Thursday, April 23, 2015

Many changes coming to the club and my company


There are many changes coming to the Knytes as well as to what was AyreWolf Aviation. Before I get to those and wuzz up here, on Monday I hit the 56 yard stick of the highway of life. I have lived a grand and tremendous life. Back years ago when America was not so much into being politically correct, I bought by first tow truck that I still have and run on a daily basis. Ya’ll know her as LexiBelle. Her name simply is an amalgamation of Lexi, who was the first lady to go beyond a French kiss in the seat in Blackfoot , and Belle comes from Pappy Boyington’ aircraft LuciBelle. However over the years a company name like Highway Hooker Toewing does not work well, on many levels, community standards the connotations that come along and the misunderstandings, of such a name. So a rework there was needed. Over the years, we have probably swapped out company handles quicker than many men change shorts, but last night into early this morning we arrived at a name that can easily go company wide. It is SteeleEagle Toewing. Replacing Dixie, SpeedWrench and Highway Hooker Toewing. All 45 trucks in all 8 of our Mountain West locations will now run as SteeleEagle Toewing, the E in the name is on purpose. Okay then. As for AyreWolf. I will retain the on radio etc handle of AyreWolf, however the company has been sold to my Cousin Gordon in Alaska, and the new lower 50 states name for our farm, SAR and all aviation company will be, HazzardAyre Aviation. That’s the changes. AyreWolf Aviation brought to my cash stash and the club’s a solid price of $7.2 Million. It’s not much but it’ll get things going, pending some FAA approvals and all the sale will be complete by late 2016, early 2017. So its not in my bank account just yet, but its on its way or at least the deposit and earnest money, of $600k which I’ll have by the end of this year. Much of that will be invested in both the club, and my company here in Evanston Wyoming. That is, if nobody makes me mad any more. But I have a blessing bestowed so I’m thankful.

As far as the club. The Knytes-of-Anarchy will be reverting to its original name of the Rode Knytes Association. Everything else there will remain the same. Including my dedication and the clubs of the restoration and education to our Dixie Nation as well as the dedication to the preservation of our Southern liberty and history.

Okay then moving on.

Got a response from CenturyLink today on the cost of getting more horsepower for HazzardAyre Radio, and TV. It’s a bit up there near $1,100.00 a month, so I’m still looking at AllWest as our carrier, since they say, they can get me some serious juice , but that’ll be dependent on how much juice they can get me. A Priesthood brethren, member asked me why I needed so mach bandwidth. Have you ever tried to upload radio continuously at 4mbps? Even 10 to 20 is going to be a challenge. Its not so much download that I’m worried about its getting a pipe big enough to carry the show to Livestream, to be rebroadcast, as well as getting the signal, from the 5th floor of the Wells Fargo building as well as the Eagles Nest here as it will be called, to our transmitter site, northeast from the Evanston township. So its going to take a bit longer than expected to get us where we need to be Internet wise to bring you what we did at the quality level we did from Woods Cross as well as even Ogden.

Still looking to do the Reaper Club here in Evanston, but that $4k a month price tag is a bit much considering the size and amount just to bring it current as far as facility wise. Between a total remodel, from electrical to plumbing, new grill, and furnishing it, plus paint, signage nearly $400k will have to be spent just to get the project going even before we make a dollar. That’s too much so as a club , we are looking to looking at other available properties and all before I sink or suggest the club sink money into the Reaper(old Lotty’s) here. Plus from the few applicants and all, I have yet to find any of the stature that we are looking for.

Finally and I hate when my Bishop among many, says the pics we use for our graphics and all are a bit too spicy. The thing, is and I can’t state it any stronger, If I could only find, train and photograph lady’ of all age, from 21 to 60 that would do the job, all in modestly dress and threads I’d do it in a heartbeat. But how many talent searches, how many times have I busted my six trying to find talent when few will do what we need done and especially, the infamous toe smooch>alasweet toews so we can emphasize that come rain, snow, day or nite, cold or sunny, if you need a tow of any rig any size call us at:STEELEEAGLE2 because we just love Toews. Get it?

As for the new apartment, that’s not a dead issue, but it depends on several things. First being able to meet with my Bishop to secure funds, namely the first months rent and deposit, since I don’t have it until the 1st or this Thursday. Second it’ll depend on if it’s still available by then. At that low cost per month, here in Evanston that wont be available long. Even if its not, I am comfortable here at the Wentworth and would just have to hold on the office and run operations from here at the Wentworth aka the Eagles Nest. If I had a full production on air staff and all I would be more motivated into moving to the office, but, I don’t and from where the radio op, is at right now, me doing 80% of it, its just easier to do it from where I hang my hat. Plus here at the Eagles Nest, except for three cats the meow kind, that live under me and make me sneeze like I am in a smoke filled tavern, its quiet, I can do my work and many days don’t have to even get dressed, thank goodness I do that here and its radio, not TV.



Quote of the Day:
Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
--Julie Andrews
1 Peter 1:18-19“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

nOT MUCH TO SAY OR WRITE , So Pleasant Dreams


Not much to say or write about this early morning and I think I have the flu or allergies really bad so I’m pulling the plug, taking Thursday off and just rest. Seems I have to do that more now that I’m aging and hitting the 56 yard stick on the highway of life.

I will tell you this much and it’s a sort of a hit, the Eagle has landed again in the mix and there’s changes coming in with the sale of the flying half of my company to dear Cuzzin Gordon. But make no mistake I’ll be flying again, just under my own power and a revised version, of this news blog.

A hint at the new toew service is>Iron Eagle2emboss you’ll just have to wait until l8r this afternoon to read this. Some major shake up’s is going on in an effort to putting more green in my jeans. Military pension, and SSI don’t cut it.



Quote of the Day:
Work keeps us from three great evils, boredom, vice and need.
--François Marie Arouet Voltaire
Romans 14:11“It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Don’t gripe when you have it good Why complaign?

HazzardAyre Logo3wolf at sunset

Every day I see people on Facebook and others bitching about some telecom, cell company or utility. Most are from people that wont pay their bills and just get cut off. Now I grant you there are those utility companies like Questar, or the cable company out of Glenns Ferry Idaho, that wont work with you no matter what one does. But usually the whatever problem CAN be worked out with most companies, even CenturyLink. Granted there are limitations and I have been doing a bunch of dumping on Allwest Communications lately, but one has to realize they are but a very small cable/internet/phone company. Did they bite more than they can chew when they bought out WindJammer Cable(TWC) a few years ago? Perhaps, are they slow to improve service yes partly but the return on investment has to be there before any company invests big money into anyplace or anything, but Allwest does do a pretty good job, overall. Their customer services reps on their call center needs to get a better attitude, but again overall they are still a great company to do business with. Now if Phil would just return my phone call.

But I’m going off course, returning to the original vector here.

I was fully against Verizon, simply because of an idiotic vendor of their services in Pocatello, who closed at exactly 5:00PM years ago, which cost me $5,000.00 in a lost accident disaster on I-15 just 1 mile from Fort Hall Idaho, in  2006, so I boycotted and so did both the club and my company, trouble is all I was hurting was me, and also the club. Also another vendor there that had a very bad attitude, in Twin Falls/Burley, called Bullfrog. Be that as it may, I signed up on a pre pay here in Evanston through a vendor based out of Salt Lake City, converted an old phone to it, and I’m paying less now than what I was paying in Twin Falls, called Syringa for. Then I see people bitching about Google and Google Chrome. My experience with both outside of some rare occurrences has been positive. This very blog would not be possible without Google and Google’ Blogger. Which in my opinion is much better and more secure than WordPress or Stumbleupon. My YouTube works flawlessly, which brings me to the simple point, when you have a service or company, even if everything is not be perfect, hey there is no Perfect World there are dope smoking, meth heads everywhere that screw the pooch everywhere. But if you call and talk to someone, even telemarketers and be stern, problems can be solved. Be thankful for what we do have. Now if Google’s phone service will just arrive in Evanston here, and Evanston could just be Wyoming, and quit sucking on the hind teat of Utah, it’d be a really perfect as close to perfect as it could be.




Quote of the Day:
The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated by quotations.
--Benjamin Disraeli
Romans 1:20“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Why not take a few days off? Everybody else does!!

HazzardAyre Logo3colonels journal

It would seem most of America is either on vacation or out to lunch, no wonder we have an economic depression. It’s not just the Government, or Obama, or all of that it’s because all too many American’ have just threw up their hands and said why care? That being that if your in business be available, if you don’t want to serve or service a client or customer, if your in a many employee company, hand the project over to someone who can and will, serve the client, and take of their needs.

If you can’t be gotten a hold of, your loosing money and many loose both productivity and credibility in the market of which they are part of. It used to be a excuse to not be in touch, as there was just a landline based telephone. Not in the office? There was a secretary or at least someone to take the call, and deliver a message. First came pagers, then brick sized cell phones and now cell phones and email. There is no longer an excuse. Many will see a number on their caller id, and ignore it. A few times maybe, but too many and someone is going elsewhere if they have a choice. But if its someone you don’t want to serve at least be have the courtesy to hand it off to someone in your firm who will. Maybe it’s a gender or idealistic conflict. If so again line that potential client up with someone in your group who can deliver, don’t just ignore them, sure there’s meetings and such with other clients, t6hat’s to be excused to a point, but if you say your going to get back to them, damn well get back to them. I remember both CenturyLink and Comcast in Utah. I know we’re comparing apples to lemons here, but I called both, to serve us in Woods Cross Utah there at the studio there. It took maybe 1 hour, next week someone was there to hook us up, and we were back on the air. Sure there are logistic and engineering concerns here in Evanston, and sure others need to be called in, but if your talking big numbers to get something done, all the better to stay in touch , not just fiddle fart around.

But it’s not just them its other industries. I’ve got a great computer tech and aux engineer here at HazzComm, the parent of HazzardAyre. I can call them in the afternoon, and by 15:00 (3:00PM) my time somebody is getting back to me.

Sure 9/11 caught us off guard, although there is the thought of conspiracy there and I buy into part of that. But it seems like since then, all too many stuck their heads in the ground and just gave up. Another thing that all too many have began or really ignore, but shouldn’t. The Presidential elections are just a few months away. If the Republican’s take office, your Social Security, if you get it, will be throttled back, you might be making much less than you do right now. Entitlements will be cut back, even if and I think she will being as she is the front runner and most candidates from the Republican side are just sitting there with not much to say, if you think Hillary is going to preserve your income from the Government , think again. If your working, congratulations, but you better be working, the in the back of your mind, mentality is if I loose my job I can just collect welfare and SSI, can you really afford that? If you want and desire your lifestyle and quality of life to remain as it is, don’t ignore those trying to buy from you, bust your hump, get out of the rut.

Don’t depend on things to remain the same, if your just barely treading water, better look for a greener field or your going to drown. Better yet, put a little more fertilizer on the field your plowing now, to make it greener. There are two axioms here that play out, its not the ability to plow the field, its how deep do you sink that plow, more over its not the size of the dog in the fight, but how much fight is in the dog? America can save itself, but that salvation is only from Heavenly Father. The Government is not going to do it, the Will of the people is, and its time as one radio host says, to Bring America home, but, not just bring them home, but make sure they don’t just come home and put their feet up, and sleep. Its time to get active.



Quote of the Day:
He is poor who does not feel content.
--Japanese proverb
Romans 1:20“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

More Ayre less Hazzard

HazzardAyre Logo3Colonels Journal Hedder

There is a time for driving but better for flying.I had the opportunity Tuesday to do something that I have been relishing for months and I fully enjoyed it.

Early Tuesday I caught the buzz over my air radio of a fellow Wolf-Pack member who invited me to take a short hop with him to Jackson Hole. Few pilots will turn down a chance to fly, so I met my pal up at the Uinta County airport and off we went in his Jet Ranger Helo. We did a touch and go there at Montpelier then I took the controls. Ah it felt great. There is something to be said and for all those that are landlocked will never understand, but feeling your body lift from the ground and hitting 10,000 feet or higher at 275 mph, the real beauty of what God creates is very apparent and it’s a time of reverence. So we got to Jackson Hole, Mark went and delivered his load at the hospital, and I stayed at the airport , slurping some 100 mile tea, with some other aviators and I started getting the old bugs again.

Now I’m all for being online blogging of two wheels, and 18wheels and of course the rebel confederacy and Hazzard County, but sadly and maybe there’s something to this, but the AyreWolvez are gaining more altitude in the measure of success, but sadly ignored, by me on the blogs and of course on air. Which by our deadline of June 1st should be live on air again. Okay then, the thing being the Wolf-Pack is as much the Knytes as any air crew could be, and then some. There’s much to say here so if I go on tangents here bare with me. It was the Wolf-Pack aka the AyreWolvez that saved the Knytes from going into total oblivion, and perhaps disbanding. Back in early 2000 just after 9/11 I had just moved to Jerome from Goon’s Ferry, At this point the Foundation was still intact, but I needed to get working to bring my second love of towing together. The thing was I was sitting in my front room at some adult apartment complex there watching BlackSheep Squadron on TV on the History Channel when they ran the series. When overhead and I thought I was dreaming I heard the sounds of Whistling Death or two Corsairs flying overhead. Thinking it was just the TV up too loud, I turned it down and sure as I eat pizza, here they circled again. There’s just something about that Pratt and Whitney 3800 radial engine, that will make a aviators blood churn. So I took out of the driveway, up to catch some coffee, when I heard over my air radio in the WolfPup, that they were landing at Jerome’s airport. So I went in found the birds in a hangar with not just one, not two but 4 F4U’s in there. Got to chatting with the owner of a joint called the Airpower Museum. So got a job sweeping and wrenching on aircraft. It was about the fifth day working there that I got a slight shiver and thought, since the then Hazzard Knytes had conquered everything on land that burned fuel, why not get into the air. By this time the Hazzard Knytes only had 2 main subsidiaries, the Rode Knytes Truckers Association, and the Deere Dazzlerz. But what about aircraft. To make this short, when I found out how much John at Airpower was making refurbishing and restoring these old warbirds, I thought, hey rather than tool on hot rods, lets build aircraft. Shortly after that, came the concept of a warbird enthusiasts club, as a part of the Hazzard Knytes(aka, Knytes-of-Anarchy) . We figited around some names for it but finally the idea of The BlackSheep Vintage Aviation Association came into mind, however while the 214 of which I proudly am still part of was okay with the name, the USMC and DoD wasn’t. However the club lived as the BlackSheep for 3 years after that. Now understand and I’ll get to the rest in a few microns here, but hear me out. One afternoon, Kathy my then fiancé Knyte member Terry Junkert and I went to a Knytes meeting in Blackfoot Idaho at Rupe’s Burgers. Over the course of the meeting, I was disgusted and thought maybe the BlackSheep ought to be the parent organization over the Knytes rather than the other way around. So I met with most of the officers and all of both groups, in Jerome the following week, and it was decided it’d be the Wolf Pack over the Knytes. With that done, events came where there was a call by both the USMC, and Deere and Company about going truck racing in the fresh then NASCAR truck series. So Jerry Westlake and his brother and I went to RMR in Salt Lake City. I decided to move down to Utah. Jerry chickened out of course, but Living just outside of a major air force base with f-16’s overhead and all your heart is in the air not on the ground, and in 2003 just before the Foundation collapsed, a hangar was procured and AyreWolf Aviation Restoration was born. In late 2004 the news came that the funds of the Foundation was froze and the court battle between the Foundation and Summit Securities to recover our invested money in Summit began. So at this point I moved in with Cuzzin Bud, in Bountiful, where shortly after Cuzzin Gordon came by, and over the few weeks later with just under the last $400,000.00 in liquid of the Foundation, AyreWolf Aviation was born at an old restored hangar there at Woods Cross, Utah as a agricultural aviation company. As well as a warbird including helicopters restoration company. But how do you gain business? And with DoD hammering down our necks, the BlackSheep name was swapped out for the AyreWolvez, and the rest as they say is history.

That being said, as it was Tuesday, in the spring as the weather warms up and clears out for a few short(Really short in Wyoming) months an aviators heart does not turn to romance, he(or she) wants to fly. However there’s more here. The AyreWolvez true to our name and mission is not just to restore the aircraft, but to honor the men (and women) who have flown and still fly for the defense of this nation. To those we created AyreWolfFM,( To report the news and information to military aviators of DoD and VA benefits and so on. As such, for many reasons , I’ve decided to put more oomph into the Wolf-Pack as well as here on the blog and on air, of the AyreWolvez, rather than so much Hazzard. Summary, its time to get back into and on the air.

Keep it Wyngz Level


Quote of the Day:
Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research.
--Wilson Mizner
Romans 1:20“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

There are just some things that are disgusting and wrong.


I decided to take a break just a click ago, and saw this guys posting on Facebook, one who poses he is one of us, which he is not. It was a pic of some tubby women with 44 D’s that I nearly was at a stage of hurling. There are just some things your not wanting or desiring to see on Facebook. A fair looking gal sure, but near nude, no . Its just disgusting and insulting. God created all equally or so the Bible says, but just like an assembly line, every once in awhile a gem is produced. Likewise there are just some women that should remain, not in public eye and those to be held in high esteem, and admired. Not worshiped like an idol, but just admired , like a beautiful sunset or sunrise. Some will say “ well friend your pics of leggy women is just as bad. I say your wrong, I’d rather see a fine looking gal with drop dead legs, in stockings and a nice but flattering skirt, than just a bunch of tubbies there with their big jugs hanging out. More over, never , ever will I shoot pics of nudes or serious sexual situations. Sure kissing their toes for our tow truck ads is a bit on the edge, but I’d never produce all out porn. Racy yes, hey I like spice, but I’ll never produce images, of sheer sluttiness.

Okay, in the afternoon, sign a lease on a new place to rent that’s $100.00 cheaper, than what I’m paying for now, which leaves me some extra budget room, for the T1 from CenturyLink for the office, and expanded channels on cable, plus the office itself. Again sure I could boogey but I’m leaning on more of a plan of finding an outside job say at Wal-Mart, pay off some bills, then relocate in September back to Idaho, with someone trained to do the radio ops, here in Evanston. Hey Hazzard folks don’t run we don’t retreat, we stay and fight. After all if I’m looking into the jaws of slow Internet here out at the Wentworth , or that area, others might be, too. Why not bring in the trunk, and resell it ourselves, as a communications vendor? Just like I heard once from Uncle Jessie Duke, whilest at the edge of Hazzard Creek, as we baited our Russian Olive tree fishing poles, safety pins and string, he said don’t bitch elect to fix. Bishop said about the same thing last Sunday, Don’t complain, do something about it. See ya’ll in the AM Wednesday.


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Quote of the Day:
keep it real/keep it clean/keep it simple
John 10:28-30“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Monday, April 20, 2015

When Hazzard County Pride overrides Yankee Common Sense


There are times when Hazzard County Pride and tenacity must override Yankee or just plain common sense.

For example the plight I’m in right now trying to decide if in fact it’d be better and more cost effective to just cut the losses and get the Wolf-Pack outta Evanston, or remain long enough to see to conclusion of bringing the radio station and eventually TV station to fruition. Common sense says scram, Hazzard Pride, says stay, don’t run, and show the doubting Thomas’ and detractors that we infact held tight, and despite odds got-r-done. Looking over it all, and all I have been through it’d be a shame if I just flew outta here. I have frozen, been froze , truck dang near blew up, went hungry, and near suicide level, because I4 in Utah could not wait a few days after December 1st for me to find living quarters elsewhere. Of course I never thought a bunch of things through, and getting some relief from being smelly and not with a shower for a month, no bed just a cot, got me thinking its time for a change from the environment that I was in there in Woods Cross. I4 of course never did right with us completely. Oh yes they were nice to hold onto the gear, worked out a two month payment plan to get the gear back and all, but here’s the trigger on that. They said I had abandoned the gear and office space there. Which was right on their behalf. Had they just allowed me to pay the back rent, and expenses and stayed all would have been right with us towards them. Of course the thing on I4 designing the website. They bid it out at $3k, when Infogenix out of Orem bid it at $1,500.00 expensive yes, but reachable. That immediately called into question I4, from the club. There are many factors involved there, but while its good now to say it’s good to be rid of I4, still , as far as I’m concerned I’d have liked a bit more time to find a elsewhere set of quarters for HazzardAyre Radio, more over, more time to find a place to bed down, but in all cases it was a thing of greed of green. There has been all too much disappointment over the last 5 months, that to shoot in the head HazzardAyre now, would be stupid, too much effort has gone to just quit now. While there are other places that could harness and house the operation, I’d much rather just keep plugging along, besides with my rides, and my Bishop’s refusal to help with May’s Rent so I could pay to get my truck repaired, I can’t just up and leave now if I wanted too. There’s something and for damn sure I can’t figure it out, why Heavenly Father demands that I remain here. So I’m here and in the intrum I’m going to raise the spirit of Dixie here in Wyoming, if it kills me, especially HazzardAyre Radio.

One more month of helping with my rent here at the Wentworth would not have killed the Church’ cash stash. The idea of those funds is to help people to get on their feet, so they can earn their own. Without transportation, I can’t or couldn’t even go look for an outside job so I can pay for my car/truck to be repaired. If my Bishop did pray on it, which he did I am figuring, still the answer he got was, not the one Heavenly Father sent. But whatever I truck along.

So the idea of a June or July departure is not realistic, more like August or September 2015 is. Maybe its me through the Wolf-Pack and/or the Knytes to help save this miserable town and its lost sheep of people. Maybe I can get some sort of thing going to have a Hazzard County days here. Stranger things have happened.


my blog sig_thumbKNYTE GRAY WYNGS

Quote of the Day:
We're lucky poodles migrate south.
John 10:28-30“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
club save

