Sunday, July 15, 2012

It was said in Smokey and the Bandit 2 , even Bambi has enemies

hazzardayre blog coverHAZZARDAYRE AFTER HOURS

So I get done, doing the radio show and head out to the shop, to do some work on LiL Lexi, only to find upon my arrival that someone had thrown a brick at big LexiBell’s windshield. Can you believe this shit? So I said some unilateral words and went to find Smokey. This is kinda spooky though as not more than 15 minutes prior rolled through a stop light got a verbal , but now that I needed a badge, couldn’t find one. Kinda like trying to find Roscoe when you need him, but trying to avoid when you don’t. So finally did a traffic stop on a deputy, escorted him out to the shop. He made out a report, and another $300.00 I gotta spend. Accident? No way. It’s funny, sort of and not in the ha,ha, way. LexiBelle sat quietly in Rupert for several months no problem. Was on Ricks back lot down town Twin Falls for near a year, sat at the house in Heyburn, and in less than a month some one does this shit? No this was intentional and by someone who knew right where to go. In short someone’s going to pay for a new windshield. I might also add for those that read this, not of SAMCRO MC , there was and I mean WAS a owner of a motel here in Burley that tried to give me a pain in my six. Guess what? He ain’t around anymore. Coincidence? No way , but just a warning to those that want to do some stupid shit like hurt LexiBelle.

Okay then, thanks to our efficient Cassia County Sheriffs office, they did a good job.

New rules on rotation in Idaho.

Seems now that as of July 1st, with new laws going into effect, all appointments to police rotation in Idaho, will be done by the Idaho State Police. No longer will this be a area Sheriff’s concern.

Okay then in closing.

Many on my radio show are asking when Sex With Sue will air again on KDXB/KTOW. As soon as I can negotiate a mutual payment agreement and all with Sue, it’ll be back on. I miss it too. Last night we did a repeat of the edition, on penus sizes and all, and since ya’ll want that program I’ll do my best to deliver if I can. If not we’ll see about doing something similar on a local basis.

As I bring this entry in, for a landing, Boise is looking better all the time.

Stay Tuned,

my sig[2]  SHOW HEADER

Quote of the Day:
WAIT! Nature calls!
(in the middle of a ping-pong game)
James 1:21“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

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I need to know what you mean or require

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Saw on a spiel from ADWeek, that it would seem that CNN is down in viewer ratings and their online services are where they are putting their money, hey nothing wrong with that, you go with what makes money, right?

So in doing my online stuff to prep for the radio show had Saturday Night Live going, an episode that has to be at least a year or so old. What happened to the LIVE part of SNL? If they’re going to tape it , why not call it Saturday Night Already Done. Then you’d know that some had already seen. Of course the spoof SNL ads were good, but then faded to nearly something that one needs to ask, Why run this damn thing at all? Trash it, its not got any more gas in it.

Okay then enuff bad mouthing.

Need to say I’m glad to see Andrea Lutz of KTVB 7 , News doing anchor duties.

She really brightens up the presentation, and delivers with pin point accuracy. Andrea has a job at HazzardAyre TV any time she wants it.

Tried to get some sleep this previous afternoon, except the place I rent here sprung a leak. To the point, that if I went to the head you stepped in cold water. Not an awakening ya’ll want. Add to injury, got a drip right over my bed. It’s difficult to snooze when you have water dropping on your brain. Not a good thing. If the news tv outfits wanted to do a diddy here. Doing one on Motels that rent out as apartments but should be torn down, we’d step aside and let em do it.

Guess ya’ll get what you pay for, but dig this, reasons are many that I don’t make a quick exit, here , but will say I’m looking. Mostly at Boise. Saw online, that there are places in Boise that rent for what this place does and they have a swimming pool and gym.

Still have a battery recharge problem with LiL Lexi, tried new battery, and new cables, next it’s a new alternator. Which brings me to a point.

I hear from so many places, BUY LOCAL, KEEP JOBS HERE etc. Yet I priced a 130 amp alternator from a local vendor, he wanted nearly $200.00 for a remanufactured unit, in essence rebuilding mine. With no thought that I need to R&R(Remove and replace) and get back into service asap. But looked over LMC truck , a 150am alternator with them is $175.00 and its NEW. So ordered same, hope that does the trick. If not its start tracing a bare wire.

Any way catching some sleep so I can be on ayre in the morning,

reminding YOU, aren’t YOU glad YOU have HazzardAyre?

L8R Ya’ll

my sig[2]HolmesGoldRmackTowC

Quote of the Day:
Your heart often knows things before your mind does.
--Polly (Pearl) Adler
James 1:21“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

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hazzardayre tail 2KTOW BANNER

a station moment personal4

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ever feel your being ignored? And dreams of the old days.


Ever feel like your being ignored? Fact is I’m feeling as lonely as Waylon on the night of the CMA awards.

Last weekend two news organizations in our area busted their humps, when I told em they misdid a crucial link to an important story. Shoot they both sent emails. One right in the middle of the night. The other the next day. But sometimes the truth hurts. They know that they can hardly compete with HazzardAyre, so they just ignore us. The fact is, you’d think they might consider the other idea, asking us for our input once inawhile. Oh well.

Fact is and I remember this on several accounts, the one ya’ll purtty much know. In 1982 during the nationwide otr Owner/operator trucker strike, called for, by our parent organization at the time the ITA, went national. Oh man, the news groups who ignored us before couldn’t keep from rattling my phone. To the point both Mom and our housekeeper had to take the phone off the hook. In late 2006 early 2007 before I migrated back to the west side of the state, I happened to stroll into Idaho News 8 in Pocatello. I suggested they do a story on how the high fuel prices were effecting us going towing as well as trucking. This young lady reporter met me down at Forde’ Truck Stop on south 5th there in Pocatello. Shot a segment, and hey guess what, other news outfits that had ignored opened the door, but hey I said all I needed to.

Once I got back in Buhl, I did a thing, video wise on the fuel thing in our area. While the news outfits didn’t beat a path to the door, the bastards at KMVT News did their version. I knew damn well they had copied us, and as such old Chris the GM there fired back leave it alone. I did. But the fact is, when it comes to trucker and/or news regarding towing there is no better source both printed as well as radio/TV than us here at HazzardAyre, the reasons are many but it comes down to the fact that the Knytes-of-Anarchy, is primarily an organization of those who love old, custom and classic vintage tow trucks and long haul big trucks. More over are preserving the old skool style of trucking. Both in music, as well as OTA radio. Not satellite, but OTA(over the Air) radio. Just as it was when pioneers like Dave Nemo, Charley Douglas, and yes Bill Mack did the long haul trucker radio thing. In fact it was Bill Mack that prompted me to do radio and combine it with my love of OTR(Over The Road) trucking.

Speaking of which. have you ever tried in these days to find a good cb radio repair shop? More over where to buy a new good ole CB? You can’t. I saw one I’m following on FaceBook, but when it comes to long distance electronics I am not so trusting.

Okay then, looking for a new scanner. The power switch on the one I have puked, and being as no body fixes such in these parts, need to replace it. Used to be Wal-Mart used , I said USED to sell Scanners but not any more.

Any way, had to drop by , do this report, stuff some groceries down my neck.

See ya’ll on the flip flop.

Good Numbers to ya’ll

my sig[2] HolmesGoldRmackTowC


Quote of the Day:
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
John 15:10“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”

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Why is it always us? First?


There are times, I need to scratch my ass and ask, why is it always us here at HazzardAyre that breaks a story of real interest or importance to the greater public , and the rest of the TV, newsprint even other radio stations that I never listen to, shit most other stations in Idaho except 2, 105.1 in Boise, that used to have the call letters KJOT and was where I first saw a cowboy boot overlapping a capital K, on a billboard as a promo there of. Course that was b4 they moved KJOT from off of Cassia street in Boise over to Fairview, next to  Channel 7 KTVB, which is a quirky story in itself.

Oh the other radio station I dig? The Snake out of Twin Falls, who for some reason loves to copy but never duplicates the stuff we do on air LIVE every hour every day. 24/7/365. Yet our 5 people, here researches, hammers out copy, and puts in the graphics and reports it. And yet these other outfits with super large staffs, are playing follow up to us? Come on.

Shit most days, I’d love nothing more than only having to blog and howl about fast trucks, hot women or at least where to find women that will please rather than tease and wickedly tricked out Harley’s and V-Twins. Not reporting the fracking news.

Like yesterday, here was this story about a breach at Yahoo, r But did the rest of the local news outlets report it? Nope. Cassia County / Minidoka County would be the last here to hear about this if it were not for us here at HazzardAyre Radio and KDXB. The rest of Idaho’s electronic media flat does not care about Burley, Rupert, or Heyburn. Plus it takes an act of God, (really) to get those big outfits, like KTVB, or KIVI, down here from Boise to cover us, they barely talk about the weather here. KPVI, shit for all intents and purposes are out of the Magic Valley and if our club can keep pushing they’ll be outta here by spring completely . Hell Fox-14 as I’ll call em now is doing one hell of a job. Albeit having to split up KMVT’s news department, anchor wise they got that gal that seen the better side of 50 on doing Fox 14 news, and old , and I mean old Joe Martin anchoring the 10:00 PM newscast. I thought when Ken Ritchie left KMVT that the old and stale left too. They had this chick named Darcy, that was a real news pro, but threatened Joe’s throne or kingship so she got showed the door. Trouble was I was in Utah, and not able to swoop her up at the time. Different story for a different time.

What’s wrong Chris old buddy, having trouble finding help? First they had a Meth Coke addict on anchoring the news, who now dj’s over at my competitor here in Mini Cassia, then Chris gets wild in hiring. One thing is for sure the gig on at 14 will not be the same as FoX 35. But what choice do we have. KMVT’s greed grab of broadcast properties which by the way Chris knows he can’t get HazzardAyre TV cuzz we ain’t going to sell. But soon enough they’ll try but the answer is NO, and that’s why KMVT and crew hates us at HazzardAyre TV, because we wont sell or fold. Too bad.

But again the question is why is it always us? First?

Guess that why ya’ll out there still depends on HazzardAyre and why YOU are glad YOU have HazzardAyre to report the news important to you. Then , Today, and Tomorrow.

Now hitting the rack again.

L8R Ya’ll

my sig[2]HolmesGoldRmackTowC

Quote of the Day:
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
--W. C. Fields
John 15:10“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Strange crap going on online

a NEW HAZZARDAYRE HEDDERHazzardAyre KnyteCyde Hedder

As you slept Thursday into early morning Friday, the 13th, more than bad luck was afoot.

Apparently I malware virus Trojan crept into some of Yahoo’s servers and swiped a bunch of user names and passwords. The cure of course , change passwords. Real stump here, those same email accounts have extended accounts to Gmail, Hotmail and other email and network sites even grand old FaceBook.

Oh and by the way, your welcome, at least HazzardAyre reported this to you, although it may have been aired, I did not hear anything about this on Fox-14, KMVT, KTVB , none of them. Again, aren’t you glad you have HazzardAyre rather than those other guys?

And we do our gig with a staff of 5, people, amazing.

L8R Ya’ll

MY NEW WOLF SIG hcc wings1_thumb

Quote of the Day:
That's right. 'Tain't yours, and 'tain't mine.
--Mark Twain
(when friend said that a certain rich man's money was "tainted")
John 15:10“If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.”

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Knyte Haul Part duoux


Ever notice that the best stuff in the world product and or service wise, never have or do much TV advertising? Like Goody’s Headache Powders. Now on the shelves of Smiths, no longer the absolute domain of Wal-Mart. Any mile, Goody’s is just about if not the lowest priced product o those shelves. Works faster than any of the others, and yet. You never see a TV, or any other ad by the way, of Goody’s on anything but a twice yearly NASCAR race. Even then ya’ll never see a TV ad for the product.

Now if you turn, on tv, that’s all you see almost. A product to cure this or cure to fix that, or this will kill back pain, joint pain, back pain, hemorrhoids or some other malady. Thing is not one damn one of them does what Goody’s does, as fast as Goody’s does, and yet not one peep.

Its just good stuff.

Course my toew Bro over in Twin at the big A1, there never does a big whoop de do on TV or elsewhere, he does a thing in the newspaper, of picking up junk rides, and that’s about it cept for the traditional Yellow Pages ad, that forgot to call on us AGAIN, hey Dex, wuzz up with that?

But dig this Charlie is probably the biggest if not the biggest toew service in Twin Falls and with us at Dixie doing reserve duty for A1, Charlie is the biggest Toew service in the valley, yet neither one of us advertises a lot if at all. Although we here at Dixie Toewing have tried, but got the door slammed in our face. Which I can’t see and perhaps its me but never have understood, why me smooching a toe on a hot babe is over the top? I mean shit, if I can stand the stink, and it’s a spoof playing on two simple words, toe and tow, yet can’t even get face time with an ad salesperson and yet some wonder why TV advertising is going into the toilet. Its like sanitizing everything around us and families. After awhile our natural defenses are so weak we get sick over a bit of fly poop on our arm.

But that’s a story for a different time.

Then of course, there is our parent company, AyreWolf Aviation. I have not put or tried to advertise that, because we nearly can’t keep up with what business we have now. Between fire suppression flying that we have been doing here over the last two months and now here in our own back yard. Ya’ll think its just BLM aircraft up there? In fact the reason I only get on the air every once in awhile right now, is I’m working fix up and ATC for AyreWolf Aviation.

Like I said, some things don’t need or require advertising since quality and perfection in task and product is advertising enough.

Keep it up on 18 wheels,


Quote of the Day:
Encouragement is like a premium gasoline - it helps to take knocks out of living.
Jeremiah 32:17““Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”

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But why couldn’t they have kept the damn newscast?


They say opinions are like cowshit it smells and its all over the place. that said, I got to thinking on air last night , even with the blow out with KXTF –Fox 35 , why didn’t they just keep the 9:00 PM 2100 hours for us military folks out here, and still do that 9:00 PM newscast? Was doing two newscasts too expensive? Was getting ad dollars to difficult, even from those they felt were too racy and spicy?

Although over to the shop I still watch the station since it’s the only and I mean only LPTV station around here that can be picked up on a set of rabbit ears. That said, and I’m sure, I’m not the only one, granted a part of very few, that don’t have the ridiculous high priced cable strung inside our shops, to snag cable so give us a newscast.

Trust me friends and fellow Knytes members if we could fix it we would, but as I have howled at many a meeting, until the FCC lifts the new station moratorium on well, new station licenses we can’t go TV(yet). Plus until we get someone that knows how to set it up, we can’t stream like we want to on a IPTV (Internet Protocol Tele-Vision) , so since we can’t we must albeit nasty , kneel down to those that are on air and say wuzz up with no news?

Certainly they could run a half hour newscast. Keeping those not online or with cable/satellite, at least somewhat connected. Like I have said to those at KPVI many times, if ya’ll want to sell this thing out here in Twin Falls , we’ll buy it. We could make the little screamer run faster than LuLu Hogg doing the trotts.

So I ask KPVI and those at KXTF, wuzz up with not keeping the news and why not sell to someone that’ll make that station come alive? Why not become an affiliate of something like TUFF TV? Hey its nor RTV, but Tuff is RTV’s cousin, could make for a hit in the restrictive environment ya’ll run it on.

Let me know what ya’ll think?

Keep it tween the ditches,


Quote of the Day:
Every successful enterprise requires three men - a dreamer, a businessman, and a son of a bitch.
--Peter McArthur
Jeremiah 32:17““Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”

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