Monday, March 16, 2015

Hope your not still sleeping


Do you do your sidework?

When in doubt watch those getting it done, more importantly can YOU do it better?

Each weekend I watch TV, not just the Disney Channel. Sure the entertainment channels are sort of entertaining, and yes during ratings sweeps, the cable and other broadcast channels run the good stuff, but too, the informational news channels. For me in our industry I watch anything to do with toewing.

The Weather Channel, runs this series called Highway through Hell , that is a real to life expose of a large tow company in Canada. I watch to see if and how they do recoveries. They call them Heavy Rescue calls, and sometimes I’ll think, dang I never thought of doing it that way, or chute I’d never do that, that way. But I learn something all the time.

Which brings me to a slight off camber subject that has again came into the view.

Any time the club starts flexing its muscle, people think that my company, even me is paying for what ever it is. Few understand that I am but a instrument of the club. My company is very small , sure we do as a company make okay money, but 90% of what we make goes back into the company. I’m grateful to have 7 great franchise owner/managers, that keep the wheels turning so that we’re earning, but just because its been a great number of great people that have stood by me and are my other extended family.

Even so, what the Knytes-of-Anarchy and the AyreWolvez do, is not directly if at all connected to what AyreWolf Aviation/Highway Hooker Toewing does. They are two distinct and separate entities. That albeit I manage both only one I own, the other is due to my membership in the other and the duty, that I perform due to loyalty, and brotherhood. Just because the Knytes have deep pockets does not mean I do. My resources are few and are stretched tighter than a undersized pair of leotards on a fat woman. This subject came up the other day when a near associate asked and texted our new hire asking questions. Like if he has this kind of money why does his rides look so old? Simple they are MY rides, not the club. Sure I’d like to have the big money that the club does, but too , did anyone think, that’s why any documents or payment things has to me mailed by snail mail, to club HQ in California to get paid, rather than just me paying bills out of my pocket.

I guess no body looks up or does their homework any more.

Now why is it that the toew trucks and all of that are not here and the drag out of the location of Hazzard County Choppers? Reason, when I unplugged from Twin Falls in 2014 to Ogden, it was not to erect nor to operate my companies in either Utah and or Wyoming. It was simply to re-establish HazzardAyre Radio/TV in Ogden now Woods Cross Utah and here in Evanston.

The reason one sees meager furnishings here, in the quarters I reside in, here in Evanston, is due to the fact that I came here, to fire a radio station, not relocate or extend HCC/Highway Hooker Toewing. Bottom line I hate in all too many ways , Evanston Wyoming. I hate the backwards mindset, the clannish, cliquish , and yes I’ll say it retarded methodology. I hate being around so many doubting Thomas’ and arrogant Betty’ , disbelieving , none thinkers, willing to bring them out of the box, into obscure or left field ideas. Of all the types of business’ here what I hear mostly is, we need a good long range radio station here. We want our Own TV station here, reporting WYOMING news, not that from Utah. And yet our city councils and so on spends lotsa money promoting things on UTAH TV stations and radio stations.

Now let’s get back on course here.

The concept that the Knytes-of-Anarchy is a motorcycle club is only about 10% accurate. The Knytes are more a commercial long haul heavy duty truck enthusiasts group. That is together to share our affection of old skool trucking, the legacy of and admiration of trucking’s yesteryear, and hopefully move that old skool to whit the Knytes-of-Anarchy will be reverting back to its original name as the Rode Knytes Association this fall. The other half of the organization is the Toew Bro’s Association which is us who love our old style but able custom painted , themed , tricked out toew trucks.

If it were up to the organization, The Reaper, would just be GearHeads, and become a truck stop, rather than anything else.

The membership of the clubs are spread out all over Wyoming. Wyoming’s main body of the Knytes is located in Rock Springs, Afton, and Jackson Hole. Not, let me REPEAT, NOT EVANSTON. Ever since the all night progressive attitude of Evanston changed about the time the oil and natural gas wells pulled up and out of here, our membership pretty much decided that Evanston was a place to be avoided. The only reason the radio station is being constructed here is that community of I-80/84 out here that has no or a very small voice. If it were not for that the radio station would be going up somewhere in southeastern Idaho, like Bancroft or Montpelier. There are people there including my next of kin that would make that work. As far as the Reaper, that’s in the clubs hands. As soon as I get the paperwork on it, and it can be voted on, that will happen, but only on the heels of the success or lack of , of the radio station. After all, if we can’t get the right amount of eye candy or ear candy for the radio station, how the hell are we going to get 20 hot bodies to tend bar, serve food etc? After all , its one thing to pay $250.00 a month for a near turnkey spot for the radio station, its another to be raking out $2,500.00 a month and all that money, that requires to run an all out trucker/biker/aviator bar/cafe. As far as my company, if I were to add on a new set of locations, it’d be either Montpelier or Bancroft/Grace Idaho, not Evanston Wyoming.

Any mile more this afternoon, but with all the interviews of new hires, I have yet to have one or two, come in, and me smooch, or examine toes. for>erin n me to make>156620_162274433815329_2784886_n maybe Britt and or her friend will do that today.




Sunday, March 15, 2015

Your never alone there is a Father who loves you


Our new hire prospect Britt 10401952_768961383172788_8980324130861703049_n is having guy problems. As little a space of time ago, I was having lady problems. It seemed as many ladies I met at the model auditions and all I never could connect with. More over even when I did go to church steady, I had the difficult problem making the he and she connection. I felt it was me. I got told I looked everything from creepy, or a predator or worse. I was even at a point, that I thought of tattooing that on my forehead. As much as I held my heart out on my sleeve, as nice as I was to all too many ladies seemed once they used what was in my wallet or somehow decided like my hillbilly lifestyle, although prosperous, was not for them. My heart would get stomped on, my soul got broke, and several times I looked at committing suicide. Why live? After all I have done everything one can do in life, from broadcasting, flying, trucking, toewing I had lived and was in the company of celebrities and Government leaders, but I felt the most comfort on two wheels with a few guys from the club. Even the few gals that are in the club, I never could quite connect with. Sure we’d party , even sexually , but never anything Permanente.

I had put away the LDS Church due to many abuses, and began having our own services. What I found was I was never really alone. I had my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ always within my arms reach. If I needed a shoulder, he was there.

After my last marriage which brought me here to Evanston the first time around in 1995, I had been used as a magic carpet ride to escape from an abusive husband, but once she had tasted some freedom she left me. Sure I tried to win her back, but that final thing at Legal Tender here in Evanston, when her new guy pal, put his hand on her lap and she had her hand on mine, I just said, no more. So I began leading a more humble, basic life. I drive rides that look like they are falling apart, although mechanically sound, I live in a modest home, and I don’t dress in threads that make me look like anything but what I am. The more humble I live, the more blessed I am through Jesus Christ. All my rides are paid for, just about all I have I own, and outside of the goof of the radio gear that My ward is helping me recover and a few utility bills, I’m pretty much debt free. Which all church leaders say is what we should work towards.

I only get super depressed around Thanksgiving, Christmas, the rest of the time, I have just accepted that my Heavenly Father has me running this race of life alone, is just his plan. This does not mean that if the right lady stepped in and said I’m yours, whether it be our prospect , even with the age gap, or someone else. I wouldn’t say no. But I’m not actively hunting a gal. Why? Because I have Jesus Christ, I have my friends and both sisters and brethren at our Ward, I have the love and help , but mostly the brotherly love of a caring Bishop. Mostly I have the love and support, of my Heavenly Father, and when it comes to the he & she thing, when my Heavenly Father determines its my time up on the batting plate again for that, My Heavenly Father will bring someone into my picture. But I have the the faith and put that in his hands, he’s doing the driving, I’m just riding second seat, so I don’t stress over it.

As far as Britt; out of the 50k membership, of the Knytes, there is 10k that is in Britt’ age group, she in time can have her choice, so in reality, she’s not fully alone.

I have learned, that when I’m depressed, when I feel lost, when I feel stressed and especially feeling lonely, I just open my Bible and my Book Of Mormon, and very rapidly, I’m no longer stressed, alone, depressed anything. A special peace from the Holy Ghost comes into my body and mind, and I gain courage to go on.

In closing, we are only alone, if we choose to be, there are people out there if we just open our arms and put down the shields, more over we are only alone, when we close our Bibles, and ignore Heavenly Father.


devils tag KNYTES WYNGZ UP

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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Kountry Thinkin

BIG HAG HEDDER southern fried kountry

There’s certain ways of thinkin, one is the way city folk think. Yuck, don’t make me hurl, most city or urban types, are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Or there is the Southern Kountry way of thinkin that is the most intelligent so we’re going to examine this from that point.

Many members of the Knytes and a few around this little berg called Evanston Wyoming, gotta say Wyoming since there’s several Evanston’s around the Union.

But certain folks that think or are ah thinkin, I’m pineing for this new hire, Britt>10401952_768961383172788_8980324130861703049_n Which is absolutely absurd. There is no way under God’s sky that I’d be tripping over her. Now if she was say 20 to 30 years older, sure. But as it is she’s just a great person that I happen to like and that now works for the club, as my Production Assistant. Past that, she’s just neat to go have coffee, with or just shoot shit. Likewise , I’m still in charge here, she messes up too much or doesn’t do as requested, like any employee she’ll be discharged faster than a one eyed gunny sergeant. But she’ll still be a dear friend, and an intern. Mostly friend.

So all of you grow the frig up, I’m not in lust or love with this young hire, but she is a Lady of the Knytes and should be treated with the respect and honor that, that title deserves nuff said.

More L8R Aviators,

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Sex in The Kountry,

BIG HAG HEDDER sex in the kountry

First off here, can we keep it clean here. Example, went on a search of pics to put in the graphic for the column of HazzardAyre.

I was searching for attractive cowgirls/rodeo queens. After wading through what seemed the full jugurknot of porn to near porn found a few that could be used. Hasn’t anyone ever took their phone cams or their digicams out and photographed hot cowgirls at a rodeo before? If not, why not? After all, nothing sezz sexy better than a hot looking cowgirl in an even tighter pair of Wrangle Cowgirl cut jeans. Okay so it takes a very tight behind to pull that off, but hey, nothing looks better in the hay, and if you’d like to know, the first pair of shorts for Daisy Duke, were a drastically cut off pair of Wrangler cowgirl cut jeans.

Having a gal on a horse besides one of our two or 6 wheeled iron horses, sezz kountry sexy. Okay I know this is going to come up, but here goes. I spell country with a booted K, why? It goes back to legendary country music personality Kitty Wells who spelled all of anything country with that booted K, more over I saw that once on a billboard for a radio station out of Boise when they were hit kountry KJOT, there was the K super imposed over a cowgirl boot. It looked good so I have stuck with it. I know my southern kountry roots are showing more today. I get tired of these people who front being kountry to even rodeo, whose bunk house is apartment number 10 at the Classic Lodge and their Pinto horse is a Pinto car.

I love kountry, well true kountry women. Who can look refined in a floor length gown or dress, yet can put on a pair of coveralls and overhaul a John Deere, or at least not fear to try.

A gal who loves trucks, slinging a few brews out 4digging, or practicing barrel racing, for a rodeo. Those sparkly cowgirl Stetsons, with those silky tops as they ride out at a rodeo. To me that is true beauty. Especially if she takes a dip of Skoal, rather than light up a smoke or one of those vapor smoke things. Ever priced one of those? Friend of mine went to buy one the other day after I mistakenly ran over his. Damn thing cost near $200.00 , really? Heck I could buy 4 rolls of Skoal for that price and it’d last longer.

In this column we’ll be looking at relationships and such the kountry way. There is a difference.

City gals and Kountry Honey’s do, do it different.

Bikers and cowboys have it about right, We’ll treat or women as well as our leathers and ride our women as often as we ride our Harley’s or our horses.REBEL COWBOY Kountry gals don’t wear their feelings on their sleeves, don’t twitch if someone says something out of context or at least colorful , kountry girls don’t start gossip, nor talk behind their guys back and certainly will stand up for their guys, in defense if someone is putting him down. The sign of a cowboy that is married or engaged is not the ring on his finger, but the knawed off Wrangler patch off his Wrangler jeans, his honey did the knawing off. Same goes in reverse of her. If you see a partly chewed off Wrangler patch off of her Wrangler Jeans, it means she is done spoke for.

Now then; lets chat about the concept of love and lust. There is a major difference.

For this old Rebel Wolf, I think of a gal or look at her in my mind at least 30 years older than she is, near balding, some pounds gained and think of , her hunched over the toilet hurling, with me holding her long dirt water blonde hair out of her face and washing out a towel so she can clean up.

Can you picture her sitting on the toilet doing her dooty, while your having a conversation? Do you see yourself being with this lady for 50 plus years, her out slopping the hogs, or slinging hay along side you? If you can, your in love, if you can’t your in lust. The latter is most city guys, its for them the 4 f’s apply, Findem, Feelem, Fuckem, Forgetem. For kountry men, its findem, go on a moonlit horseback ride, on a summer night , looking at the stars, and only having sex once a ring is on her finger. It’s for Kountry men, once you find her, keep her, and treat her as royally as possible. Give her your life as she gives you hers. Not just do her, and go find someone else. That kind of thing is what’s wrong with the entire nation. Too many easy ways out of a marriage, if there is even a marriage, a broken home, children that have no idea of who Daddy really is. That’s the city way.

Next time relationships from the lady’s perspective, written by our new Lady of The Knytes, Britt.


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Of any place I have rested my bones, Evanston Wyoming is a place that requires one to take Lithium or get drunk.

BIG HAG HEDDER wolf eyes 4

Of all the places I have hung my hat and rested my bones, Evanston Wyoming is a place that requires one to take Lithium or at least stay somewhat drunk to deal with the doubting Thomas’ or fretting Betty’s.

I will never say I live in Evanston, simply because saying I live here, would mean that there is some measure of enjoyment here. Live means to LIVE not just exist which is about all I do, is exist.

I was going to head to the church today to do my assigned clean up day there, but just flat overslept. My body and mind needed to heal after a long week of all out manure. While I keep fighting for the club to get more involved in Evanston here, fact is the club would just assoon do only the radio station here, and me hang my hat in either Montpelier Idaho, or me in Burley, Idaho. Come over once in awhile to do the radio gig, then leave, and go home to Idaho.

Which is why last week at church I attempted to get to chat with Wanda there but never got anywhere . Likewise why I’m training Britt. This way by August, she can run things here. Know the ways of the club, and I do what I do best, fly dusting crops, build bikes and run a toew truck. As far as the bar, I , and the club is in agreement here, want to turn the Reaper into a none alcohol bar. No brew or whiskey, more on the idea of soda pop, organic nutrition drinks, food, and a place where young and old can dance, play pool, darts, Xbox games without getting arrested as they leave for a dui or worse.

Charge a entry fee of $10.00 per person, have a tween and teen night on Thursdays, all ages Friday’s and Saturday’s.

The Cafe of course will be open, 24/7 so that those freight haulers across the street at Flying J can get something to eat early in the morning or overnight besides SubWay.

Years ago I was into mucho brew and booze. I just had to have it. These days, since I let our Heavenly Father back into my life, and am working to realign myself to Gospel Principles to go to the Temple and all, I have no desire to get pasted. I like my root beer and my Mello Yello but little of anything else, but when frustrations enter in I think my would I love a shot or a brew.

Of course thank goodness I have my lithium, to keep my emotions in check so I don’t go out and beat up someone just for kicks.

Of course there are the human male to female relations that I attempt to deal with.

I hear from young and old, how bad they are mistreated and abused. Yet there are us male corpuscles that come from good, southern Christian homes that remained unified, despite trying times, that built lives and even small empires. As such us southern rednecks that have proper morals would love to hook up with women that NEED a human male corpuscle that will stick with them, be the shield against all enemies, be there to catch them when they fall. Be the strong shoulder for them to cry on when they need to. Be the sympathetic ears to listen to their concerns. Yet we get pushed aside for these Gorillas that only offer them a fast time in bed, and a only a so so life.

Used to be the church was the place to meet hopefuls. There were socials, dances, dinners, plays, etc. You’d go, get introduced and could make a connection. Church even had a church dating service called LDS Singles. You’d go online, fill in your profile and they’d link you up. Many of us that didn’t have Temple recommends were pushed away, but were still devout church members.

That gave way to many of male LDS members going back to the bar where any warm body was better than no body at all.

Which required repentance and months of refinding ourselves in the church, and renewing Priesthood and gospel teachings. Plus a lot of praying.

The radio network here is vital, since it generates the money for the Reaper Club, which is why that is so important. The Reaper, is a place as I previously outlined , where people of all faiths, ages and such can go, stay sober, socialize and still not abandon their church teachings.

A place for the entire family, not some place to just go get plastered.

A place with good wifi, go in get something to eat in the cafe, go play Xbox games upstairs or line dance downstairs. A place to just blow off steam and enjoy an open mic night for comedians, or dance to an old fashioned sock hop.

But as much as I work at it, it seems , we get fought, which is why of any place I have been or rested my bones, Evanston is one place that requires lithium.


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Just can I ask you to go and buy and wear a pair of pantyhose?


So yesterday interviewed a gal for duty as production assistant for HazzardAyre Radio as well as a on air second anchor. So I tried to suggest several times that she pick up and wear a pair of pantyhose, and ya’ll know why about that so we’ll move on.

Seems that being seen without that dark brown rear seem is better than showing up with a bunch of fluff all contained behind the confines of synthetic packaging. I always would rather see someone in nylons, nice jeans or skirt, and medium to moderately high heels. It makes her look more professional and business like, not someone that’s there just to do a job and get paid, who does not give a shit.

The images we give off to people from what we wear and the basic regard for upkeep of our cleanliness

If your trying to sell something what you wear can determine how much of whatever it is they’ll buy if the buy at all.

The days of casual Friday’s and slouch working environments even the old style Hippie culture is beginning to erode for a more upscale well manicured uniformed professional look. I myself have resisted this trend. I want folks to accept me and/or the club for who we are as people not the coverings. But if we’re going to sell ad time etc to the suit and tie stiffs we have to look the part.

Now some young and even older who would be better off to, but in a measure of protest or something stopped wearing nylons. Somewhere about 15 years ago. Let me give you an example. 20 years ago, you could sit at the park or on the bench in Salt Lake City or in front of the CenturyLink building in Boise. There would be hundreds of hot looking gals in their mini skirts, 6 to 7 inch heels nylons and they looked hot, they looked professional and they were someone you wanted to do business with or at least take to buy a drink with.

Today you seldom find any body at either location, they don’t wear dress’ or nylons or heels or both, and most guys don’t give them a second look. The old song by ZZTop that went Every Girl goes crazy for a sharp dressed man can be reversed in the idea, every guy melts like Jello at the site of a hot looking gal in a skirt heels and nylons.

Here at HazzardAyre we strongly urge any and all female employees and model/on air talent to be in heels, nylons and skirts. Even if their legs are a bit beefy. It goes back to our roots finding talent and featuring same of the heeHaw/Hazzard County days, network censors demand that , that much leg be covered in nylons. If your going to be in studio with me or work on camera etc , which is 80% of the time, you have to be dressed in such a way that if and when the red light of the camera comes on your ready.

So I ask any and all of our new employees at least the feminitile employees to stop at the Wal-Mart, buy a cheap pair of nylons, put on a skirt and be dressed to thrill, when they come out to go do business with me.

So in closing, can I just suggest, if your interning or coming to apply for a job with and for SAMCRO MC, Can you just go and buy and wear a pair of Pantyhose?


my tag_thumb  KNYTES WYNGZ UP

koa mwc logo FOX TAIL

Friday, March 13, 2015

Have we had enough of this? The Mom nearly killed the baby

BIG HAG HEDDER wolf eyes 4

Okay this might sound mean or not caring, but while I have sympathy and all for the little baby that survived a tragic wreck in Spanish Fork Utah. I am getting tired of the story. Let Lilly heal, let the bad memory of a mother who took narcotics and was in the process of suicide, subside and lets move on.

My heart goes out to the family and all, but the media is just as ornery. They get one story that goes viral, and we have to hear and see it for weeks. LET IT GO ALREADY !!

Results from the interview on SAMCRO MC’s new media intern, went well. Mom was a bit hesitant, of allowing Britt to come to the Wolf’s Den by herself , but she did come.

The Reaper Club is on hold. The reluctance of the owners of the old Lotty’s Bar and Grill which is where we have been looking at putting the Reaper Club is taking all too long and drug out.

So we are looking for other locations in Uinta County and not so much Evanston. Rebuilding the old Lotty’s facility and all is not dead, but one can only wait so long.

Several Locations around the county near Evanston, but not in it, are being evaluated. But remember the Reaper Club was an extended option, our main goal was and is KDXC FM/KDHK AM , nothing much more certainly not less.

Of course Hazzard County Choppers/Highway Hooker Toewing, is second on the list.

Doing a walk through Saturday afternoon, at Lotty’s and the paperwork hits mid week next week.

SAMCRO MC, does not like dancing around. Its now time to take a dump, or get off the toilet.

More on Britt later, but I can say of all the younger than 30 prospects I have interviewed , Britt displays the most promise. I’m going to be counting on her, to carry the ball on all Evanston operations. She needs training, but she’s smart enough and eager enough to make it work.

Have church clean up work Saturday morning, then its pin up girl auditions from 13:00(1:00PM) to 16:00(4:00PM) plus the walk through which I hope Britt and her mom that is pretty hot herself, will be there to pick up on what I miss on the walk through.


my tag_thumb KNYTES WYNGZ UP