B4 I get it on here, want to ask a question, is it blaspheme to be considering romantic gestures towards a gal, that is in your bible study class? Especially if that person, is barely engaged to another.
Example ; there’s a great looking honey that goes to our bible study class that is teetering between patching things up with her so called guy pal, and walking.
I get this nervous feeling that if I were to bust a move to that groove, she’d take me up on the idea, but I’m chicken, on two levels, first getting zapped by a lightning bolt through the roof By God himself, and two, my spot in life right now. I’m so preoccupied with duty to the club, and my own company that if I get the chance to get a meal, sleep and going to the head I’m not proud , I’m amazed. So how could I bring another in, especially with a two year old. I’d be drinking a gallon of Uncle Jessie’s finest daily.
Then another is now all of a sudden willing to be an intern, here at HazzardAyre. Even though going in, it is housed here at the Wolf’s Lair, guess all the Red Ryding hoods aren’t spooked of entering in with this big bawd wolf. Question becomes, where the heck was this gal 6 months ago?
Okay then:
Caught some buzz mail, from our publicist today, about her busy schedule and all, fine. She said making long distance calls is no longer a problem. First of all could ya’ll just imagine if Boss Hogg had the Internet? The Grits Connection and Hazzard County Syndicate would have been much more potent. But I can remember in our Hazzard, when long distance was placed by Miss Mabel at the Hazzard County Phone Exchange Office. Even regular calls were placed that way since direct dial was by a pay phone only. Calls coming from your home was dialed by Mabel. My how technology and the break up of the Baby Bells did.
Cell phones, heck a mobile phone in early Hazzard era, was a big box and was made over two way radio channels. Portables were bulky and you had to tote a big battery box. Then early cell phones weren’t that much different.
Today our cell phones resemble communicators from Star Trek, GPS is a form of more Star Trek tech that’s crept into our world. The one that I fear the most is in human radio. Very few radio stations anywhere in America, southern or others are ran live, only during those times city folk are going to or coming from work. The rest of the time, its some satellite download. And that’s hardly live. Even our beloved Dixie Broadcasting is ran that way. All automated. I have an idea, lets go LIVE!!! That’s exactly what we here at HazzardAyre is, LIVE 24/7, except for 6 hours in the afternoon. Which if and it’s a big if I can recruit, train and get in gear a few bodies that have the extraverted attitude and willingness to learn a new way of thoughts like the preservation of southern culture.
The modern Southern Movement as its called elsewhere, and not in just one place, as some would make you believe, is not just a fad. It’s what is going to save this nation from another great civil war.
The actions of some are demonstrating that need as well as attitude.
Look at the bombings in Boston, the senseless murders at day care schools, High schools and others. Like we say, we’ve tried it Abe Lincolns way for 150 plus years, lets take aim and do it Jefferson Davis’ way for awhile and see the improvement. Lets stop Federal Governments oppression and suppression on our lives, even to trying to make a living.
Example; the long delays on getting KDXB up and running. What if there was no FCC to say no to erecting a radio station where its needed. Those revenuers in DC have no idea what’s needed in the rural south or west. They look at this air map that says, there’s too much interference to be caused in a certain location if a station goes up. Such as Bliss Idaho, just 8 miles north of Hazzard. The only dang broadcast anything is a set of old time TV translators up there on Bell Rapids. Only 10 miles north of KDXB’s tower. But ask if you can move over to Bliss? Where nothing including a competing signal exists the answer is no but hell no. Try to convince the FCC of that and you might as well try putting socks on a rooster. Add to that who says call letters to a station has to be only 3 letters with a K or W as the prefix? How about 5 or 6 letters? Then you could spell something out. The list goes on.
Instead of giving many government checks once a month unless someone is really bad off health wise, how about the government really wanting to help, and giving a one time check for say oh $200k or so. With the stipulation it’s a one time pay out sink or swim. Lets see, people start business’, that creates jobs, that creates municipal money for towns to survive. The only other exception is VA and DOD checks to people who have served in the military. As they have already earned their right to Government money. Am I against taxes? Yes and no, Yes I think local municipalities need money for protection and fires, hospitals and health care. No in the way your mandated to pay all you have or .75 out of every dollar you make to a government that’s wasting it on BS, and telling the DOD and other agencies there’s no money for them to get treatment for PTSD and other afflictions from their military service. See where I’m going here?
The nation was blessed with two things. Our Southern confederate nation, which is the hand of God in action. And two; an organization like the Knytes-of-Anarchy to carry that movement forward.
Any way talking work, gotta get up early, so stay tuned I’m on air.
L8R Ya’ll
Ephesians 4:15“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”
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