Thursday, September 12, 2013

So its going to be one of those nights

So its going to be one of those nights. Where everything and anything going up, or needing to download ain't working for squat. Nothing new, welcome to the Internet.
You'd think that Google wouldn't have a hitch in its get along, but go to upload another entry here and get an error message saying trouble with connecting to remote server. Must be the fires near San Fran, messing things up. Or yes it could be SpeedConnect, but you'd think after so many years these software and outfits from Google through Blogger to FaceBook and the rest would get their acts together. Ah the dream of the days of Star Trek able computers. Any way hope to see you on air overnight.
L8R Ya'll

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

13 years is not enough to heal Remembering 9-11

RCJ HEDDERGood Morning

I’m not going to sugar coat this, or mix in much if any KOA 411.

Today marks the 12th year memorial of those who perished in a very chicken shit attack on NYC at 08:46 hours that day.

I remember it very fondly, I was on the phone with my nephew Tim, one of our network crew as well, on a landline my end , him on a cell. He was in one of those towers. I can remember the screams, the cries and panic over the phone I heard right before the line went dead.

Fortunately Tim lived and now resides with my cousin Robert Montgomery in South Carolina, but it was sheer bedlam there.

The firefighters, police, rescue workers, EMT’s , even toew truck operators. Of course our fellow Marines that did what they could. I noticed on my Facebook page only Marine supply houses giving honor to the day, everybody else just treating today as another day.

Whether you believe the attack was provoked by then President Bush, who I think could have launched a counter strike long before those big birds hit those towers. After all there was an Apache squadron in New Jersey, two mk82’s and many more would have lived, in an adage from a Star Trek movie by Spock, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. Sure the people on those aircraft would have died, they did anyway, a pre-emptive strike would have changed much. But it all unfolded. For days all news networks, from CNN to MSNBC flooded our TV’s and all with the reran a million times of that same Mack ladder truck with people running and screaming in terror. Of course, we all went to war shortly after, first we took care of the jerk in Iraq, (your welcome ) and then many years later Osama. But all of that will not bring back those who lost their lives, wives, husbands and loved ones. A plane near missing the Pentagon? How can that happen? There is a basement in that building that houses more eavesdropping equipment that can hear a grasshopper crossing an Arizona desert, how can it miss some big airline sized aircraft heading for the building? Your guess is as good as mine.

To that end, we are doing a day of silence at HazzardAyre Radio, the shop of HCC, and outside of mandatory emergency calls, Dixie Toewing remains at rest, to honor this day and all that were lost.

Today, take time to think for once just how good you have it right now, the same thing could happen again.

Until tomorrow.


Quote of the Day:
You are not what you own.
--Fugazi, American rock band
Psalm 121:1-2“A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

take time to prayUS & THEM

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My How Women hate their bluff to be called

aHazzardAyre Short hedderhh toew tymez hedder

If you were to type in the title to this entry, into the search bar of Google, or even Bing, you will not find anything. Seems guessing or for that matter pissing off the ladies is not something that either Microsoft or Google wants to do. After all, while men do use the Internet, the damn thing is has a majority of women using it. Seems searching for 411 on the dude their about to go out with is the new sport. At least for women. Brings up the question has our society gotten that bad? That women have to see if that hot looking guy they want to bed, is a cereal killer. I admit I kill cereal every day, especially Cheerios. Love those little o’s with a few strawberries, and canned milk, combined with regular milk. If I can tap the bulk tank in the barn I get the cream and milk together. I swear they should let the milk go just in its pure state. A little cream at the top is yum. Especially if you make homemade butter or ice cream with it. Ah the joys of a simpler time when guys liked gals, gals like guys, there was little of a blur between genders, you knew if she wore a bra and nylons it was a lady and boots and jeans was a guys domain. Today those lines are shaded at best.

Checked for times on SOA tonight, bars here close at 11:00PM so no SOA Premier for me tonight, but at least I’ll catch it via rerun, as well as via next week regular cable. The fellers at Cable One better, or that $212.00 will be cut in half.

Got a email from our sweet Paige, at least she’s scouting for us. While I dig this Mike guy co producing the pin up calendar and all, the club is a bit shakey on raking out $50k to someone they or I don’t know very well. Granted it’s a courtship of sorts, for the both of us, but if I was a producer, looking to make a grand impression to a client with a $100,000.00 paycheck, I’d have at least brought one or two filly’s with me to show off. It’s as bad as me bidding a full on $20k engine job, without having examples or bidding a $60k crop dusting contract without showing an aircraft. Your real business card is what you have to show, not just what noises you make. Mike seems like a cool guy and all, but there was just something about him, that gave me the Willies. The dude that came with Mike I could relate to. He built rides so we had common ground.

Not saying no there, but maybe with the right talent of 11 or 10 more gals we could get this shot and in the can. More over get the gals will be doing the TV ads and all for the shop, the toew service and of course the AyreWolvez/Knytes-of-Anarchy. But let me explore for a short lap, my impression of Paige and Mikes expression when I said to him that Paige was our main focus model.

When Paige walked in she flat took my breath away. She was not a tiny boned anorexic gal at all. But she looked hot. Her legs were just perfect and while can’t say they were nylons she did wear something that I figure is between nylons and tights, but they still looked good. She showed up in the dress of casting in other words she understood what we were doing, the look, and came in that style. The rose in the hair was a bit much, but overall, she had my vote. Many who have applied have been ones that have no leggy look, hey it a thing of Hazzard County image here, the more curved leg , the better.

Now Mike while impressed with the idea, of Paige, was a bit lackluster. It was oh well. I thought, in my mind how can you ignore the raven beauty? Well here look for yourself>Paige1Not super skinny and no size 4 , but healthy and real, which is something we’re trying to do here. Show that even a gal with a few pounds can look good. Hey I ain’t skinny, and outside of Dave in Utah, all of the club are a bit on the large side. Seems as if when we are discharged from the corps, we make up the food intake from what we didn’t get in service. Damn sailors ate most of the good stuff. By the time we hit the Mess, the beef, spuds and gravy were gone. Only leaving veggies and steamed chicken or something that you could not identify. If you get stuck on an Island in the south pacific which we did often, the supply ship, would come MAYBE every two weeks. Grub the the Solomon’s was Vienna sausage and Spam. or Spam and Vienna Sausage. Powdered spuds, and something that was supposed to look like milk gravy, never did though, but you could glue wing fabric with it if you needed to. So we get home and its chow down and that means adding pounds. So since we don’t look like GQ model guys we are not looking for GQ model gals with waists so skinny you can put one palm around her whole body. I want something to get ahold of. as well as the camera. Not plus sizes , but good healthy sizes. So then that’s what we’re doing here.

Now to bring this in for a landing,

It’s to be understood that while some of us in the club have experience here with this media, talent , video production thing, its not our chosen arena. I’d much rather be strafing a field, or spinning a wrench on a rat rod, or rolling out to a toew. But to get more of all of that I need promotion. Nothing gets a buyers eye better than eye candy with a ride, bird, or rod. Problem is in our grand area there’s not a big bunch of available agencies or the availability of talent. What there is has never been trained. If we can do both to have a ready talent pool to draw from it’ll make a huge difference. Considering that past the Pin Up Calendar gig, there’s the TV ads for the club and my operation, plus there’s the movie for the Radio network/station and all of that, its not a one shot see ya thing. As far as Mike is concerned, he’s cool and all, but no phone call or anything for a few days, might mean he’s getting cold feet or doesn’t care. While I’d like to have 6 more months, or better to produce at least for the toew truck calendar and all there’s two maybe 3 months left. The calendar after its shot will be printed by Photo Card Specialties, and distributed at toew and custom shows over next year. The AyreWolvez Warbird video and calendar will be distributed at airshows as well as at other related events. I understand that for many of these people models, Mike and others this promo project is not the most important thing in their day or week. We however are betting treasury money on the sales of the calendar etc for military hospitals and children’s hospitals. We need these people on board. And they need to get into the flow. If needed we’ll put it off until next year. But hopefully Paige and her friends will get in gear and see this as an important project worth their undivided time.

Until morning.


speak nothingAYREWOLVEZ LOGO

Quote of the Day:
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
--Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Isaiah 46:4“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

For those mentally challenged


Getting off the Tarmac here, got a reply from Richfield again, keep poking the fire. Says she’s joining the rodeo. She might not have roped any steers, but she knows how to throw the bull. Guess I wouldn’t be so upset about this as its just anther crazy broad that sniffed at the wolvez tail, but decided it wasn’t for her. That part I could have accepted okay, but those oh so sad emails when she couldn’t sleep, then to jump up our ass? Naw. There’s only one way to look at gals like her>1233627_511346112286166_736137473_nNo wonder her guy keeps his distance, hell I’d leave her and hide up near Arco somewhere , oh so so.

Women never like it when you call their teasing bluff either. Oh they’ll fluff all around you. In bars its so those sweet things can get more tips, the ones that are not working there, its anybody’s guess. Good ole kountry guys don’t stand a chance no how with any of those high upkeep gals, so we go home usually with the tubby ones. At least those ones are loyal.

But all women are dislodged in the brain. It wasn’t always that way and for years I depended on mine’s 6th sense when evaluating a prospective new hire or model.

But here lately so many of them are running solo, both by choice or by safety. Sometimes both. Ones that are so so sweet are usually dikes or a transsexual, Neither for me. Guess that’s why I stay single.

> Here’s a look at the ad going in the Slime News, for the bizz>for the yankee stupidhad to put the phone number on it for the yankee stupid.

Now if I could make the rest of my work so easy.

L8R Ya’ll

DXEWYNGSsign off

Quote of the Day:
A thing well said will be wit in all languages.
--John Dryden
Isaiah 46:4“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
hazzardayre tail 2 547749_216446155147829_2072865929_n

Like what are you bothering me for?


So go to check clubs email, and there she is the gal from Richfield. She says she don’t want us to bother her, yet she rings our bell.

By all fairness yes I sent a few of our last entries, but if that entry concerns someone, I send it to them so there is NO MISUNDERSTANDING. The last few concerned her so I sent them.

Of course too there were those nights when she emailed me about how her guy, was not paying attention to her and all. So to be sympathetic I tried to offer my views on the situation. Some times it’s a good idea to just quietly bow out and find cover.

Okay then that done. Shop is ours now. That’s right, what used to be Twin Falls Hot Rod Shop, will soon wear the banner Cooter’s Kustmz(customs) and of course Hazzard County Choppers. Home of Dixie(Highway Hooker) Toewing.

Tonight is the season premier of SOA, on FX. Don’t know why it has to show here at 11:00PM but it does, which means I’m going to have to watch the ep, in rerun, but as of next Tuesday the rest of the eps, will be on MY TV, Cable gets connected.

As I close, need to say, to the gal up north that says she wanted the job as a writer etc for the clubs publication, there is a new device, that’s been around for nearly a 100 years. It’s called the Telephone. Today the things are attached to ears, butts, even vaginas, seems as though some lady’s put em there on vibrate. You figure that one out on your own. Add to that, a drive down from up there, give a call, meet me at the Depot Grill that everybody can find, and lets talk. After last year I never bring someone to the Wolf’s Lair, or the shop, (which is kiddy corner to the Depot) on a first meet and greet. Safety for both of us, hey ya’ll never know what those women will do to ya’ll. Still though if its one of our Pin Up girls, she needs to send a pic, oh and if that were not enough, its not like our phone is hidden, or that we can’t be found on Facebook. I don’t think she really wants a job, just likes to tease to piss off her guy.

More L8R its food and snooze to watch SOA l8r.

Keep it tween the Ditches,

company bannerMY SIG{3}

Quote of the Day:
Wherever you are -- be there.
Isaiah 46:4“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar SWEET TAIL 2

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Edge of wetness


And so the day ends. The crickets are not as loud as they have been guess the critters are in staying warm as night time temps fall, heading into winter.

Got some good news today, a local body shop is willing to do the makeover on LexiBelle for only $3,000.00 not bad and much lower than I have gotten bids from elsewhere. Deal for the new shop is nearly done, and calendar girl pin up project in motion, so not too bad of a Monday as Monday didn’t start out very good. Mostly because of the hurtful words from that Raylene or whatever her name or aim was. The only scenario that I can piece together goes, that she works at a bar or something, some of her friends saw our pin up girl ad on CraigsList, she decides to play with that to begin a dialog with a strange guy to get her guy jealous which I suppose worked, he gets pissed , but they kiss and make up all ends well, at least for them. But how I got so pulled in by a complete stranger is beyond me. But at least it didn’t go any further so I guess that’s it. But what kind of person does that shit? And they say guys are cruel.

Kitchen sink still messed up but think Charles will have someone over in the morning, or at least Jenn will so I’m hitting the rack.

Going toewing is getting much closer. Also saw another used rig that at least the ass end is a Holmes, 1200 , was on a truck I knew of and ran by people I know so, might be worth the further investigation.

See ya’ll in the AM, on the AM.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
It's not how much you have that makes people look up to you, it's who you are.
--Elvis Presley, celebrity singer
Isaiah 46:4“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
a cooter ad SWEET TAIL 2

Lets move forward not keep looking bassackwards

aw phootenotes

I gotta say this before I get into my rant here, that its easier to get through rush hour traffic at I-15/215 in Salt Lake than it is to get through traffic going cross town in Twin Falls. The drivers here are getting dumber and dumber. Problem is if the cops crack down the population bitches to the City Council so cops are not giving traffic citations and motor vehicle enforcement as closer a look as maybe they ought to. Which leads me to the rant.

I checked the clubs Email account, and it seems all Yahoo wants to report on is stuff that was news yesterday, last week even last year. Rather than on the future. Seeing reruns of SNL or Tina Fey, come on there’s plenty of great new news out there.

If you go past that, Facebook is getting boring, all anyone wants to post is yesterdays garbage but what about reporting and posting on good things and progressive things today.

Much of this looking back trying to find a hidden meaning from yesterday for today I think is on the verge of yet another war being touted now between the U.S. and Syria. My Observation? Just shoot the idiot at the top, and let the damn nation reorganize and be done with it? Our youth does not care about news or politics any more, their thoughts are simply that what they think don’t matter any how, so their thought goes lets party hardy today for we may be dead tomorrow.

But rather than hover on the bad lets look at those firms and people with ambition and a can’t stop me attitudes. Then I look at such things as TRN giving radio networks a bitching out as the merger of Cumulus and Westwood goes forth. This is touted as killing independent radio. Really can’t prove it by us here at HazzardAyre. HazzardAyre while not the biggest player at the table has dealt the right cards and won at the game of syndicated radio for just over 7 years now. Even before that HazzardAyre’s parent Dixie Diesel Radio was knocking over the pins in the lane of those who said what we were doing could not be done , but we did it anyway and succeeded. In every category Dixie-Diesel and HazzardAyre has won every time slot, made more ad revenue, and commanded the airwaves over everything around us and even nationwide through extended syndication. Why because we saw a brighter day in the CSA(Confederate State-of-America) not the old ways of Republiocrats. We have taken the knowledge of several industries, put people behind the mic that are active in those industries, mainly OTR Trucking, Toewing and aviation, turned on the ON AIR light and said go at it.

While tenacious as it is, putting a male/female combo in the cab and cockpits of the radio shows has made it to where both genders have a point of view and can sound board it. Yet do we get Yahoo press? No, why, not enough greasing the palm of Yahoo, Google, and Facebook. Thing is all three would rather focus on yesterday on the ills of society, yet will not look at the positive side of someone or something doing it right today bound for tomorrow and the future.

Even our comic book friends, are being slammed together as being frenemies rather than cohorts and friends in the league of justice. And we’re okay with this? Come on.

Then I read about the little town of Avery Idaho, fighting to keep itself together, despite reductions of year round populations going from just under 1200 people to a mere 25. They might loose the race , but damn it they are trying and keep on keeping on. Same thing for many towns that dot the Pacific northwest. From Springfield in Eastern Idaho to Dixie just northeast of Boise. These towns are not giving up. You have to admire their tenacity. These are the kinds of stories Yahoo and Google News needs to report on, not who kicked Miley Cirus in the jaw, or George Zimmerman getting a fracking speeding ticket. Who cares that’s over FoX News, lets try reporting on the little towns yes even the little train that says yes I can. Lets not look back , but to the future.

Live long and prosper.

L8R Ya’ll

MY SIG{3} imagesCAUZLO4Z

Quote of the Day: anarchy brigs forth order
Titus 2:2“Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

hazzardayre tail 2