Friday, June 14, 2013

You’d think there’s a real news feature here, but Times News and others are blind and deaf.


You’d think that a person brewing their own radio station to be kicked into afterburn mode after our filing in October would get the attention of somebody in local media, especially the Times News, which has lackluster readership at best. But no such thing, the ignorance amazes me somehow. I say oh well their loss, but then that’s why YOU depend on HazzardAyre News , right?

Then I read this thing that really caught my eye after looking for something on that overnight crash near Banbury hot springs last night. Two of our trucks responded and after some serious effort tractor, trailer and car were being brought in, but considering the mess, the paper had nothing. Makes ya’ll wonder , why is there even a paper here? It’s the same thing, just a different day or in the case of news another edition. You’d think that prior bad feelings and all would be swept under the rug, given that here’s a news hound, media personality, combined with a tow truck operator that could report, shoot pics and do the recover at the scene, would be of value. Hey I wouldn’t mind throwing a pic or story to ye ole Times News, every once in awhile, but like KMVT, trying to throw down the branch of truce and work together, goes un noticed.

Such is life in the Tragic, once Magic Valley of Idaho.

So I think is there something that could mend fences here? If so I ain’t seen it.

There’s many that say if this is such a cesspool, as you feel it is why not move? The answer is, simply, I was born here, spent the majority of my formative years here 11 all together, here. I know this valley, its people are much better than what is being done. I remember KMVT albeit clumsy at times, was a good station. When Ken Ritchie worked as the main anchor there and was connected to the old KLIX, under Charley Tuma, we as a club had a fairly good relationship with them. Likewise, when the club was doing an event or had something news worthy, the Times News would work with us. Even if it was a few lines on page A8 still got some press ink, but not today.

The fact that a new radio station being brewed inside of what looks like just a private residence at the corner of Washington and Addison, should be neat feature story, but hey the story of the AyreWolvez and the Knytes had a reporter come by, but never went anywhere.

Mostly cause I couldn’t by the nature of national security could not give phone numbers of members. Does the words of deployed have any value to the Times News?

The situation is this, we don’t like to cause fights or create wars, but a bit of give n take and some local press ink, would be nice.

Any mile been up most of the morning, on air delivering Confederate radio to you all night, so while its cool enough to catch a few hours of snooze time, I’ll bid you ado, till around 16:00 hours.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
--Samuel Goldwyn
Philippians 3:20“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,”

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knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Attidudinal adjustment needed


I just read a thing about SyberJet locating in Cedar City Utah. Congrats to Cedar City, but here’s the dilemma I see in Idaho.

Idaho could have just as easily had that assembly plant of business and luxury aircraft as Utah . Yet like all too many things jobs, tax revenue, and all goes south. Question becomes , why? Could it be Idaho, is satisfied with the lowest wages in America, that are not much more if anywhere near minimum wage. Idaho is satisfied with the youth moving out of state, to find sustaining incomes and jobs. Let alone the educational attributes that Utah has, although the pupil to teacher ratio is Idaho’s favor , still one needs to think, are we really satisfied?

Then I see where Times News staffers have personal blogs on the papers site. Here’s a suggestion there Times News, how about putting in quality blogs of your readers?

Open communication done in proper or even a bit critical form, is just not welcome. After all, don’t want to piss off the stockholders.

Just like so much of Idaho.

I saw this right after Dirk Kempthorne left office as Governor.

Dirk had the spirit of real growth. The state had a funds surplus, instead of so much a deficit and debt.

Seems as all too many in Idaho are satisfied to remaining in the 19th century somewhere than advancing to modern 21st century technology, new jobs and even out of the box ideas, and enterprises. The thought of a Nuke power plant near Hammett Idaho made all too many thinking that the radioactive water would make their new born kids and cattle become little green three headed monsters. So it was ultimately defeated. Instead of looking at the concept of a jobs incubator that it could have been. Nope can’t have that. Then there was that outfit in Goon’s Ferry that was working to set up shop turning algae into diesel fuel, that too got killed. I say damn it Idaho wake up, your state is eroding faster than a ditchbank in a mud storm.

In the words of Major Payne, What we need is an attitudunal adjustment , more like a proverbial ball bat up side the head.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
--Winston Churchill
Philippians 3:20“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,”

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knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL


Ya’ll gotta luv it baby


Remember the scene from Good Morning Vietnam, where Adrian Chronhour played by Robin Williams, said , “ Why am I here?” Well today I’m beginning to say and ask that question more each damn day.

This whole mess of Tweaker Flatts over a mere $40.00 a month in service fee’s from a payee service out of Blackfoot. So I ask Charlie to do the gig, he says yes, I move over here even though I was resisting, thinking there might be an opening at A1, over time relocated here from Burley, giving up shop, creature comforts and a bunch of me including a real shop on a promise.

So here I am. Now I stand to loose both a dear friendship, and all simply due to the fact some young over hormoned pregnant gal had to thrash me a new asshole, and Charlie catches it on line. Now Charlie thinks I’m a jerk, feelings are going to get hurt and I’m nearly burned out on this thing called Tweaker Flatts aka Twin Falls Idaho. Lets face it friends the Twin I knew as a youth, is not the Twin Falls I returned to in 2006 on the whim of a tweaker turned dealer looking for a place to do business that I did not know about. Trouble is by the time I caught on, she’d moved away, I was in Heyburn. Moved to Pocky on the idea or rather a con of being an account exec,by a so called manager that thought there was more in the stash than just my cash, for a rising TV station there, then saw this big deal on a nuke power plant in Hammett, so moved back over here and been kicking my ass ever since. By the bottom of the inning, called 2010 into 2011, got back over to Burley, the gal in Blackfoot was way off of her game, either paying the wrong people the wrong amounts at the wrong time or, not paying something’s at all, or detouring projects, example Knytes Hall on main In Burley, which put us behind. then not paying a cable bill of 38.00 that would have enabled me to keep cable, ah the list goes on, but bottom line that didn’t work. The fact is nobody is going to administer funds for someone else like that of someone that has known that other person for a lifetime such as a family member. So here I am, but I have to trust in God that there is an answer here somewhere. In many cases and ways beyond my comprehension that answer is contained in the fellowship of my adopted sister Nancy, not only my adopted sister, but adopted by the Knytes.

But here’s where I’m at odds with some things here.

Here is a vast pond and I’m but one small fish in that pond. I’m looking for help, on a personal level and a spiritual level. So I go to this place called the River Fellowship. Thinking that I was making a connection, I start to relax a bit, then through some misunderstood and idiotic second hand communication one of Nancy’s close live in’s Leslie, goes online and rakes me over the fire. Of course Charlie gets wind of it, and I look like an idiot and created a problem that did not need to be created. While I was able to stabilize that problem still it caused a mess.

There’s are two sayings my Mom used that apply here, one is, “ if you can’t say anything good about another person , just shut up.” The other is, “ Its one thing to allow some people to think your ignorant, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt” , Jesus taught, Its not what goes in thy mouth that causes sickness its what comes out of it that causes pain, and strife.

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter and all the rest give ample ability to all too many to trash someone else, but its like the lady, who was a prostitute who came to Jesus seeking healing of her sins, all too many including Jesus’ apostles asked why heal her? Jesus replied, do not condemn this lady, as to all, to all who are without sin , cast the first stone. As the population was wanting to crucify the lady. In essence, if your thinking your all of that , best look in the mirror. The demon your condemning just might be that person staring back at you. When your looking to thinking your above all the rest , remember this parable as well, “ The bird that flys to high, usually ends up in a manure pile” God will create something in your life that will bring you down to earth and level your understanding. There is only one that is of a higher power and that is our savior Jesus Christ, NOT YOU!!

Then I get to thinking of Charlie. Charlie, yells and screams and gets pissed at everything, just like a Marine drill Instructor. Yet deep down Charlie has the compassion of even the most lofty of pastors and priests. Who else, only on the word, of just a friend of mine, gives the keys to a rollback toew truck and says go haul cars, without even knowing that person? Who takes over the financial stability of a person, on the basis of a friendship? Who does that? Nobody.

Consider the plight of the Jew who was beaten by the bandits and thieves , lying on the roadside, bones broken, bleeding , First the priest who you would think would stop and help, goes to the other side of the road, and passes the Jew, in disgust. Then came the Levite, who also passed by in disgust, yet here came the Samaritan who tended to the wounded man, took him to a inn, and gave money to the innkeeper to care for the man until that Samaritan could return. Think of Charlie as that good Samaritan. Sure Charlie and I have our out times, I don’t always agree with his methods, Charlie runs A1, I run Dixie, but that said, he could have thrown me to the coyotes, but he didn’t. Isn’t it too bad that all too many want to find fault rather than show some kindness like Charlie or Nancy does? More over I am so thankful for the members of the Knytes, including Rick, and all. Early this Friday morning, I awoke with another small clot in my leg, like I have on occasion. I thought I was on my way to the hospital, but I made a call to a club member close by, he shows, got some Goody’s in me, and into the tub, and now by later this morning I can at least walk, and by this afternoon should be okay. But I could be seeing my savior a bit sooner than I have planned if it were not for my bro’s.

But to all its faults, yes I think this area needs a real attitude and common sense adjustment, just what the Knytes, through HazzardAyre are working on every hour, still, there is good here.

Like I said, Ya’ll got to love it baby.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
He is poor who does not feel content.
--Japanese proverb
Philippians 3:20“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,”

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knyte scar KNYTESTAIL


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The things that make you wonder don’t it?

SSX3HazzardAyre PhooteNotes 1

Ever get into something or around something and then get to wonder? Why did I or why did they do that?

Now it’s not that I’m ungrateful or anything because I am, but considering how Big c and his wife are so thrilled about handling my finances I need to wonder, why’d they do that? If they don’t like me very much and just love to find fault, heck we could have done that at a distance, with me in burley and them here. Me in burley would’ve meant, cable tv, free internet, shop, and $140.00 left over each month, but at least I’d’ve had a shop still. But I’m here, trying hard as heck to piece together this radio station, and instead of getting support , I get, nah ya’ll can’t do that, and the subject at the Twin Falls area womens conference ya’ll know the one, where all the women in Twin Falls get together to gossip. Must’ve been fun cause it don’t matter none, whether it’s a date, or on air somebody, I don’t get lucky unless I get well outta Twin and either up IF way or out yonder in Pocatello, then I get a okay, but here no way, does make ya’ll wonder don’t it.

No problemo amigo, and while this is going to take time, about a year or so, done made the decision to start doing what needs to be done with finding quarters and all up IF way, or out near Pocatello, get the rides put together well enough to make the trip get a U-Haul trailer and get my fanny out of here. have the gal who managed SSI funds in Blackfoot do it again, but put me in a spot where I can live again.

Any way look to going out to the River to church, only because Nancy is.

As far as worshiping I can do that at home.

However this very well may be the last time I go out to the River to services.

Let you know after.

L8R Ya’ll

sign offKNYTES WINGS X 2
Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Psalm 19:1-2“[Psalm 19] For the director of music. A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”

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knyte scarKNYTESTAIL

SSX is back


Before I get it on here, going to say this to the lingering subjects of this past week or so.

The solution? As for the River Fellowship whatever it is, I ain’t going back there. Looking at this one place just down from A1 auto lot called Higher Ground Ministries, but outside of that, I’ll gather with my bros on Sundays do our church, as I have learned at the River trying to be friendly and open don’t get you anywhere. The place needs help, its beyond me so I put that in gods hands, and I am now moving on. To bad good things could have happened there, but now I know why Jared and Charlie don’t go there.

Okay, early this morning the club guys were sitting around, at coffee, the idea to roll out something for us on up on two wheels, with the southern touch. So the first thing that popped in mind was Rebel Ryder, sounds good but already done, so I thought what about our old buddy Southern Steele?

So we are to take it back out for a test drive.

Any mile, I love our sis Nancy and all, but I’m done wasting gas and effort going to the river and I’m thinking certain friends of mine are as well.

The River got too big for its britches, and it now has way too many holes in it to stay afloat long , we see, but not for me.

L8R Ya’ll

WOLFS LAIR SIG rebel cause

Quote of the Day:
I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Psalm 19:1-2“[Psalm 19] For the director of music. A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

I always love things that are spread 2nd and third hand

AYRELOG HEDDER TEMPLATEreaper crew journal phootenotes

I always love conversations that start as something overheard or misunderstood of what I said to someone then seems to spread faster than a fire through tumbleweed.

Somehow this started a week ago Thursday to go to a men's Bible study, I went, the person that invited me wasn’t there, someone else taught the lesson, and I expressed disappointment that the person that invited me wasn’t there, mostly cause I like fellowshipping with him. Okay so the lesson done, I go watch the River’ baseball game. When I said the team needed help, I was in short volunteering myself to help, no more no less.

So Saturday night came, I was dry and hot, invited this long hair to tea or coffee at the Depot, kind of a reaching out, as a extension of fellowship. During the conversation I repeatedly described me as the wolf in amongst the sheep. Hey its an image I have worked long and hard to make a household name and brand. Its in the spirit of AYREWOLF-(Airwolf) no more no less. The origin is I was branded that by a CO in the USMC aboard ship once, it stuck, used it as my call sign in the air. No more no less.

Somehow this high octane canine thing got repeated that I called my friend the wolf in amongst the sheep, really? I do not give up my title easy, why would I say someone else is the wolf in amongst the sheep.

It’s the same carpetbagging stuff Yankee’s said about Confederates years ago, about how southern plantation owners would abuse and torture their slaves, thing is these workers, not slaves but workers, helped plant crops, tend to crops and livestock and bring in the harvest. You do not beat your valuable assets.

Yet there are too many that will say otherwise as they do not know the facts.

In the Knytes there is a part of the club called The Honor Guard. Wen any member especially a founding members honor is at stake the person doing the defaming or dishonoring will be dealt with very seriously.

But I’m slightly getting off course.

My thing is I had a very long discussion with a Pastor, met with my dear little sis Nancy last night, over pizza, everything was put to sleep, I thought, yet it reared its ugly head again tonight.

Pastor Bryan told me to meet with the person involved and settle this dispute as it says to in the bible. However I will not do this at the church as it dishonors the church and God.

Now its not that this long hair Kenny does not know my phone number he has it, its not that big of a mystery to my phone number its written on the top of my fender on both sides of the truck, in fact the last 4 numbers of my phone number spell : W-O-L-F, is that too hard to figure out?

Do I think that all too many Yankee’s are misguided? Yes, did I take up the ministry and duty to get Yankee’s headed in the right direction, yes. Even so its not just one person.

So where this Don or whatever got off track I’ll never know. Like I told him, if I’m pissed at someone they’ll know it. I’ll be in their face. But saying something on a Sunday morning after services and then not sticking around to explain what the heck is going on, then catching crap from the Pastor over it, and on Sunday afternoon, when I have no dang Idea what the thing is,

would someone explain it to me, please?

Anyway, yes I still go to the River, Sunday nights. No more, no less. And not so much fellowshipping even at that, it don’t pay.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts - the less you know the hotter you get.
--Bertrand Russell
Psalm 19:1-2“[Psalm 19] For the director of music. A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”

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knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Knytes Code: God,Club,Unit, family. Everything else after that.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday’s over and I’m feeling a bit more uplifted


So I went out to meet with the Pastor, discussed things, and all that is missing is the one that feels offended.

Donny is supposed to call Nancy, since I don’t have his number, and discuss things, get it solved on a one on one basis as

it says to in the bible, although the only one I trust from the River fully is Nancy.

This is not saying everything is everything, what it does mean is, I go, worship, leave, and don’t do much so called fellowshipping, it don’t

pay to do so there.

The fact is though understand, I’m a Knyte first, River parishioner second. If you get in my face, don’t be surprised if we discuss it outside.

The traffic was heavy today, going over in a second or two to see Nancy and discuss that mess, I found a few more things on that Durango, that needs attention, but considering she’s planning a California trip next month, best get it gone through all the way.

I’ll talk about the California invasion on the show overnight, but I want to ask you, do you think that all these new move ins from California helped or hurt Idaho? I think its hurt our state. Instead of economic growth and a bit more progressive thought pattern, what has happened is , all those that moved in from California especially southern California brought their narcotics, their fears, and some of their gang activity. On the latter, fair warning, The Knytes protect southern Idaho, leave your stuff at the border.

Any way , long day.

See ya’ll on the radio.

sign off KNYTES WINGS X 2

Quote of the Day:
If you’re looking for friends when you need them…it’s too late.
--Mark Twain
Colossians 3:13“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

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knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL