Sunday, February 22, 2015

Not tonight honey my butt hurts

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Usually I have something inspirational or insightful to say here but not tonight. Since, darn it honey

not tonight , my butt hurts.

It hurts from so much people giving me the big shaft that I am hardly able to handle it.

Tried to watch the news online, same time same crap. I don’t know if its the wind shaking things up on Farnsworth peak, and

messing up KSL’s stream or what, but it hardly comes in. Did a speed check at 22:00 (10:00PM)

once from Comcast in SLC , 10 mbps down, only 3mbps up. So did one from a server in Rock Springs Wyoming, barely 22MBPS

and just at 2.89 up. As far as TV , can’t. Allwest can’t deliver. Oh if I spent money , went out, bought a new all digital TV sure

it’d work, but I thought one reason you signed up for cable was to get a digital to analog converter, in that set top box, coax in, coax out. Not in AllWest’s case. They ought to tell you that before you sign up for cable service.

So while I’m keeping AllWest for Internet and phone, hauling in the cable box in the morning and going to Dish Network next week. Oh and as far as a converter, Dish says, buy an old VCR, hook the digital box to the VCR, and the VCR to your old TV.

Why couldn’t AllWest tell me that?

I’m now counting the days to our radio station having its own T1, which means a dedicated signal, and much faster.

I’m also looking forward to going home to Idaho late June. I’m tired of this.

If I’m not online Monday night you’ll know that me and AllWest didn’t get along, and everything got



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good night 2

Don’t show you is, if ya’ll ain’t

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One of those things I hate to death, is people who on Facebook are not really on Facebook, just their

cell phones are turned on and you see the green light on, that says they are there. So you

send em a message and don’t get a response. Of course they may not want to chat with you, which

begs the question, if you don’t wanna chat with me, defriend me. If I send you a message and you

don’t respond, I rapidly defriend you. I don’t have the desire nor inclination to mess around with

posers and or teasers. It’s like this gal I know here in the complex, nice gal, okay on the eyes, and

was interested in working for the club. Yet I sent her a text about the post of hers here about a fire

here at the Wentworth, guess what no response. I remember things like this because its where I LIVE

it concerns me, just like that guy who shot up that university in Tennessee a few years ago, nobody thought

of sending out a Facebook text telling students there’s a guy shooting people. Guess what that changed.

What about the Wentworth here, shouldn’t the onsite manager, or Niki, have sent me a message saying

there’s a fire in the complex?

The two reasons I’m online is the club and my company, if it were not for that, I’d sell the computer and

go off the grid, many are and do. Our Charter President in Twin Falls Ricky, has no computer cept

for his cell phone, even then he makes phone calls with it, and has no intention of buying a computer.

He is content with living life simple. Off the grid.

So in closing here, if your not on Facebook or online, turn off your damn cell phone.


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Freebees don’t like you any more

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Ah the good old days, Yahoo, was king of the search engines and much of its content including classified

ads and so on were free.

Newspapers allowed you to read their paper for free, this was good, since if you might be moving there

or setting up a branch of your company there you could peruse the classifieds to find an apartment

or office/shop. Forget that, today ya’ll gotta subscribe , even then content is sparse.

Such utilities as WeatherBug were completely free and didn’t contain adware , malware . Today

WeatherBug is still free, but you have to wade through a mud pit of ads, or subscribe to their paid


Doesn’t anyone do anything just for the common good? Rather than the common good of their wallets?

Thank goodness, there is the Hazzard County Knytes and of course, both HazzardAyre Radio and

HazzardAyre Gazzette. We as a group, have never charged a penny for anyone to look us over and read

content. Not ever. It’s the reason we exist and our core mission, to watch out for the little guys and

gals. The small business’s to make sure their not getting ripped off or overcharged. It’s what we call, Fighting

the System, and quite frankly in many areas of our nation in fact our entire nation the system is not only

broke its been defiled to an evil that few are willing to battle against, but we stay at it, because we

know with some serious Hazzard County Enginuity the system can be repaired as well as our nation.

How do we do this? If there’s something that is not meeting the needs of a community we step in and

fire up one of our own, beit a radio station or newspaper. We listen to experts like Beth Anne of CSC Talk Radio

which you can hear on HazzardAyre Radio weekdays at 08:00 hours(8:00AM) . We’re not afraid of digging

things up, even if we do get our hands dirty.

Onto the freebees.

Expect in a few years, things you take for granted, like Facebook, Yahoo, Hotmail, and sadly I predict

even Gmail, will be a for subscription to use, in essence ya’ll will have to pay a fee to check your email

or use Facebook.

I don’t think there will be a great exodus of the use of either of these services or the web, but just like

free TV was, you’ll have to pay to use or watch them.

Finally, on TV , I’m taking my cable converter into AllWest in the morning. Oh I’m keeping the Internet

thing and the phone service going, but if the only way to watch cable TV is to go out and buy a new

TV because AllWest doesn’t have any more converter boxes, why bother? Just buy a cheap VCR, buy

Dish Network, and watch TV.

Even with your old TV.


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Aren’t you glad that there is the HazzardAyre Gazzette ?

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I don’t think she likes me much any more, but then I’m on my way out any way.

Over night I made the serious decision to put a date stamp on my exit from this hell called

Evanston Wyoming. While the club will be running the radio werx and all here, I for one will

not have to call this stink hole my home any more. I-84 to I-80 puts me here if I need to be here, but gently

gets me out of here after.

So got to looking at my situation. Sure can’t do the radio gig right now, at least until we get our T1

pipeline installed and operational, the studio built and all, but that don’t mean that we can’t attack

the media as a printed publication as well as online. Heck if people are willing to pay $1.00 for the Uinta

County Herald that has little to read about anyway, plus wont accept the invitation to have me write a column or two

for them, piss on em, why should I spend my ad money with you when, you wont let me include a

section in your paper. That’s why I didn’t buy ads in your paper. I’ll bet there are quite a few others

in Evanston that feel the same way.

Especially at $18.00 per column inch are they nuts? Hey Mark old buddy, the Herald ain’t the SL Tribune.

Your paper sucks.

So like just about everything else, who comes to the rescue? The Hazzard Knytes and we are coming to

the rescue to get out a weekly or bi-weekly paper worth $1.00 that you’ll want to read and subscribe

to. Oh and advertisers in Evanston, its only a $50.00 flat rate, no matter how many words , size

of photo or content, You pay us $50.00 a month, your in for that whole month , no matter how many

times you run an ad in our paper.

Okay then.

I was looking over the content on both my Facebook and Yahoo home pages. My has it gotten stale. I thought

its good they don’t charge money to view things on there, no body would subscribe.

Dig this you’ll be able to read our paper, the HazzardAyre Gazzette, online free and you’ll get to really

read the WHOLE DAMN PAPER, free. If you want to subscribe fine if not, thanks for looking,

Newspapers these days, have gotten rather snippy . Its not just the local paper here in Evanston.

Every paper I know of has limits on how much free content you can read, beyond that ya’ll gotta

subscribe. However in this day and age, with foreign wars, and people like ISIS and such , ALL media

has a responsibility to keep people informed. We get to you through our newspaper and our online

radio station soon to go over the air in Evanston in September 2015.

We cover news and events, much like you hearing it from a neighbor, whilest sitting on your front

porch sipping lemonade after milking cows. Not like some college aged kid in an air conditioned

office barking at you.

But the HazzardAyre Gazzette is not new.

The HazzardAyre Gazzette was originally the Hazzard County Gazzette, created out of a free want

ad publication out of Gooding Idaho in in 1997 called Monkey Bizzness , when publisher Mickey, got

a better gig in Boise, she sold the publication to us, we in turn renamed it and shazzam , Hazzard County


Mainly a publication of the greater Magic Valley(Twin Falls) Idaho area, the Hazzard County Gazzette

grew. We are now read in Metro Utah, Southeast Idaho and now here in Evanston/Rock Springs, Wyoming.

We swapped out the county thing, installed Ayre, and as such the HazzardAyre Gazzette is more in

step with the radio gig.

Still the southern bred newspaper you loved.

Okay then, with all that said, and my insides finally settling I can go back to doing some shut eye.

Finally my move away day? 07-02-2015.


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No Church this Sunday, old Bean n Bacon soup killed my innerds.


So with every intention of heading to church I expected to get up at 11:00 AM . Not this Sunday.

I was up at 7:00 AM holding my insides so bad that you’d think I was going to deliver twins.

Seems that bad Bean=n-Bacon soup I ate decided to re attack, so after I emptied my insides 3 times into

my toilet. At 11:00 I finally fell asleep on the couch, just got up a few ago, to take some Pepto, and I’m going back

to bed.

TTYLY ya’ll

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Rework of the Knytes

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Well , I told you I’d be here at 04:00 and I am, something to do with bandwidth, system runs a tad


Okay , High Council meeting last night. Results? Club reverting to its original handle as the

Hazzard County Knytes, in all its forms. Something to do with showing America we are more than,

but not taking away from being an MC. So we start work that way.

Some officer shake ups though. Ben Jones (aka Cooter) will remain President of the Hazzard County

Knytes, however, VEE-PEE will go to James Best(aka Sheriff Roscoe) 2nd VP, Shooter Jennings

3rd VP and CEO; Yours truly (aka AyreWolf). All that means is my work load got much heavier.

Starting the Miss Hazzard County 2015/16 talent search. This years GP is a whopping $200K

MISS HAZZARD2 as such its time to get stinky with the kinky again, hot legs, small feet , dainty toes

in nylon hose is the required basic attire, anything else is up to the applicants.

Finally, the>RC LOGO is back on the front burner, and its a big deal for a southern cooked

meal here in Evanston. Details Monday evening.

Want to announce, Mirinda in Gooding Idaho, the one of only 4 women in the Knytes that has

voting privileges has opened a new gig there. Called ; Rebel Racing Graphics. If your looking to put

the punch on your race ride get in touch with them, just wonder if she can do something for the

club’ logo for a few rods and rigs?

Gotta hit the rack, church today. As I close, I wonder, if those who write the books I read to advance

in the LDS Priesthood and all, really apply, what is being taught. Such as, here’s a Priesthood Brother

needing help to once again free the radio gear from bondage, basically with a serious need, could sure

use some bread to gain some traction in the action here. As I read my book, it talked about how

Priesthood brethren are supposed to be united in helping others in the priesthood. There are other

things that are taught that I wonder, how close any of them follow what their being taught?

Case-n-point, only have seen my home teachers twice since I have been here, although I’m greatfull for

all the Ward has done and will do for me here, some serious blessings to my household and me would

be greatly appreciated.

Any mile need sleep.


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Saturday, February 21, 2015

The cold wind doeth blow through my house

hazzardayre KNYTES SCROLL

PROWLIN Oh how the wind doeth blow through my house. After two weeks of unseasonably warm weather where certain things like calking around windows properly should have been done, now the wind does blow through. Reminds me a bit of the trailer house out Yellow Creek way I was living in.

The difference between there and here is, I’m paying more in rent, and I have to pay for the electricity to keep warm and lit. Which I was supposed to get some sort of public help with , but ain’t heard squat from either DFS or whatever department that goes through. Sure I got the Bishop to help with the rent this month, but hey isn’t that what I was going to a multitude of agencies for? Sure I didn’t get subsidies in Idaho, but hell, never needed them, Idaho’s energy costs are far lower than western Wyoming. If the next question is why the hell don’t you just move? First the Bishop is working with me so I can escalate through the LDS Priesthood, which is extremely important to me. Second before I move home to Idaho, I’d like to have all my radio station and personal things paid for and back into my paws and third, maybe the Wyoming governors office needs to hear from me in regards to the dragging of feet on what ever benefits I’m entitled to.

I got a chuckle though last week, when Tuesday I called on my EBT card in Utah being transferred to Wyoming, the lady from the Utah Department of Workforce Services asked a simple question, “ what kind of idiots are working in that DFS office in Evanston ?” Such circumstances is why I fully support, the concept of Utah, annexing Evanston. Wyoming government agencies are way too far off to serve Evanston properly, so putting such things in the hands of Utah would be a plus. Although I think both Utah and Wyoming, needs to study how Idaho does these things and how Idaho streamlines these services.

So then outside there’s snow, just a skiff but come afternoon when folks are heading to Church, junior(Adam) had better have the snow plowed. I fully understand the connection of messing with mother and cub here, but damn it , if Junior is to be the maintenance person here, he ought to do the work. I’m still waiting for a curtain rod to be mounted. I asked for that a month ago now.

Dig this, the owners of the Wentworth here got a power shut off notice to the office, a week or so ago they got a shut off notice from CenturyLink, what’s next gas company?

Needless to say I’m looking for other quarters.

Then of course, Junior had to be having all day and all night get togethers. Sure you can have guests, but hey that many minors with an adult boy toy? Can you say arrest? Can you say law suit? There needs to be an adult here onsite monitoring these things, and I’m looking into it.

Any mile, I’m tired, need to prop up the kickstand take a load off , study my church books and catch some sleep, but in closing I wonder what would happen, if I withheld the amount of gas and power used to heat this place from my rent, because its not insulated well enough?


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