Wednesday, August 8, 2012

So it looks like its once again all me by myself

hazzardayre quik winged logoPappys Log hedder

Well it looks like good ole AyreWolf here is prowling and running solo again. The crew I thought I had decided to flee the coop, rather than hang in until PAY day. Oh well. But since we lost the ability to pay for another shop, had to turn loose an impound to cover the rent on the other shop.

So what else is new?

For nearly 39 years I have been towing and building some to the most wicked hot rods and bikes in both Idaho and Utah. Few dedicated to our hobby would argue that. More over even fewer would argue that the Hazzard County Knytes wrote the book on what a hot rod club coupled with a Dukes-of-Hazzard fan club should be. We wrote other chapters in the evolving escalation of our favorite pass time, from how to really put on a bash of a hot rod show, to how to get things done. Thing is, much I have done nearly myself. In the shop its all been by myself.

Some people are cut out to be a Knyte, some are not. If one can’t even have patience for a paycheck then maybe they need to work elsewhere.

If one is not dedicated to life as we know it in the club, and will not contribute to the benefit of the club, dollars wise, then maybe they don’t need to be hangarounds or prospects.

But at least another rebuild for what got took off of LexiBelle and rebuild of the company can begin. Not so much to get running again, but to get things in line to blow this chicken shit town and head for where the action gets some traction.

It has to do allot with maturity, and dedication, many just don’t have that.

Not my loss.

Big day today, filing the theft reports on the car later today, then over to Twin to see what I can find as far as living quarters.

L8R Ya’ll

my blog sig HCCLOGO1 

Quote of the Day:
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.
--Dave Barry
Luke 12:6-7“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

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out of anarchy comes order-AyreWolf

HCC POSTER ADhazzardayre tail

If it smells like dog shit on your shoes, its probably dog shit on your shoes


I must be the most patient if not the most understanding guy on planet earth or at least in Mini Cassia.

Had a 2007 Caviler I was going to do a replacement on a water pump, but the Mexican who owned it came and got it, without paying a diagnostic fee, let alone shop time. Let the beaner get it fixed for less or better elsewhere. Most shops would charge this guy at minimum $2,500.00 for the job.

Granted old skool water pump R&R is no big deal. And not that much time. But these new little Chevy’ are harder. You have to remove virtually the entire top of the engine to get to it. Plus raise the engine after loosening the motor mount, 6 hours just shop time, at $30.00 an hour, My $40.00 an hour labor, my price just over $500.00 . The time book says more. All we requested was half in advance of customers we do not know. He didn’t, so grand theft auto charges will be filed in the morning.

My people had no business releasing the car before I could resolve the situation, which I couldn’t since I had to go to Salt Lake City running scrap metal Wednesday.

Charlie and Ricky will hit the wall on this, but since its my shop, the entire cost will be taken out of my hide. Such is life in no go Idaho. From now on, if it ain’t a Harley or old skool hot rod, it ain’t going in the shop. Only toewing.

Then there’s my neighbor, been putting me off on payment for fixing his kids pedal bike. Okay fine, with me and the Knytes we don’t get mad we just get even.

The lights of Boise are getting brighter all the time.

Stay Tuned , be back after HazzardAyre Radio.

my blog sigHCCLOGO1

Quote of the Day:
A civilization is built on what is required of men, not on that which is provided for them.
--Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Luke 12:6-7“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
Black Shieldhazzardayre tail

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

typical KMVT


Well its now a month since the gurus at KMVT bought up yet another license and reeled in the FoX Network. To bolster of course the ad revenue which I think is what all should do, make as much as you can while ya’ll can, but doing it dishonestly?

So there you are, watching the new so called News cast at 9:00PM, on CH-14, and all your getting word for word is the same script news copy that was on KMVT’s news at 6:00PM, new news? Bullsbreath. There should have been a second news team assembled. Maybe rehire Michelle Darcy, Yea buddy I’d go for that.

What I think is , KMVT bit off more than they can chew and are starting to gag, and this time I hope nobody gives them unchoke either.

Bet me going to the Twin Falls County Fair this year is going to be interesting, don’t ya’ll think?

Okay so have you seen the new Chiquita on MSNBC? Alex Wagner. Ain’t quite got her figured out yet, but from what I can absorb is she’d be better off doing news on the Disney or at least the E channel.

Not knocking the idea, eye candy is good when going against rivals FoX News. After all to work on FoX News as a female anchor one needs long hot legs, that are very shapely and well buffed. So what do you do if you’re the competition ? Ya’ll go find one of them Pacific Islanders who have cute tiny footed toes , who can at least talk and put her on the air.

I think most media is getting it now.

Like I have always said, we do radio Hazzard Style.

Speaking of, the 2013 running of the Miss Hazzard County contest will take place at the Turff Club , in Twin Falls. This year a $150,000.00 scholarship is up for grabs, a $50,000.00 modeling/acting contract, and a few other good prizes. Got a babe with Daisy Duke legs? If so, sign her up at .

But naw I saw KMVT’s effort on behalf of FoX, and the 9:00 PM newscast, to which I say, here’s some Bromo Seltzer there KMVT, maybe don’t eat more than you can digest.

More after HazzardAyre Radio tonight, talking RomneyHood, and the Republicrats. Could Sarah Palin be the straw out of the bag to get Romney elected? Didn’t we see this last election?

More on HazzardAyre Radio.


Quote of the Day:
The quest for riches darkens the sense of right and wrong.
--Antiphanes, ancient Greek dramatist
Isaiah 33:22“For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.”

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ourshopsign (2)DIXIE SHIELD

HazzardAyre PowerBlock

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First this morning I need to address some internal situations.

The White Caviler , is beginning to be a high dollar item. The job was taken on because we need the $.

However the labor alone, along with three specialty parts including the water pump, is just under $2,000.00 . Therefore I need James or Dale to call the customer, tell him if he wants us to go ahead with the work, we need a 1/4 of the cost up front, or $500.00 for parts and labor.

If he wishes to take the car, he can, if he pays the $450.00 in labor and shop time we already have in it.

Next today: From here on out remember we are a Harley Motorcycle repair shop, second, towing service first. If we do repair its bikes, and/or older year model hot rods. No more newer model repair jobs, we just do not have the tools for it, nor parts budget.

Last: On the Police car. I’d have liked making a bunch of money on both towing and storage of it. However , the owner is limited on cash. In that he is on welfare, food stamps etc. The guy just does not have it. Next he’s moving to southern California, which means if we don’t dump it now, we’ll be stuck with it. The costs to get a Sheriffs abandoned title is $100.00 which we don’t have this month due to the thefts involving LexiBelle. Thus to dump the car for the tow fee of $50.00 is better than nothing.

Last, I am sad to announce that we have lost a dear friend of SAMCRO MC. Ron Adams one of the founding 10, passed away last night.

For my crew, this means Jordan’s pay check will be delayed one week as our treasurer is gone to California to arrange things for the funeral. I’ll be looking at going as well later in the week.

So in summary, James and/or Dale call that guy on the car , tell him we need 1/4 of the money up front to finish the project , or he can pick it up after paying us the diagnostic fee of $450.00 .

No more newer model repair jobs, towing first, bikes second, older year/model hot rods third.

All need to meet at 14:00 hours at shop.

L8R Ya’ll

my blog sig  HCCLOGO1

Quote of the Day:
Life is an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
--Carl Sandburg
Isaiah 33:22“For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.”

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NewKnytes hazzardayre tail 2

The only Confederate White radio personality who is not dating a Kardashian, Yet!!

hazzardayre blog coverHAZZARDAYRE AFTER HOURS

Ever get the feeling like your in the wrong media market?

I’m beginning too. Yet creating not only my own show every day, of which all experiences are fodder for, but also creating my own radio stations and our network, is a real Nova. Yet there are times that I think, could what I do, be better off done in my dearly beloved deep south or even Los Angeles?

Then of course there are those who want to be on radio, yet really do not have a voice or the mental discipline to research information, mix music for a given format and put it on the air in a both informative as well as entertaining way.

I got lucky in my radio career. I got my inspiration from  a radio pioneer, Robert Smith aka WolfMan Jack. Of course inspiration goes only so far. Two individuals stepped in, Big Kelly from KEZJ Twin Falls and Mike Arms from KEEP AM 1450 Twin Falls. From there I built my own style.

Of course radio even drama to begin with talent is just like coon dogs. There are Coon dogs that have to be trained. That training can take months if not years. Then there are Coon Dogs that take to it naturally. I like the Coon Dogs of radio that can come into the studio, sit down and go on air. Not taking anything away from Nurse GoodBody, but Robin Miss Dixie Diesel , Robin Whittaker of Rupert, came in, and took to that mic better than anyone I have ever worked with. She saw the gold in our ayrewaves and went to helping to build it.

But she is a subject of another time.

But I have an acquaintance here across the parking lot that wants to do what I do, but has no real grit talent, another is a hangaround at HCC, that also has no or little talent. But no talent in radio does not mean no success in radio. Just listen to the announcers on KMVT, and a few others in Twin Falls who sound like they are talking through their noses. Too nasal.

To whit: What do you think would happen if someone would start a class or educational program, at say CSI Burley or even Twin Falls’ campus, called for a lack of words here, Broadcast Essentials? Teach the skills, rake in some cash, and have a pond to fish from when we at Confederate Star are hiring.

Investigating today, will report tonight.

Got a 08:00 flight so see ya’ll in the afternoon.

Hear me on air tonight.


HIGHWAY HOOKER SIG     my blog sig

Quote of the Day:
Life is hard. It’s even harder if you’re stupid.
Isaiah 33:22“For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.”

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NewKnyteshazzardayre tail 2


ZzzzQuil is legal alcohol .

hazzardayre blog coverjust rambling on

I want a TV show. Let’s face it, know of any real life drama than the dramatic events of the lyfe in my group?

Think of it, how many people take on the idea of buying a security company, that ends up putting some folks on a trial employment basis, that has a multitude of maladies, both domestic as well as personal, and the kindness of me? Tell me anyone else who would buy a gallon of milk, that barely gave me a glass of same only a month or so ago, and would not even give me a bean of a dish of pork and beans?

The same people find out that I’m not so creepy, not so mean, and one that will help up anyone. Yet I’m the one that gets hammered?

So I want a TV show.

Shit there is Lizard Lick Towing on TrueTV, there was the show Wrecked on SpeedTV, if I got a TV show , I could get manufactures to donate equipment to me too.

Let’s see, there began a TV show starting with a side business of a Wrought Iron Steel company who builds one custom bike, that begins American Chopper that catapults Orange County Choppers into warp drive. Now a super shop. Shit , if I had a TV show I could have a computerized flow jet, too. All OCC is , is a parts assembler, not true customizers. How often do they make the frame from ruff raw steel, (like we at Hazzard County Choppers) do? But hey give me a hit TV show and I’ll get a fancy truck, and a 50,000 square foot shop too.

Just once I’d like to have my day in fame on TV .

Let’s see if they could do it without the spotlight.

Saw a TV ad, featuring a product, called ZzzzQuil. That is NyQuil, without the cough suppressant. In reality, ZzzzQuil is legal alcohol. Now that the frost is off the pumpkin, about the fact that NyQuil had no cold or flu relievers. Just 20% alcohol, which is equal to giving someone a stiff drink of Jack Daniels. Only in this case the booze is colored green.

So Tweens and teens, going back to school. Take some ZzzzQuil with you to school, then ya’ll can get drunk, but it looks like cold meds.

L8R ya’ll

my blog sigHCCLOGO1

Quote of the Day:
Life is hard. It’s even harder if you’re stupid.
Isaiah 33:22“For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
NewKnytes  hazzardayre tail 2


Monday, August 6, 2012

Radio Hazzard style

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedderHAZZARDAYRE AFTER HOURS

So Monday morning I sat in the lobby area of our radio studios at one of our sexataries desks goofing with her computer. Too lazy to walk back to my office. So was reading and ran across all these big numbers from some broadcast conglomerates, like Entercom, Cumulus and others, and thought why is it that no one does a survey or report on us a Confederate Star/Southern-Steele? Considering we own 15 radio stations in three states, building TV stations in two states, with a network of just under $175,million, and yet it seems feels to not report our news.

The reason I think is , many in all areas of broadcasting and press are scared squatless about and of Confederate Star Media.

We are not the industries darlings, however, bet your next tank of diesel fuel that if we do something the rest of the radio , even TV will follow.

We always are blazing a trail, holding the hands of many and guiding many through troubled , undiscovered waters. And yet we are ignored? Bullsbreath.

Okay so the gig with KBAR in Burley fell through at the final hours, but what wasn’t reported was that both KDXB FM in Burley/Malta, and KTOW FM in Buhl Idaho not only renewed our ticket, but got a boost in juice okay from the Feds. While, KDOH AM 1090 goes on in Strevell Idaho, KJYK goes on in American Falls, and yet many in our industry turn a blind ear in our trade press.

Its just like I have said many times, HazzardAyre which is the combining of Hazzard County Radio and AyreWolf Radio into one 12 hour time break, every day except Saturday, which is my day of rest, is different. But too so are all our stations. What makes us different is there is no satellite downlink, or automated programming. Little syndicated programs, we run LIVE 24/7/365. There is always a live person in the cockpit of the studio at our stations, ALWAYS. While its not an easy thing to do, in finding on air talent in our area , especially on air female talent willing to go on air with our aggressive, anti conformist format, yet we Git-R-Done no matter what.

So what things that others have followed us through or tried to copy?

When no one else in Idaho was running the old NBC radio series TalkNet , it was our flagship station KTOW FM running TalkNet all 4 programs. When no one else wanted to do overnight radio for truckers it was KTOW FM doing that. When no one wanted to do flag to flag LIVE coverage and be part of MRN(Motor Racing Network) covering NASCAR races, it was our Utah station running that. We here in Idaho joined that idea. And when no north of the Mason Dixon line station was telling the history and pushing the stories and relating the heritage of today’s Confederate Movement, it was KDOH doing that, which led to building KDXB, but we do it and if you want one to chat about at the coffee pot this morning, KTOW FM in its start, began running Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s Sexually Speaking here in Idaho. Since then we run Sue Rogers Sexy Minute segments, reason being few are as sexually charged as otr truckers and the biker community. So why not get out good information on the subject? Yet few here can say that, yet shouldn’t the trade press like tell our story? Its like our state broadcasters Association, ISBA wont even shake our hands let alone recognize us. Why? Simple we kick all of the stations in our areas butts. We bill just under $500k a month in advertising. Our radio personalities take home $20.00 an hour just starting, and our audience is just under 28,million listeners world wide with our AFRTS broadcasts and syndication of HazzardAyre.

So Maybe ought to look at us.

The phone number is:208-212-9653 That’s 208-212-WOLF.

L8R Ya’ll

my blog sig   HIGHWAY HOOKER SIG

Quote of the Day:
No one can be free who does not work for the freedom of others.
Psalm 119:160“All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”

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