Thursday, April 9, 2015

One big mistake

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Got a call this afternoon, saying that the best CenturyLink can do is 20 down 2 up internet speed. That wont even light the candle of HazzardAyre. At this point and considering many other situations, I need to start looking at heading back into either Utah or at least a metro section of Idaho, to make HazzardAyre Radio a reality. Which is why I haven’t exactly been in a big rush to go fetch LexiBelle.

Might be why, nobody else has done the radio thing in Evanston Wyoming either. If its not the bandwidth to properly stream its location to run the operation from, if its not that its hitting a repeater site to broadcast from. Plus there’s the revenue. Where are the advertisers going to come from. There isn’t a big amount of local business’ that will spend any if any money to do radio. So I’m through. It’s going to take some doing, but come the first, pay for the office here in Evanston to put the station in, then me move to Utah, find a residence and then relocate everything once again to Utah.

It’s a shame, but the club has no ability to rewire the entire town just for us. More over the lack of support services from tech to infrastructure. So bottom line and I hate to say it, but every good Marine knows when its best to just retreat.

I have already spent $10,000.00 of my own money, $2,000.00 of Church money, plus lost ad sales of just over $300,000.00 . I can’t afford nor the club can’t no longer afford Evanston Wyoming, so looks like the town looses one more small business. The only things new and its a slim run, but the only small business’s that will survive here are ones that do traditional, or ones that are of a none technical type, such as trucking, towing etc, not radio, nor aviation. Its just dyeing and quite frankly , Evanston is starting to smell.

I have the length of time to fix my two rides, but once done its get my fanny where both HazzardAyre Radio/TV can operate to a degree of some horsepower, and of course HCC/DixieA1 Towing.

More L8R


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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

If I only had a router

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedder MY WOLF EYES REPORT

tHe Wolf is back on the air. Yeseree did a short test hop of the gear for HazzardAyre Radio, and symmetry and its working. Some loss of data, being offline and all and some bugs to work out but we’re getting there.

As reported yesterday, while I found some of what was lost at I4, still there’s much that did not make the trip. So got a JAG on the case so we’ll take it from there. Might turn out I4 should have left well enough alone, and just let me ride out my lease, since now I can pay for it , but taking it one step at a time.

Talked to CenturyLink today, got a gal there that’s going to figure out a data transfer and Internet connection to accommodate HazzardAyre. They say, I might have the ability to go full tilt at 1G speed here. If CenturyLink can give me even a dedicated 100mbps down and half of that up I’ll be tickled, but that being so, why is it I’m paying dang near $160.00 a month but not getting the horsepower that I need. Going to test the operation Friday and see if I can get it all running again, or I might still need a router, which is $50.00 at Wal-Mart, there isn’t any computer stores here or electronic stores here. And I thought Twin Falls was bad. Sheesh. Grrrr.

Got a 09:00 call to take General JaXson to the doctor in the morning, so gotta cut it short here.

In my next entry, so ya’ll want to be on radio? It’s not a we pay you , its a you pay us, for the privilege then we’ll pay you once the ratings numbers are there.

Some people watch way too much TV.


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iT IS what it is

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedder WOLF WATCH

My what you forget to inventory when rushed to relocate . Example, got into unpacking and found a mess of program pieces, two movies, and a car stereo that one of those college boys at I4 decided they needed more than me. So I need to make a serious phone call, to attempt to recover those small things, but it also means on one level , yet with the Internet speed I have gives me cause to rethink locations, but I’m getting into that Thursday.

A lot of documents that were in the file cabinet there at the old office had a lot of paperwork in it, including some ancient Comcast bills, that would never have been late if John would have delivered them in the first place which initiated a cascade of me going into the hole rather than soaring into the airwaves there that I should have been.

As I look at it, a few of those college boys, better watch over their backs as one does not want to make the Knytes mad. We don’t really go away, more over we seldom get angry , we forgive, but we also get even.

As I close tonight need to pass this along. A very good friend and celebrity passed away Tuesday. James Best , past away, many of you know him as good old Sheriff Roscoe P Coultrain, I knew him as a dear friend, mentor, and all around great confidant. Rest easy James.

Until Morning


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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

People are just scared and frightened of change

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There is an old child's prayer that goes and I hope I get it straight, “ Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray my soul the lord will take.

Yesterday was a long one . The radio equipment is now here in Evanston thanks to one of members of our local LDS High Priests , that went to Woods Cross Utah and with some effort loaded his old Ford down to the bed top, and home to Evanston. Shame on some of the Elders Quorum who being a bit younger could not be bothered. But the equipment is here. Now I just have to remember how to put it all together.

After I got back here to the freeze of Wyoming, decided a full dinner was needed. After a full day of not eating, and my sugar level below any energy transfer ability, I went to Legal Tender got a very needed barley pop actually two barley pops and a 8 ounce steak dinner. Hey I needed it.

In chatting with people there most everyone is excited and looking forward to the opening in September of the Reaper Club here. That is something most people here can understand so are not scared of it. The radio/TV station is something they don’t understand fully and as such are a bit skittish of it.  It’s like most things, if someone can’t grip ahold of something, they have no idea what to make of it so are often a bit put off.

I’m reminded of the line in the original Star Trek movie the Undiscovered Country, when Capt. Kirk said, “ People are often frightened of Change, but will eventually adjust” .

More in the morning I’m really tyred, so will post in the morning.

As I close, I want to thank that High Priest Quorum member for his help and resources today, our Bishop for helping to finance the recovery of the equipment, now if the Bishop will get word to Brother McFadden that I could use some of his technical ability here putting all this together it’d be appreciated.


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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Support of the Knytes of Anarchy is not just about donating money

new blog cover KNYTES SCROLL

I have heard and seen many things this day. Some coming from LDS conference, as well as reading all too many comments online about the cause of uniting and uplifting of the Dixie Nation. Not just remembering the history of our southern ancestry and lives, but to purify and edify, as well as healing a nation from one coast to the other, within the boundaries of what was a United States, that have become so less UNITED, but so defragged that no computer program could compress.

I read from a patriot of Dixie, that we should only buy products and such from those of like mine. To faithfully fly our flag of Dixie, and so on. But I’m afraid that as it is of all too many that if the Knytes asked those same Dixie patriots to dig into their wallet to contribute to the cause of the Dixie Nation, that the same noise I hear from all too many saying they are of the cause, saying , I’m broke I can’t.

It’s like going to Church every week, asking for gifts and aid from a church , but never putting even a few dollars into the offering plate, or paying tithing. Or making a Fast offering. The amount though should not be determined by a person of the earth, but that from what a person can do from their hearts. But its not just about money.

Donations can come from doing favors, or helping a fellow member of the Knytes and/or Dixie Nation complete a task. It might be as simple as giving a ride to a fellow member in retrieving equipment or in a relocation project. It might be in making food for a club dinner or event.

Since the year of 1982 when the Knytes were unified, and organized, I have been proud to wear the colors, and vest of the club everywhere I go. I have been proud to perform duties, sometimes at the worst of times for me financially, but still proud I did what I could.

The things I have seen done by our organization in all parts of this nation, and overseas is way beyond anything I or the 15 of us that met in 1981 to bring about this great organization at the Snake River Inn in Hagerman aka Hazzard Idaho. Back then it was a group of rural gearheads to support the original off TV real Hazzard County Garage, more over the first official Dukes of Hazzard fan club. Together we came together under the direction of the United American Independent Truckers Association, as just a enthusiasts group. Over the years the Knytes have become the guiding and founding force of what a truly dedicated and loyal custom club should be. But we have grown far beyond that. At the time of the reorganization of the club from The Hazzard Knytes to the Knytes-of-Anarchy in Boise Idaho, in 2008 the Knytes organized the first ever Confederate National Party a political party that could elect and run on the CNP as a candidate. The projects and things that we as a club have done since we organized goes way beyond, what we organized under and way beyond what I could list in a simple blog posting.

The friendships that I have of all brethren of the club, and sisters of the club are so precious that as they would me, lay down their lives for each other.

The organization with its 50,000 members and extended resources, exceed that of most organizations of its kind. The fact that we have stuck together since 1982 through so many things that would have crushed other organizations, has been so uplifting to me that it makes tears in my eyes.

I’m proud on two occasions even here recently that when I needed help, I got it. Yes its true that I had to reach out to the local church’s coffers for some support, but when LexiBelle needed healing , a club member came to the rescue only charging parts. And at half price at that. When WolfPup got frozen out last January, it was a club member that stepped forward. The list goes on , but I can remember many other times when the club stepped forward when all too many decided that they wouldn’t or couldn’t help.

Just about every style of motorized ride there is , is involved in the Knytes, under different titles, but all are Knytes.

Old iron farm equipment fans and enthusiasts especially those who love the color green, are members of the Deere Dazzlerz Association. Organized in 1994 the group restores and enjoys old John Deere farm equipment, and still maintains a shop near Hazzard Idaho, called the Farm Shop. It might be of interest to note that Jerry Sloan former head coach of the Utah Jazz was an organizing member of the Deere Dazzlerz.

In 1999 with the two wheeled movement heating up, Member Lester Culbertson Junior organized a group called the same as the shop is owns and operated, Hazzard County Choppers. In 2001 with a bunch of us who flew with the VMA214 BlackSheep, organized what is now known world wide as the AyreWolvez. Finally in 2006 the aged old idea of where the club was born under, the organization formed the Rode Knytes, Association, a group of over the road truckers and towing operators who are dedicated to preservation of old skool trucking and the old skool ways of trucking’s yesteryear, as well as restoring of the old trucks, and truck stops of then for those today.

All these efforts takes BIG money, and while the organization does receive good support and sponsorships, still maintaining of these facilities and subsidiary organizations can make our finances run as slow as my Internet connection here in Evanston Wyoming.

So when I put up something on say FB, or some other that we need donations, if your a person that truly believes in the cause of restoring and edifying the Dixie Nation, don’t just say, nah a I can’t afford it. Take that little bit of money you’d spend on a roll of SKOAL, or a night out with the family, or trashing out a bar, and send it to us. Help us to be the hand of our Heavenly Father, through the path of the restoration of the Dixie Nation, and his hands and tools are us as the Knytes-of-Anarchy.




Saturday, April 4, 2015

They laugh at us, but already are buying what we started and offer

new blog cover COOTERS JOURNAL1EXE

The doubters and the detractors, are everywhere. Fear comes from people not in the know, the sad part is they are already buying what we’re selling. They just don’t realize it.

Our local cable system here also are completely ignorant of what’s on the HUD, here. The lady at their Evanston Wyoming office after I inquired about some features I’d like to see offered, said its a get what you get thing. I think in many ways AllWest is having money troubles and is not willing to admit it. The answer of, would AllWest sell the Evanston system here was, “The guy who owns AllWest is in California somewhere, and can’t be reached.” I say the real deal there is she fears, what would happen if someone really started nosing around and did buy the system here. She said it couldn’t be bought. I say most everything can be bought for the right price. But I’m digressing here and getting off course.

Back in 2003, when I discovered webcasting, people in these parts laughed at the Knytes and myself, when I suggested doing up a live 24/7 radio station that was delivered over the web, rather than traditional terrestrial radio. I said TV was also possible, put a streaming Internet Protocol Television station, that aired retro TV programs and home grown indy films. Indy stands for Independent Produced films.

Today such services, as IHeart, Panda, and others are delivering web radio. As are we through Livestream. Additionally TV is being streamed over the web, through such services as NETFLIX, HULU, and others. All major Cable networks are delivering their good shows over the web, broadcast TV stations stream their local news over the web, the list is long, but remember these are the same people, who laughed at us when we suggested streaming broadcasting.

So why choose Evanston Wyoming? Evanston is Utah at least Metro Utah without having to live and be taxed out the six, as would be in Utah. Evanston is hungry for a change in its music and information. Plus any more one doesn’t need to be tied to their computer any more to tune in. From Ipads to SmartPhones can tune in and be just as portable as those tiny transistor radios we used to walk around with.

Technology has brought a new way to broadcast, and HazzardAyre was there at the beginning and will be there even better here in about 3 months.

It’s just that some people are scared of change. More on that in my next entry here in HazzardAyre Gazzette.


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Saturday Daily Breef

new blog cover Daily Breefs

A day of reflection solemn inventory, and thought. With today being the first Day of General Conference of the LDS Church, I listened to the talks. Boyd K Packer seemed like he was with one foot already in the casket and while difficult to understand he and others reflected on the need to strengthen families. Family is great for families, or people with one. But how about more on the needs of the singles out here especially those in the September of their years that are alone. How about how to strengthen of the individual, and how about giving some attention, not just lip service, but real acts of and about how to find, meet and sustain a relationship, to us all alone? Establishing more singles wards in the Church, and more advanced adult social activities? These would go a long way to helping those of us to keep centered on the gospel and not veering off to activities that tend to the needs and desires of those alone.

President Monson of the Church looked a bit feeble as well. Seems as all the stress being a seer and revelator of the Church and our Heavenly Father ages one severely.

For many the messages were clear, and faith was foremost articulated. Faith has many definitions. Most define faith, in belief of that which is not seen. Yet for me, the belief is that from which I have seen and know, not just assumed.

Without going into detail, the event took place in 1975, just after the first Hazzard Nationals. That September due to a feeling of my parents being conned took me to Lewiston Idaho, for an advanced school. Upon arrival I had learned that some of the schools, counselors were dealing and selling illegal narcotics. As a Knyte, I advised the local Sheriffs office who served warrants and citations. Some went to the cross bar motel some didn’t. The ones that didn’t decided along with a few of the narcotic buying students decided to give ye ole Wolf a beating party. I escaped to my cousins home and without her knowledge barrowed her Buick.

I acquired fuel via theft, and was being pursued, through Horseshoe Bend Idaho, and one second I saw blue and red lights, the next I after 2-1/2 weeks awoke to a resumed life.

During the duration of my coma, I was greeted, by Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost. I was told it was not my time yet, while not reveling what, told me there was more work for me to do here.

On the outside from the story Mom & Dad told, me that there was a rush by LDS Church Missionaries and the Hazzard Ward Bishopric, their blessing I know is why Heavenly Father decided it was not my time to depart from this life. Faith for me is not just a mere belief in that which can’t be seen, but in knowing that of what I have seen and have been exposed to.

Throughout my life through both situations of life and death during times in air combat and service, to just being alive, Heavenly Father has interceded on many occasions. Heavenly Father is there at my side within arms length, at all times , not just a thought of an entity that hovers from beyond the veil.

At noon, went to secure the facility, for KDXC, but no funds, no key. So need to haul all the gear here to the Wentworth, then June to the office.

Still trying to get some help from our Ward to move the equipment from Woods Cross, to here at the Wentworth. The obvious question is why didn’t you need help before? Truck ran better, Subaru didn’t have a blown head gasket, shorter distances to transport the equipment and a bit longer time frame.

But got word from I4, Monday is the day or say good bye to most if not all the gear. So two options. With help from the Ward to transport it all here to Evanston, or rent a medium sized storage unit there in Woods Cross, move the gear out of I4, and retrieve it later in May. The latter option means longer to get HazzardAyre back on the air. Plus had an idea of going over to Twin Falls to fetch LexiBelle>37299_123730071003099_6489055_n so I can get to making some self sustaining money so as not to have to be nursing off the churches rear teat, and more so to start paying tithing and fast offerings.

More L8R need to watch this session of Conference.


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