Sunday, June 9, 2013

Its easy to point fingers

HazzardAyre PhooteNotes 1HHPN HEDDER2

Excuse me if I haven’t been desexed or depantsed, thing is I have a normal genuine, level of human male and albeit need to be reined in a bit, carnal natural feelings and urges.

Okay Sunday the one day in June of a near big bang explosion, in Tweaker Flatts.

Normally I only go to evening services at the River. Traffic is lighter, building cooler, not as many childrens, and Bacon is preaching.

But out of a mere act of kindness cause I think the guy could use a friend, I invited this dude named Kenny out for coffee. we went, we chatted, thinking all good, I was about to close out the show , but decided to put it on DXB auto pilot, and go out to the river for Sunday services.

So I get out there, this asshole who is part of that nemesis of mine, KMVT acted like such a horses ass, that I wanted to just kick his boney little ass all over that chapel, then say look buttwipe treat elders and old Marines with respect. If I say, your sorry ass had better say hello back.

I didn’t of course as I tried to be civil. Trust me, many things will come out at the meeting with a pastor there at The River, at 15:00 , but its just this kind of thing that turns so many off of going to Church, anymore. We can learn of and about God, Jesus, pray and all on our own. But let me tell you what a real religion and church service is.

A real Church or religious service, is riding down to the bottom of the canyon on two wheels, sitting in a circle by a grill, with some cheese sandwiches, some soda pop, the bible, somebody teaching a lesson, singing a song or two, getting back on your bike, stopping maybe once more for a soda, then going home on your own. All being friendly, none judgmental, and really being brothers and sisters.

This mess at the River, has got a humongous building, their chests are all puffed out, many there act like they walk on water like that Donny guy, and I can’t wait to watch him and that church fall.

Then I come home, go to look on my Facebook, and here’s this Leslie chick jumping my shit.

Something again about carnal needs. Okay I grant you, I am not in a steady one one one, relationship, not even near to marriage, yes I’m looking, is this wrong? No. Am I wyld, heck yes I admit it, I am now and always will be an anti-establishment, anti conformist, fight the system rebel, I can only be what I am. I can’t put on a mask, go to church look one way, or go to dinner at a friends and put on a front. I am, what I am, if you want me as a friend accept me as I am, or don’t and I no longer will darken the door. But the way that Leslie put it, dang you’d thought I screwed one of those poodles.

Who came up to who first and wanted on radio? Hmmm? I extended both the kindness of my heart and earthly friendship. What did I do to get my arm chewed off?  Certainly not the idea I wanted to make hay. Sure I looked at Maria and that Ashley on being talent, hey I’m always looking for that we do a lot of casting, but the only and I repeat ONLY WOMAN at that damn River Fellowship that I thought I’d like to be with, is that Josie, thing is I have spent so much time making so called friends with Nancy and extended family, that I ignored Josey(however her name is spelled).

No I do not look at all women as meat, but I do look at them as talent, at least on TV talent, as far as the younger ones, did somebody miss the fact that the club OUR club, is doing up a rendition of the Disney Channel comedy Shake It Up? Of course I’m looking at younger talent. Don’t mean I want to date one.

Am I ruff around the edges? Sure, in Star Trek speak, I’m not a Borg, resistance is not futile, I will not assimilate. I’m going to be the loving, kind, honest , and believing person God created me to be. The only reason I cut my hair was the fact driving it got in my face, on my bike it got in my face, and couldn’t work on rods, without it getting in everything. Otherwise it’d still be on my head. By the time next year or so after I have moved to eastern Idaho, it’ll have grown back. But thank you Leslie, for showing me there are as many female ___itches in this Tragic Valley, city of Tweaker Flatts, as there was when I left in 2000, thing is like the river after mid month next month after Testimony meeting, I ain’t coming back.

But its easy to point fingers, when we forget to look in the mirror.

For now I go to church with the Knytes-of-Anarchy, no more, certainly not less.

my good byerebel cause

Quote of the Day:
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
--William James
Colossians 3:13“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

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knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL

Oh I went to church, but I think for the next to the last time.


So I broke tradition, got off air and went to church in the morning. Guess what SSDD, that’s right Same stuff, Different Day. So got a meeting with a Pastor in the afternoon Monday, if the problems I’m finding are not able to be corrected, then as much as I love seeing Nancy and her bunch, or Peggy and her’s I will not go again.

First that little butt wipe Donny has to start crap, again if it were not at church or in church, he’d be wearing his mouth on the back of his ass, getting ready to meet God , much sooner than he is planning. The next thing tried to make conversation with the media crew there, this one jerk would not even acknowledge I was there.

Bottom line, I’m looking for another place to worship, but not before I let em have it with both barrels and explain why someone else left the River. I hear the LightHouse welcomes people, going to go check that out next week.

But the end zone of this gig, is to establish the Church of Confederate Star, and like everything else, let the Knytes-of-Anarchy, as confederates, show some idiotic Yankees what a church is really like and how they should behave.

Going to evening meetings, so headed for bed for a bit.

Talk at ya’ll overnight on the radio.

Stay Tuned,

sign offKNYTES WINGS X 2

Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton
Matthew 7:13-14“[The Narrow and Wide Gates] “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

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knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Cleaning House on Facebook

Good Morning

Every other hour I check my Facebook pages for news from you our club members, our associates and so on. Plus to hear your opinions and what ya’ll want on HazzardAyre Radio.

But I also get a bunch of friends requests. Most of these last long enough to be seriously taken, or because of a cause I am into. When Warner Brothers was getting pushed to take our battle flag off ye old Gen Lee, Alma, Cooter’s wife sent out a call to action. So by all means I got involved so did the Knytes. After I must have gotten tons of friend requests. Thing is those friend requests came from casual friends of the Dukes, some genuine fans and supporters and the rest of those riding the shirt tails of the popularity of the show.

Over time these friends I deleted. Then came this thing over a safety campaign on getting people to move the hell over so we who toew could work without getting ran over, squished between and otherwise hurt. So I started barking, as of course tons of friends requests. Thing is most are or were from people miles away from here if not thousands of miles, toewing in major cities, or areas of major cities.

Toewing in the Mountain West is different, something happens you get dispatched from the fuzz, but 7 out of 10 times I’m there before the cops or emergency services people get there. I have to have my own traffic control, flaggers and all, why? Cop gets there does his assessment, investigation then leaves, the Emergency med people, or fire department gets there does their duty and their gone. Now its my turn, I have to recover the vehicle, ready it for transport, clean up the mess and maybe I get home in 4 hours. It’s remote out here and that is for a major wreck. If it’s a slide off or such, its just me. You get there, get it pulled back on the road or ready it for toew then get your butt out of there before you get hit. Cell phones and GPS and all those new fangled toys are great in the city, but out in BFE, those toys don’t work well, nor does those part plastic and part aluminum trucks. Quick pick toew trucks, those are great on a impound or repo, but a hard pull, up a steep mountain bank, to the highway, those Tonka toys are befuddled. It takes trucks like LexiBelle>Lexi in green to git-r-done. Say what you will, but in 30 years of toewing all vehicles, I can proudly say I as of yet do not have one , not one damage claim or wreck in the performance of toewing.

Any mile I’m off topic, sorry. So I’m going through , most if not all my contacts, and such, of so called Facebook friends, the bottom line? If I don’t know you, if you don’t live near or in Twin Falls Idaho. I ain’t going to honor your Friend requests so don’t bother me.

L8R Ya’ll gotta get ready for church, that’s the kind of fellowship I need, not Facebook.

See ya’ll on the radio,

sign offdixie wings 1

Quote of the Day:
A rumor is one thing that gets thicker instead of thinner as it is spread.
--Richard Armour
Matthew 7:13-14“[The Narrow and Wide Gates] “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

You never ignore or piss off the buyer


Last nyte b4 I went on air, I wrote here that I was a bit put off by two so agents that have done the lack luster degree of attention on being the talent provider for the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Now that said, both have said we’ll come if you pay for the whole damn trip. Here is an interesting thing, long before even such greats as Carrie Underwood, became a mega star, American Idol/FoX never pay for the audition part. No body pays their ticket to where ever the audition is taking place, or motel, food bill. The same goes for when the bar chain Coyote Ugly is looking for new talent, you show up on YOUR own, you pay for your own stuff until your hired.

Now then, after your hired its different, then in a way your now part property of the production company. Think not? Look at the crap the network goes through if somebody does something not in character of the show. Damage control soldiers go out in droves.

You can be the best, most talented singer, model, actor, actress whatever if you can’t sell that talent or your agent, piss’s off a production company, big or small, you better have a good fast food service job in reserve. Cause your done. All you need to do is say you worked for such & such agent, or agency, and if that agent or agency, pissed off a production company, your resume goes into phile 13 and your not going to ever get a call back, infact might get blackballed.

While our grand state of Idaho, does proclaim by default the lowest wages in America, thanks to some serious head in the sand attitudes, still there are, albeit few, but medium sized video and media production companies here, one being Confederate Steele Media. That’s the parent of HazzardAyre , Dixie-Diesel, Highway Hooker(tow-truck) Radio, Dixie Diesel TV, HazzardAyre TV, and Farm Kountry TV.

So we put those philes, in the back cooker, go down to Salt Lake City, get the talent, book, pay shoot. Be done with it.

My Mom taught me not to put my eggs in one basket, I did, with Emma Leigh and Castro, I’m expanding searches for the kinds of talent such production projects as ours demands and requires.

Like I said, maybe find out who EasyRiders and Rat Rod Magazine books their talent through. Who cares if its from Hollywood.

L8R Ya’ll

sign offHIGHWAY HOOKER SIG_thumb

Quote of the Day:
You are not what you own.
--Fugazi, American rock band
Matthew 7:13-14“[The Narrow and Wide Gates] “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

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knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL

That did not last long, Thank goodness for the agency in Salt Lake City


There are times that I wonder about some people. The rush to judgment or lack of intelligence on a subject be a place, person or thing, leads to a bunch of caution. Too much caution, but by then the damage is done, opportunity is thwarted and you look back and think, maybe there are a few that need to dig a bit deeper than just the web to find the real answers. Like Flash digging for a bone, there are folks that only look at a very limited shallow well called the Internet.

The thing is there are tons of things that were out there, that never caught the web. If they did it was at the tail end of something.

Example; Mike Parkhurst, if one digs on the Internet you might find a mere cover shot of Overdrive that had gorgeous models with trucks>73 real RAMbut little else. Information on the now redone version that is the United American Independent Truckers Association one of our parent organizations, is so covered if at all shown that many would never find anything. So they look, think is kaput, put us in the “when I Get around to it” file and its cat and mouse to pin someone down on a project.

Like our associated agency out of Denver. The Castro Agency, says he wants to be our one stop talent agency. Would like to come up, with a couple of the gals, have a meeting. Fine he pays to fly, drive whatever, the club covers meals and lodging. If it’s a full shoot once talent and all is approved documents are inked we cover all expenses but not before.

So Mike says, he’ll call to set dates, no call. Then can’t even post anything on his Facebook so he can see some of what we have in mind so he can pick some of his talent that might be right for us.

So a bit heated I email, says he wants to talk on phone, no problem, but I do not dig delays, money is in the bank, projects are on the stove about to boil , time to act is now.

Considering the 50 models and product demo models we’ll need in 2014 at DukesFest West, our commercials for that, that will be aired nationwide, our local ads for the club, and the radio gig HazzardAyre, plus the website to name a few, for a upcoming talent agency this is gold, ready for the mining. But I also remember the fuss we gave Emma Leigh, as well. Thinking she was the hottest new country singer , that does have vocal chords that melt a heart far better than Taylor Swift or Carry Underwood, giving a full weekend to run only her music, a call in interview although partly one sided as our phone hybrid was having a headache, but all of that. So I pitched the idea of putting Emma in Sutter’ SOA for fall. Guess what? All of a sudden, no communication, no phone calls, even to the point her manager defriended us on Facebook. Usually I’m not alarmed, but I paid for rooms, and a limo or two on the 29th. Thanks to the limo company they refunded the money, not so much the motels. Which means the club is out $800.00 for accommodations. This is what makes me jittery when your working at booking talent or anything, and get dropped like a hot spud.

If these people only thought of how much influence and how much on screen and media power we generate, many might be a bit more open arms and willing to jump in the pool.

Granted Idaho, and Twin Falls might not be Hollywood, but remember out of Twin Falls’ back door is Sun Valley, home to Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, and good old Arnold , former Governor of California as well as the Terminator, and one can see that, be seen in one place, a name dropped or two and an upcoming talent and her agent/agency goes gold. Couple that with DukesFest West, HazzardAyre and our movie coming in 2015, to begin production, if I were Castro Agency, I’d be finding my way to Twin Falls, and not be so damn worried about the money and more concerned with the craft.

So we now need to tuck tail, go to Salt Lake mine what agencies we can, and if I need to, put stuff up again on Craigs List etc. Maybe a trip to Hollywood is required to find our agency.

Maybe book through who ever EasyRiders Magazine books through.

L8R Ya’ll

WOLFS LAIR SIGcompany banner

Quote of the Day:
To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.
--Theodore Roosevelt


Matthew 7:13-14“[The Narrow and Wide Gates] “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

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knyte scarKNYTESTAIL

don’t forget these roots either:

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

SSDD Except for the beer battered shrimp and onion rings


It’s the same stuff, just a different day. The same reruns on CH-38, you’d think with the financial abilities of the NRB Network and our own KCJY here ran of course by the River Fellowship, that there could be some both local as well as new programming, but no, that might take putting an experienced broadcast professional in charge that’d do the duty as a NONE PAID volunteer. Same goes with their ability to inject a few station promos and psa’. Trouble is that you’ll be there getting into gospel teachings, and the computer is screwed up to the point that it injects a message at the wrong time. There is a solution here, have a real live person there to push a button , oh but wait that’d take another volunteer, and the River’s broadcast elite don’t want those who belong to the congregation to enter that inner sanctuary. After all the pride that runs through there is so thick you can cut it with a toothpick. Those that are doing that duty do not want anyone getting involved that can do that better than they. Oh well, all I can say Confederate Steele TV is coming.

So I’m here holding my stomach. The forgot the number of beers, along with beer battered shrimp, and beer battered onion rings from our meeting here, has got me a bit under the weather.

Oh sure I had visions of going to breakfast at the River, but in my condition of brother Blackbeard had crossed my path and mouthed off , I’d more than likely wrenched his head off his shoulders in my bare hands, so decided to stay home.

Slept most of the day, as one should on the true Sabbath Day.

Oh how I’ll be thankful to Jesus when this $150.00 I owe to Cable One is paid and I get cable again, but now I know why Cable One will not put the stations of the River on their system. No body would want to watch.

Keep it tween the ditches.

Going to go nurse my stomach.

L8R Ya’ll

my dixie sigcompany banner

Quote of the Day:
The company's most urgent task is to learn to welcome, beg for, demand - innovation from everyone
--Tom Peters
Habakkuk 3:19“The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.”

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knyte scarKNYTESTAIL

We were Hookers before the name was cool.


So didn’t go to church breakfast as I’d planned. Was on air had to finish up things, plus I see enough of those delinquents anyway on Sunday’s and Wednesdays, plus I like keeping happy, not feeling like wrenching some bearded assholes head off with my bare hands, so I stayed home here at the Wolf’s Lair.

Okay then, cruising over the Cyber Highway, saw where there’s a new page on Facebook, called Hanging with Hookers. Fine it works, but every once in awhile I’d like to see some credit gave where its deserved.

Fact is my company started out as Highway Hooker Towing long before the name was cool, just kind of out there and it worked. I was writing Highway Hooker Tymez and Toew Tymez, long before anyone else did, and if push comes to shove here, The Hazzard County Towing Association was originally and in many ways still is, the Classic Hookers-of-America.

Nobody else is paying for Highway Hooker Radio, or producing it as we are, and nobody else nearly got shot in CokeVille Wyoming, from some Barney Fife down there that could not see beyond his face that the word Hooker had two different meanings, ours being tow truck.

Highway Hooker Toewing is still us, running in Boise and Malad Idaho respectively.

So maybe there is a need for such social sites as Facebook, and others to check over trademarks before granting permission to use names of Facebook pages. Or if any money is generated from one to share the royalties with those whose name it was in the first place and not allow the continued theft of intellectual property.

Any mile sleep is required.

L8R Ya’ll

my sig[2]company banner

Quote of the Day:
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
--George Moore
Habakkuk 3:19“The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL