Thursday, October 16, 2014

Here, but in deep distress

hazzardayre poster boardAYREWOLFBLOGHEADER

I had a ton and a half of other things to tell you this morning, but still erked by the Comcastic crap I felt that I’d divert to other areas.

So let’s look at nearly a year since we departed Twin Falls for places here in Utah.

Now before ya’ll think I hate all of Utah, don’t. There are pockets of towns and populations here that have some great people in it.

Kamas, Coalville, Echo, Morgan, Tooele, these areas are still rural enough to honor their word .

As the club itself here, it’s a say what you’ll do, and do what you said you’d do. Not tell me one thing , then do something else, or do a bait and switch. Such as Comcast did.

I guess Comcast being the big firm they are has their staffing and customer relations problems, but as I said yesterday, if your going to tell me you’ll send me a paper bill, send me the paper bill. Maybe Comcast needs to re-examine their claim, Built 4 Business. Better yet get out of everything else except consumer cable TV and basic internet.

They just do not have the customer throughput for business, much less a broadcast business.

Been excited and pleased with Antwanette Marie. She’s a real trooper. She has no problem in staying the course. She understands the relationship here, and so do I.

Now for those who think and I heard it at the High Council meeting last night which is why I’m moving at a turtles pace, that I must be in love with Antwanette. Thing is I am sort of, not in the usual meaning of that, but of someone that is a worker, not just a spectator.

Signed the docs, for Digis, so we should be up with that in a month. Granted its right at what we’re paying for Comcast, but it’s a dedicated line, rather than a sharing of everything like we do with Comcast.

HazzardAyre is growing, by leaps and bounds, the nice part is now I can devote money towards getting Danny in Twin Falls paid for

LexiBelle>lexi in green mini and down here, then General Jackson from 1st Stop Auto here in Layton.

Which makes one ask, why didn’t we put this all together before the move? Because we got sold a bill of goods, from Comcast, not our sweet Laura, who seems to be quiet and staying that way to avoid the shelling of the war between the club and the court action that is on the horizon with Comcast.

As the High Council, told me last night, that if they do in fact pull the plug next Tuesday, that the club is going to sue for loss of our revenue, at the rate of $500.00 per commercial billing hour. At that it’s $500.00 multiplied by 24, that’s $360,000.00 for a month. Guess they’ll really have a headache.

If I were Comcast, I’d suck it up, leave us online until the first of the month, then only bill us for the month of time online.

The Knytes-of-Anarchy does not take prisoners . Or just take it in the shorts.

More later.



Quote of the Day:
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.
--Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Psalm 19:14“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

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Wolfs Lair Tail


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ready to file consumer complaint with the FCC concerning Comcast

hazzardayre poster boardHazzardAyre PhooteNotes

This wont hurt much if anyone, but the Knytes-of-Anarchy member message, is being put out. I urge all club members to send consumer complaints to the Federal Communications Commission, of the way they treat customers. If they at Comcast can’t do it good now, how are they going to serve a bigger client base, when and if the merge of Comcast and Time Warner Communications happens.

Maybe if the Feds look at this , filed by 50,000 members, our families, business’ and so on totaling right at 400,000 people, they might reconsider their allowing the merger to go through, as well make Comcast Cassie and who ever sit up and fix this over charge mess due to their screw up, of not being on the mark of sending me a paper bill, so we could pay the damn thing rather than wait until near 90 past. Maybe it’s time to make the giant look at the SMB’s and stand up and honor their commitment of Built For Business, rather than just using that as a slogan.


rebel sigCLUB BYE

Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything
2 Samuel 7:22““How great you are, Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

If it’s my blunder I have to pay for it, shouldn’t Comcast?

hazzardayre poster boardAYREWOLFBLOGHEADER

If I injure a car or truck in the operation of towing it, I have to pay for the damage. If I’m late in responding to a call I have to do the tow free or severe discount. If something happens to a vehicle stored in my impound yard, paid for or not, I still have to make that damage right with the customer.

But then of course besides here at HazzardAyre, still in my main line of enterprise I take very careful efforts to do the right thing, to obey traffic laws, and treat customers the way I wish to be treated.

So in July we finally gained our office/studio here in Woods Cross Utah. Moved the gig from my house in Ogden, here to Woods Cross Utah, the only paper I got from Comcast was a statement saying because of the move I didn’t owe anything. Okay great. August rolls around, and I called asked for what I owed, they told me, but in duties elsewhere wasn’t able to get the bill paid. So called 8 times to Comcast, and kept getting the response you can view the bill online. Which does not help me in any case since I need the paper bill. Comcast said they’d send it to me. A paper statement. Still no paper bill.

I guess there was a mis communication somewhere, since it seems too many besides our sweet Laura has much of a brain, but HazzardAyre Radio is the sole owned company of the KNYTES-OF-ANARCHY, not me. I only manage the thing, I’m not in charge of anything. For the first 5 months of the account, they sent me a paper bill in Ogden, come the first of the month I went to their Layton Utah office and paid the current charges, and all was good. The thing is the club had the paper bill , they had something to hang their hat on. I’d send the club the paper bill, they’d send me the money to pay it all was good.

Yet , here lately , the company being Comcast, ignored my request for a PAPER bill to be sent to me. Now its 90 days past due, and I don’t have $1,000.00 to pay them, much less $800.00 for current charges. How did it get that way? How many times do I need to call Comcast? I remember tiny SpeedConnect in Twin Falls Idaho.

If there was a billing problem, I’d call, go to the office and pay the bill, they got the idea that the club needed a paper bill. More over if SpeedConnect goofed up, they’d give me extra time or a month of service free.

No I face getting unplugged from Comcast, and that’ll mean , no radio station for 45 days until Digis is installed. The club does not mind paying its bills, as long as it has a bill is there to account for the money being paid. As a none profit organization , the IRS and others occasionally does audits. If there’s money being paid we have to account for that money, or we get hammered.

But this is not the only blunder from Comcast.

Back in May, I signed up Cooter’s A1 Toewing for a landline, for my company. No Internet, no nothing else, but just the landline. I know stupid, I should have just gotten a cell phone, and been good, but Utah PSC mandates a tow firm on rotation have both landline and cell. So I did what I thought was good. The blunder? Again, no paper bill for a two months. So they cut it off, I called, by then Comcast wanted again $800.00 . Hey Comcast, wake up , if your asked for a paper bill, send a damn paper bill. But there’s more. Month of June mid month the blooming thing quit. So on another landline called late at night on a stormy night by the way, and said what happened to my phone? The response from a tech was I can’t help you with any thing being it’s a business account. So I said, okay I wanted a month free of service. The tech said he’d honor that, said he’d make a note of it. But guess what Comcast had no record of it, and eventually disconnected it.

Comcast as a communications company, so called Built-4-Business, or even consumer use isn’t having a great time of it. I don’t know what these people are making an hour, but their call takers and sales people do not have the best of reputations. The guy who got mad who was a ex AOL tech, got a thing on YouTube over his troubles with Comcast. Comcast is buying TWC, if they can’t do any better with a majority of customers like me and my SMB, how are they going to satisfy other customers and the extra customer base of TWC?

I got a message from some gal named Comcast Cassie, trouble is no email return.  Comcast wanted me to re-engage Cooter’s A1 as well as retaining HazzardAyre Radio. What the club does with HazzardAyre Radio and Comcast is the clubs decision. As far as I’m concerned, I’d rather stay with a Cell phone, and soon to be with Digis.

Customer retention and loyalty, is really something Comcast needs to look into. Their track record is not good. Come Tuesday next week, the bill I suppose will be paid to Comcast, as for me I turned it in .



Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain
2 Samuel 7:22““How great you are, Sovereign LORD! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


hazzardayre poster boardHazzardAyre PhooteNotes

If Utah as its been reported everywhere on local news outlets is the happiest or the leading happiest states in the Union of Yankees , ya’ll can’t prove it by me.

Oh its fine to move here, and that’s fairly easy, but try to gain a foothold in anything, and if its not you know who approved , you will gain no traction in your action.

What promised to be the water to our media thirst, quickly has became a mirage. Model talent for covers for the albums, website for HazzardAyre and so on nearly none existent.

What talent there is wont cross a certain line. Those that say they’re out there on the edge are not so out there on the edge, they purtty much walk with a strong tether line attached to a solid pipe, or mediocrity and barely surviving.

Never been homeless before, and while its temporary as a good Marine can survive just about anywhere, and I do have the roof of the office and all, and knowing its only a few weeks to the top of the next month, and thus I can move out of the Beecrap state, need to get this gig in Woods Cross ramped up, and a true broadcast female person plugged in so I don’t have to do much except a monthly visit, record some voice tracks then vamoose.

So why can’t the local media tell the truth, and say simply, that Utah is a great state to visit, vacation in, but ya’ll can’t afford to live here on a medium to low income. It’s impossible. Let alone to set up and run a SMB(Small, medium, business) no you have to kick, claw and scratch your way and get help from important sources? Really, only if you nearly are on the cold doorstep.

Sure I wanted to pay the last few months rent on time, but I got promises by two former so called room mates that said they’d chip in, and I believed them, so much for trusting Yankees. Our Heavenly Father says forgive, and that he wont give us challenges to heavy to bare, but My back is really getting strained here.

Everyone from Charlie my partner in Idaho, who said you’ll be sorry, and he was right and if he had a place available, I’d already be in move mode there. Linc down at the yard said, you don’t want to live in Ogden it’s a rat trap. He was right, but I trusted Dave my landlord, a swift talking real estate salesguy, and a few others, but now I’m sleeping in a office chair, sweating, ain’t had a good bath or shower for 3-1/2 weeks, its getting old.

Have to heat the crap hole I live in by holding open the Oven door, at night.

Yea if Utah is the happiest state in the Yankee Union, ya’ll cain’t prove it by me.


rebel sigCLUB BYE

Quote of the Day:
If at first you don't succeed… make sure nobody finds out you tried!
Romans 12:2“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
promo shot the end

The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin

Ever notice Geeks all look the same and where did the HE men go?

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Have you ever noticed that Poindexters/Geeks all look and act purtty much the same? If you see one out eating at say your fave A&W here, a guy with a notepad computer, using utensils to carve up a chili dog, and a paper cup with a plastic bag inner wrap to keep the drink pure, but not taking chances that the drink might touch the inside of the actual cup. Amazing. Oh sure such TV shows as Big Bang Theory attempted to make the idea of being a poindexter popular, but sadly , no matter what is done no great change.

Our new , new hire here at HazzardAyre, Antwanette Marie, suggested her begin to dress me. Of course she’s our little sister, here in the Knytes, but I got to thinking, of that little thing we used to tease some of the Geeks with, like your ugly and your mother dressed you funny. Now it might be that some might look at me and say, your good looking and did your intern dress you?

Struck down on two possible bases for a new Wolf’s Cave (home-domicile) came today. Apparently I’m too old of a Wolf for many of them, so did get a glimmer of light or two from Evanston Wyoming. Both while up there, price range, gets me more space for the same amount of money. More over an alternate Internet server.

Contacted Digis today, their dedicated service to us is right at the same as Comcast, but the monthly rate wont fluctuate plus they have a 99.9 % throughput. Not hampered by weather or other traffic online. So it might be that Comcast, once again dropped the ball and shot themselves in the foot.

Not saying anything against sweet Laura of Comcast that sold us the original package, but. Comcast has not provided the bandwidth that we require consistently nor constantly. It fluctuates too much, second not getting a paper bill in three months as requested and not knowing what we owed is another thing. How are you going to pay what you don’t know how much, and should I be the one to call them to find out? How many times do you have to say, SEND ME A PAPER BILL? Will they give me a week or two extra service for messing up? Probably not, but while hugging trees and saving a few by not using a paper invoice they want me to continue to be a loyal customer and cough up $1,000.00 or $788.00 just to stay with them.

It should be the other way around, they ought to own up to their mess up and just scrub the old bill and start over.

How many times does one have to say to them, hey I’m not responsible for this, it’s the club, The Knytes-of-Anarchy that is in charge and owner of the radio station/network. I only volunteer to work and manage it. On my end after they bitched about Cooter’s A1 Toewing for about the same bunch of crap, I went to the local Cricket Cell store got me a cell phone, and that was it. Besides, 90% of Cooter’s A1 Toewing moved back into Idaho, phooey after all the expenses there was not enough to make this work out right by the numbers no matter how we crunched them.

If Comcast wants to retain customers and keep them loyal especially business customers, they ought to honor their slogan built for business, not built for home consumers, but working on business.

5% of Cooter’s A1 Toewing will move to Evanston, Wyoming with the rest spread between Morgan and Coalville Utah, in AllWest Communications territory, not Comcast.

Nothing has changed here at HazzardAyre, but the only thing remaining in Metro Utah will be HazzardAyre Radio/TV , the rest moves to both Buhl Idaho, and Evanston Wyoming.

In summary, all the move to Utah did, was cost me a bunch of money, and a headache, only gains got my government money in my hands and a firm headquarters for HazzardAyre, and of course the gal with sweet toes in nylon hose Antwanette Marie for the ads for both the club and Cooter’s A1.

Keep it hookin,

new ayre sig HK WYNGZ 1

Quote of the Day:
Work keeps us from three great evils, boredom, vice and need.
--François Marie Arouet Voltaire
Romans 12:2“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Having nylons in the Studio


Finally someone with integrity and honesty.

These are rare qualities that are treasured.

Our Lady Wolf , Antwanette Marie, >M1 is all that and more. Fully married and has a solid foundation both morally and all so the club now has a baby sister and couldn’t be thrilled more.

See, BrandiWine , its not all about climbing in bed.

So Antwanette, Marie left as requested hardly even questioned them, but left a pair of her hose, sweetly purrfumed which makes the entire studio smell better.

Okay then as I close the studio several notes to leave ya’ll. Wont be here from Wednesday to Saturday as I’ll be in move mode, as in residency.

Think I have found a couple of places , just rooms, but who cares, it’s a place to sleep.

Might even have hot water for a shower.

So the show will be on AutoPilot, and me doing the move groove, but plan on a full schedule next week.

But it’s nice even for brief periods, having Antwanette Marie in the studio, and just knowing her.

She’ll be on air next week.

Until then


Quote of the Day:
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
--William James
Jeremiah 29:11“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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