Friday, March 27, 2015

Oh for the love of it all


Oh for the love of it. I was going to close when in looking over my postings on my Gmail saw Zeb Bell’s thing on how much he respected and honored the military. Now ain’t calling him no liar or anything, but where was that respect and honor, when yours truly and those members of the AyreWolvez who flew with and of the infamous VMA214 BlackSheep squadron, based in Yuma Arizona, United States Marine Corps MCAS ? We have attempted I don’t know how many times we have tried to put news and even get a bit of audio ink on Zeb’s show as well as KBAR itself. Frustrated , we even tried to buy KBAR once, but got KO’d at the final stage of purchase. Something to do with being a bit edgy radio. Where was Zeb’s honor and respect of our military, on that stage? Here we wanted to bring aviation albeit with a southern based, confederate spin on it, but radio that for once told of the air battles etc that not only us but all military aviators, went through and lived to tell about it. We tried to buy the few hours on the weekend to talk about military flight, the aircraft, the squadrons etc, but nope said Gina nope can’t do that. Where was Zeb’s support there?

If anyone thinks that its always been smooth sailing for our organizations over the years, even in Idaho on our own home turf , your wrong. But we overcame the problems. Over time we were able to find the people and resources we needed, even to the point of erecting our own radio stations. Syndicating our two shows, HazzardAyre and AyreWolffm. Sure it got frustrating trying to find models in Twin Falls, even lady voices and lady co host anchors, but eventually we’d find some. To really answer a question , why then did I leave in 2013? I’ll tell you. A jackass from Lake Tahoe said we’d be better off with our online radio show in a place with a better online pipeline than what Twin Falls offered at the time. Most likely still is the same problem. As far as leaving Utah, had the people that owned I4 Solutions where HazzardAyre was HQ’d not have been in such a hurry for me to relocate me, out of there residence wise, we’d most likely still be there.

But I’m getting off course here.

I hear all the time about how they honor and thank us for our service. The real deal? Don’t give us respect and honor with your damn lips or your keyboard. How about giving us jobs? How about helping organizations out here trying to help our fellow air and ground warriors? How about donating to the causes of setting up slush funds for returning military, from Afghanistan, Iraq and such. Organizations like the Wounded Warrior Project, the AyreWolvez, and a few others, who are here nursing and comforting those coming home that suffer from hidden wounds, like PTSD and such. No you don’t see any action that way, but my how they say the honor and respect us. How about giving military discount or preferred housing, or at least rental assistance? EBT cards, so we can at least eat while waiting for paper work to clear DoD. How about big media people like Zeb, barking a bit on his show of fund raiser events for such things? Nope, but he’ll yap about how much he honors us.

He was talking about Bo from Sun Valley area of Idaho, the guy being singled out for desertion, and being court-martialed on an article 82 hearing. Nobody really knows what happened there. If you all knew Bo as I do, you would not say that. Bo was a solid Patriot in every way. Bo was kidnapped, brainwashed and made to do things he was not in control of, but hey somebody has to get blamed and convicted here so Bo is a sacrificial lamb, being slaughtered, when he is only guilty of circumstances beyond his control. But hey Zeb you sure honor the military, don’t you? Bullsbreath. I read Zeb’s blog every week or so and most of the time he is dead on, but mostly his comments are guided by a now married former news anchor of KMVT who pulls the strings of Zeb’s daily radio show, just like a puppeteer.

People everywhere does not like anyone who fights the system , not just to fight it, but because the system is broken. People do not like someone with a rebel, open independent mind. Oh Zeb barks about how America is being bamboozled by Obama and the Republicrats, and the Demolicans , people who are busting hump, to fix this nation but are hammered and hindered . Zeb says he wishes all would be like John Wayne. Okay , where was the Big Duke attitude when we wanted to be a guest on Zeb’s radio show to talk about the true history and version of the war of northern invasion? Ya’ll call it the Civil WAr. It wasn’t Civil at all, It really was a racketeering ploy by not so honest Abe, on the southern people. John Wayne was a huge supporter of the southern movement, including both the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as the AyreWolvez. But did Zeb let us on? Nope, I got turned away from KBAR, had to call in on a cell phone in freezing rain, and then only gave about 30 seconds.

I just hate carpetbagging yankees that never live up to even their own hype.

My opinion I could be wrong.

Stay Tuned and God Bless Dixie>images <

my tag_thumb HCGOI WYNGZ


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Another week wasted, but light on the horizon


another Example of why if your a business owner looking for a place to place or locate your business or a branch of it, is not, repeat NOT!! Evanston Wyoming.

Now this continues what I wrote on this earlier today. Some things grow good in one place, but the exact same thing wont grow in another. Example soy beans. They grow great mid west, but will not grow in say Wyoming or Idaho. Some places have a wider view of the world or at least a more progressive view of their environment.

Sadly Evanston a once industrious town, supported by oil and natural gas production, Union Pacific, and energetic spirit. Unfortunately that spirit done flew away. Today any business, not owned by or operated by someone that was born here, gone to school here, married here, with their gravestone in the local cemetery, that business will never advance beyond the serious planning stage. Rental property is way outrageous and if your looking at doing anything beyond supplying the railroad here, don’t expect any support, including hiring female model talent for a simple set of pictures for a simple web site. Sounds like what I used to say about Twin Falls, Rigby and some other areas of Idaho, that was once occupied by the Knytes, and/or me. Thing is when all too many obstacles blocked progression, and we left, it was only then , that the tax revenue from our $400,000.00 a month sales tax, and half a million payroll taxes brought to local coffers. But by then we were gone. Other things left to, when the Knytes leave, riff raff enters. Theft, narcotics abuse, and other things that the Knytes keeps out of a community, enters. By then its too late. Only then do we get apology letters and requests for us to rethink. Problem is once burned the Knytes do not return, nor rethink. We forgive, but never forget. There is no second chances and I’m near there myself. Promise me something and don’t keep your word, prevent me from fulfilling my responsibilities to say my local LDS church ward, just to accommodate them, funny, I always thought if you work for someone from which you plan to get a paycheck you kiss his behind, not the company owner or Charter President kiss yours. It don’t work that way. Any way, to put it simply I have my affection and all for Evanston. While the Knytes still think that building the radio station here, I’m near the point of telling the club, hey you get someone else to ride herd on this project. Of course I can’t because few of the Wolf Pack hates this town so bad it leaves the taste of the floor of a rabbits pen in our mouths. So , I’ll stay long enough to complete this radio station but as far as the Reaper and all the rest, ain’t going to happen.

As for me, I’m looking at a short spell in Utah to wrap things up there, then move my butt out of there for Boise. I have came to the conclusion concussion that I need to be in a place that has at least 50k populations or better. Anything else, just don’t work.

Stay Tuned

my tag_thumb HCGOI WYNGZ

10383575_1417716608501865_5048625207244004099_n knyte bye

Daily Breef


Had a good night although with the phlegm I had in my throat had to sleep partly sitting upright.

Woke up to the birds singing and it was warm. Even in the freezebox called Evanston. Speaking of the town most in the club would just assoon forget, The club is going forward on the radio station, and what that means, but have dumped just about everything else. My orders came this morning, to finish that up, and start looking for housing in Idaho, mostly Burley or perhaps Montpelier. Close enough to where the sub station of the radio station here in Evanston is, but I can leave, and not be anywhere near a resident.

As for myself I think, that the club is going to spend additional dollars tilling this field that is not environmentally ready or willing to accept the seeds we’re planting. I explained this to Keith the other night. Going to our Farm roots, there are certain crops that will germinate and grow in some places , but will die out in others. Example, you can plant cotton in Georgia, but not here in the Rocky Mountains, mainly Wyoming.

Let’s face it, you don’t move to Wyoming to become a actor or music performer or even drive NASCAR, likewise , finding models that are mature enough to do such things. A grand lady who runs one of if not the biggest modeling/casting agencies of the region told it to be, that around here, you can only cast for things church friendly, anything else, must be cast out of either Nashville, New York, Dallas, or Hollywood. For what we’re looking to do, more over the photographer and website builder we need. Not here.

I’m still waiting for that gal from Cokeville to call, or something, but my guess is, she ain’t so we gotta move on, give the site project to Infogenix out of Provo, Utah. And be done with it. Which brings me to my point. It came to point, the other day when and it still hurts. Not that she came and went, but her and two others interested in the club supporting a tattoo shop for them decides to bug out. In words of one of those, I too don’t have time for BS, more over any inclination to. I’m in the vehicle rescue and transport business, yes I tow. My world at lest 80% of my time, is centered on that. 5% to flying dusting crops and 5% to the club. In years gone by it was more 60% towing, 20% club, 20% flying. But since I have been suspended from the cockpit due to my weight, or at least until I loose 69 pounds to gain a BMI of 44, My world centers on going towing. Quite frankly, with a population of 20,000 if you include the entire county, and 8 other tow companies here, going towing in Wyoming is not something I’m looking at to do here. I left in late November, 2014 to erect a radio station for truckers/bikers in Evanston Wyoming. Past that and I’m even willing to say the radio station would go over better in Bancroft, or Malad Idaho at least there I have support from both immediate blood kin there, as well the club. So April is a clean up finish it month, here in Evanston, and mid May, my Wolf-Pack is outta here. I’ve had enough. To date there hasn’t been one gal for modeling show up at the Wolf’s Den to interview. More over I haven’t been up close and cuddly with a gal of any venue since I got here. So what’s the point? Do radio in Evanston by remote control, as for me, I’m on my way out home to Idaho.

As I close, one of those that said they were too busy to hang with the club even though it was the clubs green they needed for a Tattoo shop, called, then sent a text, wanting me to truck on down to the VFW club last night. First after spending a bunch of money on them and Britt all month, plus paying bills, my wallet is depleted. Second with me having strep throat and an inner ear infunction with the meds I gotta take I ain’t driving no where nor doing anything I don’t have too. Plus I’m resting to be ready for the move outta here, something that should have been done in February. Now again if some of those thinking they need me to stay, then here’s the formula> A gal that looks like this>Straw Butt with legs like these>nylons_thumb3 dressed in these>OHP_67608_Suntan_is shows up here at the Wolf’s Den, that wants to get up close and personal, I might have a change of heart and mind. But since in reality, the ultra ridiculous conservative attitude here makes that a big shot in the dark, if I gotta be by myself, might as well as be somewhere , where I can at least get an occasional scratch and sniff rather than no contact at all.


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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hellbilly Hellcats Road Kill Cafe

Wind beneath my wings Part 1


This is going to be fun watching the property manager tell the property owners that the reason I’m moving even with just 3 months into the lease, that the reason of departure is, a minor fix in parking and telling junior to shut up after 10:00PM. Although she might not tell the property owner that, but I will. Funny the same gal was all so nice and lovey dovey, but has started to be come a pain. Giving me a three day notice, for my parking error, yet she lets someone else park in a gall darned loading zone, my ass. This property like all too many is designed around one idea, none wed, pregnant or just been there. Or students aka Wal-Mart employees.

Had a talk with Keith earlier on the phone, damn it’s nice , to have a cell phone, but talked with Keith. Decision, give my 30 day notice to the owners of this property, set up the office, but as for myself and our Wolf-Pack, get the Pack outta here.

After the over view we could keep pouring money into the damn area, or do like every other smart business that ever came here, be smart and get out before Evanston bankrupts you. This time its for good. And to answer the question is simply answered had I had more available funds, and the WolfPup not been down, I’d have never moved into the Wentworth and just made a beeline to the beehive state and forgot I ever came here.

While I’d like to be able to repair this town, after wasting so much money on that Brittany and all, I don’t have the tools or inclination to doing much of anything beyond the radio gig here and me bowing out faster than I got trapped here in the first place.

I’m still waiting for the photographer and web builder person from Cokeville to show up or call. My thing to her is I want to get about 8 model talents up here, for an open audition. The time for waiting is over. Either do the job, or say your all booked up so we can find someone who can.

Burley in the Cross Hairs.

That in the next edition.

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knyte bye

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Just a quicky

Darksides logo_thumb anew phootenotes

This may look like a quarter slot>quarter slut but it takes real dollars to attract it or keep

it going.

Don’t count out the ittty bitty


So good old INSP is off air doing fix it duty, bout time, too bad our own cable system here doesn’t do that.

There’s all kinds of things I hear like that. you bring up a subject say building the radio station, or some other community mutually beneficial thing like that and you’ll get noise, like great, we sure do need that, yet if you go to them in a fund drive and ask hey how about putting up some money, even $100.00 towards it it’s hey , but I can’t afford it. Really, you want something for nothing, is that what I’m hearing. The same thing I saw this evening on Tracey Dukes page, some diddy, an old friend put up about doing a renewing the series of the Dukes-of-Hazzard series, original cast and all. Besides the fact several of that original cast are long gone to that Boars Nest in Heaven, the rest are too busy with other projects as well are, just too old. As far as renewing a new series, the Knytes and the Wolf-Pack have been barking and howling on that for at least 10 years now. The thing gets down to one simple thing, green. We had in mind a series that was a whole combination, of Vantage Point, Dukes-of-Hazzard, MoonRunners, HollyWood Knights , all rolled into one, going beyond the Dukes into the rest of Hazzard County. Trouble is, you can pitch script all damn day at Studios, and networks all you want, looking for someone else to fund it and they’ll laugh. Go in with serious support money, all pre paid ad dollars and such and then pitch an idea, and watch Warner Brothers, FX , and CMT all roll out the easy chair give you a can of Skoal with a gold plated lid and really be sniffing all around you.

On that think of it as one of my good friends who owns and manages KBAR in Rupert Idaho. Instead of tying up his payroll department with pay checks, Kim did something smart. Let those who want to be on KBAR , go out gather their own advertisers, and pay him $150.00 an hour the syndicate overnight. That $150.00 per hour don’t sound like much, but hey do the math multiplied by just two shows Zeb Bell’s show in the morning and another in the afternoon, that’s $24,k a month. Income, without having to think about programming, selling time for it nothing, rent out the studio, have a jock sitter there in case the radio gear gets a case of diarrhea , but still pure income. Something I’m looking to do for 12 hours during the day, while I do my shows HazzardAyre and Dixie-Diesel-Maximum Overdrive overnight. That way I only need to get two seat cover for co host anchors rather than 4. Not a bad plan. Instant cash in the stash. But just about most small stations are doing this, and Hollywood is no exception. Want something on TV or movie screen, go in with your own merchandizing, and funding, the studios are more apt to match your funds, but these days, instant cash to make films or TV series pilots, are pretty much dead. No matter how much bull manure is spread. Sure there are film contests out there for Indy Films, but read the fine print, it say, many will enter few will win. Money talks, bull walks. Hollywood, radio stations anyone these days are looking for the $’s and don’t care about helping you to make your cause. If you want help in a cause, the first thing; be a minority, I don’t care what, best one is Mexican. Be a female, that’s so terribly poor that her stockings are anklets. Third have at least 7 kids, and be a recovering drug addict of some sort, or someone that went to prison, or at least jail. Then you get the attention of Facebook, FundMe, KickStarter, forget being a properly discharged Marine Combat aviator looking to build a radio network and station, for the benefit of all who flew and still fly for this nations defense, and FundMe, KickStarter, etc will ignore you like you have an untreatable STD.

Likewise try to start something in the west that has anything to do with educating northerners about the war of northern aggression(Civil-War) and you’ll get fought every way but loose. It’s like teaching the only true gospel, on this earth, about the teachings in the Book Of Mormon, in both cases, you know there are things that apply to both, but as hard as you try to teach the truth, you’ll get fought, blocked, shunned. Well you get the idea.

Try to put both those things together in one package, and well ya’ll just better be a Marine with cover overhead what with the fallout of the shelling you’ll receive.

But don’t count out the itty bitty, HazzardAyre Radio started out as a simple one pole, educational radio station just on the outskirts of West Point Idaho. (yes there is one) at 50 watts. After trying at all too many area then stations of getting one to allow us to do at least a weekend version of an all night trucker radio show. It wasn’t until a good old boy at a small fm there KMTW FM 96.1 , Kelly Carlson, let this old rebel canine on the air. I did 4 hours Friday, 4 hours Saturday, with the green from Dads trucking company, but hey I got on. Then Charlie Tuma then GM of KLIX 1310 put me on the air. There were others, most did not like push the edge radio. So after the well had ran dry, the then TeenAge Truckers Association the starting group, that is now the United American Independent Truckers Association the parent organization of the Knytes of Anarchy as well as the AyreWolvez, fired up a , at first a pirate station. The FCC revenuers showed up , said you need a license boy, and by 1982 we had one, and kicked the butt of every radio station in western Idaho, northern Utah, and Nevada. None of them could program, or dared program what we did. The year of 1988, I created the first OTR(Over the Road) truckers radio show west of the divide. That year I went to the National Association of Broadcasters(NAB) show in Lost Wages Nevada. A syndication company owned by Bill Mack of WBAP out of Dallas/Fort Worth, signed our little show up, and it wasn’t long before Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio, sponsored by the Dixie Diesel Shop of Idaho. went on the air on weekends and we brought home an Emmy the first year. A Grammy the second year, and this went on until 1993. I suffered a great personal loss, from a death in the squadron, and partly quit. The in 1995 , through a series of being in the right places at the right time, was able to buy the Interstate Radio Network, ITRN, became the Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio Network.

But it all started small. Just like both the TeenAge Truckers as well as the Hazzard County Knytes. In both cases, we met in a small pop stand, with about 10 to 15 people of like minds. We got it together and said just because someone says you can’t do it here, reply, why the Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot can’t we?

Then do it anyway.

No kind of business or enterprise starts out really big, and gives instant gratification. NOTHING, it takes at least 4 to 6 years, before a tree bares fruit, and at least that long for a new business to bare cash for the stash.

It just don’t happen kaboom. Even music stars, sure some get a big boost on American Idiot, and other shows, but those kids and performers have been at it for at least 4 to 5 years, sang in bars, clubs, and mini shows , long before they catch the eye of a agent, or producer. You have to have a track record, but look at our club today. Between the parent organization, the Knytes, the AyreWolvez, The Toew Bros, There is just over 500,000 members coast to coast and around the globe. But it all started over a pancake and coffee at the Polish Palace now the Snake River Grill in 1982. The TeenAge Truckers began over Shirley Temples, at the Ogden Holiday in , in 1973.

We have lasted this long simply because all 500,000 are dedicated to the core of what we started with, being the voice of the Interstate, as well as be that organization that doesn’t just sit around giving lip service, but does something.

So the next time and I do joke about it often, when some spoiled brat decides that just because we’re not the choir boys she expected, that the Reaper didn’t open as fast as she thought, when those who think I take up too much of their time, when the club is helping or about to help them, I laugh. Like I have said it before and I’ll say it again, its not the club that needs them, its them that needs the club.


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knyte bye