Friday, May 8, 2015

I am proud and honored to be a Conservative, Confederate American

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tHERE seems to be a growing opinion that I’m anti LDS and more over anti Evanston, the opposite is true. I’m more for putting a burr under the saddle of this young fledgling community. I hear from so many that this town is hurting for jobs and economic improvement. Yet many of those who say that are some of the same that fight the progression of industrial and technologic improvement here. I’m not saying we should get away from our rural roots, rural and Kountry-fied life is not bad infact being rural and kountry breeds some great ideals, and deters riff raff. That said, teaching north western Yankee’s that what they learned in High School history class’s of the war of Northern aggression is only a smidge of the truth. Tell your fellow Evanston-ite that, Abraham Lincoln was an outright liar and writer of of what would become Marxism and communism, and you’ll get an entire group of folks looking down at you. You don’t have to be a person born in the deep Confederate states, to be a Confederate, nor is the Confederate southern movement confined to the original 13 southern states. The Confederate’s also came west. There are places in southern Utah, western Idaho and here in Wyoming that were Confederate sympathizers and stayed true to their Southern roots even though they trapped, farmed and homesteaded this area of the Mountain west.

Several years ago, after I made it back to southern Idaho during the last census inventory, a group of older women came to my place in Bliss Idaho, when it came to the question of my ethnicity I simply said, I’m a Confederate American. This completely messed these women’s minds up they had no idea of how to deal with that. Beth Ann on CSC TALK RADIO said yesterday on her early morning show that is still heard here on HazzardAyre Radio, that in a way we today are fighting a real albeit corrected for the current time, but fighting a Civil War. This nation is so divided that its starting to stink worse than the trash can behind JB’s Café here in Evanston’s trash bin. ISIS and others its said is the cause, maybe so and certainly the invasion of our nation on 9/11 did not help much, and many are still feeling that, but in a way the terrorists won, the put in their boot, the opening of division. Remember the old adage , Divide and conquer. They divided us alright and in short steps they are winning. This feeling is felt coast to coast in every possible part of this nation. Members of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, feel it this way, we will not be assimilated. Resistance is not futile. You who are Star Trekies understand that as when the Borg wanted to assimilate the crew and the Federation, they wanted to make everybody the same with only a few rulers. Remove individual liberties and independent thought. And our political leaders, our congress , and government is aiming that idea right up your pie hole, and if your not watching quick and slow to react, that very thing will happen. You’ll wake up to find all your freedoms removed. You’ll get up and be eating with chopsticks and or borsch or something, in control from some Islam nation. The only defense is to be a rebel, conservative confederate, even think Mountain West Confederate. This attitude and thought is at the core of both the Knytes-of-Anarchy and HazzardAyre Radio. I say its time we take back our nation and as Beth Ann says on CSC Talk Radio, Bring America home, but I say its time to fight the system, be anti-establishment, and not only bring America home, but make America comfortable again, where saying prayer, loving Heavenly Father, and saying grace over a meal, even in a public café somewhere is not looked down at. So in closing, it’s the same thought, I am proud to be a Conservative Confederate American.



Quote of the Day:
He who laughs last has not yet heard the bad news.
--Bertolt Brecht
Colossians 4:5-6“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

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the way it ought 2b

my good bye

Is it the drugs your taking or are you that stupid to begin with?


Here we have Evanston Wyoming, that still is very confused as to its place on Earth. Don’t get me wrong , just like elsewhere, even Hazzard you have assholes, and good people, and at times you have a combination of both an asshole and a good person, usually that comes as a religious fanatic such as a member of an LDS Ward’s Bishopric, or one of those teachers, but I’m getting off course here so lets retune to the common vector here.

Evanston in reality sits on the state line of both Utah and Wyoming. Think of Evanston as the little kid, on the street in a rather large city. On one hand its very tempted to go in and look at the go-go dancing saloons, as Evanston has a few along with Off-track betting and Wyo Downs, yet in reality Evanston still holds onto a slight tether to Salt Lake City, and of course Metro Utah. Evanston for as long as I can remember and I have resided in as lived in the area since 1997 and have seen much come and go. Evanston yearns to be the Wyoming lone cowboy thing yet also holds on for dear life as Utah’s best kept secret. Look at just the utilities? Electric power here? Rocky Mountain Power(UTAH COMPANY) natural gas for heat, Questar(UTAH COMPANY) Cable/Internet, AllWest (UTAH COMPANY) So is it in Utah or are we in Wyoming? I think of looking at state line drawings I looked at during the engineering work for HazzardAyre Radio here. What I saw was the maps of where the state borders was at, and it looked like some drunk guy took a Crayola Crayon and drew it. Randolph to Woodruff is pretty straight but then it jigs and jags, around Evanston until becoming somewhat straight again towards Vernal Utah. Really? Why not just let Utah either annex Evanston, or lets allow Evanston to be Wyoming. And put up the gates and say this is Wyoming, Utah go home. I want to see on our cable TV system at least one channel from either Casper or Cheyenne , with WYOMING NEWS, not what’s going on in Salt Lake City. I want to pay my utilities to a Wyoming utility company, both gas and power, not a Utah company, See where I’m going here? There’s many on our city council that says they want progress here, even one that wants to see Evanston become another Park City Utah. Why does Evanston love Utah and Salt Lake City so much? Of course some of this stems to the LDS connection. But likewise the church is everywhere, even back to Twin Falls, Idaho where I was raised but you don’t see Twin Falls nursing off of Metro Utah’s hind teat like Evanston does. Just this last week I talked at church no less, but talked to a person there about doing old style radio plays. Years ago, before the invent of TV and even before TV was here in Evanston, that you got your entertainment from RADIO. You gathered around the old Victrola or RCA, radio, hear those tubes in there heat, and listen to the Lone Ranger, Fiber Magee and Molly, and even the mysteries of THE SHADOW. That’s just what you did. Now what if, HazzardAyre Radio took you back to that time? Lets say we get in a larger studio, and do up taped radio dramas, written by and acted with local High school and other drama departments? Then aired them, as Hazzard Radio Theater? That’s what I call community involvement and saying we are just as good as anything coming out of Utah. Think I’m grabbing a piece of star lite? Think this way, KMGR out of Spring City Utah, does just that, and people really gather in the audience to watch the recording of radio dramas, put on by locals there? This even got a bit of KSL TV ink, the other night. I also thought, what if the residents of Evanston and of course Wyoming were cut off from Utah. Let’s say that at about Castle Rock I-80 got blocked to the point where this city couldn’t be as easily accessed to Metro Utah? My whole rant here is this, this city is Wyoming, not Utah, or if we want to be Utah, lets let Utah annex the town of Evanston, and enjoy that, its called make up your mind.



Quote of the Day:
Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
--Julie Andrews
Colossians 4:5-6“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
my good bye

Thursday, May 7, 2015

If Heavenly Father needs me in Evanston, why wont he get me laid?

hazzardayre radio billboardHAZZARD COUNTY WELCOME MAT

I must love the taste of feet , cause I’ve been putting my foot in my mouth. Earlier this evening I posted an entry here on the blog of all things Hazzard County Kountry, about just folding the tents and leaving. However, found out that the license to go over air is pending, at a mere few thousand bucks which is while expensive still doable. So looks like I’m ROS(Remaining-on-Station) in more ways than one, which renews the very reason I came up here, to build and own/run a radio station on behalf of the OTR unit of the Knytes-of-Anarchy the Rode Knytes. Okay so looks like KDSL(KAY-DIESEL}IS GOING TO MOVE FORWARD. Guess I was at the bottom, God pulled me up and flat reminded me that time is nigh best get at it, quit your boobing and get in gear . So since it may take a few to get the rides in OTR condition, just do what I do and do radio.

My question though is this, if Heavenly Father wants and needs me in Evanston why can’t he get me at least laid, if not someone serious? Case closed.

So Daniela of CenturyLink don’t count us out now.

More Friday eve overnight on after the Knytes High Council meeting here.

Heard from Ricky current charter President of the Knytes in Twin Falls, that he ran through 3 inches of snow plowing through Jackpot, guess it decided to turn rain by the time it got here. So had this too, maybe it gets bad weather when I decide to just drop this and move. Maybe the way to warm weather and all is for me to stay put and do this swing gig, after all.

Last but not least, and its only a slight gripe, why can’t Pizza Hut deliver faster? Took 45 minutes, to get here, but I still had to pay for it, nothing big, but what do you do?



Quote of the Day:
Comedy is tragedy plus time.
--Carol Burnett
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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my good bye

End of the day, Sorry but due to circumstances beyond my control The Knytes call Evanston quits


wolf at sunsetThe end of the day concludes that as much as I’d like it, Due to Circumstances and idiotic junk, The Knytes-of-Anarchy is pulling the plug on Evanston and moving things back into Idaho, at least eastern Idaho, Montpelier Idaho to be exact. This works out great for me since its not that far of a trek to move stuff, and two most of my own kin folk live in and around Grace/Soda Springs, Idaho. So we at least the club is outta here. Thanks to Daniela of CenturyLink and all, but there’s not enough of a return on the investment to make Evanston worth the stress, as soon as my car(General JaxSon) is repaired and rear main on the truck, my butt is adios, it’s the third strike on Evanston, and I’m all struck out. I don’t like leaving things undone or anything, but there is the want versus the need. Evanston is drowning in its own conceit and I don’t plan on drowning with it. I’m outta here.

The moving all of the radio werx and all, the money spent on infrastructure and the rest has just been too much, much of it has came out of my pocket, and with rent as high as a cats ass, friends, I do not need this, nor can I like it, so I’m outta here.

Thanks to Bishop Hiatt of the Uinta View Ward here, for helping through fast offerings on rent and equipment recovery, Thank to the Yellow Creek Ward for help getting out of Yellow Creek Estates, but at that point the bright option would have been just go back to Woods Cross, not the other way around. Which is why I tried to just keep things there, pay up back rent and again stay there. But Brandon and all said no, so I moved it all. The Snow storm that stalled me here in the first place was not a good omen, it was Heavenly Father asking are you sure you want to be here? The con job on that trailer at Yellow Creek Estates, that should be condemned , the hassle with NGL and all the rest. Now that the Knytes are moving and closing this charter of the club, I’m saying I too need to say adios.

So thanks to all who tried to help, but there’s just not enough gumballs in the gumball machine to make it worth the stress the, stubbornness the bassackwards mentality and many more things including the frigid cold, deep snow. Sure its going to be a real Beetch to be in Idaho, it too is no Shangri-La but, at least when money is tight I can drive a spud truck during planting and harvest. So I said rather than bring LexiBelle to me, I go home to LexiBelle. Enuff said.


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Quote of the Day:
I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
my good bye

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

So you think your crap don’t stink, dang holier than thou

HAG HEDDER MAXIHazzardAyre PhooteNotes 1

So thought I had made a connection with somebody on the local car show that’s being put on here in Evanston, Some gal named Sher Pentz she runs a gig to do with spray on tans. The minute she knew that it was the Knytes knocking at the door on Facebook, she flew the cage and blocked any further communication. Okay fine, who the heck needs her? Now before ya’ll think I’m knocking the LDS Church here, don’t think that at all after all I’m LDS at least in heart and soul. But I think some church members at times think their manure don’t stink, they get this big holier than thou attitude, and if anything is just slightly off plumb they give you the boot. I say piss on it. The areas none LDS community is beginning to become very much attractive. I guess that’s why I dig my biker friends and all. Bikers don’t care how you look, how you smell, or any of that, once your accepted into the biker community, all you got to be is you. Is that not what God taught. Love your neighbor like yourself? Rather than love your neighbor only if it meets you social status? One of the hardest things many do, and its not just the LDS community here, there’s so many here that will dang near take off their clothes at a bar, yet can’t even bother to be even cordial, even if what your doing is going to help them. So why do I even bother just get me outta here? Mostly because, I gave a commitment to the long haul freight haulers and that community of the highway to be their voice here on radio as well as our online radio station. Quite frankly when it comes to the community of Evanston, its getting very apparent that somebody namely me being a bit higher octane , ain’t wanted and thus as much as I move forward 4 steps I get knocked back three. So why don’t I just move? Its hard to move a radio station, but as soon as that’s transplanted in the Wells Fargo building, my car has a new engine and the rear main seal on LiL Wolf is fixed, I’m outta here. Which is why still to date, haven’t changed license plates or drivers license. I’m a Idaho spud, and that’s where I need to be. It’s also why LexiBelle isn’t here yet, but I have a plan for that as well. Put her in storage in Twin Falls, get things done here, get relocated back into Idaho, then bring LexiBelle to where-ever in Idaho that I am. I’m just tired of it.

Who needs this much stress? BTW the Wentworth is currently full, but bet your next tank of Diesel, there will be an opening come July.


knytes sigSTEELEEAGLE2

Quote of the Day:
Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
--Wilson Mizner
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

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Maybe Tomorrow I can go fetch milk and groceries

HAZZARDAYRE LOGO4Into the Darkness

Maybe tomorrow I can go fetch Milk and groceries. Stayed on station most of the day, its not that I don’t have any money, got plenty, trouble is finding time to do other things in normal life. The sacrifices I make goes way beyond the normal life. I spend 80% of my time doing the club’s business, then try and squeeze in time to do SteeleEagle Toewing’s business and still try to find an hour to go take care of things like fetching food, and such. Hey I love the club, would lay my life down for any of them, and all would do the same for me, trouble is 80% of our membership are still deployed fighting those idiotic, Taliban and others mid east. So I do domestic chores here for the club. Building a radio station is one thing doing the on air chores and duties is another. What gets me many times is here in Evanston, is as many people that say they support the station project, as well as our online operation, on we can’t seem to even get one much less two, gals to be on air personalities(DJ’s). Even at the mere $15.00 an hour we pay, I hear many complaining about a lack of jobs here, but put up a notice for on air anchors nobody calls, put up an ad for pin up girls, no calls, put say your opening a bar, and the whole town calls. I had to drop out of that project for many reasons, mainly as drinking or working at a liquor bar, goes against my LDS teachings, so I can’t do that. I’m working towards temple recommend so can’t even go near the stuff, now days, even beer makes me sick, even the smell of it. So the idea on that as of now has been changed to more of a Nostalgia Drive Inn, to be located where Sonic was here in Evanston. Complete with cruise nights, and weekly car shows during the few summer weekends we have here. But getting back on track we need help at least employees yet one can’t find any. Seems like few people are into what used to be called Greasers, or hot rodders.

Stay tuned


knytes sig

Quote of the Day:
When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.
--Enrique Jardiel Poncela
James 5:16“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

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Time Waits on No Man


There’s an old saying my Dad used to quote on a regular basis, especially when my Step Brother Stephen and I were lagging a bit doing farm work. The saying went, “Time stands still for no man” The correct saying is Time waits on no man. Be that as it may. Resting on ones laurels or contemplation means your competitor is racking up points while you sit and stew. The thing is when opportunity knocks, at least open the door. Granted the results all the time are not good at least you opened the door. Yoda said it best, Do or Don’t, no maybe. Which is one of many reasons I took a leap of faith, and jumped into moving radio werx operations from Woods Cross here to Evanston. Yes the effort is constantly an uphill battle, and there are many hurdles involving infrastructure. But then challenges are what builds character, and sometimes builds bank accounts. While I will never say that the Knytes are the only innovators I will say we have done more with less, and brought to fruition more advancements in technology in rural America than just about anyone I have known or as it is, been involved with. The Knytes-of-Anarchy, started life as a mini bike club, in Layton Utah back in 1968. Yes a bikers club, but thing is we evolved. The Hazzard thing didn’t get into the mix until mid 1979. Long before that the organization of some 100,000 strong nationwide, was created under the idea of how about a working young training platform for youth wanting to go trailer trucking or at least commercial over the road trucking? In 1973 a few of us, found CB radios. They were popular at the time. Soon after a meeting between my Dad and I with the Gooding County Extension Service, office there’s director, and the only and has not been invaded since, 4-H truck transportation project was created, under the guise of the TeenAge Truckers Association. Modeled after the infamous Independent Truckers Association or ITA, the President of which was Mike Parkhurst the original creator and publisher of the only owner/operator truckers publication at the time Overdrive. In 1974 I attended a High School that was really progressive in Lewiston Idaho. Of course my roots in broadcasting was in there, and got on a high school radio station, little did I know at the time that this was a turning point for myself and the organization. One night doing board work during a basketball game, that after which I did two hours of radio targeted to truckers. The show was heard all the way to Moscow Idaho, and as far East and south as Grangeville and McCall Idaho. People liked what we did. By the time I got home back to Hazzard(Hagerman) Idaho, there was bundles of fan letters. OTR drivers wanted what we did, so the TTA created albeit short lived the station KDSL FM. Using some donated military radio equipment that my Dad had secured from HAFB Utah. Originally called Long Haul Radio, became after the conversion to all things Hazzard County Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio. KDSL, became KTOW in 1984 and now runs as KDXC FM based in Buhl Idaho. Thing was at the time of Long Haul Radio there were no real OTR radio shows west of the Mississippi . One was created in Bountiful Utah as JOC Radio which for tax problems failed, but the idea was sound. Had we waited there would have been no trucker radio west. So we did. Operated for 2 years in 1975 to 1976 as a pirate station going on air at midnight to 5:00AM by the time I went into the Marines in 1977, we became licensed through work of the club. Most of you who read this knows the story of the creation of the Knytes, but for those who don’t I’ll do this as quickly as possible. In search of diorama props for our entry into the 1981 Salt Lake City AuatoRama, we discovered a rusting out Dodge Charger. We abandoned the General Jackson, and went full steam ahead. Had we waited to buy that car then, the western Hazzard County Empire might never have occurred. But we bought the car, took it to Hagerman rebuilt the dod stuff out it, and took home a few awards at the 81 AutoRama. But once home the idea of opening the original off TV real to life Hazzard County Garage was opened in March of 1982, then shortly after My partner in the company Jimmy MacDonald and I decided to bring all the grassroots rural gearheads to one organization that became the Hazzard County Knytes(KNIGHTS) modeled after both the Dukes of Hazzard and the hit movie at the time the HollyWood Knights. We wanted cable TV out in the boonies but hey no cable company wanted to run cable to the boonies. So we conjured up a method of using old radar dish antennas with cable set top boxes and created the first satellite tv service, that was called HazzComm or Hazzard County Communications . Had we waited, the royalties that we get now from both satellite services might never have been, we were the first. Of course the story of converting the Hazzard County Knytes to the Knytes-of-Anarchy is not an obscure one. This is where you get the omens from divine inspiration, perspiration and dedication. It was a winter night in Glenn’s Ferry Idaho in the year of 2008, a few of the Hazzard Knytes were gathered there, God decided to let it snow, and snow it did. The only TV channel on DIRECTV was FX, and the only show on there was the 1st season opener of Sons of Anarchy. There at the time was a growing need to expand the Hazzard Knytes beyond its original kountry rural roots and go more urban. The idea was to rebuild the Hazzard Knytes on the original platform of the TeenAge Truckers Association. Our thought was and remains, instead of a bikers club, lets go trucking as both vocations are based on open roads, full fuel tanks and fancy rigs etc. So with that what is now then as the Rode Knytes, was recreated as the Knytes-of-Anarchy, and the rest of it is history. Thing is, had we waited, the organization might have disbanded and been mostly forgotten. Which brings me to now and back to relocating here to Evanston. Sure few if anyone would aim to making Evanston Wyoming with a population of 16,000 a media hub, but if we wait, somebody with deeper pockets, and more governmental ties might beat us to the starting line. So yes buying CenturyLink at $1,100.00 a month is steep as hell, thing is we can create a new opportunity here for ourselves and the community we reside in. Using AllWest as a backup our streaming radio network kicks butt, more importantly by this fall if nothing disturbs the forces, we should be on over the air.

More L8R ya’ll I need to go, just stay tuned.


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Quote of the Day:
A man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words.
--Phillips Brooks
James 5:16“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

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