Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Night Moves


So got the word, Bishop can’t help in rescue of radio gear, not that he don’t want to but that I4 Solutions wont let him use Church funds. So gotta call Brandon in the morning to work on the rescue from the point of $500.00 each month for three months, then go fetch the gear, so looks like I’ll be here for another 5 months, Oh Gurr.

So the pitch is Church helps with my house rent, I do the back rent and all in Woods Cross and go from there.

In the meanwhile its get in gear bringing Highway Hooker Toewing back up to operation level. Hey give em what they want, right.

But dig this friends after what now, three going on four months, I now have a real bed to sleep on and a much nicer one than the one I got ripped from me in Ogden. Only problem with the bed, I have no sheets or bedding to fit the new bed. Hey when I take down the first rent payment in a week or so, stop by Bath Bed and beyond.

So its, put radio gig on hold, get things ready to go tow, and get out of this low money trap. I think it’ll be a bit easier for me to go tow since one of the Bishop’ counselors is a Uinta County Sheriffs Deputy. Might could open some doors, so now need to go find shop and yard space.

It’s always been said, when one door closes, our Heavenly Father opens another. And isn’t the tow truck and the industry it represents, why I went on radio to begin with? Wasn’t LexiBelle>adxelexi the reason we started the organization for or at least based on?

Any mile, have to go to kick some butt at DFS in the morning, then make arrangements at the hospital to get my hiney looked into, so need to hit the rack.


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Monday, February 16, 2015

Some things you just can’t change


There’s some things you just can’t change, like an entire community, but you can change how and to what depth you interact with it.

Looks as though my Bishop is getting a bit fidgety of raking out $1,507.00 for all in Woods Cross.

He ain’t said no, but he needs a bit more 411 before he does, so I gave Brandon and John the phone number of our Bishop and I put them in touch with each other.  But this goes further here. It’s been one damn thing after another here since I gave up that original $500.00 to that fat slut at Yellow Creek Estates and did the relocate shuffle. First it was the fuss at NGL over a off hand compliment to some gal there that got her feathers ruffled over something she took wrong, kicked in the groin , I tried to escape Evanston’s cold grip. But WolfPup got overheated. So took same to Nate out at Steve's Truck Shop, got it back to running, but in the interim had to fetch General JaxSon to have transportation. In so doing moved here to the Wentworth but just barely squeaked in. It took damn near 3 weeks, and for me $250.00 worth of gas driving over and back to do it.  But then came the word from city hall, no liquor license to be had in Evanston, so no Reaper Club, Strike 2 that plan killed. Then came the word from I4 , get your stuff outta here or its gone. Another $30,000.00 worth of radio broadcast gear, gone. Strike Number 3.  Three strikes I’m just about done. Yesterday’s incident at Smiths over my EBT Card, being dry, was the clincher. I’m done, I can’t mentally handle it any more. I have never in my life saw or is that seen? Any mile, I haven’t been in a community so messed up in my life.

Granted ; there are some good people here, but over all, If I’m reduced to just tweak Harley’s and tow, I’d rather do it in just a bit warmer , Idaho.

Will HazzardAyre Radio survive? Sure, it’ll take me and the club another 25 to 30 years of buying new equipment, and one of a heck long rebuild, but for now thanks to Evanston Wyoming for killing a dream.

See you on Highway Hooker Tow Tymez.


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Another day off for a already lazy nation


Another day off for an already Lazy nation. Most of the government and related business’ and agencies will be closed today. Mail will not run or be delivered. And nothing get’s done. Nothing new. Seems that for every week we work there is a over do of days of the month that we don’t.

Certain parts of our economy and commerce will however be working. Law Enforcement and public safety agencies, i/e fire departments, ambulance services, ER’s and so on, and of course us in towing.

A side note, after sleeping it off, even if I do quit radio and all due to missteps here lately, what’s the worst that can happen? I keep going towing, is all , not a bad trade off. However if all I can do is tow, might as well do it back home in Idaho, where I know all of the players in the game.

Last here; Every now in again, I see a word, that describes a part of the female anatomy that I need to go look up to see what the word means, such as the word areola . What the hell is that, so looked it up, very little description. Need more research.

The word came up this morning as I read a story coming from neighbor state Montana, that has a bill in the running for a ban on women wearing Yoga pants in public. I am all for that. Lets face it, there are certain bodies that just don’t look good in tight spandex. More over attire relaxing is everywhere.

Take the LDS Church for instance.  The church authorities, and especially most church teachings tell us that we should all dress moderately. More over have respect of what we wear to the lords meeting house. Yet I see low cut blouses, that expose everything shy of the nipple, I see skirts so high cut that if she farted you’d see her butt crack, oh and Niki, love the speedo g string. Exotic dancer style heels, and no nylons or few on any gal at church. How can we as normally testorone flowing males keep from having impure thoughts, when you have vixens all over church?  It’s been said by many so called experts that rape and sexual assaults are not from sex drive, more of conquest, while that may be so, give one that hasn’t had any female to male contact for a long time the right stimulus and your going to see some sort of action.

My advice is to all women, if you don’t have it for sale, don’t advertise or tease.

I’m going back to bed.


my sig[2]_thumb rebel hooker

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Still the western frontier but not much more

hazzardayre anew phootenotes

As I look at much of what is, in Evanston Wyoming, much of what I see makes me think, “The only thing this town needs is some hitching posts and only horse and buggies should operate here. Forget about TV, just radio and maybe some radio theater, no Internet, just wind up telephones or to send messages faster, use smoke signals.  Forget about social programs like EBT cards, and help for those busting their hump to stay alive while they kick, bite and scratch up to a income level of not needing them, oh no don’t make any money just starve, or work in a blacksmiths shop. Forget modern truck service, forget about a full throttle towing service, and forget about a radio station dedicated to both those along with confederate history preservation.

I’m still pissed off at finding my EBT card bare as a turkey drum stick at Thanksgiving. First I get a letter saying my EBT case is pending, me going over to the Bank to get my bank records. Hell first off I don’t know what DFS wants , second did they at DFS think that maybe my fuel tank is darn near dry, so I can’t just breeze all over town. Or that maybe I don’t have a phone, sure I have the service for a phone in place , but not the phone set. All of that is still in Woods Cross Utah. Which is where I should have stayed at least I’d be eating.

For the first time in 15 years, I’m faced with no EBT card. Really? Low cost public housing? Forget about that, I made application there, so I might have been off with phone numbers, but hey can’t Evanston Public Housing do a Google search and find the damn phone numbers of both A1 and the Powers Motel ? Again technologically challenged.

Now I’m not saying a super smart person, but if I can Google to find information and phone numbers , can’t these people? Hell I can even write , and speak English.

All I know is this. Come Tuesday morning I’m awake, go to DFS ask them for what the hell they need, go to the damn bank, get some information from them, and so on. Sure I need to make an effort, but what the hell is the tax payers of Wyoming paying these so called experts and paper pushers for? Evanston, at least is one town in Wyoming that for every step or two you make forward, you get knocked back ten.

All I know is once and its only a week now, I get the radio gear out of that office, into storage, along with Wolf Pup, Wolf Pupin storage, I’m going back up to Burley, find me a place to hang my head, then find a shack for the radio works and rounding it out regroove Highway Hooker Toewing. Pretty much in that order.

The sad irony here is this, if someone without any college except trade school, can do the super snoop stuff to qualify for these so called help up, social programs, can’t people making $50.00 an hour with so called degrees do it? But then look at where I’m at; Evanston Wyoming Still the western frontier but not much if any hope of much more.

Gotta say had a better evening than I thought I might. Had dinner with Niki and her hubby, here watched some DVD’s SO NOT too bad a night.

In conclusion, for most of Evanston Wyoming they know one thing>KISS RULE <

Until Next Time


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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Say good bye to the Food Stamps


COOTERS JOURNAL1EXE So went to church all is well, figuring I could help with dinner so went to Smiths to get a few things, and come to find, only $3.33 IN THERE, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot happened to the other $185.67 that went in on the 11th? I knew I should not have transferred my Utah EBT card to Wyoming. This move is costing me more every damn day. Like I said last night, Two more months of this and Wyoming can kiss my tush. Hell I have never had  so much farting around and simple clerical screw ups in my life. Hell when I did my temp move to Utah, for the last month, I could still use my Idaho EBT card for an entire month. IN UTAH. The lady at the DFS office here, said no problem, I should be able to use my Utah card here in Wyoming until the Wyoming card was issued, but talk about embarrassing? Needless to say Tuesday morning I’m at the local DFS office with my foot up someone’s butt. I’ll sure be glad to get the radio works up and running so I can tell these social agencies where to stuff it.

Its once again Yankee stupid and its infecting everything. Robert E, should have wasted Grant and let Jefferson Davis be the President of the entire nation.

The Bishop was barking about Presidents day here, this morning in his talk of honoring our Presidents, Lincoln and Washington. I might could be okay with Washington, but never Lincoln. Big fat liar he was. It was all I could do , to not get up and debate the issue.

I’m willing to bet money that I never see that $185.67 from Utah either. Utah and Wyoming need to go see how social programs are done in Idaho.

Stay Tuned, TTYLY(Talk,to you , later, ya’ll)

my sig[2]_thumb rebel hooker


If you think your postings on Facebook are yours, think again


Darksides logo_thumb If you think your postings are not being monitored and screened for content, especially COMMERCIAL content on Facebook, think again. Saw where at least several of our pages are being held hostage on Facebook as well as several group pages. Post too much to your friends of your feelings or life plans, if Facebook even smells the slightest whiff of a commercial thing, guess what? Out comes the captchas . Tried to covertly tell two of my close friends here Janet and Niki that this old wolf is outta here April 1st, and guess what? Captchas.

Don’t ya’ll think that old Zuckerburg has enough money , so as to leave even volunteer groups needing to get the word out would ignore, their boost pages and such and let YOU post things on YOUR Facebook page? I get pissed at these big bazooka companies like Google well not so much Google they have treated me okay, but Facebook, your killing the people that made you. Now tell me Mark; who made who. I thought you wanted people to share feelings and news, update their status and spend more time on Facebook, as it is all your doing is chasing people off.

Of course there are the other guys, like Yahoo, that laid off some 300 workers for not meeting unattainable sales goals, LinkedIn doesn’t work half the time, no matter how you try to post an update, so Mark young buddy, keep pissing off the people that rose you to power, and you might soon be singing the Lycos/Yahoo sad song.


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I think we’re getting out of here


I’m tired of the fight, this old wolf is whipped and the only thing left is to tuck tail between my legs and wander off to another forest. Not a new forest mind you, but a different one. Dig this was cruising over cyber space, so pulled off at the FCC exit. Dig this as well 6 bare ass’d signals that can be licensed to a radio station, both the ones in Wendover Utah and Woodruff are gone, the big bad ass’ at the big stations have swallered them up, but bet your ass, we are going to put up this gall darn radio station if it frigging kills me, which it probably will. Plus going home to Idaho, I’m closer to where I can get going towing again for far much less stress and frustration. If you think you heard this same shit two years ago when I was looking at Utah, your right, and I’dve not left Idaho, except for flight school, and a bad ass’d blonde that would not leave me alone. So to all who care this is my last month in Evanston Wyoming, I’ll be out up Idaho way looking for a place to hang my hat, either Burley or American Falls/Pocatello. But I’m done.

If the Knytes wants to do more in Evanston, I say let em at it, as for me I don’t care if the place sinks into the damn Bear River.

Blame it on the FCC, blame it on a severe lack of telecom and Internet infrastructure, blame it on whatever you like, but Patrick is done with severe freezing, cold nights, high utility bills, super high rents, and as for HazzardAyre?

Why not build it where we had in mind the first run at it? Hazzard and Burley/American Falls?

Now ya’ll here wonder why I never changed my drivers license nor vehicle plates, never figured on staying here more than 6 months at best and quite frankly, not even this long. Bottom line? I’m going home.


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