Saturday, July 28, 2012

Too broke for Sturgis and Oshkosh rally kicks off next Saturday at HCC

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It’s been a shitty year for many in the club, this year, and even some of our two wheeled and winged friends, so the Knytes-of-Anarchy, AyreWolvez in partnership with Hazzard County Choppers, is having a Too Broke for Sturgis & Oshkosh, Rally, next Saturday at the shop, at 1939 West Highway 30 in Burley, starting at 17:00 Hours(5:00PM ).

Food, music, fun.

If ya’ll couldn’t make it to Sturgis or Oshkosh or just want a place to put the kickstand down and blow off steam, this is the place.

The shop is next to the old KBAR radio tower, on west 30 Burley, ya’ll can figure it out from there.

See ya’ll there.


my blog sig           koa wings proper


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hazzardayre blog coverA closer look hedder

It was one of those weeks at HCC, and of course the Hangarounds and I decided to split the costs of throwing a wing-ding. We did. Of course some food might have been needed for me b4 I tanked down a quart glass of JD & Dew , but what the hay?

Mid point we got hot dogs and some mini pizzas. After beer 18 and two more quart glass’ of straight JD, it was about mid point as I started missing LiL Sis, as this would have been a great send off for her to sunny California. I knew that flower would not bloom. LiL Sis has all the skills and brains to be excellent in whatever she does. Just wish’d she’d have stayed in the mix with us, but the club’ main heads hit it right on, when they said she’d never take it seriously enuff to take the project on, so as usual out of state and out of area we go for the talent.

So the guys left, except for OJ, who stayed. We chatted about engines, old rides we have both built and it occurred to me that OJ would have been the one to have hired to begin with. At least he knows which end of the wrench to use.

Not that my crew isn’t good, but they are not true gearheads. More like gearheads in training, but like me everyone has to start to begin with.

Found out Ricky, our Idaho Vee-Pee, is down with a hell of a upper lung infection. As usual Ricky is running full bore for Charlie, even as he holds his head doing it.

Got to get over there to see if I can help somehow.

Four days to pay day, then its move to the groove, get cell back on, and get it on.

Going to be off line most likely until mid month to September 1st, but will be online there after.

Holding my head ready for bed.

Just wish LiL Sis would have been there.


my blog sig koa wings proper 

Quote of the Day:
The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.
--Benjamin Disraeli
Philippians 3:14“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

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Thursday, July 26, 2012


hazzardayre blog coverCOFFEE STOP HEDDER

US & THEMUpon a time there was albeit the slightest, but there was equality in the valley.

Somewhere between the mid to late 1990’s and 2000, the evil tyrants from areas that we’ll remain nameless invaded Burley Idaho. All of a sudden the haves were up in the face of the have nots.

There is a severe separation albeit not too obvious, but a separation of trashy-sexy and beautyful sensuality. In the brains of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, a gal posing with a truck, in a cute dress, or tight Wrangler cowgirl jeans  or as the AyreWolvez , a gal posing in say a form fitting flight suit with a Corsair, is hotter than the always, blonde in pink lip gloss in a G-string bikini.

Looking up images for a ad slick, on just truck stop girls and/or waitress’ I saw some of the cruddiest pics that I would ever photograph , much less use.

Maybe its seasoning, due to age. But naked, or near naked women do nothing for me but make me hurl. Where as a classy looking gal in a prom style dress standing with a cleaned up Peterbilt truck, at dusk, looks classy without being trashy. imagesCAXHZIKE In essence imagesCAHN6QOInot this>>imagesCAO31AC7

I used to marvel in the images from the old Overdrive and Owner/Operator magazine ads for trucks on both the cover imagesCAN2G9LIThat I began doing abstract freelance photography on big rig trucks with , when I could find them, and years ago it was easier to locate talent since most gals were not spooked by the notion of taking a snap shot with a truck did not mean a good or bad sexual encounter, it was what it was.

Oh sure I can understand that thisIJUSTLOVETOEWSmight be over the top for some, but that is just a teaser playing on the words toe and tow for>>KTOW SCRIPT and yet no matter the inquiry of prospective talent, the first notion is some gal naked or damn near naked by the truck.

There is EasyRiders and then there is both HazzardAyre/WyldAyre.

But when working with young, your not working with maturity.

Next entry, how about gals over 30 being in our optical projects?

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Quote of the Day:
If you want to be miserable, think about yourself, about what you want, what you like, what respect people ought to pay you and what people think of you.
--Charles Kingsley
Hebrews 11:1“[Faith in Action] Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

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End of another day and minuscule chapter

hazzardayre blog coverHAZZARDAYRE  KNYTE HAUL HEDDER

Intelligence scares the crap out of people.

The old adage of acting dumb as a fox, which means that a fox or in this case a Alpha Wolf is far from being dumb, or stupid. Wyld, slightly off center, maybe a bit crazy but certainly not dumb.

I suppose as then still today I take for granted that few can accept the fact , because their own dang life is so terrible, that a lone wolf as myself, had the gift from Kahless(Klingon for God) of parents that had the means and love for me to enable me to experience and learn things that many even today will never experience.

From hanging around a military air base as a kid getting the affection of flight, to finding radio broadcasting, to spinning a wrench and rolling out going toewing, I have lived a life and continue to do so, knowing that those who do not like me or the Wolf Pack, and/or Knytes-of-Anarchy, to the affection and all shown to me over the years and the direction of all that made the Dukes-of-Hazzard the legend and legacy that it is, will be forever appreciated and blessed to be part of it. Whether its Be or wife Alma, Gy Waldron, my cousin Richie Montgomery who played the radio DJ on that staple of American television and foundation of my life that unity of all of us, the hug Alma gave me at the 2005 Salt Lake City AutoRama, my life is great and blessed.

From the Dukes I studied my ancestral roots, finding that 70% of my roots on my Fathers side were in fact from Georgia, Arkansas , and of course Alabama. My mom and her roots are from Texas, in fact my mom was born in Texas. Gilmer Texas to be exact.

Yet so many here in this ridiculous area of Idaho, I scratch my head and wonder, just what it takes to kick this mule, in gear. How does one in Burley give a boot in the complacency of Mini Cassia Idaho?

All I know is I have done everything I can, and this old wolf needs some sleep, so for me its lights out.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Recommend to your children virtue; that alone can make them happy, not gold.
--Ludwig van Beethoven
Hebrews 11:1“[Faith in Action] Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tired of vocational soap operas and mid 20 year old dramas.

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If there could be written a film script of all of this that I have undergone the last two months here in Crasha Idaho, it would be titled the edge of ridiculous.

First I extend a touch of kindness to put a kid to work tearing down cars and trucks that will be hauled off and sold for scrap.

This progress’ to the kid introducing me to another mixed up kid, who has a Army discharged shadow. Who decides to bail, from their previous job that was paying them nothing to become part of AyreWolf Aviation/Dixie Toewing. So I hear hardly anything until mid month July(this month).

I explain what the job entails, that a probation period due to previous external employee disasters, here. They accept, show up at the shop.

A week in I tell them that a star on the board would be to help us find someone to be a poster girl for promotion of the shop and toew service. So this dream gal shows up, who I nick named LiL Sister. Going against my feelings I think okay give her a try. Tell her a week ago Friday to drop by the house to discuss the project. With the understanding she was going to Twin Falls to have youth fun, last weekend, saying she’d show up on Monday. No show. A gal at a local food store here says the reason LiL Sis ain’t showing is because of one of the hangarounds. And on it goes.

In review lets look. I never asked any of them for anything or their involvement. None of them. For nearly 34 years, I have ran Dixie Toewing all by myself . I have created award winning custom motorcycles and classic rat rod style trucks and cars, again all by myself for 40 years.

I have been rebuilding vintage military aircraft for ten years as part of the other half of the Knytes known as the AyreWolvez. Also nearly all by myself.

Through our club that started as a side project of a Cub Scout troupe in Layton Utah, then evolved into the only still 4-H truck transportation club, in 1973. Which has become the Knytes-of-Anarchy, created nearly out of the Idaho desert sand by myself, with the inclusion of the founding 10, with nearly no outside help. Or the involvement of any outside help.

I sure as hell do not need, desire , any outside help, nor help that is so caught up in pure bull stuff of their own, that I do not need a twenty year old something drama.

The bottom line is simply, I’m a Confederate Marine, with a high school education that knows how to fly, turn a wrench and run a toew truck. With knowledge , maybe more than I need to, but knowledge of media, mostly music and radio.

Past that I’m a recluse that for the most part wants to stay this way.

I do not hire female eye candy to get laid, that I can do on a quick trip to the Sugar Shack in Wells Nevada. I hire eye candy because it looks good on camera.

If there in is one that can and has the desire to go on air as a radio personality fine, if not, its here’s your check see ya later. I do not need any of this.

6 wheels of 2 ton Chevy named LexiBelle is my lady. Always has been, always will be. There is no room in my life for a human relationship. NONE!! Except for of course the brotherhood of both the Knytes-of-Anarchy / AyreWolvez.

Girl friends and all that crap is just not going to mesh with my life, never has, never will.

I am not attracted to any , and I mean ANY Yankee Union female. Give me a southern bell anytime. Southern gals are less complicated.

Sorry for boring ya’ll with this, but had to drop this on ya’ll .

More menyanna .


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Monday, July 23, 2012

Okay , I’ll admit, it’s a dump , but it ain’t permanate

hazzardayre blog coverhazzard daybreak

As I got the impression and feeling not to mention the late night wake up that this new prospect internal honey Lyndsi had decided for whatever odd unknown reason to sideline the club and me , it was not something that I did not half expect. What would have been unexpected is if in fact she showed up, did the job, made some REAL money for herself and by doing so generate money for me. For someone to even suggest I was over to somebody’s residence previous night whenever, is stupid. Shit Saturday night I was over at the airshow in Twin Falls, plus out all night with Ricky. Sunday I was in bed. Shit I really been running around. Not!!

Now the Powers Motel, one of the reasons I rented this, was for only a few reasons. One free cable & internet, since SOA is close don’t want to miss this season, Two the Powers has no long term contract. Meaning no lease, no need to fuss around, once a home is found in Boise, everything cept what I need to survive is in the shop under lock & key, my ass moved to the city of trees and I be living in the state of Ada. Not Idaho, where if your not one of the illustrious bigots that are so prejudiced , way too judgemental. way too clickish, and clannish, for me to continue to reside in.

Could Lyndsi still show up and prove all including me wrong? Perhaps, but if I were ya’ll I wouldn’t hold your breath cuzz if ya’ll do, ya’ll will turn blue.

L8R Ya’ll

561163_10151041297709655_1966807320_nmy sig[2]

Quote of the Day:
The cynic is his own worst enemy. It requires far less skill to run a wrecking company than it does to be an architect.
--U.S. Andersen
Matthew 19:14“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.””

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If it ain’t something to do with Farming or being done by a Mormon or Mexican it ain’t going to happen in Idaho.

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There’s some things you expect in Idaho, weather changing at natures minute, and on the eve of something good going on, two guys on a road crew your setting up coming to the door, telling you that your star , SheWolf, is having second thoughts.

As far as the SheWolf, yes I was I’ll admit getting twitterpaited. However her having second thoughts ain’t nothing new.

This is Idaho, it ain’t Hollywood, and most of anything acting, modeling or media anything serious is done in BOISE, sure as hell not the Tragic Valley, and damn well not Burley.

Sure I have had a few success’ here, Robin Whitaker, Cynthia Newell, of course she was from the Boise area, and of course Ellie May, but outside of them and of course Bryanna, but anytime one needs to cast off the street in Rural Idaho, don’t expect anything or anyone to take it seriously if its being done by us. After all we’re the rowdy rebel bunch that don’t wear Elder on a plaque on our breasts, we are the rowdy rebels, the rounds up toys for tots and helps deliver, we are the ones that raises money and donates one hell of allot of it to local charities, and we are that rowdy rebel bunch that raises the attention span to people on issues that they should be giving attention to.

Now when I get awakened at 23:45 hours at night there had better be one of three things going on, somebody is bringing me a babe to play with, getting me up to toew something, or delivering money or food or chew. If it ain’t one of those three, don’t bother me. As far as this Lyndsi and all bit is concerned. If she shows Monday great , if not no biggy. Come October 1st my butt is out of here then anyway. After the damage to my truck, the theft and all, I’m not making enough money as well not attached to anything or anyone to even care about this tiny little podunk Idaho town bullshit anymore, at least in Boise there is the assemblence of rural, yet the human talent resources the club and I need to make this all happen.

Any mile see all morning,



Quote of the Day:
True friends stay friends.
Matthew 19:14“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.””

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