Here it is a week until my birthday, normally by this time of year the ac is running pretty much on full , full time. Not this year. This year it’s the damn heater. Cold as heck nights, and early morning and wearing a heavy wool hoodie evenings. And it looks like its going to rain, here in the valley and snow near our home base near Woodruff. For the US, Government tree huggers, if there is a case of global warming I have news for them. Its more like global freezing. We’re burning off the stratosphere, and its not sun warmth streaming through its spacial cold . For those same tree huggers, that love to kill the way we live to save a spotted owl, or some damn bug that I’ve been exterminating for years all of a sudden I can’t because to some global protection society that sucked the penus of a Congressman I can’t kill, because it might effect some eco system.
Farmers, ranchers, even some city folk are tired of it. Zeb Bell a good friend and associate of mine said it best , might as well go get a cave somewhere, build a nature approved heating source since an open camp fire might be construed as open burning by the BLM so can’t have a camp fire, no eating smores since it’s a home made food, so I’ll have to send the mule into Bridge or Malta for food, oh and don’t think that the area that the Knytes was looking at years ago to build our MCAC town that all too many thought I was nuts to look at, is populating. Don’t believe it go look from the hole in the road that used to be Strevelle. There’s houses out there.
Ok , that all said.
I had every intention last night into early morning to be on air . Thing is last night was the viewing for Douggy, so as a matter of memorial we as a club decided to have a night of silence. This will happen once in awhile. Thing many do not absorb, is this radio show is produced by and for bikers, discharged and currently serving military mainly Navy and Marines aviators, as well as long haul truckers and the toewing profession who have a southern heritage. As such when one of ours exits life due to service or accident, this radio station will honor that individual in some way beit a night of silence or a day of memory.
So that’s why HazzardAyre was not on air overnight.
Last, the operating effort here is going full steam, with the help of EBRO in Tahoe we’re streaming, but still looking at having that under our own domain. Last here on the 3rd of May , we’ll be off air as we transition from Comcast to Digis. Digis is willing to give us cyber space air time in exchange for ads, which is something Comcast is not or has not been willing to do or even negotiate on. So be aware of that and take note.
All I ask of the Great White Spirit and Kahless is , please warm it up, I’m tired of freezing.
On a personal note. And I need to share with you this.
I awoke with the need of feed as well as a very bad memory dream of life in Burley. As bad and as messed up as Utah is in its beaurocriety there is the memory of those nights in September of 2012. When due to the bitch in Blackfoot that was managing funds I had to conserve serious cash to pull myself out of some really bad money troubles, so I resided in the shop. I remember stepping on mice, at night as I put on shoes to go to the head. No real food storage that again the mice couldn’t get at. The list goes on. Not saying that couldn’t happen again but its not something I want to repeat. As it is now, even with Mexican kids stampeding over the top of me, still I have a good place to sleep. Washer/Dryer, in short very much better than I used to be. So it could be worse. So when your thinking of how bad it could be, think it could be worse. The cave idea of Zeb’s still though is not a bad idea.
Quote of the Day:
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--Fuzzel Fish Administration Page
1 Corinthians 15:20-22“But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”
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