Saturday, August 11, 2012

The cyber highway is getting really bumpy

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The Internet in its supposedly upgraded, updated form is really getting stupid and nerve racking. No wonder our youth is pee-owed all the damn time.

Dig this, some dillweed signed up for an account using my original hotmail account. I tried many times to rectify the situation to no avail, so shit, just sue, and that’ll get Facebook’ attention.

The fires on the mountain stopped the radio show dead in our tracks. This time the tower spot was not spared nor was the internet as fluid, so will wait until conditions improve, nothing like having your own damn pipeline.

Talk at ya’ll Saturday, need to drain brain.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
--Herman Melville
Psalm 119:14“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.”

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Friday, August 10, 2012

There are Toes and there are Tows the how they blend is Toew.

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There are many who look at me in disgust and ridicule the long time progression if ya’ll want to call it progression, or whatever to find the purrfect set of toes for KTOW and our radio media photo ops.

Understand I did not start this. It was not my invention, but hey if it works why not use it? After all how many just in Idaho here have copied our company names? Think of it, Some jerk weed in Malad Idaho copied both Heavy Hooker Wrecker Service, that what we started with, all the way to both Road Resque Towing, to now BlackSheep Towing in Caldwell. Not to let loose here , even some butt maggot in Nampa copied Iron Eagle XPress. Which is one of the many things I like about Utah. In Utah a name of a company when registered for the whopping sum of $30.00 is protected for up to 5 years. All subsidiaries are also name protected for that same time frame. Here in Idaho, its only for two years. Bull shit. What if you shut down to serve military or church duties? I could sue, but what the hell? We keep what we got, shoot the rest.

Any mile so getting back on the right road here.

I caught this foot toe bug back in about I think 1988 somewhere. Saw this ad in the Yellow Pages for Star Garage(since closed) in Ogden Utah that read , we don’t want your arms and legs , just your tows. Okay so that was the ignition point. The entire thing did not catch fyre until 1997 when I was hammering out reports and went to spell tow, but spelled toe, as the e and w on a typical key board are very close to each other its easy to do. My step son Mike suggested using that with the Daisy Duke look gig we ran in our TV ads for the company, in a symbolical kiss on the toes in that we at Dixie Towing just loves tow(e)s.

Fast forward to 1999 , I barely arrived back home in Hazzard sent off to the production department for Overdrive radio that we co produced and ran on KTOW there for some program liners from legendary DJ and Country star Bill Mack. The liners came back voiced wrong, in that KOTW was mis pronounced K – TOW rhyming with cow rather than toe. So a project was engaged to get the idea across to those mentally challenged that the word is TOW, not COW.

Trust me while it looks better in nylon hose etc, and in experience womens feet , mainly their toes smell differently, even the most angelic gals toes do STINK !!! I have no big thrill of putting lips to toes to proliferate the idea.

Now then beyond me, I first spotted the original publication PhooteNotes in the offices of Tony’ Towing in Murray Utah, of course PhooteNotes evolved into TR FootNotes, and so it goes.

Now then, Confederate Star Media is launching in a few weeks a gig for us who tow called Highway Hooker TV, for those who tow. A TV show not like what you see on Lizard Like or Repo, but a true to life towing show, about us who bust butt , 24/7/365 recovering and coming to the rescue of all who drive, at all hours, in all weather.

Kinda like AG/DAY only instead of farming , we focus on towing. Featuring not only lifestyle, but news of the industry, real tow rescue situations , company stories and yes the Respect Tow Truck Drivers project. Showcasing tow shows, towing associations and getting industry manufactures involved. Of course not to be outdone, or overlooked, I’ll be here weekends on KTOW FM 105.3 Buhl Idaho, doing Highway Hooker Radio, the first, the original and only real radio show for and of going towing. And oh yes too I’d be struck down, if I did not mention this it was in 2009, that one of my interns at one of our station studios in Gooding, suggested combining the words toe and tow together to make sure nobody could mistake the word. So tow + toe = TOEW. Thank you Emme.

Now to wrap this up, I wonder how hard it’ll be to get Amanda of the Respect Tow Truck Drivers Project, to photograph HER toes in nylon hose, and send that pic to me to feature in our hot toews contest?

By the way , the web site for Respect Tow Truck Operators is up, likewise the revised Highway Hooker web site will be up by end of the month, between now and then all you good looking ladies out there, want to win $500.00? Send us your best pic of your toes in nylon hose so we can post it on our site and feature on our TV show.

Where to send that can be gleaned by emailing, and requesting the radio station addy.

Gotta prep for my show tonight, see ya’ll on the flip flop.

Good numbers , we 10-10 on the side.



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6 months to go and counting

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I don’t often say this in public but when I get the bug I howl. Been suffering with the knee problem again.

Seems as though the silicon the surgeons squirted in there needle method in 2009 is wearing thin. Which might mean I need to go to the hospital in Boise to get another treatment. Thank Kahless for my VA benefits.

The club yesterday at our afternoon officers meeting, decided to engage Live365 to get the online radio station going.

Which begs the question, who the hell is going to run the radio station? Let’s see now, from 18:00 Hours to 06:00 Hours is all the time I have to devote to it during the summer. After which during winter between toew calls that always rolls in, early mornings, and from about given the day of the week, variance from 23:00 Hours to again early morning during drive times.

If we’re running the radio station Live 24/7/365, who is going to cohabitate the radio studio cockpit with me to take over if I go to a toew call? Santa Clause? Then of course there is day time hours, from 07:00 Hours to 13:00 hours I try to catch up on sleep and personal care, shower, and all, then from 13:00 Hours to 16:00 Hours its shop time. Given go home hours its back in the toew truck.

From 07:00 to 16:00 hours whose going to run the radio station?

It’s time that some of the rest of this club of ours step up to duty. Ricky, myself, Johnny and Kevin can’t do it all. Rickey is going long haul for A1, Johnny is doing UCSMC duty, Kevin is working at HAFB so that depletes the on air staff. Time for both male and female members to shift it in gear here.

Any mile 6 months to go until launch of HazzardAyre Radio in February. Online for all that cain’t hear us on air over regular airwaves.

More L8R


Quote of the Day:
We are always getting ready to live, but never living.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psalm 46:1“[Psalm 46] For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth. A song. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

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One messed up teen, are the rest this bad?

a NEW HazzardAyre blog heddereyes on burley

I have resided in just about every town in both Idaho and northern Utah that there is.

I have seen community decay beyond anything I ever read in the Bible in the days of Jesus, and yet only once have I seen youth so troubled as I have here in Mini Cassia .

When I first moved here it was kids both teen, tween and near infant, gravitate towards me, because I looked kind or something, in Rupert. Two small girl kids, two older and one tween girl.

Then I moved here to Burley, on my own porch nobody bothered me but then here at the Powers it was this kid named Austin, who thinks I’m a decipel or something. Every time he needs advice about the hidden world his parents choose to keep from him, he comes to me. If he needs help fixing a bicycle, he comes to me. The list goes on, but he’s so damn clingy its creepy.

Who the hell made me the teen guru here? Why do these kids, gravitate towards a Marine aviation mechanic with a GED that does most business Hazzard County Confederate Outlaw style?

It cain’t be, because I have money, shit most months if I ain’t towing I’m really owing. If it were not for my military pension that I have to fight to maintain, and Social Security that I have to shield all the time, I’d be a broke biker with a helicopter and a tow truck.

Is it something else? Like perhaps local religious oppression? Are these teens so scared shitless of the real world out there beyond the big mountain that they need to learn things from someone whose really seen the other side?

So I tuned into this show called Totally Biased. Which did not impress me one bit. Which blends in with the topic here. TV is not giving our youth any more , role models. When I was growing up, we had everything from Major Matt Mason, to the Green Hornet. There was of course AirWolf , B.J. & The Bear, and of course the Dukes-of-Hazzard. Here was the show that changed my life. It wasn’t so much Bo & Luke Duke, it was the moral compass that Uncle Jessie Duke set every week. He gave great advice that you could really apply to life. Of course too there was my on screen person Crazy Cooter, that phenomily mirrored me and my life. Here was a guy that looked simple enough, had nothing to show off for, who ran a good old home town repair garage, and yes drove a tow truck. And amazingly looked a helluva lot like me.

Of course without the Dukes, I’d have lost it when my Mom passed away in 1983. It was not just a call or card, but the fact that most of that complete cast showed up at my Mom’ funeral in tiny Hagerman(aka Hazzard) Idaho.

Kids today don’t have these role models. TV has failed them. And music? Its all about hate. What about the soul classics? Like Shaft from Isaac Hayes? Earth Wind & Fire, Eric Clapton? No its rappers rapping about how bad their life is. Lets get back to real music. How about putting Waylon on radio? These TV networks show movies that show everything but taking off clothes and getting hinky. I have an idea , how about CMT putting on the MoonRunners, The pilot movie to the Dukes? The only show running with any morals and all is Sons of Anarchy. Which is why we in the Knytes adopted the whole package and molded that image and images into our own spectrum. Not so much about bikes and bikers, more over we are about big rig trucks and old skool trucking. There is a correlation there but that’s a subject for another time.

Friday’s edition of HazzardAyre Radio will look into the lost youth of Mini Cassia. We’ll even have a few in the studio.

Stay Tuned

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Quote of the Day:
If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.
--George Bernard Shaw
Psalm 46:1“[Psalm 46] For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth. A song. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Young reporters who are female on KMVT are always pregnant

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Have ya’ll ever noticed, that most if not all the gals working as intern reporters on KMVT 11 out of Twin Falls Idaho are always pregnant? Then of course there is the expertise of the reporters. Most if not all are move in’ not area Idaho residents. Now ya’ll might think why pick on poor little KMVT? Thing is, I have pitched myself at minimum of 20 times to good old Chris there the GM, that I’d gladly do the weather gig there.

Fact is, I know this valley, I have lived here for over 45 years. I know what’s up in the sky and how to read those clouds, just like all  pro aviators should. So why don’t they hire me? Simple personality conflicts to put it mildly.

Take this new gal, Amiee  on there. I try to trust the weather cast she voices and presents. Problem is I can’t trust it. So I watch one of the Boise channels now that FoX belongs to KMVT conglomerate. While its illegal to create a monopoly, still who would say anything. Most here are okay with paying only one or two sources for their TV ads. That is anyone not a member of The Knytes or , and not over the age of 60. Most of the younger crowd want what we deliver on Confederate Star and HazzardAyre.

But then too, aren’t you truly glad there is HazzardAyre?

Now if KMVT would do something about the baby factory at their station, in the news department.

Keep it here.

Stay Tuned Ya’ll

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A great show on tonight on HazzardAyre

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A quick note:

Tonight's edition of HazzardAyre features a lecture on Southern Heritage and phone in, Q&A. If ya’ll don’t know the number by now, its 208-878-5521.

Tonight's HazzardAyre XM/Sirius 165 open road channel, and here in Idaho on the sound of the modern Confederacy, KDXB FM 105.7 Malta/Strevell Idaho.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
Everything that lives, Lives not alone, nor for itself.
--William Blake
Luke 12:6-7“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

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There is so much more in life than money

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The fact that so many any more do anything just for the money, or just for the pay check, is not within the ideals of the Knytes-of-Anarchy.

Sure I like getting green in my jeans for what I do, sure I’d like to scarf down steak and taters every night would be keen as well. But that’s not why I serve in the best way possible for and of The Knytes-of-Anarchy.

Why do I do this? Simply stated I was one in fact up in the top 4 of those who one day decided we could do a much better job of serving and helping ourselves and communities than the Boy Scouts, from which many of our members came from.  The fact that as the organization was created we based our cb/local trucker club on that of the original Independent Truckers Association. The seed was planted in 1974 at the Ogden Holliday Inn in Ogden Utah, my Dad, a close friend of mine Jon Muir, Correy Hansen, John Weis , and myself sat down and carved out what has became one of the most powerful organizations in Idaho, even though many do not think of us that way.

Since then the club has evolved, and reworked its name several times to more effectively make a difference. The fact our entire organization revolves around that wonderful flag of the south, not meant in hate or racism, but as a symbol of people looking for true freedom and liberty that the Yankee Union has failed to bring about. That we openly call Abraham Lincoln a liar and cheat, and think his assignation came way too late, and ponder at what this Union would be like if Jefferson Davis would have won, is really why we in the Knytes do what we do.

We do our projects albeit unorthodox but we do it because we believe in God above, and that Jesus is our Savior, and that his word, his teachings have been thrown out with the bath water.

Many members of our club got into our organization just to make a fast dollar. Again making money to eat, but taking pride in a great looking rig, or bike and being able to say I built that is part of it. Seeing the face of a child a poor or not to doing well financially family on Christmas or Thanksgiving, have a new toy or that family have a full dinner is why we do what we do.

Sure we pledge allegiance to a different flag and sing a different national anthem , but are we wrong? The so holier than though that’s out there have no compassion for anyone else but themselves. They see only what social status building for themselves can be accomplished by doing charity work, rather than the love of all , that our Father in Heaven commanded us to do for each other. If that’s wrong then God almighty strike me dead. Pour fire and brimstone on the Knytes.

There are those that proclaim in our immediate community of Burley, “but hey you look at near naked women, you lust after the flesh” To whit I say false. Our view is simply, God above made women to be admired and relished. If God makes a great creation, why not look at it and admire his fine work, just as anyone does at a grand sunset or a fantastically created mountain range, or a serene valley, not looking at women in a carnal way as a lamb ready to be taken, and consumed, but as a great creation of God.

I’ll have more on this, this afternoon, but if there are those who join or decide to join the Knytes-of-Anarchy, don’t do it because of your thought of making a paycheck, do it because you believe in our cause and what we stand for.

Stay Tuned

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Quote of the Day:
There should be no yelling in the home unless there is a fire.
--David Oman McKay
Luke 12:6-7“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

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