For about a week now all I have heard from some radical east wing bigots is how bad a bunch us Confederate rebels are and how the taking down of our flag would be the best thing on earth. But it goes much deeper than that. If you look and there is some exceptions here but largely you have urban blacks in fact Urban people pissing all over rural whites and rural America. This is a condition that is threatening our way of life not just us in the Knytes, or SOCV, but all across this nation. Rural America and those that are part of it, from coast to coast feed, cloth and even power this nation. Truckers are the backbone, but farmers and ranchers are the very food that all must consume. Many of which raise the cotton that seamlessly cloth our bodies. If the southern cotton farmer did not grow the cotton, those designer jeans, albeit stitched in China would be for not. Whose going to grow cotton in China? Back in 2004 The Knytes created a stand alone group called the Mountain West Agricultural Coalition, many might have forgotten that. This was the seed of what grew into Southern Steele Media the foundation of HazzardAyre Radio. In the ensuing years we too were persecuted by the urban whimms of people that had no idea or really cared where their food and fiber came from. In 2005 amid some Don't go there attitudes in our organization, I met a great looking gal by the name of Julie in the town of Cokeville Wyoming. I had not even heard about the terrorist assault on Cokeville Schools, I and the Knytes saw a area that could be brought in as a central spot to build a rural based TV as well as radio company. If I move anywhere, the toewing service usually moves too, likewise Hazzard County. Because of the name of my company and people that did not take time to examine things took a word and exploited it, to the point I was moving out of a decrepid house at police gun point. The Knytes will not go there again, nor will we be investing the hundreds of thousands of dollars there to rebuild an old truck stop there as well, but lets move on. The fight over the rebel flag is being done at the cost of southern history and heritage. If this continues, you'll soon see fights over Native American rights to have pow-wows and other similar cultural and heritage celebrations. If such bigotry continues forget anything FARM or Kountry, or rural America being honored. The fight is not just about our beloved flag, its a fight by young impressionable urban people who haven't a clue. Stand up for Dixie, buy as many rebel flags as you can, proudly display them. Refuse to stand and sing the Star Spangled Banner, elect to sing the Dixie Anthem, Don't allow urban hate triumph over rural heritage. Its not just about the south, its about every person in America, planting seeds, germinating a field, harvesting a crop and feeding and clothing America. Once you loose one part of America's fabric you'll end up unraveling the rest of America. Everybody needs to defend America. Its not just a southern regional thyang its a American heritage thyang and America needs saving. I'm working to get our friend Beth Ann of CSC Talk Radio to get me on her show to talk about this situation. In the meanwhile were working on it here at Southern Steele central, to begin airing programming on HazzardAyre as well as on Dixie-Diesel/Maximum Overdrive radio you can help pledge just $10.00 to us so we can gather resources to battle this illness .
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
It's time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country and flag
If ever there was a time for all rebel gearheads and rebel minded supporters the time is NOW. At Hazzard High School, Mrs Brailsford had us in business skills class learning typing, something I don't do well but get there. But on those old now,(we thought state of the art) IBM Selectric typewritters, the thing she had us do most often was type, It's Time for all good men to come to the aid of his country. Back the the politically correct thing was not as popular so saying just men was allowed. Today that theme should be ringing in every single rebel, southern American, in this nation. Since that thing in South Carolina the cry has been directed at the southern Dixie nation, not on peer Online bullying which is what pushed the young misadjusted youth to commit the crime and hostility that he did. No its making a what had been quiet issue come alive again, and why? It's a pre election year period, and anyone that's running for office is grabbing for headlines. The saying that any press or ink is GOOD ink. But its paranoia got wyld. Is there a cure? Sure there is, but few are really willing to go the xtra step to do so. Its a standard fact if you want to engage politics, do it with press and media. Its also a long lasting given if you want to get ahold of the media, buy advertising, do alot of it. The Knytes-of-Anarchy has been doing that where we could since our inception in 1982, and we still buy media where we can. The fact that we have a radio show and looking to do TV, is one way we put not only lip service out there, but our money where those lips are attached to our mouths. Not asking for riches to line the cash stash of the Knytes, but if we're going to win this battle, my fellow confederates, is to start carving out money orders and checks for a minimum of $100.00 a piece, so we acting on your behalf can buy media time to educate our people, this nation and thus our political leaders. If your proud of our Dixie Nation and our flag, here's what you do, carve out a check for $100.00 send it to : Knytes-of-Anarchy 96 East Hayden #C202 Evanston Wyoming 82930 . Lets fight this fight with fire and might, not just a few lines on Facebook, and such. There's too much to loose here. Time is now.
Dividing America again
America is being divided again. While the Church murder slaughtering in South Carolina was bad and tragic, and understand that in no way are we saying that was right, by southern tradition the feller would be hung. However this political condition of removing a symbol of southern heritage from states flags, and memorials to a war that was tragic in itself, is just a bunch of bigots and yes even racists trying to grab headlines to feather their government jobs. If this had been a senseless killing which it was, on a white person, in another place in this nation done by a black person, there might have been a few headlines but soon forgotten. This would though not be the rucus that its being headed up today, by such organizations as the NAACPA and on and on. At a time this nation needs to be united , this mess is going to split this nation up even further. Sure the Knytes-of-Anarchy is fighting to retain the very symbol of a culture and a society that is not racist, not a hate group, just people who truly believe our cause was right. Wal-Mart today said it will remove any and all merchandise and products that sport the Southern flag. Might I remind many, Wal-Mart, Coca Cola, Walgreens and other retailers were founded in the south, right in Atlanta, under that flag they want to now tarnish , because it serves not their sense of patriotism, but threatens their wallet. While the symbol is of our southern ancestry and heritage, The Son's of Confederate Veterans, the Knytes-of-Anarchy, are coast to coast with camps and charters from coast to coast. If this was a say native American, who had done this or this had been done to a Native American, would this nation be so ambitious to rid this nation of their heritage and symbols? The answer is NO. Yet the same thing that occured to our southern states , happened to the Native American's. A US, President the same one by the way, Abe Lincoln, oppressed and by force took the Native American's off their lands, raped their wives and daughters, and we are supposed to be okay with that? Really. Beth Ann says its time to bring America home. This ain't no way to do it. It's time for healing, not starting up a fight, but if it comes to it, we as a part of and with southern ancestors are here ready for that fight. Guns are loaded, airwaves ready. Sorry for not airing a show overnight, had a mess to clean up on US-89 down in Utah, with our Utah unit, and I'm pooped. Oh and to the idiot, that thought it was cool, to poke a hole in the front tire of my small truck Your ass is mine, that cost me a service call.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Crunch time at HCC
It's crunch time at HCC. Dig this , the reason the show is late is because some dumbass decided that it would be a great prank to flatten the tire on LiL Wolf(aka Witchy Woman) but I had a service call, so pumped up the tire, and off I went. After swapped the truck for the car out at my friends shop, and got some needed things for being at home. It's these kinds of things that says someone is sending a message, yet if they who are sending the message thought it was fun the fuzz now has pics and its logged in, more over for a town that wants me to go, so damn bad , the way to do it is leave my rides alone, this is one reason LexiBelle is not here. I'll be damned if I'll let her get violated. Now to call out Mr. Beaver Dick, on something he mentioned, true fact toew service is not, nor will be in Evanston Wyoming. At least not yet. I'll know if I'm doing that mid next month. No we did not do the station up at the Well's Fargo building, we had it set, but the fact of not being able to find on air help and a staff to run the radio werx 24/7 meant the extra financial expenditure was not validated. So might as well just keep it here in the house, where I can do the show overnight, get my rides up to snuff and get the hell gone to Tooele Utah sometime September or October. Too bad too, as HCC was in the look see of recruiting staff for it, not only mechanics but C&C people as well. But when you keep getting close and folks grab your ass by doing vandalism to your rides and such you look at yourself and say why? Okay failure all around and I'd have not been here this long if my truck and car hadn't puked. Fortunately I was able to buy a good solid used one well below value, all it needs is a few gaskets, and refilling some fluids. But I'm looking forward to a week from Wednesday, as I'll be going to reunite myself with my beloved LexiBelle, swap the car for her, come over drag Witchy Woman take her over to Twin, put Lexibelle and all I own, in storage except for radio station , that'll go in the office at the shop. Then its go find me housing, shop then move the radio werx to Tooele. Then its fire up where the Knytes had albeit limited but some success. Oh and to answer the other call out by Beaver Dick, sounds like a screen name for a very troubled person, don't it? But no it was not a normal three day ride asshole, I took a ride in the rescue truck, but we all still went.
See ya'll on the radio at 23:00 Monday night.
See ya'll on the radio at 23:00 Monday night.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
These are the times you find out who your true friends are not just your facebook friends
Oh how impersonable we as a nation and society have become. With the passing of one of my not just UCSMC friends but a childhood friend, and while again the Knytes as he too was a member stood up and was there with not only honors of our forgotten member, but an arm around me saying all will be fine we'll all be together in Stovacore. Yet with that and all going on with the church shootings in South Carolina, did anyone, I mean ANYONE here in Evanston come by and say we kind of know what your going through maybe we can at least offer a prayer. Even my friendly Bishop and or a counselor could have at least dropped by. Which leads me to a few insights. A few weeks ago, there was the singing of the Star Spangled Banner in our ward, here in Wyoming. As much as I wanted to, I could not in good conscience stand up and sing that song. It's not that I'm unpatriotic or anything hell I spent 35 years of my life defending and fighting for it. Yet the fact remains, the same nation I stood and fought for is coming unglued at the very threads of the stars and stripes. Yet all I got was a chewing off, and have not yet, had one member of the church come by and say, your forgiven, how about coming back to church. This past Friday, even though I was in Burley doing some duty to Dennies family during the tragedy of their loss, not even a phone call from Brother Dean to say are you coming to clean the church? This reminds me of the same take out garbage that I got at my Mom's funeral, in 1983 at the Hazzard ward of the LDS Church. At the end of that funeral, the Knytes were there, some of the cast from the Dukes were there, many put their arm around me , two club members stayed overnight with me to make sure I was okay, Jimmy rode with me to Grace Idaho for the burriel. Yet, not one member of that congregation of the LDS church even said we're sorry for your loss, but they sure ate themselves pig full at the wake. Their kids enjoyed the toys I alone donated to 14 families with 12 kids a piece, a lady who tirelessly gave and served the church, yet not even one Relief Society member, not one Elder or Priesthood member came by and said can we help, in any way? Yet the Knytes were there. Granted I am greatful as can be at the charity that the Uinta Ward of the LDS Church gave me and the club in recovering the radio gear, paying of my rent for a few months so I could get my feet under me here, but there are times when just a visit, from the church, a prayer, and a shoulder to cry on, is worth more than any financial assistance.
Most of the years before , and I'm getting to something here, most of the years prior to relocating from Twin Falls to Utah then reluctantly here to Evanston, on Fathers Day, I at least got a phone call from my eldest son Eddy. Or a card, or even a visit, taking me to eat at Denny's there in Pocatello when I lived there. Yet today only my daughter called saying to a my best Dad. But nobody else. Today would have been a good day for a church member to drop by. But nope. So dear Bishop, if I don't come running back to the Ward, for a few more weeks , now you know why.
Most of the years before , and I'm getting to something here, most of the years prior to relocating from Twin Falls to Utah then reluctantly here to Evanston, on Fathers Day, I at least got a phone call from my eldest son Eddy. Or a card, or even a visit, taking me to eat at Denny's there in Pocatello when I lived there. Yet today only my daughter called saying to a my best Dad. But nobody else. Today would have been a good day for a church member to drop by. But nope. So dear Bishop, if I don't come running back to the Ward, for a few more weeks , now you know why.
I can see the guys point but my has it shaken up our Confederacy friends
By now there are a bunch of people including our members wondering the thoughts from the terrific tragedy that is of the shootings in South Carolina. While the Knytes, nor the AyreWolvez condone the actions of this troubled youth, that the racism, and hate built in him to the point of committing such a thing, there are some of us that can see how this kind of thing can escalate to such a point, where one looses their grip on what's good, bad or justified and goes off the deep end. Like this guy that loves to heckle me on our comments section. I can see , while not outright killing Beaver Dick, I can see , messing this guy up, to the point he shuts the hell up. I myself did a great job I thought of suppressing the outright rage that I and the Knytes had over some idiots in Mountain Home Idaho a few years back. I've never seen that kind of hate thrown back at someone they said was racist and all , when they were doing the hating, and just egging something on. The club flat wanted to take a short trip to that medium sized community, and tear these people a new one. Even when one kept calling me out, the prick never showed , and decided to hide. I had the pipe, knife and gun ready and I was ready to use them. As such I did what I needed to do, remove myself from the situation, even if it meant getting called yellow. Same thing goes for many here in Evanston, keep pushing and someone's going to break. Not all have the self control and support I have. I chalk it up to Yankee stupid and leave it at that. Of course the fact that every Knyte and Wolf-Pack member sports a Confederate battle flag on their rides and on our bodies, means we align with our southern brethren. I thought it very interesting that Ben Jones aka on TV Cooter, was the feature guest of MSNBC. On the issue of South Carolina, keeping a battle flag on their community building as one Black American person as a symbol of hate. I remember a few years ago, a black American recited the poem , I am their flag at a SOCV rally. There are those informed and educated as to what that flag, we honor means, and there are others that want to play the race card. I for one think too, all too many want to play that race card when it suits them, they get a 15 or so minute of fame , cut a book and speaking contract with a major news source like FoX or MSNBC and after awhile they vanish. The youth who committed this crime was wrong no doubt. Killing innocent people is also wrong, but the public heckling one gets online can drive a person to do such things. I'd like to see some attention gave to stopping online heckling and bullying. Cut down the fuel you extinguish the fire. However over the last few days, our Confederate brethren have all came back out from under their shells yelling stop the Confederacy bashing, I too have said enough is enough on the air and will say here again, stop it. But its like this Beaver Dick, that screen name ought to tell you how miss aligned this guy is, wants to keep pushing. He lives for the hours he can watch our vid radio show then bitch afterwerds on the same site. I myself I can let it roll off my back, yet there might be a Knyte and especially a Knyte of our Honor Guard, that just might track down this Beaver Dick, and feed him his dick, right in his neck after they behead him. My advice? Don't push dude. I can remember once speaking of our lost Knyte and another founding club member. We were at the Flying J Cafe when there was one in Boise. There was one young punk, that kept heckling Dennie and myself, and a gal we all were friends with. While the heckler wasn't killed, after he mentioned he couldn't hear Bro, he did leave with a reason not too, one ear carved off his head by big knife. Bro hated hecklers and backed that up. Strange we never got heckled there again. The Knytes and AyreWolvez have never been racist, we welcome new able to be members and pledges from all ethnic groups except for Musslims we wont let them in for nothing we do draw the line, but we also draw the line on allowing people in based on character and loyalty factors, not just because of their skin color or race. Our Sub Charter in Blackfoot Idaho has as its President a Mexican American. He's one of my best friends. I have seen Videl go against his own race in defense of the club, its a loyalty thing , not a race thing. I have more on this, but I need to get ready for tonight's HazzardAyre show, but in closing yes I can sort of see this youths point, get heckled enough your going to break. You lash out, was it wrong? Sure, but lets get off the fact of our battle flag, and all of that lets look at how we stop online bullying and urging, then such things wont happen.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
It was a run but not for fun
It was a run alright but not for fun. Over the last 3 days the Knytes along with our brother club the AyreWolvez treked over to the Hazzard part of Idaho to give memory and attend a funeral of one of our own of the AyreWolvez. With a fly over and all that took place I say Dennie has a better place to rest. Reganald K Denniel of Hazzard Idaho past away while serving in the peace missions of the Persian Gulf. He and his team were assaulted by Surface to Air weapons . At Least Dennie past away doing what he loved to do, fly. I can remember it was a mild sweet summers day in 1976 when Dennie and I cruising by CSI in Twin Falls spotted a light robin egg blue 65 Mustang with some real hotties in it. We gave pursuit, and ended up in that pursuit signing up for USMC . Of course I myself didn't immediately qualify, and so was taken in by the U.S. Navy as a ICS when it was learned my skill was not going to be used for 2 years, I opted to Aviation Mechanics. At least I got on a ship, fixing aircraft. Of course when I got to AFFEES and all in Boise, with some trepidation the Navy discarded me, but with some area scrambling by two recruiters, at the time the office of Senator Frank Church and the Senator himself, while the USN didn't want me, the USMC did. So there I was. So Dennie and I met in the Shilo Inn in Boise, had our grand dinner of $10.00 and partyed like there was no more time on earth. We both arrived at Pariss Island NC, stood on those yellow boot prints, had our hair shaved off and within a year, both of us were in San Diego CA. Only for 8 months Dennie was in CA, I was in Florida. Apparently the US-DOD had left off the mechanics side of the aviation side of my specialty training and just put on Aviation. Within 3 years I was in all parts of the South Pacific, Dennie on a carrier, me on ground duty except for the few times we had to do quals on a carrier. in March 1982 I got assigned duty with the 214, and by mid March duty stateside with the 214 in reserve active duty at Yuma Arizona. I put my nose to the study zone and by 1991 had climbed up the ladder to Major as did Dennie.
In closing I lost a very dear friend and am still healing and so we have decided to run another edition of HazzardAyre Retro. Of course the Fathers Day Bike/truck run to all parts Wyoming Utah and Idaho has been scrubbed until the weekend following the 4th of July.
That's all I have to say about that.
In closing I lost a very dear friend and am still healing and so we have decided to run another edition of HazzardAyre Retro. Of course the Fathers Day Bike/truck run to all parts Wyoming Utah and Idaho has been scrubbed until the weekend following the 4th of July.
That's all I have to say about that.
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