under my arm from the previous load was part of the problem. Adding to this was being eye-balled by a barely wet behind he ears kid, as to judge my skills, excuse the hell out of me. Given the chance to redoux that skills test would be a blessing. However I’m not holding my breath.

That said, I know that come this winter or at some time these same people are going to need a toew. The fact that in a few days, some regulatory inspectors are going out to these fellers place to do a records, inspection, truck inspection and a CDL inspection, might inspire the same farmer brothers to do a rethink of canning my ass before I could really show them what I can do.

Maybe a few impromptu mobile scale weighings , and log book inspections, not to mention truck inspections, hey, I never get mad or angry, I just get even.

Considering , Charlie, at least Charlie and A1 out of Twin Falls, at least Charlie gave me the chance to get to know the equipment, for a few days, and get my feet wet is the difference between someone that needs an employee and skilled professional, and someone that really should not be employing anyone, except family.

End game here; nothing much has changed, here at Cooter’s A1 Toewing and AyreWolf Aviation, its just that its going to take a bit longer to get there. That said, I’m rudely reminded the only person I can really work for or be employed by, is myself.

Final thought, Highway Hookers don’t go down easily, if we go down at all.

L8R Ya’ll

AyreTag2  awmaa logo2

Quote of the day:
The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can't help it. - Leo Rosten
Psalm 119:14“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.”

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Highway Hookers are more aware


We who own and drive a toew truck for a living, are most likely more safety conscience than perhaps the run of the highway OTR hauler. We see what could happen long before it does, and anticipate the obvious as well as potential dangers. It may have to do with the fact that we deal with recovery jobs that are nearly impossible in areas that could easily kill us. From working off a bridge to recover a drowned travel trailer, to a simple toew off a busy highway or interstate. So when going trailer trucking yesterday for a local farmer through American Staffing of which I’m now contracted to generate some extra income during the slow summer months, I began noticing all kinds of dangers and serious safety issues that could cause a major incident as well as plain hurt me. So after mentioning this to my potential new employer, it was mutually agreed this was not the hauling job for me.

Farm accidents hurt, maime and kill all too many people each year. While people in production agriculture, aren’t making any real money these days, still , skipping a safety issue, like a ladder up the back of a grain truck, bed that is too short, without any anti skid prevention , no handles to secure me better in my ingress or egress, to clutch pedals that are not greased, yes there is a grease zert up under there. The list goes on. But it was determined early that I was not Mormon enuff to work for these brothers in farming, nor was I going to jeopardize my safety, due to these farming brothers, needing to save a few dollars.

Something else will turn up, so I’m not really worried.

Another item here is the former exemption of farm truckers not having a CDL, if operation is from farm to grain bin, or within 100 miles. Anybody driving a truck over 26,000 gvw for hire, needs to do several things, one have a class correct CDL , fill out log books, and have a valid DoT Medical Card. Anyone cited for violation will find a fine of up to $25,000.00 both employer as well as driver, that’s $50,000.00 that I’m not coughing up, because these farm bro’s can’t afford to hire OTR haulers.

As for me? I’ll stay going toewing.

L8R Toew Bro’s,


Quote of the day:
We are inclined to believe those whom we do not know because they have never deceived us. - Samuel Johnson
Psalm 46:1“[Psalm 46] For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth. A song. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

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