Friday, April 18, 2014

For the unbelievers who think prayers are not answered


I hate jinxing anything by speaking way too soon, but its looking better now. Perhaps there is a good reason, God put the burr under my six to get me here to Utah, perhaps not.

Consider that on the horizon there is the sheer possibility that my government funds in a few months and that includes the DOD funds for HazzardAyre will not have to go through a handler. This could mean I could finally cut the cord of having to take up residency in Utah, Idaho, or southwest Wyoming to be closer to the who that cuts checks.

This Monday while many are stuffing themselves with Easter feed, The Knytes will be laying to rest one of our own. Someone that was not taken in the line of duty, or battle or doing everything he wanted. But an idiot that decided she needed the left lane more than Doug did. Doug and I go way too far back to not be teary eyed. Doug and I first met in Mr. Bowman’s Davis Junior High band class. We formed our own garage band, we made music and the need to get our music heard drove me into radio. Environment changed, I and parents moved to Idaho, but Doug and I stayed in contact. When the idea of putting together a mini bike and I mean mini bike MC, came around it was Douggy, that became one of the founders of what was called the Baja Boys. In time the Young Rode Eagles and so it went all the way into the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Doug went into full military service with the Coast Guard at first as a SAR Helo pilot, then in time reupped into the Marines doing SAR work. Even when I had to exit the Marines due to medical Douggy stayed in. We’d talk daily on Skype, and mil phone. Douggy came home just before I started moving down here, any way, but it does make you think when your best friend gets it , and its out of sheer idiot. They yap about artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is all some of these folks in Utah metro driving, since they have no recognition of real intelligence when they get in a SUV.

So we have to find a new bean counter, get him approved by DOD, to handle federal monies, then bills get paid, hopefully Comcast amongst others will keep our candles lit, for another two weeks. It’ll get paid none the less, but me being able to do that direct is a good move in the right direction and the folks here at WMS say that can be done.

Then of course being able to start seeing HazzardAyre see daylight as well as airstreaming is a move in the right direction as well. Could this have been done in Tweaker Flatts last October? Perhaps but EBRO and I were just at the infancy then.

I have only one big thing weighing on my shoulders right now, and internet, HazzardAyre or not come the first of the month, I’m in Idaho retrieving LexiBelle,>Lexi in green as I’ll be damned if I’ll loose her.

Now to bring this in for a landing. The reason I shut down now at midnight is my Mexicali neighbors upstairs, bitches that the noise decibel level is a bit high. So I shut down, but make this a fact I am looking for a cheap place to put all of this.

It’s my birthday week from Sunday, I have only two birthday wishes, one I get to see female flesh, for once, in 20 years, and two, someone to roll into the RoadHouse here and make me a good Grilled cheese sandwich. I can’t make those no matter how much I try.


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Quote of the Day:
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust
--Samuel Johnson
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

I want a $10.00 consultation fee


Today is like any other day, even with a swapped out number courtesy of Xfinity, still, I am getting people calling me wanting to sell me something.

First its credit cards. Don’t the screening call centers read RADIO in the title of our firm? Don’t they read Knytes-of-Anarchy in the handle on Yahoo, and realize its an MC not a person? So they send me stuff and mine my numbers and call. For that 15 to 30 minutes the yap at me I want a $10.00 consultation fee. Want to take my time and jaw on my ear? Fine, chew on my ear, but give me $10.00 in the process.

Okay some decisions were made at the tri monthly High Council Summit of the Knytes, the big agreement was that this move to Utah was one big ass’d mistake that has cost us more money than you could imagine.

In the agreement situation we all came to the mindset of finding office for studio, finish the radio works, then me move back to say the Powers or Evergreen until I can get Idaho Power and a few things fixed.

It was agreed that the idiot at PPC Real Estate, was in fact a carpet bagger. Said he had places in our price range, but has since not said anything,. Much less done anything. Want to sell property or rent it in Ogden, DO NOT GO to PPC.

The only good things that have happened is the radio gig online, and the break from Charlie. Past that all I have went through has been a effort in futility. The Club is not to happy about it, Metro SLC, Tooele, etc might have been a better choice, but let’s face it, even there the public aid services would have been just as bad for me. As for the club, dealing with people that hear MC, and think deep money, yet find out big money only comes in spurts, and until we get to really churning here our money is to a slow trickle.

In the AM got a meet with a guy from that Digis outfit, first I hope Matt brings an extra $10.00 for my consultation fee, and 2nd hope he has answers. The reason we are talking to them, is our office studios going in , in Buhl and American Falls respectively.
End of this loop/ ? Utah was a very big mistake, cost big money, but before I up and split going to go see what I move into, but outside of Laura, and Ebro, the rest of these hooligans that we have dealt with is just plain wrong. Heard yesterday that if I’m patient, in 7 months I can have this form written out to SSI, that says I’m better able to handle my own stuff. Meaning no longer having to be tied to Idaho nor Utah, This means places like southern Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, even Lake Tahoe California.

But any more when these telemarketers call, I’m going to demand that they send me $10.00 .


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Quote of the Day:
We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
--Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1 Corinthians 1:18“[Christ Crucified Is God’s Power and Wisdom] For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Is there any place in America where there still is ANY Intelligence left?

stinky truth toew notes

I’d really like to know is there any place left in America where the gray matter of human brain still flows? Or did it all get stored by some Government agency and what’s left is absolute not just stupid, but brains running on stripped timing chains. It’s obvious that to work at Government agencies that smart is not a job requirement, infact compassion and intelligence are discouraged. Go to work, answer the questions on the data card next to the phone, hang up, and forget. To hell with the fact that now that person is going to get a reaming since you Mr. or Mrs. Government agency not too smart person has to wade through junk. But its only the half of it.

Local food and drug  store chain here of the Kroger family called Smith’s , calls me on the phone, new phone number. Says my prescription was ready. Groovy, So I go up there, show the new paperwork, from Medicaid all that shit, in the end I was declined. Thing is THEY CALLED ME. How the hell did Smiths know my new number, two how did they know I needed new meds, and if it wasn’t ready or my paperwork completed why bother me? Really? And this is what we call intelligence? If It is, it’s a very serious indictment of America’s educational system. Just part of what we’re getting to roll out to you this evening, on HazzardAyre.

Is there a secret code, that causes women that are around other women to all of a sudden if a guy gets in view to get bitchy? Case in point, inside a local watering hole here, bar gal treating me okay, yet here came someone I don’t know, wanting to wait on me, pretty soon the two were getting really bitchy. Before that nobody was talking to anyone that I was getting into called silent solitude.

In short I asked the LCSW today that was intaking me, that I mentioned to her, that did shoe ever notice that somebody with a Harley does not park at the offices of mental health doctors,. The response of the gal was a very blank stare. I had just told this gal, something she never had contemplated. Any mile we will see all at 04:00 Hours in the morning, decided to take tonight off as ye ole Wolf has intake with a she wolf prospect.


my cooter sig 

Quote of the Day:
You can tell the character of every man when you see how he receives praise.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca
Romans 13:8“[Love Fulfills the Law] Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.”

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Sometimes you drive and enjoy the Caddy, but can only afford the VW.


There are times in life when you get to test drive the Caddy, enjoy the Caddy even on a short term own on payments the Caddy, but then the econ environment changes and you find you can only afford to drive and own the VW. Sure its not as fancy, you have to roll the windows down instead of push a button, but hey it gets there.

This is the conditions that we find ourselves in here at HazzardAyre. The vision was from the bottom of the 12th inning(December 2013) of 2013 that we saw a great mirage on the horizon. We saw that mirage in Utah, a super fast super clean IT system, and at the time while not affordable , still manageable Internet service, in Comcast business. So I call the gal Laura, who worked with us well, got us set for a hook up. However the three places we were aiming at bowed out, not wanting the noise and all of a radio station in their building.

During this time Charlie’s better half at A1 only paid minimum payments to Idaho Power. In short the end of January meant move or live in the cold and dark. So we tried, but the new RoadHouse was not ready, so we extended everything out and began the move during the late part of February. Now here’s the problems, first weather, 4 in nearly a row snow and blizzard level storms meant nothing moved. Next car dies, thinking we could get by, did a jerry rig fix, and it ran, so loaded up. Got here , but bam there went the charging system, and tranny linkage. So car goes into shop, at the first of April. If this wasn’t bad enough, the clutch on Wolf-Pup goes out. Fortunately I fixed that myself, but $500.00 was the parts. Well that made paying Comcast or anybody else nearly impossible. But thinking that the club could take care of that called Comcast asking for extensions to the 15th that’s tomorrow. However the DOD amongst others dispenses that money through a chain of command, mainly a treasurer , namely Doug, who as we have reported died in a vehicle accident. This means no funds for two weeks. Just at the time we finally have albeit slow, but lift off of HazzardAyre Radio.

Normally I’d let it go, work it up to full payment and reignite. Thing is if the account closes it’s the back payment and a deposit to turn it back on. The real problem, we don’t have an immediate person to plug in as Treasurer , so getting any money from the Feds is nearly a mission impossible. So that said, no phone and a very limited time on internet. If HazzardAyre is to stay on air and all this move and all is going to be worth it at least for me, I need money in here pronto. You might ask why didn’t we have this problem in Idaho? Simple, as bad as it was I was able to do odd jobs at odd times for Charlie and A1 Towing up there,. That meant a $20.00 here, A $50.00 there, meant I could pay bills, outside of my monthly Government money, plus the club could inject money because Doug could cut a check, Doug is dead, LexiBelle is still in Idaho needing payment to get it out same goes for the General JaXson, Subaru.

So Gotta swallow a big one, get in touch with Digis and get something like I had with SpeedConnect in here,. Something I can afford, but stiff enough to keep us on air. All of which means all the work Laura at Comcast, myself the club, and Ebro is for not, as its going to die unless Comcast extends us out another two weeks, puts our phone back into gear, and I get lucky. Or HazzardAyre goes silent until I get in touch with Digis, and get something that is affordable. Meaning once down, no more Comcast.

Goin on air at 23:00 stay tuned.


Quote of the Day:
WAIT! Nature calls!
(in the middle of a ping-pong game)
1 Corinthians 15:1, 3-4“[The Resurrection of Christ] Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”

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Living Dead TV is TV between 2:00 AM and 5:00AM

HAZZARDAYRE TAG 1eyes on america

Depending on where your at right now, TV after 2:00AM the last of the late movie around 3:00AM after that try to find something good to watch besides news. Oh sure there’s FoX and Friends on the Fox News Channel, problem is those short skirted, long legged gals on there just give me a small stiffy. There’s some more Family Guy, that baby that looks like a football with legs creeps me out, American Dad is a joke, even the title is lame. What somebody didn’t have enuff time in a day and came up with a filler? So then we go over to the Disney Channel, that has axed most of if not all their good newly made episodes of good shows. Its all maxed out, so what does Disney do? Run episodes of very old shows. If they can’t do better there, how about running reruns of classic Mickey Mouse cartoons, Suite Life On Deck is absolutely a show written by someone on some very serious controlled substances, outside of that every dang episode of every show that’s been on Disney for 5 years or so I have on video tape, from Tinkerbelle , to Radio Rebel, that could be made into a weekly series. Then there are those hit series that Disney had going, Good Luck Charlie was a good series, corky, but good none the less. Why did it get killed. GLC writers wrote in an episode showing the kids meeting a same gender couple in the neighborhood, Disney censors blew a fart and the series ended. There is no reason Wizards of Waverly Place should have been axed, they could have carried that out until college years or until Alex graduated(Selena Gomez) , but no they axed it way too soon, debate is all over but theory says it was due to Selena wanting more money and justifiably so. Selena was the only real talent there, except for Debbie Ryan (JESSIE-Radio Rebel) , who I see doing great things very soon. Confederate Steele is looking at casting her in a series we are doing to air on Tahoe Network Television. Speaking of which with it all, I’d move to lake Tahoe CA, if EBRO could find an office etc for HazzardAyre, a house for me and a shop for HCC/Cooter’s Toewing. Different subject for a different time. HazzardAyre TV will be on Tahoe Network Television ,  with many visual as well as our three times a day runs of HazzardAyre Radio evenings, Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio overnight an Highway Hooker Radio afternoons. HazzardAyre and Tahoe Network Television changing the channel of Television one show at a time, just like HazzardAyre is changing minds of ignorant yankees, into confederate intelligence, one dumb carpetbagger at a time.

HazzardAyre/Tahoe Network Television, the cure for the Living dead TV from 2:00 AM to 5:00AM.


aHazzardAyre Short hedder my cooter sig

Quote of the Day:
The real trap of fame is its irresistibility.
--Ingrid Bengis
1 Corinthians 15:1, 3-4“[The Resurrection of Christ] Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Living the dream is not as easy as it would seem, or is that seam?


The dream is, but its hard to keep the dream from turning into cream and just steaming away.

For the years gone by of sweat, travel, recruiting help, which is less and less of that human resource, and all is not the simple, gig that many would think. Just getting and quite by luck a full broadcast console has been an ongoing search that culminated in mid January, this year but began in 1978. Right after I got LexiBelle, that now is still in Idaho awaiting payment to Dan and the ability to go up and fetch, which is going in mid May, LexiBelle will not go the way of the General Lee of mine.

That said, many bark, what about this club of yours? Understand 80% of the Knytes members with any authority or ability are currently deployed in Marine and Navy aviation duties in places I can’t talk about, which is is the main reason that we have feverishly been working on a streaming station so those that need to, as well as our members not able to zero in on AFRN, can hear HazzardAyre, mainly those club members deployed. Hey Marines, are into things Hazzard County, and remember, Luke Duke was depicted as a freshly discharged Marine.  Things so many forget.

Then there are all those pre production duties, the ad sales to keep the candles lit, the onsite engineering duties. Granted our friend in Lake Tahoe does a great job, he’s the reason we’re on air, and don’t think he wont be compensated for the effort, as soon as we can get our own full site up and HazzardAyre generating the support money. Of course as for me, Club duty is one thing, my survival duty is another. Sometime during every day, I need to do those things that keeps AyreWolf Aviation in the Air, Hazzard County Choppers and Cooter’s A1 Toewing on the road. Then there is my responsibility to myself, doing wash, cleaning house, and of course simple things like fetching grub for the RoadHouse here.

Then there is the need to breed. Do ya’ll realize that the last time, I had anything or anyone seriously tending to my mating rituals was in 2002 when I was living yonder in Layton? Oh there’s been some very short lived attempts but in all reality, Herman hasn’t seen any action, in fact most days, Herman is like Gomer Pyle, small with a look of a frightened turtle, barely rising to the need to pee. Past that Herman has shrunk. Its not that he got smaller, just looks at the world most days and asks, what’s the use?

Thing is, lets look at the last 5 years quickly and most of ya’ll know this, but it was move to Wyoming, on the wings of HazzardAyre, that went sour with Tammy, I followed her back into Idaho, she left after getting busted for nose candy use, I stayed, meandered all over Idaho trying to get this into a place to stream, finally rent rates fell enough in Utah to where I could move back, here I am, and bound and determined to unfold it all and make it all a success. Including and it is partly now that HazzardAyre can be heard online. But could I get some help here guys and gals of the club, I can’t do it all myself as I used to. This month, I turn the double nickel. just a tadd over a half century on this third rock from the sun, I’m getting older. Most days outside of the radio and toew gig, all I want to do is watch DirecTV. Mostly METV with all those old quality TV shows. I get nervous of going to the store for grub and milk. These idiots get in their rides turn on the key, turn off their brain’s and somebody like our member Doug found out the hard way, and don’t look for people on bikes. Doug paid the ultimate road warrior price, his family shattered, his community without a fighting soldier, and us as a club without one of our original founding members. As soon as I find out the Deets on Doug’s funeral I’ll let you know, but I have to stand up infront of many of you, and deliver a eulogy on someone that I thought would outlive me. Was Doug in the wrong? Perhaps, no helmet, riding in black on a 4 lane street at night. But could people use that damn mirror, to look out for the lights on their side? Roll down the window, turn down my radio show, and listen for those growling pipes, look out for motorcycles.

Yes its great to partly great to be finally be living the dream, hearing me online on the air again, thanks to Ebro in Lake Tahoe California, dang he’s close to Charming, CA, and ya’ll know what happened there and the hallowed ground of the formation. But while its great to be living the dream streaming, its not as easy as it would seem, or is that seam, right up the back of her legs.


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Quote of the Day:
Patience is the companion of wisdom.
Romans 3:23-24“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

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Living the dream, well almost

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Well here we are in luscious lushuss Ogden Utah. And while it ain’t bad, been other places not as good or worse. To me it just seems like an extension of Twin Falls, only that Tweaker Flatts is 204 miles away.

But I can say we reached a milestone on the streaming, this is something that I have been waiting nearly 13 years for. Now need to meld it inside a site of our own, so that all you need to do is jump on your computer or cyber platform, and hammer in, , and we’ll be belting out tunes and grooves via HazzardAyre Radio. But at least I can see we got this far. So our rider pal and engineer, finish up with the building of the formal site of OURS, okay bro?

But overall, knowing although its there, few of you are going there. I ran all night previous night into 4:00 AM Saturday morning. All the time, the counter only measured one viewer and it was me, checking on the success of the signal being delivered.

My only worry is finding $300.00 or so this week to keep the fyre lit, or it’ll shut down until just after the first of the month. Hey can’t pay everything, and most importantly LexiBelle is going to be retrieved. She ain’t going the fate of the General Lee in Pocatello. If that shitting Subaru gets scrapped so what? They can’t anyway since Charlie holds the paper on it, legally, Charlie owns the car, so legally he’s responsible. But that’s the least of my thoughts this morning.

As Doug Bennington, a Knytes member died, on Harrison here in Ogden prior to the lightning storm. Doug was attempting to change lanes and got sideswiped. Doug was pronounced dead at MakayDee Hospital. I went up to recover the bike, his called SpyderLace, is only barely recognizable at this hour, the scene is not one that I want to imagine, but the stains of blood and all tell the story. Doug and I met back in Junior high school, for a few years , he was like my shadow. Doug joined the Air Force about the time I joined the Marines. We often would meet on joint flyte training missions. Doug played Guitar, I did drums, along with a kid named Don Adams, and we had a small garage band, which led me more into producing tapes of our practice and concert sessions, which led me further into radio.

Doug leave 4 kids and a wife behind, any memorial funds should be sent to the club.

I’ll let you know when the funeral is.

For that reason, I’m not going to be on air until about 15:00 , but I’ll be there.


AYRE TAG  my cooter sig

Quote of the Day:
The bananas were like that when I got here!
--Humpty Dumpty
Romans 3:23-24“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

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