Friday, June 20, 2014

Just what is in that Wisconsin Cheese Soup at Dee’s?

HAZZARDAYRE COVERcolonels journal

Just what is in that Wisconsin Cheese Soup at Dee’s restaurants in Utah?

One of the good parts of my day, is hauling down to our neighborhood Dee’s here in Ogden and eating a bowl , a BIG BOWL of that Wisconsin Cheese soup. Priced at only $4.00 and an Iced tea that’s refillable you can get out of there for $7.00 . Which is good, but even better is that soup.

I have searched online to find that recipe, but have been unable to locate.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

more on the show starting tonight at 11:00PM(23:00 Hours) on see ya’ll




Quote of the Day:
The happiest couples are those who spell "us" with a capital "you."
--Klare Provine
Mark 8:36“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Women blowing farts


A woman blowing farts through her pantyhose>8b5d11bcda9296873d9f5ce0ffe440b0now that I have your undivided attention lets get on with this mornings breefs. daily breefs

I got a call through this mornings test run of the show, on air. That dealt with the fact I’m now leaning on more AyreWolf than Cooter’s. More on the lines of leaning more on flyte than Hazzard. To which I said on air and will say now, the Title of the radio gig is HazzardAyre. Which means, Sometimes its Hazzard, sometimes its AyreWolf which means flying.

What we do is more of a Dukes-of-Hazzard confederate gearheads show, combined with a Warbird radio show. Unlike, which unless you subscribe to the dang thing all you get is a bunch of computer code, and nothing else. No audio, and certainly not radio.

With that in mind, and hope ya’ll have a grip on things, for me the gift of the ability to fly, beit fixed winged or helicopter, military fighting aircraft is one of the most interesting subjects one can embark on. It’s not just the aircraft although that’s included on our shows, but the battles, the air aces, and history of battles fought in the air.

Likewise support aircraft from AWAXES to rescue Helicopters, is ones of legends. From our military there is so much, from all branches of service, right down to incendiary services like the U.S. Coast Guard, that gets little fan fare, but let a pilot, or a sailor get into trouble and it’s a helicopter going to the rescue. And why shouldn’t these aviators be recognized for what they do? We do that here.

So one week or even one month we’ll do things for and of Hazzard as well as confederate military and southern heritage along with confederate gearhead subjects, then in another week we’ll do things more on the Ayre part rather than so much on the Hazzard County or Hazzard part.

So I hope that clears that up.

On the subject of ClubMajor>CLUB MAJOR POSTERI am still working with the Wolvez High Council on location. With the high cost of Karen’ here in Ogden the High Council, thinks and I do to, that it would take pouring one hell of a lot of suds, and food, to justify $953,000.00 That’s just too much. It’s more of a legacy sale meant to satisfy some grandchildren and a niece, rather than a workable sale of a business location to feed and drink. So we are looking all over from Tremonton, to Salt Lake City for a suitable, lower cost , and sustainable location.

Last but not least, that so called CraigsList teaser Sarah never did show up here. I’m beginning to think that anything from CraigsList is a waste or not to be believed. Most are frauds or near frauds. If you buy a product from there its most likely not what its claimed to be. Example? My roomy, he sees our ad for a roommate. He calls, moves here , but ultimately turns into a dud. Second; a week ago this gal from Pocatello calls and sets up a meet and greet, with previously telling me she’s really serious. Gets here, again turns into a dud. Waste of my time. Third that Sarah, again nothing. The only ads on CraigsList that you can trust is ours since ours are honest. Not a Ponzi scheme, or a false claim ad.

That’s why when it comes to talent recruiting more over talent placement, my mind and the clubs minds are set on one, Talent Management Group of Salt Lake City/Murray Utah. Vickie and her crew are super to work with, the one gal who sat in with us on our first audition was good in that she was easy to talk to and was knowledgeable.

Any flyte, need some ZZ’s, so see ya’ll on the radio at 13:00 Hours.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
The happiest couples are those who spell "us" with a capital "you."
--Klare Provine
Mark 8:36“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

The Day after

HAZZARDAYRE BLUEScolonels journal

It’s finally quiet here in the Wolvez Lair, only sounds are the coffee pot, and an air fan in the background.

There are people who can live with others, and ones who can’t. I’m one of the latter. I tried to house a roommate to help with the money crunch and although it did, its only slightly. Not enough to absorb abuse either verbally or physically.

Tuesday I told my roomy that his living here was not going to work as had no respect for authority. Something he had a gripe about in minor line in a blog entry, I had made, but I mention all kinds of people in my writing and they don’t bitch. In fact one my neighbor Dave shrugs it off, we, drink beers go over the latest news and blues, hell Dave even barbequed some hamburgers earlier preve eve. So that said gave my roomy until the 1st of the month, to be out of here, and so that ends that chapter.

On respecting authority, I guess I learned that at a very early age. Right or wrong , Dad’s word was law in our house. The alternative was living on the street. Following that in the UCSMC I learned my CO’s word was law. you did as you were told or suffered. Those without a military background don’t get it. You learn to honor and respect the person putting a roof over your head, and giving you a place to sleep. There are alternatives, and if you bite the hand providing room, and bed, too many times your on the street and living on the street. So the door is locked and entry will be allowed only when I’m here, and even that will be limited. My landlord offered my roomy a place two doors down, but there seems a need to sniff it out first. But he has a place to go, so my advice, I’d be getting my can there pronto cause this door is closed.

I drank way too many barley pops preve eve, so I’m a bit dizzy, but my roomy don’t live here no more after the 1st of July, and dig this; LexiBelle is repaired. More on that in the morning, and will see ya’ll on the radio on HazzardAyre at 13:00 hours.


rebel sigwolf in the ayre

Quote of the Day:
No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.
--Leonardo da Vinci
Mark 8:36“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
sweet ayre

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Facebook is a funny creature


Facebook is a funny creature. First though some informational background.

One of the most important question to ask yourself when using Facebook, is how many Facebook friends do you really know? How many are your real friends, and how many are there to be frenemies? Some Facebook friends are the kind of frenemies, that are kinda cyber cops, patrolling Facebook and so on, to see just who you are, what your doing and if you’re a threat to some government agency or something else. Like trademark fuzz looking to see if you copied somebody’s something. I got yapped at once for that, even though ours wasn’t a copy at all, but our own original design. Subject for another place.

So then you’ll get this notice from Facebook saying something like , here are people you may know. Bullshit, if I knew them, they’d already be on my friends list. If they ain’t there now its because they turned out to be carpetbaggers of some sort, and I blocked them.

I have been whittling down a lot of so called people on my friends list on Facebook. The same criteria I stated back this time last year holds, if your not a sworn in Knyte, if your not a sworn in Ayrewolvez member, or someone I damn well know in real life not cyber space, or someone I’m really doing business with, you ain’t getting on my Facebook friends list. Aside from that and even it’s a big IF, but if its some gal that somehow crawled under the skin of ye old Wolf here. Of course there’s the flip side.

Facebook says add friends. If you add too many friends the little schemers in Palo Alto, shut you down, for a few weeks. So my way of thinking, if I don’t know you, you ain’t on my Facebook friends list and damn it Facebook, quit asking me if these are people I may know. If I did they’d already be on my Facebook page.

Now then, saw in the news that Facebook’s servers shut down in many parts of the world overnight, As far away as India, China, Japan, England, Germany and Australia. I thought the one thing Zuckerburg was most concerned about was that these systems didn’t go into meltdown status. Guess everything goes screwy once in awhile don’t it?

Naw Facebook is truly a strange creature, just wish they’d quit asking me to add people that I don’t know or just may know, cause I don’t know them or else they’d already be added to my Friends list.

Heard too that Comcast is trying out a thing back east of limiting residential customers to only so much space online, and if you go over that they’ll charge you more money. Hmmm, on a related note my associate that I gave a short time here then out of the Lair, holds the thing to the cable TV, no big deal since I can have it hooked up under my name come the first week in July, but I’m going to sniff around and see if since the thing is already on here, if the account for the address of the Wolf’s Lair here can be rolled over from my associates name, to mine? Let you know Thursday night.

Remember club meeting at Dee’s here in Ogden Saturday, 5:00PM, Wolvez will meet at Denny’s out by Flying J Sunday eve at 7:00PM.

Until L8R

col tatttitle shot tv

Quote of the Day:
If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you will find an excuse.
Ephesians 5:25-26“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
sbt2 pleasent view tail

Sorry, but wont be on air until Monday


As you know yesterday was a bad, very bad day for this old Wolf. First there was a blow out with one of my associates. He is no longer with the company. Nor residing here at the Lair. Second was the fact I left talking with a good friend, to be on station for the arrival of a Sarah somebody who I’m beginning to think is just another CraigsList teaser. Then some components in the control console went sour, not to mean we can’t fix it, but it’ll take a few days, what with parts ordering.

Now then this means no show until early Tuesday July 1st.

On the subject of this Sarah person she’s got one more chance, no contact and one more no show it’ll be adios sister and that’ll be it.

The news blog here will continue, but we are just needing a short hiatus until we can bring to flight status the gear here, so that we can soar the altitudes with you that you deserve here on HazzardAyre Radio.

See you on the radio July 1st, and here between now and then.


sign offKNYTES WINGS X 2

Quote of the Day:
If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you will find an excuse.
Ephesians 5:25-26“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

946734_10200757185752132_1261886901_n hazzardayre business card

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Welcome mat being pulled up and the door is getting shut


So I get up this morning and you know who was in a crotchety mood, so that started off the day , after a serious conversation it was determined that hey dude as of the first of the month, your outta here.

So then get the notice from that Sarah that says she’s interested in the pin up/cover girl gig, says she’ll be here round 1900 , its now 20:00 hots, guess that is just another somebody just kicking tires, only thing is for her that’s a lost $2,000 a month, she ain’t getting. I’d rather spend it with TMG.

So then go next door talk to Dave get a boost for grub and Skoal , so my life isn’t all that bad.

Sure the loss of $200.00 and me having to pay for my own cable TV is a bitch, but hey, saving the same $200.00 or so on a office/studio space it evens out.

Any mile, see ya’ll at 03:00 on the radio, I just wish this Sarah that I haven’t even seen a pic of yet, would show, or just say, she ain’t interested, as my patience level is really thin.


col tatttitle shot tv

Quote of the Day:
In this world, it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
--Henry Ward Beecher
Ephesians 6:4“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


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And yet not one local station aired anything about it

HAZZARDAYRE COVERmorning phootenotes

Must be in the local culture of not memorializing an icon. After all no body wants to dig on an idol, that’s only for the Mormon Church’s President.

That said, although such syndicated programs like Entertainment Tonight, not one local TV station did anything on their newscasts , even Park City TV, didn’t udder one note, about the departure from mortal coil, a radio icon, that being Casey Kasem. Besides being and creating AT40, he was on Scooby Doo, and I can’t count how many TV series from the Simpsons, to Family Guy, Casey did voice overs for.

People wonder why there is a need and why HazzardAyre is growing despite many trying to bury it. Its things like this, that HazzardAyre will report on, when the others dare not to tread. With the old adage of How well can you tread water?

With meds in belly, and silence in the Lair being golden,


col tatttitle shot tv

Quote of the Day:
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
--Elbert Green Hubbard
Ephesians 6:4“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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