Thursday, February 26, 2015

Good Luck in getting 30 up and 60 down sezz the cable man

BIG HAG HEDDER good morning

sO get up due to internal belly growl, in the middle of a bowl of Reese's cereal and who is at the door.

Guess a post on their Facebook page, got their attention. Seems the problem might be in my old laptop here, so what else is new, ya’ll get what ya’ll pay for right? Not always. Seems as though in town they can do a bit better, but not able yet to achieve the bandwidth speeds of metro Utah, at least not just yet. Which brings to the table the question, why even completely move HazzardAyre? Negotiations are under way to try to retain the current studios, paying back the back rent and me commuting to Woods Cross 3 times per week, until its firmly determined if Evanston Wyoming or Garden City Utah is the right location for the Mountain West’s HazzardAyre radio over the air station.

Got some quirky news overnight.

It seems that there were quite a few uncounted votes in club elections, especially those from our members in the Persian gulf and mid east military region. As such it looks like after recount, Ben Jones(aka-Cooter) stays in as President of both the Hazzard County Knytes/Knytes-of-Anarchy.

Sorry Charlie.

Uncle Jessie said it best, for every road that leaves home, there are two that lead back, however not in every case, sometimes there are too many potholes and mudded out lanes on the other road home so one needs to reroute, and consider a detour. In my case the road home to Hazzard, will be through Montpelier, through Soda Springs Idaho. Not just a direct route straight to Hazzard.

I truly miss the gurgling of both Hazzard and Billingsly Creek, out Hazzard way. I truly miss the days of just sitting on an old hollow tree, teasing squirrels, and watching killdeers. The reasons for my departure from Hazzard are many, most to do with three over ambitious real estate sales people and two foundation trustees trying to make cut a fat pig in the ass. Both deals fell flat. But we’ll get there again very soon, as plans are to REBUILD the original location of HazzardAyre, right in Hazzard and have the flagship station there, and operational in 2016.

Finally two memorials for the CSA, in two restored monuments, thanks to some of our SOCV members in Georgia.

unnamed unnamed (1) Job well done, see what happens when southern folk unite. Now if we could just get ya’ll to contribute to the save HazzardAyre Radio fund, we’d have it made.

Going to take some meds and head back to sleep.


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All is not automatic or as it should be

Hag Hedder WOLF EYES 2_thumb

As I wait for round 4 of my so called automatic dish washer to clean a mere few dishes, I think, if I only had a dish strainer and just washed them by hand? Much easier, gets done faster and if you after all got to pre wash em, chute might as well, as I said, wash em by hand and be done with it. Don’t get me wrong , I have had auto dish washers that work great. Since my mom couldn’t do dishes very long because of her COPD, and all Dad installed this Kitchen Aid Dishwasher at the big house near Hazzard. This was circa 1975. That bastard never broke down, hardly ever needed a filter replacement, and dig this took off spaghetti sauce off of cast iron pans the first time through. Like I said that big house, was 40 years ahead of its time, I’ll get into that in another entry.

Of course back then, making my bed was no big deal. The fitted sheet albeit on a twin sized bed, but to make it easy, mom always bought sheets that had vertical lines or stripes, which made lining the thing up easy and done quick, complete with Marine corners, something Dad insisted on, might be why I shy away from that today.

My lady friend here at the Wentworth , brought over a bottom sheet, and its either too small,(still) although its supposed to fit a queen sized bed, or I’m doing it wrong. Looks like what I need to do, is get out my tape measure and get the correct dimensions and go shopping for some bedding next week while I’m in Utah.

Got to do that and then go up to Twin Falls to see Senior Charlie on an equipment buy, and a possible company start. Including taking on an administrative assistant, suggested by a fellow Knyte. Thing is the new employee isn’t taking everything seriously. My advice to those who don’t. If you snub the club today when we offer, don’t come back to us after we are running full gallop, in about 4 months. What I’m trying to do is get somebody trained to oversee things here, so I don’t have to baby sit this operation, here, and can relocate back to near Hazzard in July. If someone is unemployed or improperly employed a $20.00 an hour job with lots of perks might not be something to brush aside. Remember, Nora and Janet, the offer is made once, not twice.

Any mile, life goes on. I suspect the reason, many don’t take the job thing seriously is because they see my rides and they run around in rides hardly if not paid for. Mine are, plus its the club that’s hiring you through me, not just my company.

Again watched the final eps, of the series Selfie an old ABC series that went off in December. This series was not bad. The lead character I liked simply because she carried the show quite well, and of course, being a leg man and one who likes to see stockings on a gal, also made this series flow well. Karen Gillan proved that hot legs in nylons is not to be a forgotten fashion.

It’s lights out here at the Wolf’s Den, so catch ya’ll l8r.



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good night

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

HazzardAyre is not a work by myself Its a work of our Heavenly Father


Even the name was inspiration of Heavenly Father. The year was 2010 I had moved from Bliss Idaho to Buhl Idaho at what had been a disaster and a serious failure of myself and being over zealous in performance of a thing we called AyreWolfFM and SAMCRO Radio.

I was feeling rather removed from the business of radio and media, but I got a bolt of lightening in the middle of the night, call it HazzardAyre. The voice of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost was unmistakably stern and more of an order rather than mere suggestion. The bringing together of two cultures, one of hot rod southern fried gear heads and military aviation into one radio show. I think Heavenly Father was pushing me to get something together to deliver his message to a segment of of the population that common religion was missing.

Events that followed made HazzardAyre even more important. The escalation of the program was such that HazzardAyre Radio is a tool of Heavenly Father.

While not without its trials and tribulations, HazzardAyre became an entity of its own, carrying a very lost group of people into the arena of looking at being in church and finding ones way through his Holy word into hearts that had never been taught or had been previously ignored.

HazzardAyre Radio demands to be saved as HazzardAyre radio saves souls. Is it wrong for both a property owner not to take Fast Offerings to pay for back rent in his complex to rescue HazzardAyre, yes. Because rescuing HazzardAyre Radio is God’s work, and that demands use of such sacred funds.

I put up on Fund Me( a request for many to get involved here. This is most likely a test by Heavenly Father , but HazzardAyre Radio is so much more than a frivolous adventure into southern culture or old vintage military aviation. Its a way to reach Naval and Marine Aviators worldwide that need a bit of home brewed relief from and in war torn nations. As through worldwide every Navy carrier, every MCAS is tuned into HazzardAyre Radio at least 4 times per day and at least 3 times overnight. The effort of HazzardAyre Radio goes even deeper. Involving communities in Community Radio allowing every person who wants to be on radio to do just that , be on Radio and eventually TV. If every person that has been fans of and supporters of HazzardAyre Radio, would cough up just $100.00 and send it to HazzardAyre Radio, 96 East Hayden #C-202, Evanston Wyoming, 82930 HazzardAyre Radio could begin to be LIVE once again. I counted 78 Likes on our home page of HazzardAyre on if all 78 of those fans coughed up $100.00, that’s near $8,000.00 we could then relaunch.

If you believe in your Priesthood teachings, if you believe in the Bible, and its contents, if you believe in righting the wrongs of this nation, then HazzardAyre Radio is that Magic carpet to get us there. Send us your donation.


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HCK TAIL_thumb

Another Daily Grind


A great day here, as I pretty much slept through it. I had no where I had to be today, no big crisis to solve, and for once the club was not my main thought. I guess I’m growing a callous over my cranium when it comes to the Knytes. Not that I care any less, as I do, my dedication too, and financing the club has been a sacrifice that I have had the pleasure and privilege to do for 30 plus years and will continue to do so, but pledges and acknowledgement of members nation wide that are ready to roll up their sleeves and get dirty to get things back on track here in the club is making my work a bit easier. Of course here in Evanston there are only 4 patched members outside of myself so it does make it a bit much on a daily haul to get things done.

The big situation now is going to be distancing our club, from the DOH TV show, while retaining the whole Hazzard County image and our legacy in it. In short, no where and few of anyone else west of the great divide is more aligned with DOH and all things Hazzard County , however that may be part of the problem. Getting legislation and other things done riding the shirt tails of DOH many don’t take us seriously. The Knytes however a bit different story, while many align us up more with an MC than anything else, and I’d rather run with bikers as just about anyone else, simply because of all the groups of people I have known in my life its the biker community that has welcomed me into their own, with open arms. Too bad some in the DOH world didn’t do that.

Used to be a grand competition between Ben and I. We’d do something out here , and Ben would try to upstage it. Fact is many including Ben were and are upset that in many cases we beat him to the punch. The real fact is simple. Ben played a tow truck operator/mechanic on a fictional TV show, I however am a real to life tow truck owner operator, mechanic in a real shop in a real town that is called Hazzard and whose shop wears the proud name of the Hazzard County Garage and has done since 1979. For all intents and purposes I am the real to life Cooter, while Ben, portrays Cooter. big difference.

I’m just waiting for the dish washer to get done, so I can make food. I’m no longer trying to download KSL news, since the cable system here is way to slow, even still, AllWest said they’d have a tech email me and set a time for one to come out and exchange modems. Still waiting.

Many are not happy on the fact that we are leaning on the freeloaders that love to have the perks of being a Knyte, but don’t pay their dues money, or do something in exchange of that dues money. But its a sign of the times. Once the club would let people slyde a bit here and there. NO MORE, the newly elected officers and all are saying no pay your out of the club. That includes the Unofficial Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club, the Knytes ourselves and all extensions and subsidiaries of the Knytes , including the AyreWolvez, no pay your out.

Any mile I’ll be back in after dinner.


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So what makes them so Trending Now?


Have you ever wondered how those who work at both Yahoo, and Facebook post what is Trending Now? I always do, since they’ll put up some photo of or a name of something trending, but then give you news that’s at minimum 3 years old. It ain’t Trending Now, shows what they get hiring them college students in Silicon Valley California, hih?

Okay then, got quite a few noises coming in about the dues thing and all that and I’ll get into that later in the day, but its came down to organization dedication and loyalty. As Twin Falls Idaho, sub Charter President said it, “ We’d rather have less, but loyal and dedicated members, than just a bunch of freeloaders that have forgotten what this organization is all about. Time for some other people to start lifting the heavy weight.”

The echo is one I coheartily agree with. For nearly 30 years, its been the sum of about 10 of us busting hump to grow this organization into what it is today. Once we were innovators, once we wrote the book of what a hot rod/biker/truck/aviation group was all about. Today we are copying many things and having to miss out on the rest.

Once we held down the grass and made our own path, everyone including the writers of the Dukes-of-Hazzard, consulted us, the 4X4 General Lee in one episode, was inspired by one of our club’s members rigs, the radio jock on the Dukes, played by my 4th cousin Richie Montgomery, My idea. the list goes on but we were involved in the TV show, because the TV show was involved with and supported the club. Even the club’s balladeer Waylon Jennings said once, that the TV show would not have gained its place in the ratings without the grass roots promotion and support of the Hazzard County Knytes-(aka; Knytes-of-Anarchy). Have we seen a check or even one bit of online support, or a mention online either on Ben’s site for his all things Dukes store? No. Has Tracey Duke, ever reposted any of our blogs or encouraged others to help support the club, or even favor our online radio station on Livestream ? ( ? no.

So if your not paying dues, not serving in or directly helping the club, then you have no reason to support or be involved in the club. So those not doing their parts are being booted from the club.

More this afternoon.

L8R Ya’ll

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HCK TAIL_thumb good night

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Knytes, me and AllWest

Hag Hedder WOLF EYES 3

So many asked me what happened at AllWest’ office Monday? First I decided to keep the service for all my TV and Internet/phone, needs, but still have to buy a new TV or a converter. I still think there’s something wrong with that, but hey ya gots to do what ya’ll gots to do, right?

Internet speed, still the same, barely 3mbps up, just under 20mbps down. The lady said at AllWest said we all were to get up graded to 50 mbps , right. I heard that in Burley from Cable One, never did happen. Same crap just a different day, but at least AllWest is trying. I get a good stream, from about noon to 10:00 PM, after that its slower than syrup on a cold winters day.

AllWest said why don’t you have a phone, AllWest put in the phone service, just need to go get yet another phone unit to plug into the modem to access the damn phone. Still trying to get funds to rescue gear from Utah, something about I4 not willing to take Fast offering money to fix the problem, so it’ll be $500.00 for 3 months that, except for foul weather, will deliver each month personally. Maybe I can get some personal things out of the old office come Monday. Hate it when the 1st of the month, is on a weekend.

Put up a thing on Go Fund Me, for the radio workx. The club is opening the concept of community radio. In short, radio done by our community, not just the club. Which means anyone with a good program can come in, produce and air their own radio shows, plus learn basic radio/TV broadcast skills.

If 25 people, put up $100.00 a piece, we’d have enough to kick this puppy in the rear and get it on air.

Watched a show on Hulu, called Selfie, one funny show. Seems as though Hulu is the only streamer I have that’s not getting bogged down too much slow download internet speed. KSL’ news wont download nor KTVB’s streaming TV news. I’m not only looking into our own T1, but a T3 connection here. Details as I get them.

Elections were last night by the Knytes, High Council, as you know, long time President, Ben Jones(aka-Cooter) was defeated by a large margin, due to a serious lack of communication from Alma and Ben to the club. In fact there is a strong push to drop the Hazzard thing in lieu of going full Knytes-of-Anarchy. The motion has been made, but needs full club voting to approve. Should know about September.

Oh don’t get me wrong the Hazzard County core and all that makes that up will still be part of us, but more of the real world of Hazzard County rather than the TV version of Hazzard County. The slogan tag for the Knytes-of-Anarchy? Goes like this, More Hazzard County, less Duke family. This is something I have supported since the patch over move from the Hazzard County Knytes to the Knytes-of-Anarchy was done in 2008 and ratified in 2009. Something to do with some of those that say they’ll support the club, but don’t really. For most of them, its more of a card carrying membership doing membership. This might get ugly, but I think it’s time for the club, to distance itself from the TV show that inspired it.

Since Phil, and Skip Ward left us, a few years ago, there has been little to no funding from Ben, Warner Brothers, or Lou Stepp Productions. In my and many club members view, loyalty goes both ways.

So I will close, in saying that electing someone that has opened his wallet for and of the club and is local and in our region has been elected President of the club, and I also feel, things are going to get much, much better.

Until L8R

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Breaker 19 For Jesus