Thursday, September 4, 2014

I’m getting tyred of getting it in the rear

hazzardayre poster board

What this world needs is more of us Confederate rednecks and less urban screwing.

Just when you think you can trust someone or something, you get a screwing. Example , new roomy moves in, and I told him before he moved in there were bills that needed to be paid if we were to save the domicile so we both could live there. New roomy says fine moves down , but he’s short on money, and so am I. Now I had this pretty much pegged, this month. However grand and glorious Comcast, even though last month I told them they could take money out of my checking account for a PAST bill, if they would not disconnect me would be fine. But not do it twice. They never took it out last month, but waited to take it out this month. Yet the bill shows still unpaid, and the tow phone via Comcast which is all its for, still needs a reconnect fee, and a new deposit. I told them no thank you, that I was unsubscribing that phone from their service and getting a cell phone. But they did it anyway. I made a claim against the transaction with my bank, but it’ll be ten days before that’s resolved. That was point number one. Thing with all of that, had I yanked the entire $600.00 last Friday, like my gut told me to this would not be a problem. But you don’t think a utility like Comcast would do that twice, especially without permission, a good example of Yankee dirty deeds. So it puts me behind there. Now then the Landlord in Ogden good old Dave comes by, I give him $100.00 but he’s only applying that to a power bill he paid for the blooming place. Even now says he wants to raise the rent now that I have a roomy, but lets my old Roomy move his old lady in and not raise the rent can you say greed? I’m right at a point, if anything can’t be reached in a good way, of talking to this lady here in North Salt Lake, on her room, move in there and let that mess in Ogden , go. I’m tyred. Tell ya’ll what goes tonight on the air.

Don’t these people realize that I’m trying to build a business here? Not for me although I could use a few more green in my jeans, but HazzardAyre and all its subsidiaries, are for one thing for the most part. To deliver news, entertainment and education to every Navy, Marine aviator with southern roots. The club is serving those who have or are currently serving, and yet we keep getting hit up the head. You’d think the corporate leaders at Comcast, my Landlord that’s supposed to be ex Navy, could throw this old Wolf a bone. Not keep giving this old Wolf the bone up my six. Sure my new roomy and I now have Cable TV, in the RoadHouse, but watching Cable without electricity is going to be tough. I can since All I gotta do is pack my TV here to the office, but shit has got to lift off or I’m getting out of that mess in Ogden, good Bishop and LDS ward there or not, I’m drowning. Sure I could get out of it, I could go crawl to our great Bishop who I really like. But the church all together would have to fork over right at $1,000.00 for me to stay there. Will investigate that here in a day or two, but still I hate having to lean on the church, all the time. Especially when I can’t even do the work hours at the Storehouse to earn that money . Let you know by Monday.

I got told not to move here by Charlie, and Linc, but I moved anyway and my am I paying for it.

Will be on the air all night tonight into Friday Morning , but I soon got to go hash all this out.


wynged sig AYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. But only pigs were available.
2 Timothy 1:13-14“What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Tow Truck Memorial Logan Utah

One in a era but its on Thursday(this) Morning

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Once in an era, the cosmic forces do not come together just right. As was the case overnight on HazzardAyre Radio. Everything came down, but no go up. At 04:00 finally with some tech that knew something beyond the problem card in front of him, HazzardAyre will be on at 07:00AM, to Noon , here on See ya’ll on the radio then.


wynged sigAYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
If it doesn't matter who wins, then how come they keep score?
--Vincent Lombardi
2 Timothy 1:13-14“What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Am I not making myself clear or are we having a failure to communicate?

hazzardayre poster boardcolonels journal

Either I must be loosing my ability to get the message across or someone is not mature enough to grasp the situation.

One of a few talents for the pin up project , was we looking for her to be an on air radio talent? Answer of course not although she’s more than welcome to audition for that. But the sweet gem from Farmington Utah, is not being looked at for an on air talent, but we are looking for her to be on TV and our calendar for ads for the radio show, and of course the AyreWolvez/Knytes-of-Anarchy. We have two ads running on CraigsList, one for pin up/poster girls, one for trying to find on air talent. One is not exactly the same, although it’d be nice to find an on air talent that had the looks to be a poster girl.

But this is not the same creature. One is a bit more dedicated to task than the other. A poster girl, does not have to do much except look good and speak on camera. While an on air talent needs to do much more work. And have a bunch more rebel personality since that’s the flavor of what we generate on air.

It’s a king of tune in and listen to know what its all about.

Okay, new roomy moved in yesterday which is why I was not here last night. Had to get to know the new roomy a bit before I left him there alone, although that may be a challenge since neither her nor I have the funds to pay everything. But I’m not loosing everything or not generating a product here on HazzardAyre, like I had to with my former Roomy.

My former roomy had more drama, and real personal problems than a badly written soap opera. Oh forgot that’s day time drama. Plus the Taco’s living above bitching of mucho noise, etc. Which constituted the need in part for this office/studio, which has cost a bunch of money to get into, I’m beginning to think this venture into Utah has cost much more than what was originally quoted. Our Landlord Dave was all kinds of welcoming even taking me to eat to seal the deal twice. Okay then much needs to be done on the home front, so will be out until Monday, but will be here early Monday.

But through it all am I not making clear? Are we having a failure to communicate? The talent , like the gal from Farmington Utah is being looked at for a poster girl, while the other auditions are for on air radio jobs.

I think that makes it clear, nothing to get confused about. The only thing I want from our poster girls is know something about what and who we are, so they don’t look idiotic.

Why this is important, next entry.

L8R Aviators

wynged sigAYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Wherever you are -- be there.
2 Timothy 1:13-14“What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Strange Hours and the McDonalds thing

hazzardayre poster boardKNYTECYDE PROJECT

I often think of the stink of the female mind, while not being completely ignorant here, as personal safety is always a concern for everyone, even guys get wet palms sometimes going for chew at the corner filling station. Thing here is relatively simple. I often invite those who might be interested in doing radio OUR way in while the show is on the air. The night time from 23:00 Hours that’s 11:00PM for you none military folk, is our magic time. By seeing the show in action, and hearing the content in case they simply can’t figure out how to listen at home on their own computer, but seeing and getting the feel of the show, plus auditioning on the fly is one great way to get into this business. Sadly its always during the day they surface while I’m trying to produce, sell ads and so on, so I don’t have a bunch of time to get into what button to push, or demonstrate the dynamics of how we do the show.

I have only had two people, hot looker gals who put away the spook factor and joined me on air at midnight. Robin and Erin. Robin had her guy pal drive her in , and I mean in sub zero weather, but we’d bust tail overnight and turned out Emmy award winning shows. Her complete training took 2 weeks, even then she could do voice overs and on air ads like a pro. Her rhythm was so easy to work with I could run a music bed or tune under her reading that you’d think it was all produced at the same time. Oh and yes, she always wore nylons to the studio, always had her footsies under my nose all the time and it never phased her or her fiancée . Robin was a one of a kind, she could telepathically send me messages. I’d be thinking of copy or a topic in the middle of the night and she’d call, and said exactly what I had already been thinking of. It was no big deal for us to meet even if we were not to be on air, she’d show up and we’d cut tape. I know I’ll not find one like her but I keep looking. But then came Erin , our Miss Nurse GoodBody . The only question she had when she called for the first audition interview was Pantyhose or stockings. Not why, what for or a long explanation. She’d bring lunch , made by her husband and get this, he never made a big deal out of my lips and nose against her toes in hose. To get the reason for all that, read my other blogs.

Any mile , Erin would drive in the dead of night on ice covered snowed over roads, 25 miles each night to be there at midnight. She dug in and we made one helluva team.

The thing is these gals were willing to train for little to no money, to bring something to light that had never been done west of Tennessee. They never thought of the deep critters of a dangerous city, just that it’s a job, creating an empire or at least a mini empire, in radio, that has set the standards for every damn radio show online since then. Radio done right takes dedication, long hours, sleepless nights and wading through untouched mud, but once your there, and it takes hold it’s a precious as gold. But we are talking of an old time and I was much younger. Even though double nickel(55) is not ancient, the bones and body obeys a much more restrictive clock. The mind say go, the body says food, TV and sleep. But Years ago I made a pledge in our first studio in where I lived on the hill near Hazzard, that I would be on the air serving, long haul truckers, the toewing industry and of course military pilots worldwide, as well as the southern cause. We’ve been knocking out a radio show every night from midnight to 07:00 hours(7:00AM) every night since 1975. Sometimes it was crude and not so well produced, but you learn, this gig I take very seriously and have put a helluva lot of my own money into it, its too bad all too many of these younger and moderately younger split tails in this area can’t(or wont) look beyond their inhibitions and try on HazzardAyre, they might find they like it.

On The McDonalds thing. Coming in to the studio this afternoon, I stopped by the McDonalds in Layton, there on Gentile. I specifically asked, no lettuce. It’s not that I don’t like lettuce but the stuff McDonalds turn out on a Big Mac, gives me the runs. And on air and at the station here is no time for the fast footed Hershey squirts. But what did the crew do? Yep, Lettuce. I ate it anyway and true to nature for the first hours earlier me and the commode here got real well known to each other. Now then, back when I was a young Wolf-Pup, I am not embareassed to say that I did a stint at McDonalds the only one we had then, at age 16 it was how I made green to fulfill my need for hot rod go fast, parts. Back the the Kyle family was very strict on the fact you had to have a 4.0gpa or forget working there. Report cards were examined when they came that missed that grade threshold, were suspended until they did. Whatever happened to those standards? What ever happened to being qualified to at least read, write, do basic math, and communicate? No wonder companies like McDonalds has sub standard employees. More over the employees can’t even get a simple thing straight, even if its written in bold LEtters , NO LETTUCE!! If these medium wage earners want more money per hour, demonstrate they have the skills, first. Like a report card.

Next time, the stink of the stink.


rebel sig  NEW KNYTES LOGO 1

Quote of the Day:
Nature has given to us the seeds of knowledge, not knowledge itself.
--Lucius Annæus Seneca
Psalm 119:64“The earth is filled with your love, LORD; teach me your decrees.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

What does FREE mean to you?

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What does free, I mean FREE mean to you? It means no cost, no downloads and not messing around, it means FREE. You tweak on your computer go to a site and listen, but that’s not the case with many of those who compete with us do their major fund raising. Maybe I need to do that with HazzardAyre? Don’t worry we wont.

If you tweak on your computer, you truck on over to and You can listen in on us 24-7-365. No Itunes download, no special program to tune in no fuss. We run live from 11:00PM Monday through Friday to 07:00AM , there is recorded versions there for you to tune in as well. Including Highway Hooker Radio, and Maximum Overdrive Radio is there for you there at Livestream as well. But dig this, NO special junk and never a nobody is home thing either. It’s FREE. It’s like our soon to air addition CSC Talk Radio. I love Beth Ann’s no bull approach to the news and views, but here’s the clincher. To download her archived show , you got to do an Itune download. I don’t do Apple or Itune anything. Beth Ann might consider Livestream as well. Then we all could tune in, but you’ll be able to here on HazzardAyre Radio.

Okay then, Beth Ann’s site is not the only one, Warbird Radio which is more or less a dead bird anyway, unless you go podcast Itunes, or try to tune in on any Premier Radio Network show like Bob & Tom, you better be willing to pay for the privilege.

My belief and I speak for the 50k membership of the Knytes-of-Anarchy Truck Club, when I say our radio and TV should be free. It’s getting to where its bad enough that music artists want to charge not only you for their content to listen to your favorite tune, but wants to charge radio station that made them a star in the first place money to play their songs on air.

We here at HazzardAyre have to dredge up $100k plus a year for permission to rebroadcast music. AFTA , BMI and other clearing centers for copyrights kick our butts, that’s why when I as a consumer not just doing both consumer/broadcaster, but just a consumer has to rake out money to listen to something that ought to be free anyway, I mean If I have to subscribe and pay for something, yank the damn commercials. That’d be good, or pay everyone a portion of those ad fees. You charge a sponsor to air their wares over the air, if I’m paying you to tune in and I have to sit through an ad, I want a piece of that action. Or best yet, make the entire broadcast completely free, like we do here on HazzardAyre.

BTW, we’ll be going LIVE tonight Monday into Tuesday starting at 23:00(11:00) PM , again just logo onto


rebel sighazzardayre mini logo

Quote of the Day:
Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.
--David Starr Jordan
Proverbs 22:6“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Don’t just Like it, support it, dig out your wallet

hazzardayre poster boardHazzardAyre PhooteNotes

Liking a page or group on facebook without really supporting the cause from which the post was created for or from, is just fronting. Yes you say you like the Page or group, but why not do something exotic? Dig out your wallet or checkbook, read the blog and you’ll get the address and contribute to that cause. While most groups generate okay money from within as well as locally in this era, nobody has quite enough money, to being able to combat the corruption and evils, that many Facebook pages are created for.

Example, the Knytes has several pages and groups on facebook, mostly for members and supporters, but we have one real political page. The United Confederate States-of-America page. The UCSA is a real organization, in competition but at the same time in agreement of and with the Sons of Confederate Veterans. We accept all who support the idea that its time to give the boot to the current Yankee way of Government and the throwing out God and Church in favor of do it all today as it’ll be gone tomorrow attitudes. The USA is suffering. However the SOCV while a great organization, is a bit prudish themselves. Even if you were Not , born in the deep south, but spent time there, or have kin there or ancestors there, you should be able to explore your southern roots, and heritage. Likewise an organization that has a VERIFIABLE phone number and a VERIFIABLE address. Not a P.O. Box or a phone number that only runs voice mail, that no one ever replies to.

I don’t know how many times I have called the SOCV on the phone, the John Coffee Camp and others and found no answer, on that phone. Leave a message? To date not one simple response. That will not happen with the UCSA movement. You call, email, or drop by the office, you will find SOMEONE here and will get a knowledgeable reply to your inquiry. But that’s all getting off topic.

It’s like Rebecca Miller’s page for moving over for tow truck drivers. A good thing, but has any of you ever said, hey Rebecca, would you like a few $’s in the cash stash to continue what your doing?

Same thing with the UCSA movement, I see at least 4 new people who like our page, but has any one of them said, hey there Wolf, how about us sending you $100.00 in support of the cause? Nope never see that.

The best thank these days of people and or groups on Facebook, is denaro . If you REALLY LIKE it send em a check for the effort, or don’t just say you LIKE it, because, if You REALLY like it, you’ll support it, dig out the checkbook.

More on the McDonalds intelligence thing next time, but I just had to get that off my chest.


rebel sig F1

Quote of the Day:
A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.
--Robert Lee Frost
Proverbs 22:6“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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