When I’m wrong whether in a statement online or on air I will admit it. That’s one of the reasons this blog exists.
That said, I also don’t back down too much.
Case-n-point, I thought our beautiful Amber, was one of those being a pipeline to Big C, who doesn’t care what I do on my own time.
But rather his other half. Well come to find the person who fed me the 411 on that issue was as full of crap as a day old diaper. So to Amber, I’m very sorry, that I spoke out of turn, that said. Some people are too busy and into their other gig to get involved or put in the time that doing internship here at Confederate Star/HazzardAyre, is too much. Especially without a pay check. This is another reason why we do the 6 month prospect thing. If someone don’t cut it after a month or so, or does not have time, then I can cut em loose and nobody is worse for wear.
Now how could I be mislead?
Last December for a mere experiment, we here at HazzardAyre thought maybe the good recruits in Gooding when we were there could be repeated. So I put up an ad on CraigsList. Guess the scenery has changed as all too many people are spooked about entering a private home, although I know many business’s near here are also housed in a private home.
The fallout here was people saw me and thought he can’t pay anyone anything. I’ll tell you true, I myself can’t. But the club, CAN pay, does pay and pays extremely well for people who stick it out. Both lady's and a few guys who come to us for various on air and club jobs make damn good wages. The other day, I looked at the books of the club nationally as well as our two state charter. The Knytes-of-Anarchy the Idaho-Utah Charter, has in its cash stash, just over $15,million bucks. Nationally, SAMCROMC(the real SAMCRO MC) has in its holding tank, just under $250,million. I think we are doing well. But its up to each charter President or officers are charged with the responsibility of managing these funds. If one of us fuggles something up, our butts get raked , and it ain’t fun to get raked. The only operational stations we have running right now are in Rigby, and American Falls Idaho, and our Fort Bridger Wyoming station. This is not just an orphan here in Buhl. However the foot stubs I did in both Gooding and in Burley, has cost me in reputation to the club. In essence , until generating both programming , much of KDXB in Buhl and ops here in the Tragic Valley are coming out of a very shallow pocket, MINE. Oh and yes my life does revolve around Big C, since Big C, signs my checks and when his better half bitches at him about something I’m doing, I get money taken out of that shallow pocket. That in itself is changing, but like the times it has taken to get the bean counter duties reassigned before, taking that duty away from BIG C, and me finding a close by but other place to hang my hat is going to take time.
But I’m beginning to ramble, to Amber I apologize, I was wrong.
L8R Aviators
Quote of the Day:
All men's misfortunes spring from their hatred of being alone.
--Jean de La Bruyère
1 Corinthians 15:1, 3-4“[The Resurrection of Christ] Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”
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