Saturday, April 12, 2014

AIRWOLF Soundtrack Score Suite (Sylvester Levay)

Dixie's Land (HD)

Only thing missing is a cam inside the studio


The only thing missing right now outside of a ton of dollars, is a camcorder or at least a web cam. Our tech guru says we need video, which I don’t mind except, now when I get on the air I have to have pants on, after all many of you do not need or want to see me in the studio on air in my BVD’s.

How long we keep this up right now depends on money, and how much longer I can stretch Comcast out. It’s not that I didn’t have money to pay the bill at the top of the month, problem is the General JaXson>gen jaxsonblew through $500.00 like a egg through a hen. So with that means if we are to stay going now, I need about $300.00 that I don’t see, right now so I might be down for a few weeks, but by June we’ll be flowing again, with some system and equipment improvements. I’m going to look into Degis to see if what they have will work if so we’ll be up by mid to early May.

Then of course is the staffing problem. There is several things that enter in here. Until we get into the new place studio/office everything's running out of the Reapers RoadHouse here. Meaning where I sleep. Its better now that I have my bedroom off of the kitchen so accessibility is easier, but still outside of club members that I KNOW WELL, having strangers especially if it happened to be a gal would get me arrested at worst and even embareassed at least. However to have this running 24/7/365, I need and I hate to say this, but I need to find a way to automate the thing, so in the 12 hours I sleep and do business, more over have to run toews , a switch or something that can run by itself for a few hours.

But I’m encouraged. Of course there’s all those online, especially on Facebook that say they’ll support something we’re doing like HazzardAyre Radio, but unless they are tuned in> or how do they know we are here? More over how do they know to tune in. But the thing and I’ve seen it both ways. someone starts something up all say they’ll like it, and all, but ask for money, they will adios you in less time than it task Roscoe’s dog Flash to buckle his seatbelt.

So hope you liked yesterday’s edition and this mornings edition of HazzardAyre Radio.


my cooter sigAYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.
--Benjamin Disraeli
Luke 9:23-24“Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.”

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knyte scar

site coverpleasent view tail

Friday, April 11, 2014

Finally there, just needs video and some tweaking


It’s taken this long, for the last 12 years and a tremendous amount of stress, but finally with our Lake Tahoe engineer, HazzardAyre is finally on the air. Albeit through streaming and nothing to look at YET, but we are there.

If your curious, just log onto and ya’ll can tune into the power of Hazzard County, beaming over the web bringing the south to the north, Southern Fried Radio in the Mountain West, we are HazzardAyre.


AYRE TAGmy cooter sig

Quote of the Day:
A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
--Samuel Goldwyn
1 Peter 2:24““He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.””

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pleasent view tail site cover

Friday, January 31, 2014

Yahoo sezz oops, best go reset your PW


Not to be an alarmist or anything, but it is reported that Yahoo, email accounts were hacked overnight. Millions of accounts, passwords and sensitive information compromised. If you have a Yahoo email account, best head over there and reset your password.

Yahoo says it will notify you if your account was hacked. Bullshit, don’t wait. My Hotmail account was hacked two years ago and Microshit has yet to remedy the situation.

While this can happen to anybody, to make sure your 411 on Yahoo is secure or at least as secure as possible, head over to your Yahoo account and change your PW.


Pappy's Lawg Hedderayretag1

Quote of the Day:
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
--John Calvin Coolidge
Psalm 86:5“You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.”

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The Award for the most compassionate and understanding community leader is:

a good hazzardayreA GENERAL GOOD MORNING

Every day or sometimes every other day, I hear from somebody, how can you be associated with Charlie, that he’s this or that, so let me clue in the mass’s and some that ought to be damn thankful he is who he is.

When I hear people cussing and complaining about how bad a boss, or how low the wages are or such at A1, I always, tell them be glad you have a damn job at all. I have seen Charlie help people , give them not only a second but a third, 4th and even 6th chance . I have seen him give housing, uniforms, bail em out of jail, and quite often turn lives around.

Granted it takes allot to get used to Charlie’s gruff, demeanor sometimes, but Charlie is running a very competitive business in an equally competitive and cut throat market. It only takes a fraction of a millisecond for a piece of the equipment to kill or mame someone, so yes his grilling may seem mean, but its to keep someone alive. But I have often seen seen Charlie throw a $20.00 here and there to keep his people happy and extremely well fed.

I met Charlie through a club member. I knew of A1 through news of a dispute Charlie had with the Idaho State Police, but I was still game to writing the book of towing solo. My company is known both bad as well as good throughout 3 mountain west states. Dixie Toewing soon to be Dixie Wolf Toewing has carved out most if not all the innovations in towing’s importance in trucking and motoring circles. That said, I knew little when it came to running a rollback. Outside of one crook I worked for in SLC , my experience in anything other than a tow truck, was lacking. But what did Charlie do? First day I went to the yard, Charlie needed someone to ferry scrap cars to a salvage yard , but Charlie throws me the keys and says have at it. Charlie and I have been friends ever since. Now yes Charlie’s ex decided to repo a favorite car of mine, and I was tiffed for a time, still am a little, so I struck out on my own, to Burley. Based on a lie of a certain motel taxi company owner in Burley, who got his in the end, but I resided in Burley. Even so Charlie treated me as his Cassia county contact. Everything east of the county line in Murtaugh I’d get, everything west A1 took, and there were times we worked together, such as a whole mess of cars and trucks about two acres worth near Burley. A full crew, and even I made $100.00 out of it.

On a humanitarian side, when I was having the damnest of a time getting anybody I mean ANYBODY to be a government required payee, after the little chickadee in Blackfoot failed to meet the challenge, she needs to stick to karaoke , any mile it was Charlie that stepped up, gave me a decent home, and while me and his other half have had our disagreements, mostly on the pin up girl stuff, still Charlie and I get along fine.

Which makes it hard to leave all of this in a month. But life evolves. The resources I need to make a success of life and get off the SSI payroll, are in Utah, not Idaho. The aviation company AyreWolf Aviation, the radio werx for the club, and ultimately raising Dixie Wolf Toewing to its proper level.

Just before Christmas this year the powers that be, met at O'Leary Junior High here in Twin Falls, to have a press briefing. City leaders said it was a city council meeting, naw it was a show and tell for those wanting to jump the canyon here again.

Many of the big TV outfits were here. I mentioned to this gal from CH-7 out of Boise a Stephanie Zeppelin that a story on Charlie would be good. See Stephanie had done this one bit on those who help others, Charlie really is one who steps up. Never heard from her since, but if there was ever an award for the ultimate Humanitarian, or Community Hero, it is Charlie Legg , of A1 Towing And Repair Twin Falls Idaho. Someone I’m proud to call my friend.



Quote of the Day:
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
--John Calvin Coolidge
Psalm 86:5“You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.”

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Pride over brains perhaps, but it’s the Confederate way

a good hazzardayreSCROLL COVER HEDDER

Then there is Mountain Home and the web trolls. Of course there is that little bikini bar bouncer that looks like Rumplestilskin from Pocatello.

Of those and that is the filthy 10 , that would like to see me and the club, split entirely, that have no idea that their back biting is what’s holding the deal up. When new landlords do a web search they find these individuals bullshit and all it does is hinder the relocate. But too I’m getting my hair on end. Of those and a few others that would love to see us fail, why not dig in and make it a success? Success is after all the best form of revenge and just validation of the fact that their pitty assed infantile mudslinging is just that. They can’t help it, and if do start ascending to new altitudes all they want to do is tear it down. Now just as then, my big question is why? None of them have ever , ever ,ever been able to step up like grown ups and say why. Who did we thump that caused all of this bitterness? I’d truly like to know. If memory serves me well, I don’t remember beating anybody up in Glenn’s Ferry. In fact if I do remember I spent a hellova lit of money there, a certain tire store, Over $5,000.00 on tires I spent there> Anybody want to dispute that I have the invoices and cleared checks to prove it. A, fuel stop that easily saw $500.00 a month from me and the club, that accused me of retail theft in the end there, can you imagine that, me? The lady that ran the main food store there knew all too well there was money behind me, as she knew from the phone on many occasions as she talked with my cuzzin Bud, but again why.

Of course there was the incident with Wolf-Pup, that by the highway was bought in Glenn’s Ferry, they quickly found out my claims on a cash stash wasn’t BS. There was the young gal on the fucking pogo stick, that would not shut up balling and crying over no school supplies. Instead of help, should have just said fuck you , shut the fuck up I’m trying to sleep. Oh yes the Glenn's Ferry Airport. True we pitched to fix it up at our expense, but because a certain city council member got tiffed after the lady who leased us the shop there found the city council member storing equipment without paying for it. Who was the freeloader? Then there were the challenges of up front get in the face rumble. Nobody ever showed up, neither in Glenn’s Ferry, nor Mountain Home. Who was the ones who really chickened out? Its like we used to see on ye old CB, behind a mic in some secluded place they are mighty. Faced up front, close and personal, its some little dog turd nerd somewhere that couldn’t blow his nose without instructions.

My talk this weekend at the table is going to go something like this. Sure I want to leave here as much as many want us to go. But , why not show these people up. Succeed , put up the station in full power mode, after all we have the tower and so on, why not? Do up the Reaper Club, finish with Eli’s help the website, get that going flowing. And finally since we own the old analog channel 35 on TV , let’s build the station. In other words do what we set out to do, not chicken out and run like a scared poodle but show teeth like the Wolvez we are. If that don’t fix the ratchetjaws from MHI and that whackadoodle in Pocatello, just remember the motel owner in Burley, that ran a taxi service, he poked the Wolf, a few times too many. We’ll let it go at that.

More after 21:00


AYREHEAD SIG1much better patch

Quote of the Day:
When it is a question of money, everyone is of the same religion.
--Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire, 18th-century French author, wit and philosopher
Ephesians 4:2“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

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