Friday, March 13, 2015

Sorry , but the club does not need you, but You sure need the club

BIG HAG HEDDER wolf eyes 4

It happens just about every time with just a few exceptions, the club hires outside of membership, and the new hires split, because their not making immediate money. Hard to say that just a week not Matt and Sammi decided to go elsewhere. But this was not a employment gig. They needed a place to do Tattoos, the club needed somebody to do ink, the club agreed to pay rent on a place for them to do that, in exchange for a drastic reduction in the cost of them doing the ink for the club members.

But they chose to bail, something to do with me using up their time. Fine go elsewhere the club doesn’t need you, you need the club, but hey go out and find someone else as accommodating as I and or the club is. You don’t bite the hands that are feeding you, nor growl at someone bringing you the food. You work with the club , the club works for you. I get tired of the bullshit. You try to give a hand up, and get kicked in the jaw, I have two more interviews for new hires. The stage has been set for the Reaper Club, but its not so set in stone or ink on paper, that I can’t say bag it. Sure the western Wyoming flagship hq for HazzardAyre Radio/TV will be here, that’s why I left Utah and have went through so much crap that no amount of ass wipe can clean it up. But if certain people have their head up their butts so far that they refuse see the light, I haven’t got the time, nor inclination nor am I willing to mess with them.

In closing, Matt and Sammi are history, the Reaper Club is holding on a thread, but radio hq will be here, but I’m already looking at the July departure. I’m sick of it.

Tell you how the interview goes Friday afternoon.

So to Matt, Sammi, and much of Evanston, The Knytes do not need you, but you sure as heck need the Knytes.


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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Don’t be kind or complimentary, just be like a Marine Drill Instructor


Want to do business in the 21st Century? Be a dang DI, and make people feel unimportant, degrade them to mere servants and never be kind or complimentary, especially women.

Dig this and it happened once before here, but sent a message to a gal that showed me all kinds of properties yesterday, saying how professional, and efficient she was. So Matt gets back to me saying they were somewhat offended. Really for saying someone is doing a good job, thanks for helping me and the club. I must have an invisible tattoo on my forehead in NEON letters that says, Predator or worse, or something that gives off the vibe I want to do the nasty animal carnal thing to you, not . I and most if not all the club respects that piece of jewelry on the third finger on the left hand of women. But that should not mean you have to just be mean. But apparently that’s what you have to be. Over the next year and a half, SAMCRO MC/Knytes-of-Anarchy will be dumping just under $30,million into the Evanston/Bear River Wyoming area. Likewise in Lyman Wyoming and Randolph Utah areas. We need the resources of a good real estate person as a associate.  Sure the lady real estate person looked good and that’s a bonus, but aside from teasing, the last thing I’d do right now is try to make a date there. Of course this extends to the gals that’ll be working at The Reaper, the ladies for the calendar and video, and of course TV ads etc. In all cases it means that members and myself don’t dip your pen in the ink well.

However I do tease, and if these gals can’t handle my teasing that is near harmless, how will they handle being around some of the other members of the club? More over patrons of the Reaper and even doing a radio show in a 10X10 radio studio, for 6 hours?

To hell with it, the old saying my mom said to me as a wolfpup, of you can catch more with kindness that you can being ornery is gone. You have to be mean, and demeaning just as my DI when I was at boot camp was to me.


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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

In our world, performance counts


Still can’t sleep.

In the world of Hazzard County Choppers/Highway Hooker Toewing, performance counts, or its out. There are dozens of examples, but if its something I’m involved in as my company, or something the club gets involved in, its Git-R-Done, or we’re out of it.

Now , sure we could just give the big middle finger to the local gals here, hire model talent from Hollywood, shoot the ads and be done with it. Sure we’d have many local officials and city fathers and county grandfathers bitching on, “why didn’t you hire local gals for this?” Our response is, “ We tried, but you were too stuck up to do anything, nothing personal but this is business” . This is not a new happening.

I remember back in 84, we built a off road version of ye old General Lee, and were just about to open what we called the Hazzard County Garage, Truck and 4x4 shop. The father of the Dixie Diesel Shop. So Bro(Ace-of-Spades Culbertson) had his main squeeze do it. However the only reason she did it, was because she got jealous, because I had booked a pro model out of Burbank, through Four Wheeler Magazine, who we were running ads with at the time, to shoot a feature. Claressa got peeved at Bro, who got me to use Claressa , and not the pro model. He said it’d save us money. Bullshit, if I’d have just used the pro model, we’d have been on the cover, as it was we became the back cover and lost brownie points. Since then the idea is to use pro agencies when we need this kind of thing. But the High Council said, try to find locals for this to generate local brownie points.

That said, I can remember last year, about this time. We went to Talent Management Group of Utah. Spent a full afternoon there. Never did get to fully audition anybody including trying the kiss on the toes in nylon hose, the one gal we thought was good for the project was too expensive, especially when I never could get TMG to have her drive up to Ogden for a second interview. So doing business with a pro agency, and there are only two in the area, TMG and McCarty’s in Salt Lake City. The rest are schools disguised as agencies. Few if any of them have SAG, or AFTRA certification, and many are students trying to do modeling/acting to fund going to college to do something else besides modeling/acting.

More L8R Ya’ll


ayrescreen koa mwc logo


Time for the put up or shut up, stage

Hag Hedder greetings1

good morning As I just attempted to catch some needed shut eye, I started thinking which is something I do more these days. The Pixie Hollow Shangri-La days of the club is while not over, seriously shedding skin. There was a time that we had gobs of cash to throw at things, if they worked great, if not scrap it move on those days are gone. Sure the club is gaining ground in some areas as well as the fact more cash in the stash box. The $389,000,000.00 in the kitty is great, until one starts breaking that down. Of that $389,mil, is divided up over 50 states, 1,000 members and their families , it doesn’t go as far as it used to. So every project, ever outreach , every new enterprise has to be examined and is examined under the biggest magnifying glass and microscope that you can and most likely can’t imagine.

As far as the Reaper here in Evanston, that’s still on target, but I am concerned about having the high quality eye candy staff there that will be required. Long before I put my ink on paper and involving the Knytes,or the AyreWolvez, I damn well want to see at minimum of 10 super hotties with their head pulled out of their ass. Second the Radio station which is what I came here for. The Knytes knows that these diesel jockeys out here on the big road, need our voice over the air, telling them of road, weather conditions as well as keeping them informed and entertained. KDXC is not just for this Podunk ungrateful town of Evanston, its for that community called I-80. Truckers, bikers, towing professionals. That’s why the radio werx exists, not for some too conservative town, that thinks that some big company is going to march in here and save the day. Those same big companies watch what happens to medium sized business’ and enterprises. If they get treated well, things go smooth, they also start inching in. If not the big players look elsewhere like Metro-Utah, which soon Evanston will be Utah, since there is very little Wyoming here. Face it Rocky Mountain Power the electric service provider, Utah. Questar, the provider of natural gas for heat etc, Utah. Cable/Internet service provider, again Utah based. How about a booster that brings in one of the Wyoming TV stations from Casper, or Cheyenne ? How about our own power company, Internet/cable company, natural gas company. Nobody likes to hear this, but damn it, if Evanston is to be Wyoming, lets be Wyoming, or allow Utah to annex the spoiled brat village so that at least some of Utah’s consumer protection and tax money can rub off on this town.

Sorry got off course there a bit.

As far as the Knytes, it would be so easy, to stop the opening of the MC Shop/Towing service, forget the bar, put up the radio station in an office here, and have a couple of our members from Woodruff or Morgan Utah come up and maintain that, and me move back to Idaho, without a second thought. As far as the Hazzard Nationals/DukesFest West, that can happen just as easy in Burley or American Falls Idaho as it can in Evanston Wyoming.

I guess there are the doubting Thomas’s and fretting Betty’s here that think I’m blowing smoke, and after getting flinched by a con man saying he was reviving KEVA here that snookered a bunch of people, they have a right to be cautious. But whether its Kerra, who hasn’t even called or stopped by in days, funny I could fork out for drinks and all, for a meeting, plus a 12 pack of Mikes Lemonade, that I had to leave the other night, but if I just lost a job, and needing money to feed me, I’d be at the Wolf’s Den every damn day, I’d be doing what she said she could do. I guess they don’t understand that our investment in this town and herself, as well as our two new hires and all only benefits them , The Knytes flat don’t give a damn. To most of the club, Evanston is a sore spot. One that through a gal who once worked at the same bar we are intending on buying , took the club for $30,000.00 of radio equipment, cost me $10,000.00 in bail money to get her ass out of jail, provided her an attorney at the tune of $25k, which is why we as a club have been searching for Miss Tammy Hunt, to say where the hell is our equipment?

Where is the station cash money of $100,000.00 in advertising revenue you stole? Not because she is the best gall darn bar tender in the west.

Because of that defending and making this final effort on establishing a sub charter of the Knytes here as well as serving all the citizens of I-80, and I-84 from here, really difficult. I was told that if something goes sour on or TV/magazine shoot in two weeks depending on weather, that I’m to do the Tatt shop, for Matt and Sammi, the Radio station, and then me ? Well Montpelier/Paris Idaho, Garden City/Pickleville Utah is a light I’m looking at, and why there? No competition. There is NO TOWING service in either place. Well one in Paris, but he don’t want to get out of bed or go out after dark. Add to that rescuing pickups when they launch boats in Bear Lake and get stuck, makes that look mighty tasty. So in closing, I say this to many in Evanston, its time to put up or shut up. Either you can accommodate our needs, or you can’t, but don’t keep me dangling, or the club, just knawing at the string.


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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Utah under terrorism


If your from here and watch the news, you’ve heard that child abduction is running rampant in metro Utah.

A silver gray suv cross over was seen trying to abduct a child on his way home from school right off the bus in Bluffdale this afternoon. Last week near Layton a group was being teased into entering strangers vehicles.

The Knytes-of-Anarchy’  BACA unit is working with area law enforcement to stop this. Bee on the lookout and be vigilant, and educate your children on stranger danger.

Next, several youngsters in our community with life threatening illness’ have some wish they need filled. The Knytes-of-Anarchy is currently accepting donations to help these youth realize their dreams, through the Make a Wish Foundation. Plus we’re having a big bang fundraiser at the Reaper>REAPER CLUB1 proceeds after expense Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City.

If you can dig deep and donate to our efforts.


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FOX TAIL good night

site cover page REAPER CLUB1



nEWS FOR SALE, Seems like something that shouldn’t be right? After all news especially news that’s brought to you by TV and even newspaper should be untethered and unbiased. However that’s not the real scene. Reason, for most and I’m happy to say not us here at HazzardAyre, not influenced by how much money or not so much money we make, but uncovering the news YOU want to see, hear, and read.

If you tune to FoX 13 News out of Utah, you hear and see the promos about if you saw it, you saw it on Fox 13 News. Really? If there’s a story in our area, its us, here at both HazzardAyre as well as ayrewolffm. The only semi LIVE streaming radio and TV station dedicated to the preservation and education of Confederate history and heritage, and ayrewolffm honoring the heritage and education of military flight as well as those who flew those missions, not just the aircraft. Marine and Navy aviator veterans look to ayrewolffm to provide information on benefits that they have earned, more over the legacies they created. Yet FoX 13 News as much as I called them prior to my departure from Woods Cross, Utah would not return phone calls, but nearly if not completely ignored our organization’ subsidiary sibling the AyreWolvez. The same deaf ear was repeated here in Evanston at the Uinta County Herald. Even though, had the local paper gave some news ink, to the radio station amongst other things like both the Knytes as well as the AyreWolvez, the club would have reciprocated with steady and consistent advertizing. Ignorance and arrogance is not bliss. Slap the club in the face, the club ignores you, and YOU loose.

Considering that ignorance and arrogance , the club is looking at launching in June, a semi weekly and by 2016 a daily newspaper for the entire area not just Evanston, but also from Fish Haven Idaho, to Lyman Wyoming.

As such we are looking for writers, copy editors, photographers, as well as ad sales people. Military veterans, preferred.

Now then my time.

Being Charter President of the Knytes and Executive Officer of the AyreWolvez, my time is near none existent. In the 41 years that the club has been together, I have not seen a vacation day, that was just me blowing off steam and relaxing, just for me. Not one. As a result, my vehicles don’t get the needed care they need, laundry doesn’t get done, the Wolf’s Den doesn’t get cleaned when it needs it and even simple things like fetching milk and food gets put on a shelf, but hardly if ever gets addressed. So I’m tasking Sammi and Matt to find me a housekeeper, that I can trust and depend on. Likewise a production assistant, to do errands, and do supervision.

Now in closing, hope Sammi and all brings at least one talent applicant dressed in nylons for viewing and interviewing, at our meeting, like wise the older gal that was at Kerra’ the other night that used to be a madam.

So the next time you see the promos on FoX 13 News that says they give you news all of the news, don’t believe it. They report, if only you an advertiser.


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No matter how bad she really is odoriffic, a guy will still want to smell her


This all started two days ago, a few of my crew and I were watching Lab Rats on the Disney Channel, when they overlap Disney XD on Disney. Any mile there was Miss Kelly dressed in her tight pair of coveralls>126644_0402 and one of our crew members asks, think her crotch smells in those>? So I started thinking about all the raunchiest parts of female human anatomy that women cover with the tightest fabrics and styles you could imagine. So thought is, and we covered it on the air this morning(see what you miss, when you don’t tune into HazzardAyre Radio( but no matter how bad it might smell us male corpuscles still want a sniff. The tighter and slinkiest of fabrics, even biker leather when draped or cocooning even the most treasured of body parts guys need really need to smell it. Especially the vaginal area.

Yet these same areas unless the guy is queer, would make most other he wolves , hurl, if we even went that far. However , butt, crotch, under pits don’t matter the foulest the better, with some dumb ass’d comment like, “ hey it smells like musk cologne” really smells like Mr.. Clean with Clorox to me. On this subject, have you ever really looked at it?

The human female vulva and surrounding area, is one of the most ugliest parts of her body to view. Sure we’ll lick that thing like Grandpa licking an ice cream cone, we’ll tongue that thing like tonguing a bowl of cake frosting out of a bowl, and yes we’ll even poke fun at it, but if you really look at it, it looks like a dried up prune pit. Or peach pit depending on her build. Then we go around back. Which for all his great abilities, Heavenly Father would not make a good city planner. After all who would put a recreation and culinary area, next to a sanitation dump. Yet many guys will always comment on just how tight, how firm and how nice a gals butt is, truth be known , many women, no matter how well she knows you, will not let you play back there. And forget your shaft, not going to happen. I know some male wolvez that will lick that butt and crack clean, like slurping gravy out of a bowl, they say its like eating candy. Really , I don’t even think Candie will let you. In all my weird ideas that would not be on my list. Moving up from there, her arm pits, the insides of her ears, one taste and we’re back for more. Any way need to get back to other matters, but hey we’ll be back later, with any luck Sammi will come over or have someone come over and we’ll have a demo pic fest for you to see overnight, nylons on toes .


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