Monday, January 28, 2013

I may be crazy , but I ain’t dumb

HAZZARD AYRE WINGShh toew tymez hedder

Dig this fellow Knytes and friends.

This gal saying she is interested in being a candidate for one of the pin ups, sends me this email.

Again the pin up ad has only the clubs email addy, not mine.

So it says she’s Samantha Jones. Really? Does who ever again is trying hard to mess me up or set me up, think I’m that stupid.

For those not in the know, Samantha Jones is the fast hot blonde on Sex And The City portrayed by Kim Catral, but never mind that, questions from so many corners of my mind, like why the hell does anyone want to put the skids to a talent search, two, why thwart progress? Just because it’s a Hazzard County hillbilly, doing the casting? Hasn’t these gals had sisters or kin folk that could tell them that the club, has always hired or tried to, hire local talent, for such projects, that ALL GET PAID, and that no harm has ever came to them?

Is the memories of our local people, forgot the Knytes, how much we have done for this ungrateful valley, like saving the Twitchel family of Hagerman a few years ago from being homeless, by doing a benefit concert in their honor? How about the frigging Hagerman QRU , who the hell do you think got that started? How about the Montgomery foundations gift to build that damn new firehouse down there? Need I go on? The Knytes, myself and all are getting tired of being thought of as the Jack the Ripper or worse. Bull shit. Name me a time or even one single person who has EVER been hurt, abused, used, or assaulted by a Knyte, or myself, especially a model talent, or a pin up/poster girl talent ever. You can’t because we don’t and I don’t, in fact I have no plans on ever getting involved with a talent. The only one that did and that was back in 85, and he married her. Me never have, never will. Models are for promotion of the club, and members byrds and rides. Not for dating and fooling around.

If ya’ll don’t want to get serious about being one of our pin up girls fine, but don’t bother me or the club, if ya’ll ain’t. Maybe the fact that a current member of the Knytes is an FBI agent, or that a sitting County Sheriff is a member in good standing of the Knytes, or the fact that the former Police Chief of Hagerman is a member of the Knytes.

So like us, or don’t like us, but quit messing around if your not serious, cause we ain’t got time for it, nor I patience for it, 7 months from now I’ll just be a memory, and Idaho everything will be my nightmare as I’ll be long gone, somewhere Utah.

L8R Ya’ll

my sig{3}

Quote of the Day:
To cease smoking is the easiest thing. I ought to know. I've done it a thousand times.
--Mark Twain
John 4:24“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.””

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Once again a Sunday is over and a new week begins


Another Sunday over, a new week begins. Thank goodness this months over.

After the last two months its been a big quandry if me ROS’ing is valuable or should I just surrender to the forces that seem to be, and say load em up get the hell out of here? Surly being back albeit still limited, but being back in a metro area would make sense, since I so harrowingly on the border of quiting going towing in exchange for just flying, and nesting during the winter.

Situations of vehicle limitations and prior commitments being I am forced to ROS, but will tell you come May looking at being in Utah, if I put all the paper work and all to being at Upper Limit by the 20th of May. Rent on housing there is high , but there might be room mates and such that I can retain what I need money wise to at least remove myself from a place of being at a real dead end, or at least near a dead end area.

Not saying Twin Falls is broke but while Twin Falls in fact the entire area has reached the 20th Century, it will take until the 23rd century, for Twin Falls to reach the 21st Century. Shed fears of a Victorian mind frame, and a constant religious and simple paranoia that prevents thawing of ice of mental incompetence , and arrogant and ignorant fear.

Face it if it has little to do with or just borders on helping production agriculture, it whatever IT is, will not flourish here. Technology, industrial expansion and none farm enterprises are just not able to operate, and are silenced and snuffed out long before one can gain any traction. If you keep at it, your threatened with everything from being a pervert to living in a paradoxial dimension. Even though the idea might have merit, unless the IT that’s being created is being done by a person of a chosen family, or person of a particular click, or clan, forget moving forward. Your best course is exactly doing what I am, do what’s needed, build up financial resources, then as soon as possible, pack up and get the Pack out of Twin. Which is what’s going on. Maybe occasionally throw out a bit of bait to see if there is anyone that might participate , but knowingly not expectantly that the response will be less than 1 or 2% of the possible desired outcome.

I’m hoping our search for pin up gals for the Winged Warrior Calendar, video and so on will bring at minimum of 12 for each month of the year. I’d like to see enough of a response to be able to gain at least 1 or two other member of the female gender besides Sylver to be on air here. And I’d like Sylver to take it much more seriously and at least stop for a quick pow wow cup of java. But that ain’t happening.

So by April, I’ll have to make the decision, do we keep the radio gig running in the Tragic Valley of Idaho? Or do I sell the license and all, to a major buyer whose offered $200k for it, move my licensing over to American Falls or even western Utah, and forget Idaho all together? Depends on the current response of Sylver and whomever is out there that might stumble in and want to be part.

What I can say is, I made it through another Month and Big C is expecting me early, and outside of that, taking a few weeks off, from club duties including Blogging, radio, and administration duties. Its go to work, come home, sleep, eat, go back to the shop with Big C.

We’ll be moving more gear to Buhl this week, for the radio operation. So by Wednesday, don’t expect any blogs.

See ya’ll around the valley and the galaxy.


awlvz logo AYRESIG PROPER 

Quote of the Day:
To create you must quiet your mind. You need a quiet mind so that ideas will have a chance of connecting.
--Eric Maisil
John 4:24“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.””

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

New supporter of the Knytes-of-Anarchy


Wanted to pass this along to ya’ll as I go bed down for awhile.

Got news there is a new supporter associate for the Knytes here in our area.

Place is called the Snuff Can , and as you figure, it’s a place with all your favorite smokeless tobacco.

All U.S. Tobacco products, Skoal, Copenhagen, and that. Plus older brands like Spark Plug, Days Work, Beechnut, and best of all its always kept fresh, and cooled.

The Snuff Can has all those chewing accessories, from spitters to golden spittoons, to custom jeweled and logoed can lids. Snuff pouches belt carriers the werx.

If you chew like I do and want the best at good old boy prices, stop by the Snuff Can, Just off Poleline in Twin and on west state street in Hazzard.

More overnight tonight on HazzardAyre radio, starting at 23:00 .

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
--Kahlil Gibran
James 4:10“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

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545150_385042184920699_1453407584_nhht business card

Can you believe it? 34 years ago, on Jan 29th 1979 The Dukes premiered on CBS

HAZZARDAYRE TAG 1HazzardAyre Welcome Header

Can you believe it, 34 years have passed since we first saw ye old General Lee, jump that dried up ditch. But it has.

I didn’t find Hazzard until December of 79, and wasn’t fully involved until 1981 but it has been one hulluva ride and a journey I’m glad I and the 50,000 member of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, took as well.

The memories, of both good and bad, the learning of my own confederate and southern Heritage, my reasons for doing radio, the shop, the reason I’m still sane today, all of it caused thankfully and happily by the Dukes-of-Hazzard.

A TV show cast that cared about its viewers, a show cast that traveled 2500 miles from Burbank CA, to Hagerman Idaho to attend the funeral of a fans mother(mine) and be there when the rest of the ungrateful town wasn’t there to comfort the son(me).

But again one helluva ride and one the club and I are glad we took.


Can you dig this shyt?

JJ Abrams and Disney are joining forces to reinvigorate the FORCE. Yes Star Wars will again be reborn, from Star Trek to Star Wars, may they both Live long and Prosper, now if we could just get a new good Dukes movie made. I got it, do the gig we been thinking about for years HazzardAyre, the movie. Only if we do it, lets not cast anyone from the Tragic Valley of Idaho, they are to damn stuck up and arrogant and self righteous, to be in our movie.

Best make it all in Utah, where many film projects are done. Funny, Idaho needs jobs and money yet has a spoon up its nose to the arts.

Try to cast something here, first you get called everything but a white man, then get the cops called on you for being some sort of wyld predator , then people can’t pull their heads out of their ass long enough to show up at a meeting of the club so the talent could meet em, even though the meeting is at the Wolf’s Lair.

None of that happened in metro SLC, I did the gigs there fast, sweet and painless. Which is why the economy is better in Utah. Sure the LDS thing is there in fact headquartered there, in SLC, but seems Utah LDS, are more open minded than Idaho LDS. At least Tragic Valley LDS. Which might be a reason, Utah's film commission is much more active, than Idaho’s Film Commission, that is all, but none existent. Makes one wonder why Mary Ann{Dawn Wells} of Gilligan’s Island fame resides and has a actors camp in Driggs Idaho, rather than say, somewhere Utah. But answers my question of a couple years ago of why there’s a Sundance Film festival in Park City Utah and no such thing in Sun Valley Idaho. Or even Idaho anywhere.

Some Hazzard words of wizzdum, passed on to ya’ll.

Keeping it all Hazzard ya’ll,


Quote of the Day:
Show me someone content with mediocrity and I'll show you someone destined for failure.
--Johnetta Cole
James 4:10“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Another saga goes but a new door opens

pappys logNyte Moves

The smells of Lysol, and a busy day at the shop. I think that now that I’m the official clean up person at A1 means things will now look brighter.

The objective though is to keep everything clean and presentable to the public while functional for the rest of A1’s crew.

While the demotion is temporary , still I’m in a great mood. Nothing wrong with breaking a sweat. The crew and I are getting back to accepting shortcomings and strengths.

Still haven’t heard from Sylver and I’m getting to think that may not happen as planned. Not counting her out, not expecting anything either.

Once things catch up and we’re full bore rockin the ayrewaves I have a feeling many of the doomsayers and detractors will be lined up.

Okay then.

There is a consistent situation that has been brewing ever since ye ole General found its way to Hagerman aka Hazzard Idaho.

The pull to be me, while portraying on the surface the image of ole Crazy Cooter in real life, with the major holdback being, I ain’t him. Although there has been three actors doing the on movie/TV role, that is mere fantasy. I brought that fantasy into real life, while forgoing my own personality. My own looks and well just me.

I am one with wings with a 4.0 gpa, that also knows how to build hot rods and run a tow truck.

So true yes , I have been in the mirror of Hazzard County and all things Dukes-of-Hazzard, but I’m starting to feel more of the call of the wyld and sky that I am the open highway.

Just when HCC closed in Burley I thought things were over, but thought, what if Chopper in Hazzard County Choppers, was things that flew rather than up on two wheels. Make HCC the service half of AyreWolf Aviation. Do my wrenching on helicopters and airframes rather than two wheels, instead of Harley we go Bell, get it?

Now then on that dig this.

There is of course a herd of publications both racy and some not so much daring showing female flesh with bikes. Nothing wrong with that, but what if there was a publication for us with our heads in the clouds with helos as well as winged flyte.

That was the initial idea behind WyldAyre and maybe its time to unleash that critter.

However until we get that up to proper RPMS , I figured, what about lean a bit more on the Ayre rather than the Hazzard of HazzardAyre? Do more daring photography, in the pin up girls genre and publish articles, for the sport and experimental flying hobby and affection?

Finally as I bid the night adue , gotta say again, hope Sylver hasn’t gotten frozen feet rather cold feet on being part of both our visual as well as radio operations. And hope she’ll drop by sometime soon. But know this for HazzardAyre we’re going to start casting again.

Now as I drop down on the tarmac, can somebody tell me why every time I get stressed in the grocery store trying to find that once was there, don’t seem to be any more just gotta have item, that the Muzak, on that piped in background sound system has to be crappy and make me wish I had a pistol to shoot the damn thing?

Until Wednesday afternoon,


Quote of the Day:
WARNING: Repeated brain usage may be harmful to others.
Matthew 7:7-8“[Ask, Seek, Knock] “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

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Back in the saddle


It was great being back at work today. The old banter and all going on, heck Charlie even took me to lunch.

After that it was hurry home waiting for Kenny to fix the one heater in the house that find’t dit.

of course smelling like a full tank of number two diesel, after having fuel pump piss on me earlier in the morning, is not the fragrant, oderifus, thing  I relish, but hey I’m back once again the Pack.

Seems as though everybody in Charlies bunch is okay with me cept Jen, but that too I think will fade off with vapor myst.

Now to just get the rest of my crew to put down the axes and swords and get along as an alliance with A1’s crew. That will be hard but considering what could have happened, Charlie went to bat for me, and kept my six out of the clink. It could easily have been an undercover chick that entered the Wolf’s Lair and while I have no problem with it, hey might have gotten a show done or two, still, over all there’s a reason, hiring folks like we were doing it could have created a major mellofahess. Although you would have thought with everything involved, I might have gotten at least a thank you from one of them, but oh well.

So with all that in mind the toew crew and I have came to the agreement to snag on camera talent from Salt Lake City, or Vegas.

Hey I know I’ll hear from all too many city fathers and all why not hire from here? Reason ain’t no one to hire and the few that could have their noses too high in the air and are way to stuck up. Sure I’d love to have an agency to hire from, but sadly there ain’t none such agency.

Could we as a club create one? Yes, but only if there was a female to be in the front office of it. Wouldn’t matter if we had every guy there in a tuxedo, because we are guys, ain’t no woman going to take the chance of entering the circle of the Wolvez. Ain’t going to happen.

See all on the radio tonight.

L8R Ya’ll

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Monday, January 21, 2013

A fantasy of every guy, especially young ones.

HAZZARD AYRE WINGShh toew tymez hedder

There I was, talking with Paul today at HHT HQ now that we have a lunch room, okay not a real room, just a small corner of the shop with a refrigerator, and a microwave, table 4 chairs and two benches , but okay to eat at.

So Paul and I were talking about those dreams of the more advanced in age and experienced woman that we used to get excited over.

In my world there were more than a few. One that damn near happened , one could have if I hadn’t stubbed my foot, and the other strictly an adolescent dream.

One involved the hottest gal in our neighborhood. Old Les Lynch’ wife had just divorced him. Thing is she had done everybody we all knew of, and she was like a right or process of passage from boy to man. That must have been my mistake , since my cherry wasn’t popped until I turned 19 years old. That in another edition, but Kathy was for all intents and purposes the ultimate woman, my Summer of 42. Of course there was Jerry Omandra , that was the hippie queen of Hazzard, but she had the package. Probably was attracted to her, because she hung with Becky Tupper, whose brother David Tupper, became a Knyte later in life. But still oh Jerry. Seemed that if she had farted in my face back then, I’d have thought I was at the pewfume counter at the Bon Marche in Twin.

There is always that thought what if a older or at least knowledgeable woman were to walk in on a man or even middle aged male, and just poured over him like gravy on taters, and smothered him with affection of his liking. Trouble is in reality, how would she know what that is, without checking blogs and crap on line, two in my house, for anybody to come in unannounced would really be a project, considering the revenuer traps, from the carpet on the floor, phone line, in a stratigic place , but even if she did the question becomes would she?

I thought of this, here many times over the last two months of the gals that tried to infiltrate the Wolf’s Lair and more over HazzardAyre. Then the thoughts of confusion. Are they mad that I didn’t try something? Or sorry that they didn’t? I know that KOA procedure manual says don’t mess with a none member female prospect employee. Which is fine. But were some of these gals mad at me that they secretively in their minds wished I had? More over I always thought, wouldn’t it be cool , if one night at about 03:30 on my none on air nights, I’m partly asleep, some gal, comes in , after all the door is unlocked, but comes in, puts her feet or toes in nylon hose under my nose, and takes control and has her way?

I was reading this article in a mental health publication, that was describing the condition that even if a male, at least of minimal sexual health, even in fear will get an erection. I wondered how any guy spooked for his life, if a woman wanted to rape him, how he could maintain a stiffy.  The fact , even again in fear or panic , panic being the emotion here , can be an aphrodisiac and get the equipment for use. Some guys have fantasies of this happening. I know I did. Both from Kathy Lynch and Jerry, then there was Vallerie Dixon, of Wendell. Not only was her body perfect, but lets just say her engine was perfectly in tune. She could have had the keys to the castle. but alas .

Then there were all those teachers, many kids dream of. many have crush’s on, and yet in our modern Victorian, all things correct, such activities as a older woman showing a young man the way to a pleasure palace, is not only taboo but prosecutable.

Perhaps it always was, but I can remember back to Miss Jensen in 6th grade, she taught 4th but we had a class in hers ever day. She had such short shorts. I got her nearly to home base once, but if she would have given in, I don’t think My mom or Dad would have pressed charges, more like gave her a reward and could she show up again. My Mom & dad were more open minded than many were then and even today.

But I truly, would think it be a great thing if just once, not saying her exactly, but someone of those gals that gave me such a pain, the last two months, or someone like  Sylver, {not Sylver}, just somebody with her package and attitude would just once , one night over night breeze in after I get off air, drift an and just once do the wyld thing.

It’d never happen since I’m not the super GQ stud many are looking for, but from the looks some of them have picked , I might be a good step up.

See ya’ll on air starting at 13:00 Hours.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Even as water carves monuments of stone, so do our thoughts shape our character.
--Hugh B. Brown
Galatians 6:7-8“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

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Ultra Sense--you've got pull--various women's 93 6780754691_c467aa3d6b