Saturday, September 6, 2014

Just an old Marine that knows how to drive a tow truck and yap on the radio


As I get ready to truck up to Ogden to the bunk house yet another night, I go , knowing its very temporary. I got in touch with Elisa, have my new place pegged, bank account restored and will be getting things in gear on Wednesday to relocate. As bad as I want to remain in the Sullivan Hollow Ward area, the fact is circumstances will not permit,. One thing that the Roomy, the Bishop and all ask is, what am I good at, simple, I’m a Confederate Marine that just happens to own and operate and drive a tow truck, fix aircraft, and yap on the radio. Most of it is even simpler put than that, I’m a GED graduate, that knows how to turn a wrench and because of the realization that true honesty is not possible in today’s world, I do a lot of my activity outlaw,. Sorry, but if your completely honest and do the right thing, you get your heat gas turned off and you’ll surly get tube steak boogie thank you up your six.

Not sayin its right just sayin that’s the way it is. Get what you can from who you can get it from, and don’t care much about who you have to step on to get there. God calls it perseverance , I call it getting just dues.

Now then there is the real difference in people. First I don’t cotton much to tree hugging, health food freaks. Get out and live, sure getting a belly, and all is bad, but hey, just don’t eat more than one and cut back on the fries, that A&W does better than McDonalds. Your only here for a maximum of 80 years plus or minus 10 years, by the time you get to your 50’s or 60’s, you’ve accomplished all your about to anyway, so what if clogged arteries kills you? What are going to live longer for? To continue on a diabetic lifestyle that diabetes is going to kill , or blind you anyway. If I can punch out of lifes cockpit a bit early so what? I go home to Heaven with Mom & Dad.

The radio station is now a reality, the toew service is getting in line to be numero uno priority in a few months through 2015. Once that’s where it needs to be, I’ve done it all, seen it all, lived it all. I’ve like a prince and will die a poor person, but I’ll go knowing I am going from Idaho, to Tennessee to get buried. Am I going to meet and live with the dream honey of my dreams? Most likely not, at least here in Yankeeville.

My new roomy disgraced myself and what used to be my home pad. Taking down my flag was the top of the fireheap. You don’t do that in a Confederate home. And oh yes, I hate Jeopardy. That damn show got boring years ago.

Again , Jeopardy elevates the geek level a bit, but I can’t stand, geeks .


toew blogwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
--William James
John 14:23“Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Glenn Beck- Are you really a Mormon?

Bark and howl for your rights

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So after taking Thursday and all day Friday off to recuperate , I meandered into the office.

Once I got here checked ye ole bank account, found a few more were mining my checking account. Damn I’m not that rich but the greedy bastards at both Comcast and a fraudulent telemarketing company want more. Guess they wont get any.

Its good that one monitors things, if one is left to the greedy carpetbaggers out there, they’ll clean you out posthaste. When it comes to Comcast, had they called before they reached in and stole my $280.00 that’d be one thing, but they didn’t. More over I was told by their accounts receivable department that I still owed that $280.00 which I ask if you took it, why do I still owe it? So I filed the claim, with my bank, and look to get that back in my account on Wednesday. Which puts money in landlords hands and mine, but not before I make sure my residency is secure.

Then the new Roomy takes down our grand battle flag. As long as I’m paying half the rent the battle flag stays in the window.

Guess some of the model new hires showed Friday, except this old wolf was sleeping and dealing with domestic issues.

Been trying to get in touch with Bishop Dunlap, but not getting anywhere so heading to Church Sunday morning to see if I can get his attention, for a meeting Tuesday.

Still no hot water, and new Roomy has not yet gave ME any money yet, which if the new roomy wants to stay there, he can pay Dave the landlord $225.00 , it’s a shared expense thing.

Few if anything I harvest from CraigsList is right on. Seems only 2 out of 10 things we put up there gains any kind of tangible yield. The rest of the time, all I get is a BIG shaft up my 6, and IT’S ME that HAS TO PAY.

Talk about being unsociable, last night my great neighbors and they are great neighbors which is one of the reasons I’m busting my nuts to stay put, although moving here to the Bountiful area would be better cost enabling In other words the commute from Ogden to the office is 30 miles, or 60 miles round trip, by the time I come down and go home we’re looking at $40.00 a week, just in gas. $80.00 a month in fuel is about half what I need just for chew. So cut the mileage in half, cut the outgo in half. Bottom line its $121.00 left over after bills and all for me which lets me get LexiBelle paid for and the Gen Jaxson. But getting to the unsociable, the new roomy wouldn’t even go over and be hospitable and have a cocktail. Something tells me this arrangement is not going to last long.

Any mile, getting on with prep for getting on the air.


wynged sigAYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
--General Omar Nelson Bradley
John 14:23“Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I’m getting tyred of getting it in the rear

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What this world needs is more of us Confederate rednecks and less urban screwing.

Just when you think you can trust someone or something, you get a screwing. Example , new roomy moves in, and I told him before he moved in there were bills that needed to be paid if we were to save the domicile so we both could live there. New roomy says fine moves down , but he’s short on money, and so am I. Now I had this pretty much pegged, this month. However grand and glorious Comcast, even though last month I told them they could take money out of my checking account for a PAST bill, if they would not disconnect me would be fine. But not do it twice. They never took it out last month, but waited to take it out this month. Yet the bill shows still unpaid, and the tow phone via Comcast which is all its for, still needs a reconnect fee, and a new deposit. I told them no thank you, that I was unsubscribing that phone from their service and getting a cell phone. But they did it anyway. I made a claim against the transaction with my bank, but it’ll be ten days before that’s resolved. That was point number one. Thing with all of that, had I yanked the entire $600.00 last Friday, like my gut told me to this would not be a problem. But you don’t think a utility like Comcast would do that twice, especially without permission, a good example of Yankee dirty deeds. So it puts me behind there. Now then the Landlord in Ogden good old Dave comes by, I give him $100.00 but he’s only applying that to a power bill he paid for the blooming place. Even now says he wants to raise the rent now that I have a roomy, but lets my old Roomy move his old lady in and not raise the rent can you say greed? I’m right at a point, if anything can’t be reached in a good way, of talking to this lady here in North Salt Lake, on her room, move in there and let that mess in Ogden , go. I’m tyred. Tell ya’ll what goes tonight on the air.

Don’t these people realize that I’m trying to build a business here? Not for me although I could use a few more green in my jeans, but HazzardAyre and all its subsidiaries, are for one thing for the most part. To deliver news, entertainment and education to every Navy, Marine aviator with southern roots. The club is serving those who have or are currently serving, and yet we keep getting hit up the head. You’d think the corporate leaders at Comcast, my Landlord that’s supposed to be ex Navy, could throw this old Wolf a bone. Not keep giving this old Wolf the bone up my six. Sure my new roomy and I now have Cable TV, in the RoadHouse, but watching Cable without electricity is going to be tough. I can since All I gotta do is pack my TV here to the office, but shit has got to lift off or I’m getting out of that mess in Ogden, good Bishop and LDS ward there or not, I’m drowning. Sure I could get out of it, I could go crawl to our great Bishop who I really like. But the church all together would have to fork over right at $1,000.00 for me to stay there. Will investigate that here in a day or two, but still I hate having to lean on the church, all the time. Especially when I can’t even do the work hours at the Storehouse to earn that money . Let you know by Monday.

I got told not to move here by Charlie, and Linc, but I moved anyway and my am I paying for it.

Will be on the air all night tonight into Friday Morning , but I soon got to go hash all this out.


wynged sig AYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. But only pigs were available.
2 Timothy 1:13-14“What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Tow Truck Memorial Logan Utah

One in a era but its on Thursday(this) Morning

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Once in an era, the cosmic forces do not come together just right. As was the case overnight on HazzardAyre Radio. Everything came down, but no go up. At 04:00 finally with some tech that knew something beyond the problem card in front of him, HazzardAyre will be on at 07:00AM, to Noon , here on See ya’ll on the radio then.


wynged sigAYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
If it doesn't matter who wins, then how come they keep score?
--Vincent Lombardi
2 Timothy 1:13-14“What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Am I not making myself clear or are we having a failure to communicate?

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Either I must be loosing my ability to get the message across or someone is not mature enough to grasp the situation.

One of a few talents for the pin up project , was we looking for her to be an on air radio talent? Answer of course not although she’s more than welcome to audition for that. But the sweet gem from Farmington Utah, is not being looked at for an on air talent, but we are looking for her to be on TV and our calendar for ads for the radio show, and of course the AyreWolvez/Knytes-of-Anarchy. We have two ads running on CraigsList, one for pin up/poster girls, one for trying to find on air talent. One is not exactly the same, although it’d be nice to find an on air talent that had the looks to be a poster girl.

But this is not the same creature. One is a bit more dedicated to task than the other. A poster girl, does not have to do much except look good and speak on camera. While an on air talent needs to do much more work. And have a bunch more rebel personality since that’s the flavor of what we generate on air.

It’s a king of tune in and listen to know what its all about.

Okay, new roomy moved in yesterday which is why I was not here last night. Had to get to know the new roomy a bit before I left him there alone, although that may be a challenge since neither her nor I have the funds to pay everything. But I’m not loosing everything or not generating a product here on HazzardAyre, like I had to with my former Roomy.

My former roomy had more drama, and real personal problems than a badly written soap opera. Oh forgot that’s day time drama. Plus the Taco’s living above bitching of mucho noise, etc. Which constituted the need in part for this office/studio, which has cost a bunch of money to get into, I’m beginning to think this venture into Utah has cost much more than what was originally quoted. Our Landlord Dave was all kinds of welcoming even taking me to eat to seal the deal twice. Okay then much needs to be done on the home front, so will be out until Monday, but will be here early Monday.

But through it all am I not making clear? Are we having a failure to communicate? The talent , like the gal from Farmington Utah is being looked at for a poster girl, while the other auditions are for on air radio jobs.

I think that makes it clear, nothing to get confused about. The only thing I want from our poster girls is know something about what and who we are, so they don’t look idiotic.

Why this is important, next entry.

L8R Aviators

wynged sigAYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Wherever you are -- be there.
2 Timothy 1:13-14“What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.