Saturday, June 13, 2015
Every time I eat I gotta go poop
Seems as though, every time I eat I gotta go poop. Must be my insides are colliding with some sugar octane issues. Which after the day I had on Friday, would be an understatement. First on my way to the shop, ran out of gas. Not close to a go fluid outlet, had to push the Witchy Woman to the shop. Exchanged the Witchy Woman for General Deere, and headed to the Uinta View Ward to clean the building which after sweating like a race horse, got dehydrated and anyone that knows that when your sugar octane, with type 2 diabetes, is a pattern for serious wrung out feelings. But I did my job. Seems as though a congregation that prides itself to be clean, sure leaves a mess. Guess some didn't have that much bonding in doing home chores when younger , like myself. So after that scooted over to Wal-Mart, got some groceries, came home and chowed down. Which sent me to the inside latrine .
Which is why I was not on air overnight. Body said no , even though mind said git-r-done. Overnight runs here are getting somewhat problematic, however not impossible. It's nice to have a Wal-Mart that stays open 24/7. As if you need a wire connection for a quick repair it's there. Granted formal repairs are needed but this all started Wednesday night. The lightning storm we experienced here, sent the system nuts. Yes it pooped and pooped really bad. So in serious need, braved the storm, and went to Wal-Mart got what I needed noticing that my temp gauge on Witchy Woman was climbing, but not bad. But climbed it did. So its been seesaw between equipment repair, station equipment repair, and getting stuff on air through partly automated means , since we can't seem to get another person, here doing the gig, has to be done that way. Add to that managing 7 channels on Livestream, is a tough gig.
Any mile, gotta go again, see ya'll on HazzardAyre Radio, starting at 23:00 Saturday night, and on Highway Hooker Radio, the only show on radio for us who tow. TTYLY
Friday, June 12, 2015
This Town deserves saving
A few weeks even months ago, if someone was to have told me I'd be writing about doing something to help this arrowgant , stubborn, stuck up village they all call Evanston Wyoming, I'd be telling them, that they might have drank a bit too much sacrificial wine. Thing is though, we are here. I did not come here to build out a humungus toew service or Harley shop, I came here to this town to build the ultimate online and over the air radio station dedicated to preservation of all things southern and all things Hazzard County. Reasons are too many to go into here, but suffice to say, with the tribulations I can see some hope. Now this does not mean I'm sinking all the clubs eggs in one basket, but just because of greed the club did not redux Lotty's into the Reaper, much of that is due to the greed of the people that own the building and booze laws here, does not mean project numero uno that being the radio can't be done. Even though we're busting balls on the Wells Fargo building, there's two offices at the shop. That could easily be converted to studio space. So the radio station can be done there. Plus when we go TV , as well we have space there that can be used for sound and video stages. But why.
Utah has just given the green light along with tax breaks for three TV series' and that means much work. All of that, like the Winter Olympics will spill over to Wyoming, mainly Evanston. Post production, pre-production, voice over production, the concept is if we're here built here, guess whose going to get the work? Guess whose going to get the financial benefit?
Evanston is not such a bad place. Sure when it comes to real estate its a bit pricey, but outside of that, the none church and even the church people here are good, friendly people. Does that mean we're slyding into being this communities radio station? No. We will continue to be the radio voice of all things southern/Hazzard-County, and of course that black ribbon community called truckers, bikers and I-80. The idea as it was in the beginning , build the station here. HCC/Highway Hooker Toewing, Montpelier Idaho, me in Burley with Cooter's Kustmz & Toewing.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Don't throw out the baby with the bath water
I'm always amazed at the utter or should I say udder fear of the American public. At least Yankee public. There's far too much playing it sage and tight to the chest, to the point that risk taking is robbing all too many things that could be considered innovative, if not inventive. Consider Mark Zuckerburg. He founded Facebook in a Havard College dorm, room invited even young women there to write code, design the site and so on. Many did it without fear of being attacked or riden like a Harley. Nope they believed in a product,and a service. They all knew that the Internet was hot and getting hotter. Even when they moved west to Gay Bay, Mark rented a split level duplex house with swimming pool. They played, ate pizza and built the foundation of a billion dollar plus empire, called Facebook. Nobody fear sexual contact or anything, it was the belief of a future in something that kicked ass. Some may say to me, well your not Mark Zuckerburg, nope I ain't , but back then neither was Mark, Mark back then. Now the other thing is, well your radio station is in your house. So was Mark's, and hey that's Frisco. Not quiet and unassuming Evanston. So if someone is fearful, here's an idea, only come in one or two days, do your gig with me, and or a club member, then go home and do your own thing the rest of the time,. HazzardAyre and all its siblings has been making solid money for nearly a decade. Never failed yet, still very strong with a backbone, and backed by one of the largest most stable organizations of its kind all legal. So to Brandy, Brittney, Andrea and Autumn, rather that sit on your hands in fear here. Why not try us on in full throttle mode just once, why be timid?
Don't quit your current job, just to work for us three or even two days out of the week.
HazzardAyre will now run weekends and the nightly haul is on overnight trucker radio done Hazzard County style. Oh and before I go, the only difference in us versus Facebook, is the focus. We are online radio, Facebook is a social site. We both are a service online, on the Cyber highway.
curiosity doesn't kill the cat, but it sure makes it sniff around
Last night had a damn good show, most things clicked and I'm more enthusiastic over relaunching at full warp speed , Dixie Diesel Radio. In that light we are beefing up operations, and looking fore intensive but hand selected crewmates. So last night I texted three of the gal pals that first interviewed for the second seat chair here at Dixie Diesel HQ.
First, we are moving the station to the shop, now that I know that we can get cable and all there. Second we are expanding our sales efforts. Now this by no means will negate or cancell out HazzardAyre. However, HazzardAyre will shift gears here, to being a weekend gig, rather than an every day thing. Once I get General Deere in good running shape, its off to Bear Lake region to see about home, and so on there. Commute between. this all started because management of the Wentworth was tee-owed about late rent being $40.00 short. Okay I figured wrong, Bishop figured wrong, and will be made up, but these folks could let me slide on $40.00? If the owners of this complex are so damn hard up, maybe I need be looking for sweeter quarters. Second, they wont let you park where ya'll want. No over two vehicles you park out back, and that's if you need space for two, you'd be hard pressed to get it. I do, but hey I'm a single male , not a mentally challenged just pregnant female on state aid. Which means, Hong Kong Phooey, if I can get a second parking space. And why? Seems as though we have a theft problem here. Look I just lost over $5,k of SnapOn Tools. My portable compressor, and a second hand unit,(walkie-Talkie) in essence $10k, of property. I have suggested being taken on as a security cop here, maybe halfing my rent in kind, or at least giving me authority to act. Management and owners say no. So maybe I get their attention through law suit. Surly there's enough support to nail the owners of the Wentworth some serious green drain.
So I texted that one spitfire by the name of Brandy, that I think between her and her gal pal, would make a great team all around. She texted back. So let ya'll know what happens. But thing is, its not a lovey dovey thing or even close nor can we just yet flip her on full time, but I think we could make a team.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
$40.00 Shy my , my, my
Well, my my, we were $40.00 shy, so gotta hit the Bishop up for that Wednesday or Sunday. Let ya'll know. The existance of me at the Wentworth is very sketchy at best. Not doing away with the shop, nor Evanston, just the Wentworth. Nobody is coming out and saying it, but there might be a few of these filly's here that think I might want to shake the dew off their lilies . So maybe for a short time bedding down in the shop might just be what the sprits of Kahless ordered.
That'd put me in a different Ward and that might be good, too considering the attitude, or whatever that is that I gather from all too many there, is while again not exactly giving me the boot, they'd all like to see me , leave so we'll see by end of July.
Okay then, been in production for the last week. Some including that Beaver Duck, thinks its all so damn easy. It ain't, it takes hours of taping, editing, voice over, and re editing to bring out the best show, that I can do for those who truck and toew.
I pretty have made up my mind to regrind, the grounded latitude, of splitting gears, and toewing, not that flying isn't important to me, but the ayre care and all, is a bit of a distance away, plus until AyreWolf Aviation is retrofitted to being HazzardAyre Aviation, which could take a year or so, might as roll out with RodeWolf, and Dixie-Diesel/Maximum Overdrive as well as Highway Hooker Radio, and all that makes that up. But the Ayre will stay under the wings on a weekend binge, the rest of the week we will truck the cyber ayrewaves with both Dixie Diesel/Maximum Overdrive, as well as Highway Hooker Radio, afternoons. and HazzardAyre on weekends.
See you on the Cyber AyreWaves
Sunday, June 7, 2015
The Other Blog and why?
Back a few weeks ago now, there was a panic amongst Blogger, Blogees, that had the loudest howl I have ever heard. Seems that there was a software bug that caused Windows Live Writer and Blogger not to communicate well if at all. As for me I still can't get here from WLW, so I had to do something, and something I did, was to group everything under the blog for my personal company Highway Hooker Toewing. So you go online, cyber cruise to and that's now the happy place. I find that loads faster, comes up faster online, and while it does not go immediately to my usual emailing list, still the important people that need to go and learn about club happenings, my company' happenings and just my thoughts go there now. And you can too.
Tried to get on air with either SAMCRO RADIO( or of course HazzardAyre( it wasn't nobody' fault here, its just I got tied up running toews and producing the show that by 00:30 I was too pooped to pop, so tried to sleep , just winding down now, after taking my meds for my diabetes.
The new me though is important to note. While I'm for sure not , repeat NOT giving up anything AyreWolf, I am scaling back that some and resurrecting RodeWolf. The reason is pretty clear, its going to be a long time if ever I get back to flying full time. Which is why I'm pointing the hounds at my local Bishop, to pay the rest of my rent for June here, so I can put the money into locating a school, in SLC or at least someone local, to get me through to getting me my CDL(Commercial Drivers License) to advance my toewing as well as my trucking career and abilities. Its just more realistic. Don't get me wrong doing radio is great, but doing radio for truckers if I'm not trucking, as well as doing radio if I'm not going toewing as much as I used to is just being a poser. Or just fronting. I will not be a phony. I'm either trucking and/or toewing or I'm off the air. So in closing if you want to follow my blogs etc, log onto TTYLY
Saturday, June 6, 2015
bACK IN THE DAY, PERFORMANCE DIESELS were not something many if anyone talked about. Sure OTR drivers did, some tractor puller types did, but fewer than that did. Of course this was just at the cusp of everything from John Deere's to Volkswagons going diesel or as club member Terry Junkert called em drizzles. it was also shortly after the Dukes was finally pulled from CBS' TV's rotational line up(cancelled). So thought was what would good old Cooter do now? Would he continue to build hot rods or go innovative and build custom trucks and hot rod diesels? The answer ? Hot rod performance diesels. It was in 1989, I was trucking through St. George Utah and saw a name that would not go away from my brain. See I had been tinkering with rebuilding diesel engines in VW's and light trucks for nearly a year, but just could not wrap my head around a good name for a light duty diesel shop. So I had to stop to piss and grab a soda, and right there across the street from this small stop and rob store there. It read Dixie Diesel Service and Towing. Some rework there and in 1992 the official Dixie Diesel Shop of Idaho opened its doors in Pocatello Idaho. But it would not be until 1993 in Rupert that the idea of a full blown super rig shop and of course the Hazzard-ized trucker radio network would come into play.
See by this time, I had got married, Too bad to the wrong woman, and was living in Paul Idaho.
The Dixie Diesel Shop as I saw it was the evolution of the Hazzard County Garage or at least part there of. Performance diesels and an all truck super shop that built custom rigs was seen. But not yet done. Long before the Chrome Shop Mafia and others were even a spit in the wind, what Cooter did in Hazzard County at the Hazzard County Garage did for the Duke boys and hot rod gear heads , the Dixie Diesel Shop would do for otr truckers and owner/operator gear jammers. But it was at this point through protest I had moved in part to Murray Utah. There, couldn't do big rigs yet there, but small automotive and light duty diesels really did not have a fix it specialty shop. The few dealerships that did repair them, usually had to farm out most of if not all intense parts overhauls, like injector pumps, nozzles etc. I had to go to Price Utah to do a service job for a Sheep farmer on an old JD, rig when I heard this gig on the local radio station there KOAL, AM was running then the ITRN. found out though that ITRN was going dark, some conversations and ITRN, became through our organizations purchase there of the Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio Network, and of course the Hazzard-ized otr truckers radio show Dixie Diesel Radio. Dixie Diesel rolled out of the then KBBK, out of Rupert Idaho, but they too were going belly up, so after we had opened our station there, licensed to the city of Minidoka, Idaho, KOTR (now KNAK of Wyoming) and that's where and when I discovered Robin. At least my Robin. She was the most stunning and sexiest woman I had ever known and still gives me dreams of extreme Heavenly thoughts today. She was one that could be thinking anything even across the valley and I would be tuned right in. It was not unusual to find us both at the shop/studio with the same idea on a show idea, at 2:00am. She could finish my thoughts, sentences, and more. Should have axed me and Janice, married Robin and one helluva lot of problems and money retention would have resulted. But hind sight is always 20/20. Thanks to me Robin now works for a major PR Firm in New York City at 5 times what I make, now, and she still sends me holiday and other greeting cards.
Many companies, from BullyDog to many others owe the Dixie Diesel Shop a lot of kudos and thanks for their even being in business. As it was the Dixie Diesel Shop, pioneered the concept of performance hot rod diesels. With that in mind let me introduce you to the newest addition to our company The Dixie Diesel Shop of Evanston Wyoming.
A full on super shop of Super rigs and pulling Deere's. To add to that now ya'll can tune in to what we do on Dixie Diesel Radio at Truckin radio done Hazzard County Style.
That's the story of Dixie Diesel Radio and our Dixie Diesel Shop, many copies, we are still the original.
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