lAST NYTES KOA meeting in Randolph was a eye opener and state of the club gathering all in one. There wasn’t much discussed that hasn’t been discussed before, and outside of that new back bar on Steve’s scoot, that wont work well in a wreck my friend, and the fact that Larry wore more than he ate, the meeting was the same. Want to thank the Gator in Randolph for their hospitality.
My neighbors hate it when I have to Skype call our club command leaders around the backside of the world. Only someone with a son, daughter or kin there in those parts of the oil nations know what I’m talking about. Our nytes are their days and vice versa. Our club’s New President Keith Hennison of Tuttle Idaho, and I discussed some things that were brought up at the meeting. While this is just on a intel look see basis, I think the two of us have come up with a plan to keep all the club happy, while advancing the causes. Like I said, need to snoop much of it out first so don’t anyone think this is that. That saying, I can see both a hindrance and a benefit at the same time of keeping the radio gig, in Evanston, simply that the gal at CenturyLink told me yesterday in an email, that we can get 1 gig at the offices downtown Evanston, but not here at the Wolf’s Den, so it makes sense to place the radio werx there. Now on my personal business level, I can try to knock a dent here in Evanston for the next 20 years of going towing here, but will always come up short, as there are roughly 15 tow services here vying for 15,000 potential customers. However over in areas of Montpelier with roughly the same population the number of tow services there is about 3. Which means more green in my jeans. The driving distance between Montpelier Idaho and Evanston is roughly 70 miles, about 45 minutes one way. Meaning I can go to Montpelier during the week do the wrenching on rydes and bykes and tow then truck over here 4 times a week and take care of radio and club business. Add to that no more than one tow service in Woodruff and none for Randolph and Garden City Utah that lays between makes that a tremendous market target area, for my company, so that solves many problems. Add to that the only kin that I have left is in Grace, Soda Springs and Bancroft Idaho, means at least at holidays somewhere I can go to share some spirit and cheer. Unlike now, where I sat here at the Wolf’s Den all alone, on Easter with no Easter dinner, and few if anyone to talk to is part of it, add to that as it looks right now, my birthday a week from Monday, means I’m going to sit all alone, if I don’t go and get drunk somewhere, here. Look at it this way my birthday in 2013 was spent in Twin Falls, but at least there was two or three club members and most of A1’s crew to buy me dinner and a cup of JD. Better than nothing. Last year the club and I at least some of you from the Utah Charter came and tanked down with me, not feeling self pitty or anything, but face it, the clubs strength is in Idaho and Utah, we barely have poked a hole in Wyoming, and even that is a very small hole. The radio station idea here was great in hopes of widening that hole a bit, but at the rate we’re going its going to take five years or better just to break even. As for me I’ve yet to make any money and there I have needs, and while the local ward of the church has helped a bunch, and I’m thankful for that, still my Bishop is getting tired of hearing my problems. I have to once again go and plead my case to get the truck, or car fixed. More than likely the WolfPup>will get fixed since it’s the least expense to repair. Its $700.00 against $6,000.00 for the car unless I can find a good salvage motor for it.
If I had my own shop I could do either one myself, but since I don’t need to take it elsewhere, this does not get me productive in earning my own money.
So in closing, it’s a as the plan is being, a split between Montpelier Idaho for my to live and go tow, and Evanston Wyoming for the radio station. But 09:00 comes early although I’m not sure that’s exact since no one from our Ward called to tell me the new hours , but need to do my part that I agreed on for the church helping the club, rescue the radio gear from Utah.
Quote of the Day:
So long as you rob Peter to pay Paul, you'll have Paul's support.
Romans 10:9-10“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
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