Monday, April 13, 2015

There’s nothing worse than dealing with big companies

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedder KNYTES SCROLL

One can’t state this enough. No matter what it is either religious or corporate, it’s the same thing. Telling those behind that keyboard and screen they messed up. Example, LDS Church says I’m no higher in the Priesthood than a Deacon. Well the church records are wrong. I was ordained a Teacher in the Arronic Priesthood by Bishop Bob Evans. But no record. Of course that might have been lost due to me citing Bishop Evans’ son for DUI years ago when I was part of the two man Hazzard Police. Of course then came the ordination of being an Elder, but somehow that got lost in the move from our old church building to the new one. Of course I never went on a LDS mission as the USMC called. Never completed the transition. But it happened. Okay so then I decided to hammer out on our company’ web site. Thing shows a 404 message. So I call GoDaddy. Seems they goofed, but want me to pay for the goof up. After an hour on the phone, its I have to shell out another $100.00 . No wonder Danica Patrick don’t win no NASCAR races, look at her sponsor. GoDaddy could blow their nose if it were dynamite.

Hillary Clinton is marching for President. No use in me voting she’s our next President. Hopefully Slick Willey her husband will run things.

We always are starting over. I guess the only place in the Mountain West, that one can be industrious is Metro-Utah. Seems as though anywhere else here, your stopped before you get started.

Take the lady from CenturyLink. She was to get back to us today(Monday) on establishing a slightly bigger pipeline to transport HazzardAyre Radio over. Tried to call several times but no response, including her cell phone. Now in my business, I have the courtesy to if I can’t do something, to at least call my potential customer and say I can’t do this or that, but when I do that I have a person researched who can. Maybe that’s why Highway Hooker Toewing has been in business for nearly 40 years. I can always be reached, I can always get a message. If not by phone over email.

I look at things like this; In the membership of 49,999 members 1000 members in all 50 states, I have to keep track with them on a 24/7/365 basis. Not only them but their wives, their children, and any extended family. So the Knytes can make sure we are serving them. Granted, GoDaddy, the Church, and CenturyLink, has more people, to serve, but the way I look at it My duty to the club and its members is prime. I do it mostly myself. Because I know at some point I may have to rely on them for something. Why can’t these big companies and organizations work that way? Be reachable or quit.


my tag_thumb MILWINGS2


Friday, April 10, 2015

Plan B becomes Plan A


Not to say HazzardAyre Radio, the Reaper Club or any of that is dead and gone, but it seems as though we have hit the sign that says not a through street. Not a Dead End, but a path that is blocked due to some short sighted executives at most telecom companies that support the area. What we need is not available here yet, although we as a MC are pushing that, at the present time is not accessible. So its toew not radio for a year or two. So what about the bitching about Evanston? I’m still disappointed in the progress into the 21st Century that Evanston has not made. But one needs to understand the condition of the situation. Evanston is financially supported by really old money held by even older people. As such until they die off , things will remain in a slow crawl here until someone gives it a push. And the Knytes are no stranger to pushing.

Even looking back to our early days in Twin Falls. Things would be stalled in the 19th Century there, if it hadn’t been for the Knytes giving a shove and we shove hard and constantly. Perhaps that’s what Heavenly Father wanted me here to do, give a serious shove into the next millennium of technological, and business progress.

However its also made me live up to where we were and the promise I made in 1976. When the Rode Knytes were formed, and the first flagship radio station for the club went on the air. I said then, if I ever stopped towing or trucking the day that I pull the key out of the ignition, would be the day that I got off the radio. Since I would not be just some citified geek, who fronts as a trucker or towing operator doing radio for the industry. So taking time out as I build the company.

And that might be just what Heavenly Father ordered, since I have three local shops, willing to send me tow business, yet hardly even 1 wanting to buy air time or ads on HazzardAyre Radio.

As I close for now, want to ask; if you have a dishwasher, and you have to wash the dishes by hand, do you even need the dishwasher? Or if your toilet leaks and you cinch down the bolts holding the commode to the floor, but the thing still seeps, would it be better to just have a public outhouse?

Found an apartment down town here for $100.00 less than I’m paying now trouble is, not available until later in the month. Which means the fear of a rent increase at the end of August, will not be a fear any longer.

Stay tuned,


my sig[2]_thumb  LOGO WYO


Thursday, April 9, 2015

It’s still about intelligence

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedder wolf eyes 4

There’s a thing about loyalty or at least common courtesy and understanding, when someone is looking for another for collaboration or looking to acquire money. Just coming out without knowing someone or an organization and saying they want YOU to rake out partly large amounts of money. Especially for something like airing another's radio program on our radio network.

Asking for $5k up front even before the show has proven itself in ratings, is just plain stupid. Even Howard Stern, had to prove himself and his concept, on mediocre wages until he showed that his content, even pushing against the edge of the envelope would make ad dollars. Then its pay time not the other way around.

Then it comes to small business’. Today I was watching the property manager and her husband in forming a new ltl trucking company. The big problem they are having is booking loads. It’s like Towing. You can’t expect new customers or book new contracts, if you don’t spend a little bit of money on some advertising. You have to get your name out there. Build a viable website is great, but putting a small ad in places where those looking at contracting a load or tow sees you. Phone book ads are good too, however some ads in trucking magazines, and/or in the case of towing in want ads effecting or reaching those that will need that tow truck. One of the Rode Knytes members does it this way. He does hot shot sized hauling of livestock, mostly calves. So he got a set of 5X5 cards and posts it at livestock sales front offices and bulletin boards, farm and livestock magazines. An ad does not mean you have to spend BIG money, minimum sized low budget ads does great things. Booking a few low buck loads is good to build reputation, but follow up on that by advertising on those load booking sites. That’s the way you build credibility. Of course there’s booking radio ad time on a trucker based radio show or network. Again you don’t have to saturate a market or show, but keep it consistent. Before too long, people needing your services will then go to YOUR website, book loads, and/or tows. That’s the way Highway Hooker and DixieA1 Toewing has been doing it since 1978, and that’s why we are busy, haven’t seen a big loss of clients, and have weathered the storm of the economic shut down.

Of course, I’ll admit, that I jumped the gun in relocating much of the media werx of The Knytes to Evanston Wyoming. If I had used my head, moving to where my kin folk are in or near southeastern Idaho, or back to ground zero of the clubs founding, would have been smarter.

And in closing health care in Evanston Wyoming. Even after all the hullibu of getting a Wyoming Medicaid card and all, I saw one doctor once, no physiciatry doctor not even once. Now its not Evanston either. Since leaving Idaho, the treatment in Utah at least at Weber County Health Services, had one treatment services provider in Twin Falls Idaho, asking the question when I really , I mean Really needed a prescription filled, my shrink in Idaho said, “What kind of idiots work there?”

Finally , got the bad news from the place performing surgery on General JaXson. The crank shaft is bent. Meaning a new engine. Meaning $4k. While the wise man would say junk the car , I’m not ready to do that, but the idiots at First Stop Auto, that tried to fix the car , put on a bunch of old style V-belts on there, when it required a serpentine belt. The extra tension, on the crank pulley bent the shaft. And yet the same charge problem it went in with, still remains. In short, filing a small claims case with Davis County Courts in Utah to recover the money and get the car repaired. Why did I take it to someone else? If I had fixed the car or worked on it, its my word against First Stop Auto in Layton Utah. By having someone else do the fix it work, its two others to bring to court.

See ya’ll in the AM.


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hcgoi logo bye HEAVENLY TAIL_thumb

One big mistake

KNYTES SCROLL AyreWolf Watch Header1

Got a call this afternoon, saying that the best CenturyLink can do is 20 down 2 up internet speed. That wont even light the candle of HazzardAyre. At this point and considering many other situations, I need to start looking at heading back into either Utah or at least a metro section of Idaho, to make HazzardAyre Radio a reality. Which is why I haven’t exactly been in a big rush to go fetch LexiBelle.

Might be why, nobody else has done the radio thing in Evanston Wyoming either. If its not the bandwidth to properly stream its location to run the operation from, if its not that its hitting a repeater site to broadcast from. Plus there’s the revenue. Where are the advertisers going to come from. There isn’t a big amount of local business’ that will spend any if any money to do radio. So I’m through. It’s going to take some doing, but come the first, pay for the office here in Evanston to put the station in, then me move to Utah, find a residence and then relocate everything once again to Utah.

It’s a shame, but the club has no ability to rewire the entire town just for us. More over the lack of support services from tech to infrastructure. So bottom line and I hate to say it, but every good Marine knows when its best to just retreat.

I have already spent $10,000.00 of my own money, $2,000.00 of Church money, plus lost ad sales of just over $300,000.00 . I can’t afford nor the club can’t no longer afford Evanston Wyoming, so looks like the town looses one more small business. The only things new and its a slim run, but the only small business’s that will survive here are ones that do traditional, or ones that are of a none technical type, such as trucking, towing etc, not radio, nor aviation. Its just dyeing and quite frankly , Evanston is starting to smell.

I have the length of time to fix my two rides, but once done its get my fanny where both HazzardAyre Radio/TV can operate to a degree of some horsepower, and of course HCC/DixieA1 Towing.

More L8R


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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

If I only had a router

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedder MY WOLF EYES REPORT

tHe Wolf is back on the air. Yeseree did a short test hop of the gear for HazzardAyre Radio, and symmetry and its working. Some loss of data, being offline and all and some bugs to work out but we’re getting there.

As reported yesterday, while I found some of what was lost at I4, still there’s much that did not make the trip. So got a JAG on the case so we’ll take it from there. Might turn out I4 should have left well enough alone, and just let me ride out my lease, since now I can pay for it , but taking it one step at a time.

Talked to CenturyLink today, got a gal there that’s going to figure out a data transfer and Internet connection to accommodate HazzardAyre. They say, I might have the ability to go full tilt at 1G speed here. If CenturyLink can give me even a dedicated 100mbps down and half of that up I’ll be tickled, but that being so, why is it I’m paying dang near $160.00 a month but not getting the horsepower that I need. Going to test the operation Friday and see if I can get it all running again, or I might still need a router, which is $50.00 at Wal-Mart, there isn’t any computer stores here or electronic stores here. And I thought Twin Falls was bad. Sheesh. Grrrr.

Got a 09:00 call to take General JaXson to the doctor in the morning, so gotta cut it short here.

In my next entry, so ya’ll want to be on radio? It’s not a we pay you , its a you pay us, for the privilege then we’ll pay you once the ratings numbers are there.

Some people watch way too much TV.


ayretag MILWINGS2

all tail_thumb

iT IS what it is

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedder WOLF WATCH

My what you forget to inventory when rushed to relocate . Example, got into unpacking and found a mess of program pieces, two movies, and a car stereo that one of those college boys at I4 decided they needed more than me. So I need to make a serious phone call, to attempt to recover those small things, but it also means on one level , yet with the Internet speed I have gives me cause to rethink locations, but I’m getting into that Thursday.

A lot of documents that were in the file cabinet there at the old office had a lot of paperwork in it, including some ancient Comcast bills, that would never have been late if John would have delivered them in the first place which initiated a cascade of me going into the hole rather than soaring into the airwaves there that I should have been.

As I look at it, a few of those college boys, better watch over their backs as one does not want to make the Knytes mad. We don’t really go away, more over we seldom get angry , we forgive, but we also get even.

As I close tonight need to pass this along. A very good friend and celebrity passed away Tuesday. James Best , past away, many of you know him as good old Sheriff Roscoe P Coultrain, I knew him as a dear friend, mentor, and all around great confidant. Rest easy James.

Until Morning


ayretig MILWINGS2


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

People are just scared and frightened of change

KNYTECYDE new blog cover

There is an old child's prayer that goes and I hope I get it straight, “ Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray my soul the lord will take.

Yesterday was a long one . The radio equipment is now here in Evanston thanks to one of members of our local LDS High Priests , that went to Woods Cross Utah and with some effort loaded his old Ford down to the bed top, and home to Evanston. Shame on some of the Elders Quorum who being a bit younger could not be bothered. But the equipment is here. Now I just have to remember how to put it all together.

After I got back here to the freeze of Wyoming, decided a full dinner was needed. After a full day of not eating, and my sugar level below any energy transfer ability, I went to Legal Tender got a very needed barley pop actually two barley pops and a 8 ounce steak dinner. Hey I needed it.

In chatting with people there most everyone is excited and looking forward to the opening in September of the Reaper Club here. That is something most people here can understand so are not scared of it. The radio/TV station is something they don’t understand fully and as such are a bit skittish of it.  It’s like most things, if someone can’t grip ahold of something, they have no idea what to make of it so are often a bit put off.

I’m reminded of the line in the original Star Trek movie the Undiscovered Country, when Capt. Kirk said, “ People are often frightened of Change, but will eventually adjust” .

More in the morning I’m really tyred, so will post in the morning.

As I close, I want to thank that High Priest Quorum member for his help and resources today, our Bishop for helping to finance the recovery of the equipment, now if the Bishop will get word to Brother McFadden that I could use some of his technical ability here putting all this together it’d be appreciated.


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