If only churches were like MC’s. Some have asked why I love riding my bike and living a bikers life.
It wasn’t always that way, but once accepted by an MC your protected, loved as a brother, or sister, in my case brother, and no matter what happens, you can fully depend on your MC brethren will be there offering what ever help you need, when you need it and in the form you need it.
Now since by birth , I was born into the LDS or Mormon denomination. Oh I was squeaky clean, looked like a nerd and went by the accepted rules and teachings. There was a night at a young peoples gathering what the LDS Church calls Mutual, that a gal who was deemed angelic, by the congregation went outside for a smoke, which in LDS customs is a no no. But hey she was above all others, really?
Shortly after that I saw that I was looking for a way out of the LDS Church. It became very fake, and all too much a popularity contest on Sunday morning than an assembly of those looking to worship God.
Then I met Allen, who brought me into the fold of the MC we now call the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Now during Christmas the MC did a toy run, donated new toys to those kids in our area that would not have a gift Christmas morning, ever heard of a church doing that? Any mile one year the local ward decided to do a ward poor kids toy drive.
Mom came to me and twisted my arm to donate some toys.
Donate some, hell the bastards took things I was not wanting to give. The carrot on the stick, was one of the so called Elders Quorum had a daughter that I was keen on, and thing was I donate, I get a date, needless to say the date never happened. But here’s the quirk that makes me the maddest, when My Dad passed away, the Relief society, Elders all came to the house and asked what they could do for mom. When my Mom passed away, in 1983, not one of them came to the house, offered a shoulder to cry on not one, and not one damn thing did they do. But guess who did come to the house, yes the MC, those guys and gals put their arm around me and helped me heal.
Over the years, there has been many other things, that I have had to deal with that was hard, but when the rest of this self righteous community couldn’t be bothered much less care, it was the MC that came and said how can we help?
Three months ago I undertook the promptings from God to visit the church aka the River Fellowship. Here in Twin Falls. Now I had been out there more than once trying to kick a door open at their TV and radio operation there to glean some information to aid in the rebuilding of Confederate Steele Media aka HazzardAyre/WyldAyre Radio, but even though help has been offered by a few there to be engineers, when I have tried to take em up on the offer its like they are too busy. Why offer if your not going to do what you offer.
By contrast, you can bet if one of my brothers in the MC offers to do something, bet your next full gas tank it’ll be done.
And so it goes, there was a 30 day challenge to get more people in the church being more a part of it. Yet if one offers its like huh? My challenge to the church, when you ask for volunteers don’t slam the damn door when someone wants in. In reality, practice that which you preach.
I could go on, and I will later today, but if churches were more like MC’s there wouldn’t be so many choosing to ride on a Sunday and rather than be in Church. There’d be more in Church, and it ain’t just the River that’s tripping over itself here.
Turn on a TV Church show, I have too since that’s all I get and on my own I’ll dig out of this short cash challenge I have and pay a back bill to Cable One so I can get something other than those stations at the River.
But if you watch Church programs, I have yet seen one that does not start yapping about some printed stuff or tapes, cd’s etc, for a donation of some amount. One says for any amount, I’m sending a penny, hey its an amount.
I love hearing about Jesus, and learning more of God, I pray every day, but here’s something to think on, I’d rather gather at a rest area or MC camp area on a Sunday, hearing a MC preacher teach a lesson, in the wonderment of Gods creation , than gather inside a building with a bunch of fronters who claim to love God, but are there only to make a deal, or further their own agenda. If that’s all they are there for, I want to stand way aside them on Judgment day. Bad mouth bikers for our grubby, bearded , looks, with our long hair tattoos and all, say bikers are rotten because we love to see beautiful women with bikes. But then don’t love us in the winter on or right before Christmas when we as bikers donate new toys to the unfortunate children.
Like I said, If only Churches were more like MC’s.
L8R Ya’ll
Quote of the Day:
The secret pleasure of a generous act Is the great mind’s great bribe.
--John Dryden
Proverbs 15:1“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
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