Sunday, December 29, 2013

I may be thee: Highway Hooker , but I don’t do cold.

HAZZARDAYRE TAG 1stinky truth toew notes

Thank you for a great show last night without ya’ll I could never do it.

Every night I squeeze myself into this truck seat, turn on this console and jump inside your radio. As your trucking and toewing loads and toews, we are together, but are we completely together? Many of you will say yes, but do not just blindly follow me, or the Knytes and our pitches of southern independence. Go to the Southern Liberty Store, and buy the recordings of the lectures and study materials. Then pray about it, you’ll start seeing things from a much different place.

Okay then, pop promotion. This is a place where the club and HazzardAyre has lost ground, if it even was there in the first place. The reason I bring this up and why we must start shaking a tree, besides the relocation of HazzardAyre’s HQ, from Twin Falls to Ogden, we also have two events coming up on us. There’s some choices, but one is not even been extended to us, and that is from KMVT and AgriAction. Granted it’s a great farm show, AyreWolf Aviation has wanted a booth there for many years, but the last time we got involved, there was a big , I mean BIG , Latham emergency as they called it, $2,500.00 was paid, never refunded. And the fuss has made it to where that’s not a battlefield we need to be in. Be that as it may be. The Boise Roadster Show, the Utah AutoRama, and the Utah, Business-to-Business Expo, will come late February, early March. While I haven’t heard of a member going taking a rig, bike or rod there, still if we were to have a table or booth there at one or two of these, spotlighting HazzardAyre, it could generate some contacts and that means money. So we really need to go find a honey or two, do up some good still photos, and get em on giveaways, like , mousepads, cups etc. Anything with the name on em. We might even get a calendar done, if we get this shot and out to PCS . Of course, while not an exhibitor still as an attendee , I think it’d be sharp for myself and one other wing person to go with, to Vegas to NAB, this year. Sometimes you can talk some vendors in delivering a product or two to test.

Any way just wanted to roll this out this morning, thanx again for supporting the club and me by tuning into HazzardAyre.

After I catch some sleep, I’ll get into some other serious thoughts. Be looking for that around 15:00(3:00PM) MST.

Until then truck em easy.


Quote of the Day:
There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
--George Santayana
John 14:1-3“[Jesus Comforts His Disciples] “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

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Saturday, December 28, 2013


No longer holding my head, just worshiping porcelain.

new hazzardayre coverhazzardayre overknyte

As I get ready to fyre up the box tonight to venture forth on this excursion that could easily be called Coast to Coast FM, but formally HazzardAyre, I am once happy the studio, is here in the house. Since last night , my brain has drained where its not as tender although anything too stressful I’m avoiding. But the chili I bought has long since become sewage going somewhere. Since about 18:00 hours, nothing stays down but hey the show must go on.

I’m now reflecting of what happened all last night. Funny still never got my wick wet, but hey its Tweaker Flatts and western Idaho. After all the gals don’t want their pastors and Bishops to know they were out partying of Friday.

The fashion trend that we keep fighting for is about 70% on, and less off. But the off part is what we’re trying to cure. Its not so much a thing of sexual alluring, its more about fashion class and self esteem. The very first, thing I notice always when I first enter a bar or similar establishment outside of corner dives, is how many gals are wearing skirts, or at least nylons under their pants. The fact that some gal took the time to go to the trouble of wearing stockings means she cares about her stuff, is proud of her curves and not ashamed of it. It’s a known fact the wearing of stockings or hosiery is for us male corpuscles. It wasn’t that way years ago. Pantyhose was worn for fashion sense yes, but Pantyhose was also a way most women could suck in all those extra pounds, and veins,. Today, spanx and such does that, even these phytness body suits. Makes you wonder how much of a bad surprise it is when he gets her home and she pulls all of that off, that it all plops out like biscuit dough from that Pillsbury roll. At least with stockings even pantyhose at least access to what we all like to begin with, can be gained through a pair of small scissors and removal of that cotton panel.

The next thing I noticed from last night was all the empty lines that all too many guys were barking out. Have you ever noticed that in just about any bar the hottest gals in there are the ones working there? From the gal mixing drinks to the servers, the real take em home and play, is the employees. Which is a near mission impossible, since they have heard every come on line and every invite lie out there. Not saying it can’t happen, but basically speaking its so rare, that it borders a press conference when it does. It’s like taking home a gal from a skin bar, or bikini club, getting one of those hotties to go home with you rates up there with winning the lottery. Slim and none.

Was looking over the ideas of the designs for the new studios in Ogden for HazzardAyre. We already have a good mixer, broadcast mic although a powered one would be good, two cassette decks etc , and our cd players. But for aesthetics sake and just my own nostalgia, I’d like to have one of those old of course inside rebuilt, but I’d like to have an old GATES console. Rotary pots, lever switches , and those two big black boxed mounted right on the front VU meters. That warm glow late at nite on air can creates some real voodoo magic. Add to that, two racks, of Carts, and a vertical stacked three slot ITC Cart machine. Not only are these old skool tools great for quick items like intros, noises and bits, but they just look great on video, which HazzardAyre will be . As far as the fidelity that’s somewhat in the sky, but I love those old rigs. Add to that two big TEAC or SCULLY reel to reel open deck tape units, and that’s my studio. So I’m doing a bunch of EBay and other searches. When most big stations went computer and digital, most stations threw that stuff out, for those that didn’t and have some of this in a storage shed somewhere, I’d love to get a hold of it. Then of course and even tonight it’d be a gift and in a way I might just do that. But the only automation I want in this studio, and on our station is the pipeline importing Dixie Broadcasting. Past that the rest of the time I don’t want automation. I want someone at least preferably two in the studio live 24/7/365. A guy and a gal, broken up as 4 six hour shifts, 3 not including me and one gal rolling the highways and skyways overnight with me. That was one of the things that we demand at HazzardAyre, to get back to what made true real radio. I caught a thing in Radio Ink, the other day, about how there is a real decline to the quality of radio. Local radio. It’s a morning rush, afternoon if your lucky news hour, evening rush or drive. The rest of the time the studio is empty and just a satellite program being piped in. Real true all the time LIVE radio is nearly gone. The goal of HazzardAyre even though online as well in two years over the air, is to have LIVE people at all times in that studio. That way even if it is a 4 hour time difference between us and the east coast etc, no matter the time factor, if Joe Smoke in a rig at a truck stop in Portland Maine or Portland Oregon, if he emails, or calls in for a song request, he’ll get it. Not a no answer or voice mail saying call back tomorrow. Since the automated show is the only one playing. The personality gone home, and that trucker really is pissed thinking they really don’t care about me. I am one of a dwindling few that remembers, Charley Douglas, Dave Nemo, Bill Mack, the Truckin Bozo, and others. They kept their listeners there, because they were LIVE. At least for the first 4 hours of their 8 hour radio runs overnight, then it was just recorded and a rebroadcast of the first 4 hours. The idea of a 24/7/365 OTR truckers radio show is to warn of accidents , in climate weather etc. Entertain and inform, that was the goal. When our parent organization bought the remnants of both the Interstate Radio Network, and Utah’s JOC Radio, the foundation was and remains so to be the voice of the trucker, more over as it is today the Confederate Independent Truckers. Everyone it seems has went satellite, or such, FCC sheepskins are harder to come by. But the idea is to make sure that no trucker is left in the cold. No biker, ignored, no pilot flying deaf, and well, you get the idea, that’s the goal of HazzardAyre/Dixie-Diesel, Radio.

Any mile need to get off here and get ready to gain the altitudes of the airwaves, see ya’ll on the radio.


Quote of the Day:
School is a drill for the battle of life. If you fail in the drill you will fail in the battle.
--Karl G. Maeser
Matthew 11:28““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

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Don’t bother me today I’m holding my head


Well here it is Saturday. I went out Friday night to nurse my troubles, via liquid, mostly polished off three fill bottles of Jack, with a few Yeager’'shots, and a few something in it Jello shots.

I got bad news and recovered yesterday, which is a good and while our sweet Laura, from Comcast is going to scream, hope not I have confidence in her to take care of us. Seemed the guy who was going to rent me the duplex, there in Sunset backed out, as he did not want a musician and a tow trucker to move in there. So I scrambled, got us an office in Ogden on Lincoln Street there, and will get with Laura on the particulars After the holidays are over and I can get down there to secure everything. Plus I’m waiting to get our security deposit back from the guy in Sunset. Guess the asshole situation is not just an Idaho problem, assholes are in Utah as well. Plus with a name like Jorgensen two bits he’s LDS and that just means trouble. By having just the office down there that will house HazzardAyre Radio and all, means its there, I can still for a month or two extra reside here in Tweaker Flatts, and get my op ready to transport. Plus it keeps Charlie happy. So all works out. There’s a outfit there in Ogden that helps Veterans find and secure low cost housing that’s on a sliding scale that matches our monthly pay grade. That means not as much but still quality.

So In that vein I’m in Idaho, HazzardAyre moves to Ogden as planned, and both the club and Charlie is happy with the arrangement. It still means me personally will be moving the end of January or so, but at least the radio gig can move before then and all get back on air and online.

With that in mind, I took my phone and put it in vibrate mode. Took my landline put it in noise low mode. Took some Goody’s headache powders, and am planning on catching some sleep for about 4 hours up to air time.

But here’s something for you to keep in thought too, I noticed that albeit just barely, but I can get my YouTube to load and play but can’t get my HULU to work very good without constant reloading.

Caught on my YouTube some chap, by the screen name of LordHelm, who did an amalgamation of the music of Airwolf our’ and my name sake. It is fantastic. But here’s the end pole. There was a bunch who left comments in the comment box. It went something to the idea of why doesn’t Hollywood do a remake movie of Airwolf? The answers are clear the cost is beyond that which the Hollywood bean counter want to spend right now. The fact there are just if not more AirWolf fans out there than there is Dukes fans, begging for a remake Hollywood just not have that level of writing or creative juice anymore. This all happened because of the writers strike of 2008, which Hollywood has yet to fully recover from, and the fact indy writers and producers do not get the fan vibe. Their eye’s sadly to say again is just on the bank account rather than what fans want. Plus there are not that many Bell 222’s around anymore, and last the only one going into a mach plus for real build is the one the AyreWolvez are currently working on.

So to Eli and all who needed to reach me, Sunday would be better, as for today I’m in the Don’t bother me, I’m holding my head.

L8R Ya’ll

aHazzardAyre Short hedderCLUB M,E

Quote of the Day:
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
--Elbert Green Hubbard
Matthew 11:28““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

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AIRWOLF Soundtrack Score Suite (Sylvester Levay)

Friday, December 27, 2013

TV and movies we forget, and those stars


There are movies we remember even TV some of remember, but seldom are the stars that only appear in the background or are just starting their careers.

The first one of these is Karen Valentine, who played in an old TV show that came from Love American Style, on ABC, It was called room 222. Thing is Karen’s legs were every bit as hot might even rival Daisy , Dukes. Then there is the all star cast of the part of our clubs namesake. The Hollywood Knights. Never did figure out and still don’t know why they never made a sequel to that film, or at least a remake. But if you look on most of the leading role stars bio’s you wont find the film. Michelle Pfeiffer, Tony Danza, Robert Wuhl, Fran Dreshler, and so on, and who could forget Popular Hot Rodding’s Project X. Yes the 57 Pro Streeter.

Of course there was our main heart focus the Dukes. Tara Ride , was one of many walk on actors that never got billboard credit , and at the time she was barely 7 maybe 8 years old, but was on there none the less. Then there was that gal who played Tabatha on Bewitched, of who my 3rd cousin Elizabeth Montgomery starred on. Tabatha, was also on the Dukes although well grown up by Dukes time.

There’s a bunch of those behind the scenes that never got credit either. We didn’t care, since we were just honored to be part of it all. Everybody who worked on the Dukes, not just stars and leading roles, but us who turned the wrenches building stunt rides and all, we walked the streets of Hazzard and loved doing so.

My friend and fellow broadcaster, Dave Nemo, put up a thing remembering the old tv variety shows for kids, mine was obviously the Mickey Mouse Club. I wasn’t very old, maybe 7 , I got put on that show as a Mousekateer. You know the major stars that were Mousekateers, Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon, Shelly Fabre's (I think that’s how you spell her name) even Brittney Spears and Jessica Simpson, were also Mousekateers. Uncle Walt as he liked to be called, gave us more attention than many deserved. But on and off set on company property ediquite was always to be followed. Me? Well I got the hots for the gal who played Snow White on that ride, so I got booted. Hey I wanted some of that kind of sugar.

How many old stars and shows can you remember and when they first appeared. Oh and later shortly after the Dukes, did you know Kathy Bach our Daisy Duke, also played on Airwolf? Do you remember Boss Hogg, played the preacher in the Japanese jungle on BlackSheep Squadron? And did you make the connection when Boss Hoggs nephew, that was shipping counterfeit money in boxes of Grits, also went on to be Commander Riker on Star Trek Next Generation?

Any myle my hands and fingers are getting cramps. More L8R on.

Keep it tween the Ditches?

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Quote of the Day:
Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity.
--Dr. E. Land
Psalm 103:1-2“Of David. Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”

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Okay lets get down to some Hazzard Vital Statistics, So how come its always the General Lee?

new hazzardayre coverHNN LOGO 2

Did you notice that the voice behind Darth Vader and the liners of CNN is now doing Sprint commercials? Should have stuck with doing promos for DOH, there, huh?

Now here’s my opening for today. First its colder than you can believe this morning here in Hazzard. At 19 degrees at 07:45 hours, burr. Doug Iverson over at KPVI says it’ll be sunny, but still chill. Means I gott a meander up to fetch milk. Wish the city would let me have a cow out back, be much easier. Ya’ll get more milk that way, plus get your hands warm all at the same time.

In the years that have gone by, and really with all due respect, shit I owned one and might again here shortly, but not taking away from the General Lee, but damn it, why is it always that dang 69 Dodge? I mean I’d like to see more of Cooter’s Tow Truck up there. After all if it were not for Cooter’s Tow truck>cooters other truck  The old General and a bunch of Hazzard County’s Sheriffs office cars would still be in the bodies of water surrounding Hazzard. In real life , it’s Cooter’s Tow truck>Lexi in greenmine out here pulling just about everyone out of snow drifts and the comedian strip. It was about the 2nd day of the Salt Lake City AutoRama, in 1981 where Bro and I took our version of the General to that show. Our version looked more authentic and thus garnered much more of the attention than the car the studio brought. In fact the car the studio brought had a big dent in the passenger side door, and no engine. But about the 2nd night I realized that neither I nor Bro looked any where near to Bo or Luke, but I did bare a frightening resemblance to Cooter>my twin<Cooter, Me>howdy which to me was a compliment, and since we both ran a small town garage, Ben(Cooter) on TV and me in real life, and with the shop of both carrying the name the Hazzard County Garage with Gy Waldron’s blessing , I thought maybe not so much leaning on ye old General and more on the real hero of Hazzard County, Cooter’s Toew Truck>BLACK MYST the rest of the story most of ya’ll who are real fans know the difference and know the real inside story there.

Now true there is Daisy’ Jeep>481699_10151124963871818_1413012991_n (1) and Roscoe’s patrol car, along with Boss Hogg’s Caddy, but overall the rig coming to the rescue was in fact not the General Lee, but Cooter’s Hooker aka toew truck.

Remember to mark your calendar for the 5th of Janewary , for the all day Dukes Marathon, the Knytes will have a day long party at Anchors here in Twin Falls, to celebrate the return. Get your tickets here on the site, or call 208-806-0263 for deets.

Any way going to snag some sleep for a few hours. Great show last night, we got one in, and hope to grind out another tonight. Thanks for all who called in. Now for this last bit of remembrance, it was on this day that Uncle Jessie lost his battle with COPD and Cancer.

L8R Ya’ll

PAPPYS SIG aHazzardAyre Short hedder

Quote of the Day:
Pessimist: One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both.
--Oscar Fingall O’Flahertie Wills Wilde
Psalm 103:1-2“Of David. Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”

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