Friday, December 27, 2013

Somebody said I ought to live in Hollywood or at least Nashville

new hazzardayre coverAFTERBURNR

Just discovered a new font on my computer, called Nyla, is that short for nylons? Hmmm.

First before I get into the crux of my after burn, here I need to say this to Nurse GoodBody and a bunch of others, that are yapping I could just stay in Twin Falls. Or at least Idaho. To which I say, simply , WHY? For me there is nothing left. I on my own can’t afford a shop, office, and barely the hangar. Next I have seen or smelled up seriously close a woman in 7 years. The last even within sniffing range was Nurse GoodBody, >alasweet toews  as far as anything else I haven’t been even close. I’m tired of going to bed alone, waking up alone, and eating alone. I want a wife. You my dear went on your way, married someone else when you dumped the Aussie even after you promised me you would hook up to me if you and the Aussie were ever to split.

Then there is of course HazzardAyre. I’m flat determined although its been 5 years now in germination, but the HazzardAyre seed just wont grow here in the area of Twin Falls. It needs to be transplanted into much more fertile soil, that is Utah. So why say, well you could just stay, bullstuff for what? Even the rest of the club members say for me to get out of here, they weren’t to thrilled in me moving here in late 2006. Let alone everything we have been through. To date, just to get things or at least try to get things up and flowing over the air, no matter point of delivery, the Knytes , the AyreWolvez and the Montgomery Foundation have spent just a tad over $1,200,000.00 and we’re still at the starting gate. All the offices, fuel, meetings, auditions, time away from towing, flying and the rest and still no on air honeys. Not one gal to put on the sites cover, or any advertising for the club or the company, and here no real resources that will listen, that takes it serious. Yet some of those who didn’t are not doing all too well after ignoring the howl of this old wolf. Our Sex Talk host, Emme, gets put in jail, in Gooding for indecent exposure, and disorderly conduct. Two of the babes that signed up this past July, one is broke as can be, the other is having real trouble at home, I’m talking Joni and Mandy in order. Yea they did real good after ignoring the call of the Wyld. Maybe if they had stayed, helped build, we’d have something NOW making money.

Some have said your building where it can’t be built I say your right. They say this would be easier in Hollywood or Nashville, perhaps, but right now I can’t or couldn’t afford to live in either place. But I’d love to live in Hollywood. Maybe someday, but as the song says, Someday never comes. For right now my nose is directed to getting back into a metro area, like Salt Lake City or at least near SLC to build this operation. As far as the toewing thing, I’ve got my eyes on Evanston for toewing and Morgan for flying. But and there’s always a but, thing is I have ignored my equipment and I don’t see a ton and a half of anyone coming over to help with LexiBelle, nor have I ever found out who threw the brick into LexiBelle’s windshield, or stole my toew chains or my tag lights or my spare dollies. After all of that, and people wonder why I’m still here, or why I should want to stay? Naw I’m outta here. Go punish somebody else.

Simply put byte my penus.

Like I said, before too, at least I got laid>images (1)more in Mormon Utah than I ever got in restricted

Idaho. Question is how do they have all these unwed mothers here, if they wont even lay down for ye ole Wolf?

Hope Jenn calls my new property owner and we get this in gear so I can be outta here , by this time next month.

Keep it wings level

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
I haven't spoken to my mother-in-law for eighteen months—I don't like to interrupt her.
--Ken Dodd
Psalm 103:1-2“Of David. Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


KICKASS2just rambling on

Fronters and carpetbaggers , there is no difference

new hazzardayre coveraw phootenotes

There is no day that goes by that I don’t get at least one maybe two inquiries from people that want to work for and with us here in the club on HazzardAyre or some other part of the club.

As a rule, the club will not hire outside of the club unless really needed, such as the back end work on the website, on camera work for all visuals including but not limited to the website, TV ads, etc. Do you think we’re not going to put up the most flash we can to get folks to tune in? We’re going to spread ourselves all over, from NASCAR races, on FoX, to ads in EasyRiders. We’re going to be there, so that more of you will know to twist your dial setting to HazzardAyre on XM/Sirius as well as online. The rest of the time, I never ever have trouble unless we start hiring outside the membership. Then its just like going to the bar.

Here’s an example, okay? Anchors Bistro and Bar has this gal there going to school, for some sort of medical education, as limited as that is at the College of Southern Idaho. Which now with a new President might fire on its cylinders better, but only if they got rid of Mauhn. If they did that some new minds and possibilities might transpire. Any mile getting off target, so there at Anchors, I went in week after week after week. This sweet little thing from Provo, Utah, kept saying she’d be talent for the club, likewise the bar would have Anarchy Bikers night on Tuesday’s during the winter. In both cases both when their bluff was called refused guess what? No club members going in, a loss of 1000 customers and their families  locally now they’re starving for customers. Woody’s Bar here in Twin Falls was the same way, for something quite different. Several of our customers kept going in there wanting a brand of brew called Red Dog, still made just not sold west of the Rockies . We kept asking , no response. Finally pissed off I grabbed the little peanut brain who ran the place by his collar and said why did you keep telling us you could when you can’t? Response? To bait you to keep you coming in. Results, club boycotted the place, for nearly 10 years and mid year 2013 Woody’s went under. By the way the club is looking at Woody’s to reopen it as the Reaper.

Getting back on track, I get a bunch of people sniffing around at our projects that we hire for, yet when they find that we run the thing from the club house here, they don’t show or don’t call. On that, the radio werx is ran here in the Club house, simply because its easier for me since 90% of it is ran by me. It’s easier for me to roll out of bed, do something to the automation system if it goes caddywhompus, and get back on air rather than put my clothes on, drive all the way to the ground studio in Buhl, fix the problem, and drive back here. Second if there was enough of a staff that got serious to warrant getting an outside office/studio here in Twin Falls, we’d do it in a Yankee second, but I have yet to have anybody sign on long enough to make me want to stick out my neck a 4th time or anytime just to get it cut off. We did that in Gooding, we did that in Pocatello, and we tried to do that in Burley. Each time lots of money spent, no shows so we shut that down saved the money, and kept it all in house.

On the behest of the AyreWolvez, sure we have a hangar now out at the airport, but its cold out there, and until its needed a new one is not going to be built, but no heat except what's needed by some shop heaters, it’s colder than Boss Hoggs’ hug. What am I going o do conduct interviews for pin up girls there? First that’s even stranger. There’s all kinds of maybe could happen there. The club sits right next to a guy and gal, with pitbulls, and a very thin wall, if something obscure were to occur , serious yells would be heard, and authorities be summoned. Its safer to do business here.

Then there’s the money path. I can request , and the request is usually honored, but I can request all kinds of funds for projects, wages etc, but first the request goes to the district road captain, then it goes to the business advisor, then it goes to the President of the club in ChowChilla(The real Charming) California , then Kevin puts it on the table there, if approved, it goes to a national table, then and only then is a bank check issued. Even then it really depends on the project and how important it is. The process can take days, or weeks or months. It really depends. And usually it’s a factor of did anything prior get done, enough to sink our teeth into? The days of just going off like hen with its head cut off, is over. Too many things over the last 12 years have stopped that.

Whether its somebody building the website, somebody twisting the screws and such as resident or even distant engineer, at HazzardAyre, or someone Chiquita wanting to be a pin up, if your going to rattle the cage, be serious or don’t rattle. In short, put up , put out or shut up.

Our buddy Eli, was to call me overnight , but guess he got busy on air in San Fran, or maybe its family and the remnants of the holidays, wouldn’t have mattered anyhow, since I took some cold pills to try and get rid of this phlegm , put my phone on charge, and went to sleep, only reason I’m up now? Had to get up , change tapes, poke my finger for my sugar level, and do my bible reading. After which I plan on going back to sleep.

Building this on a slim budget and why, next time here on HazzardAyre.


Quote of the Day:
All men's misfortunes spring from their hatred of being alone.
--Jean de La Bruyère
Psalm 103:1-2“Of David. Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
club save  hazzardayre tail 2

Thursday, December 26, 2013

From my personal Notes

new hazzardayre coverAW AFTER NOTES

I wanted to throw this personal observance out there before I go snag a shower.

FYI, I got laid images (1)much more in Mormon Utah, than I ever have in so called Christian Idaho.

You figure it out.

L8R Ya’ll

club saveMY SIG{3}

a new joint tail

Don’t ignore open the DAMN DOOR

new hazzardayre coverstinky truth toew notes

There are weeks and days, that I wake up and wonder , did Zuckerburg have this much trouble with bringing together the skill sets to found Facebook? If so would Facebook have gone as viral as it did?

While I might not say that HazzardAyre is as mighty as Facebook, the fact that HazzardAyre can kick the but and re-establish Internet Radio such as Facebook re-established social media. Yet getting some people off their protective and safe complacency as well as rear ends is worse than trying to get a mule to pull a plow.

Thing is, I’ll get at least 5 responses from people looking to become part of the operation or reworking HazzardAyre to take us to the next level. Yet out of those 5 responses, on CraigsList which I’m no longer going to post in. Seems I get people offering me crap in response to the ad. I do not want to wrap my ride in plastic, nor do I want to do my own version of driving Miss old Lady. What I do need is people with skill sets that I don’t have and which the club is not bubbling over with. Yet try to get people out of their rocking chairs, and make a phone call, or even pay a visit, to the home plate right now for HazzardAyre, is like feeding a toddler Broccoli. Sure both know it’ll be good for both but they will not consume.

Granted having something coming up that’s going to flip Yankees on their ears is a nasty idea for many northern computer people, to wrap their heads around, but considering the way this nation is breaking apart maybe some southern intelligence and Confederate education is what the entire nation needs. Some argue, why preach southern ideals in the north. I reply with biblical thought. Jesus said, you don’t need to preach and teach to those already saved, they know the way to go, its those that are still heavy in heart and the sinners that need to be taught.

We of the south already know, yankees don’t, that’s why we are here, but seems , getting this off the Launchpad, is becoming trying. What do I need to do, hop in my Subaru-aka The General Jackson>gen jaxsonand go traipsing up to Portland and beat on the door of Abacast? It’s like so many that say send them money first, bullsbreath we been there done that, all we got out of that was a promise and ah so sorry. What I and the club now say, is build the back end lets try it, if it works, you got cash in your pocket. That damn simple, basically said, you build the damn thing send us a bill.  It’s like some people doing mechanics chores. Myself, if a customer comes in says this is broke, fix it. I schedule it in, do the work, let the customer test it, then after agree to what the work is worth , I get paid all are happy. I have yet to require a forking deposit, before I do anything. Out of 30 years I have yet to get ripped, and maybe that’s why the REAL, off TV, Hazzard County Garage and all our subsidiaries still are in business, busting tail and not taking no backseat to anybody.

Then I got this email from seatcover, who wanted to be a pin up for the club. I responded to her. You know it went directly to a smartphone of some sort so she could say I’ll be over. If not just say, something out of courtesy, like looked over what your doing it ain’t for me sorry but I’m not interested after all. Not that I take a damn applicant on pin up girls and such any more for serious anymore. Much of me being behind the 8-ball, is that, I believed these people, ah we’ll be there, we’ll do this. As far as the house meeting, we have went over that, but shit can’t the call and say , hey I’ll meet you at the mall, or McDonalds etc, have coffee and talk. No, they don’t do anything. Which makes me want to say to those that send stuff out to me that says, ah I really want this job, etc, better they not bother me or the club,if they really ain’t wanting to do the job.

This is one of the reasons we are heading to Utah, mainly metro Utah, where one call to a few agencies, gets the talent, booked paid for, and ready to be on the website, on the warbirds, on the TV, on our ads. Not this long drawn out soap opera, of people that don’t do nothing except say yea I’ll do this or that then don’t.

HazzardAyre is about to be to Internet, satellite and independent radio, what Facebook is to social internet. We’ll go beyond Iheartradio, Panda, and others, HazzardAyre will be the ones all others copy but will not be to duplicate, just might take us a bit longer to get there. Just hoping Eli and Matt and a couple of others will get off their sixes, and lets get coding.

Just because something new comes up and is revolutionary or radical, don’t ignore, open the door, it might just be for you, and be the next Facebook needing you.

L8R Ya’ll

PAPPYS SIG aHazzardAyre Short hedder

Quote of the Day:
Life is an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
--Carl Sandburg
Luke 2:28-32“Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.””

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