Friday, July 25, 2014

BankofCardiff is a complete fraud

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Every day I see many firms trying to extend credit to us  here at HazzardAyre. .

I Have yet to quite figure out why. We’re not exactly flowing in a grand if that cash flow, but we’re doing better than many. Reason is we watch for the most part our expenses, make only the expenditures we need to, and account accordingly. There is not one damn thing we owe anything on, but that’s getting us off of our vector here.

I got this credit offer in the mail, just like a pre approved credit card, only this was in the form of a check, made out to HazzardAyre Radio, for $150k. Really, I didn’t start counting the chickens, since these chickens weren’t even in the conception stage. What they didn’t say is there requirements, when I boiled the sales dude down, the thing came to a Percentage of sales. An upfront statement to that fact would have prevented me from hunting this down further.

The bottom line its pure carpetbagging scallywagging Yankee bullshit.

If you get such a check, I urge you to send it to the Federal Trade Commission in Washington DC, more over turn it over to your states Attorney Generals office, which in both cases I’m doing. Sending copies to both with a complaint.

See ya’ll on the radio where we will talk about this further. Just know that you now know if you get a check, for a pre-Approved line of credit, from the Commercial Finance & Leasing Bank of Cardiff, Inc. it’s a line alright. Do not activate it, but submit it to your Attorney General’s office and/or the Federal Trade Commission in Washington DC.



Quote of the Day:
Comedy is tragedy plus time.
--Carol Burnett
Psalm 119:60“I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.”

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Things drying out here in the swamp, and Being able to Watch Star Trek TNG


Isn’t it great to be able to watch TV at will? Example , from cable BBC America runs TNG Star Trek from 09:00 to 11:00 hours. But too, I can watch TNG, DS-9 and Voyager as well on Hulu. If I want to look back TOS Star-Trek, I go to METV on the weekends,. That is Over The Air TV at 4.2 digital, so

why buy Cable TV? Many of the shows that gave me a reason to buy cable TV are gone or going

away. For instance; The Dukes-of-Hazzard taken off simply because CMT a subsidiary of Viacom, wasn’t happy with revenue numbers. no big deal since CMT never stuck out the right welcome mat to the right advertisers. The Dukes is a show for and of gearheads. In this case you reach out to the gearhead community. That way you target the right sponsor to those eager to buy.

Of course there was that fuss of Party Down south, showing the region of our confederate ancestors as sex crazed, part goes with few intelligent molecules. Cooter, myself and other still protest and do not watch.

The only other reason, to subscribe to Cable Tv is FX for SOA, so why subscribe to cable? For Cable TV, subscribe just enough to get Internet, and phone, watch TV over the air and via Hulu.


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Quote of the Day:
Hurry! I never hurry. I have no time to hurry.
--Igor Stravinsky
Psalm 119:60“I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.”

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Damn he’s a long winded sonofabeech The Daily Breefs


Damn that guy was a long winded sonofabeech. Some guy calls wanting to loan us money, for operations of HazzardAyre. Not a big deal we’re up for it, but I know there isn’t , unless completely numbnuts going to be anyone that’s going to loan money to an online gig, especially a warbird. mc/tc organization, for operation of a radio station. But I let em try, knowing all its going to do is take up time, but hey I’ll give it a shot, like eating broccoli with cheese.

So get off the phone and who calls? Comcast again. Now I don’t want to be an asshole here, but damn I have dealt with Comcast all frigging week. I guess there people, although living in a military populace , but DoD, USMC, amongst others only pay once a month. Me myself I get SSI. Also a once a month. We pay what we can as much as we can the first week of the month. Once the first week is up, as far as club income is concerned we’re done until near the 20th, when some outside advertisers pay money, but once we pay equipment bills, we’re done until the 1st or 2nd of the month.

True it’s a bit easier now that I can gain access to it on the first and make sure things get paid, but up to now its been a process where radio station money went through the treasury of the entire club, meaning the bill came to me, the bill gets snail mailed to Georgia, then that bill with check gets mailed to Chowchilla California the President or VEE-PEE signs off on it, then it gets mailed back to me, and I go pay the damn bill. Usually a 10 day process. By then we’re always late. I truly wish our rep Laura in Colorado Springs who also works for Comcast, and why we stay with Comcast to begin with, would call, the powers that be at Comcast’s billing and explain to them how things work here, why it takes a bit longer, at least used to, and now that I can carve out the check it’ll get done by the 2nd of each month. Beyond that first week, who am I going to go to in the Department of Defense(DoD) or Armed Services heads and say I need money? All they’re going to do is say, “see you next month” .

Okay then, was al tached up to go to a Ward breakfast thing, even to help, but guess what? No phone call, to remind me, no come by to say can I give you a lift, nothing. Will report on Monday as to the conclusion there, but words will be spoken at Priesthood Sunday morning.

Still living in a swamp, but that’s short term, seems as though I have a place in Bountiful to live in come the first, the office for studio HQ of the AyreWolvez-Wolf-Pack/HazzardAyre Radio. So I can stomach some discomfort for a week.

See you on air at 23:00 hours on HighwayHooker Radio, and at 04:00 on HazzardAyre .

L8R Aviators

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Quote of the Day:
If you aren't living on the edge, then you are taking up too much space.
Psalm 112:5“Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.”

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UTAH is a strange place


Utah is a strange place. Utah is the only state in the Union that can circumvent an entire statewide economy as well as close banks, the US Post Office and agencies to celebrate an event that did not happen quite like its depicted to be.

Brigham Young’s advisors did not say, “ This is the place.” What was said was, “you sure this is it?” With a daunting desert no available water sources , and famine, the scene is exactly as it was in Moses’ day, when he stood in the desert with his followers.

Of course there are events from breakfasts to most just taking a day off. That seems like every other day, ain’t seen no Utahrd that works all day until 5pm no more like until 2:45(14:45) and goes home at 3pm(q5:00)

Yesterday I put in a full day at the storehouse. If you want to see complete idiocy go there. It’s like watching a bunch of ants without a scent trail. Complete confusion. After going into the freezer, then bundling boxes, I left came home, ate, and was about to go to the Bishop’s to pick up the rent check, when I fully collapsed and awoke at 05:45 this AM.

Will see you L8R on the radio.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.
Psalm 112:5“Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Air Traffic Control: Before we get mad, remember what we are here for.


When I sit and do coffee with the Reaper Crew or the Wolf-Pack, I often bring this to a boil, and it relates somewhat and why the freeze on Cooter’s A1 with Comcast, likewise in general.

When the decision was made to relocate myself from Twin Falls,Idaho to Metro-Utah the decision was made on doing three things. 1: HazzardAyre Radio, 2: bringing my flight rating up, to commercial verticle(helicopter) , and three merging HazzardAyre with AyreWolf Aviation, bringing to the forefront Hazzardayre Aviation. The move was Not repeat NOT to bring to simmer a towing service. If all was needed was to strictly go towing I could have remained in Idaho, and just relocated to Burley. Much money and pain would have been the result. There has been all too many including my Bishop saying throwing away the radio station, and reducing costs would be smart. Perhaps so, but I did not bust my hump for two years with the culmination of HazzardAyre Radio, going full tilt this coming October. In fact we have a big party planned on both TV locally and nationally, in fact we are inviting our sweet Laura here as a special guest without whom we could not have made HazzardAyre possible. That said, the second part is I have to reduce personal weight a bit more before I get into the cockpit full time, but that is happening. And last of course merging HazzardAyre into AyreWolf Aviation, which is a big deal but is progressing to become Hazzardayre Aviation. But I need to wrap this as I have domestic chores to do, I’m trying to get things in line to be outta here by Friday, for Oshkosh, for AirVenture. But I must repeat, and perhaps Comcast pulling the plug right or wrong, but them pulling the plug on Cooter’s A1 reimpressed the need to remind ya’ll. We did not, nor did I move here to go towing, I came here for HazzardAyre, up my flight rating, and Hazzardayre Aviation.

Stay tuned, on air at 21:00

L8R Aviators.

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Quote of the Day:
Passions are vices or virtues to their highest powers.
--Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Matthew 19:14“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.””

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How much do you need? and is CraigsList good any more?


Why is it that people who sell stuff , like advertising, don’t know what they are selling?

Like yesterday afternoon, put off an appointment with the Bishop, to meet with one of Comcast’s Spotlight advertising reps. Not only did this guy give me the run around, he really did not know what was on what channels. These guys are looking for the big apple, problem is many don’t try to harvest the small seed that WILL be the BIG apple later.

So I retired, got bit by a spider next to me crush nuts, and so woke up at 04:00 headed to work here in about two hours. But one has to wonder. And how much cable does one need anymore. Nearly anything worth watching and much that is better to watch can be had via streaming, like Hulu, Netflix and others. Even the Broadcast networks can be seen via internet, so I say just go Internet, with a cable company, go phone with the cell company and only get enough cable to watch FX for SOA for three months and then disconnect it. Of course after this year with this being the final year of SOA, who needs cable TV?

It doesn’t matter that Comcast is kissing tail to merge with TWC, the fact is if 50,000 people who are members just of our MC/TC club, unplug from both as well as Cable One, that’s who Comcast should be going after. But if everyone of our membership pulls the plug, cuts the cord and says no more, added to that , uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, grandkids, and all of The Knytes, 50,000 which would really amount to 500,000 current Comcast customers, just said no more and pulled the plug, can you say it’d be like this spider bite inside my thigh. It’ll hurt and be annoying. Sure wont kill nobody, sure wont bankrupt Comcast, but they’d hurt.

The Internet pages are still buzzing about the guy back east that got stung. Bad mouthed and all, plus if you read the comments under each of these stories you find, that all too many people would like to bury Comcast, if I were Comcast, I’d disregard the past due bill, honor what truly is due, and not unplug Cooter’s A1 or HazzardAyre. I’d be making sure I was happy.

Hopefully, our sweet Laura will further this to who it concerns, and tell them, yea they got into a bind at first , stuff got behind , but they’ll catch up. More over as far as HazzardAyre its not that nothing has been paid on it, every dang month since it went green, the minimum or current bill has been paid. Cooter’s A1 never worked right, until I got a tech from another company to show me what was wrong, once I found out, it worked , although one light still shows YELLOW, not GREEN, on the modem that controls it. But on 4 occasions, seems as though I call once a week to Comcast’s billing or tech support, I was told there’d be a credit, even one for a full months of service and credits of $75.00 each month. All together I only owe $160.00, something I can handle. But when I tried to explain that, to some guy who obviously was anal retentive he got up in my face on the phone, I finally just hung up.

Okay then.

In the effort of saving the joint in Ogden where I currently take off my hat, I put up ads for both room mate as well as engineer for HazzardAyre, which is what we need.

For every, one that smells legit, I get 10 from CraigsList, that flat ain’t. So I ask is CraigsList worth it anymore? Or do we just say , CraigsList the want ads of fraud?

Any mile headed to work.


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Quote of the Day:
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
--Mother Teresa
Matthew 19:14“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.””

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

When stuff hits the fan

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At a time when Comcast is trying to save face after a serious PR debacle and retain customers, getting a service rep, who screams at you, must have been the same one the other guy had, any mile, I get this message from grand old Comcast that service was suspended. Okay why? So I call. This dude named Dee something says, your account is past due. Now I was assured by a late night tech, from India that I would get at least one month free. At least for June. In May I called because the modem didn’t work, again supposed to get credit for a month. So $75.00 plus $75.00 Equals $150.00 , that taken off the bill of $310.00, is $160.00 or at least it was last time I went to school. That was 30 plus years ago.

But no, to get things fired back up at least for Cooter’s A1 it’s going to cost me the full $310.00 , really? What about the credits that all so many were to offer me, but SOMEBODY forgot to write down?

So then shot off a letter to our sweet Laura, and even though its not her department, she got in the mud and got me some help.

The thing is while the service problem I can work around, for Cooter’s with a $30.00 a month Cell phone. HazzardAyre gets paid as it is, but I’m not limited there either. I4 Solutions has a plan for my Internet/Phone if I want it with the speeds, I’m currently getting from Comcast. The only reasons I won’t switch is, one I need cable TV for SOA, and two the most importantly Laura. If those situations were not on the front of the stove, I’d dump Comcast in a Hazzard County second.

Right now Comcast is trying to please a bunch of people. Comcast is in hearings with the FCC with a merger with TWC. Plus the yelling and cussing with another customer back east that went viral, you’d think keeping a radio station talk show person happy might be in their best interest. But no, this Dee guy was yelling and cussing at me, making me mad. He wouldn’t even try to defuse the situation by transferring me to a supervisor.

Days like today are why they give me Lithium, and I drink beer.

Question is why can’t they all be like Laura?

Hope Laura passes this up the line, just for the abuse I got this morning, should be enough to get Cooter’s A1 line back up.



Quote of the Day:
At times the whole world seems to be in conspiracy to importune you with emphatic trifles.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Matthew 16:15-16““But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.””

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