Tuesday, April 26, 2016

There's Ben and then there's the Knytes Who did it first and why we deserve some credit

Before any of you who read this get it in your crotches that this is any kind of bad mouthing Ben and Alma, don't. I have the highest respect of and for both these people. I love both as they are and if the were and are family. But I too love the club. The members of the club, have been on my ride of life from the time we all were 8 years old tricking out our pedal bikes, to now. We have seen it all, lived it all, and pretty much done it all. When the Dukes-of-Hazzard stopped fresh production and CBS stupidly cancelled the show, in 1985, I was so sad, but shortly after I met with exec producer Paul Picard of the Dukes near his death and I promised I would do my best to retain and honor the Dukes legacy. I did the same with Boss Hogg, Waylon, and Uncle Jessie, as well as my best friend Skip Ward an associate producer on the show. My 5th cousin Richie Montgomery played the bumbling radio announcer, on the on TV radio station WHOGG, and so it goes. Hazzard and what makes it up became a part of me, more over than just a hit TV show that many are or were a fan of. Of course in 1982 the Hazzard Knytes(Knights) was founded, and the rest is pretty much Hazzard County history. Back in 1988/89 The Knytes met in a part of Idaho, and took on the idea, of building a Dukes themed Memorial Park near Mountain Home Idaho. Pretty much where the idea of a Nuke power plant was going to be built in 2008. Hazzard County CSA was its name, after we couldn't pull the agreements off due to both a weak labor force and County commissioner approvals, we tabled the plan, and are still looking near Blackfoot Idaho, to construct same, but Ben and Alma later opened Cooter's Place, back east. But shouldn't the Knytes be given some credit for having the same original idea? Next, saw that Ben and his crew are looking to doing a DukesFest at Cooter's Place next year. I'm pretty sure the idea wasn't as popular, until Ben read that the Knytes plan on rolling that out here in Wyoming. Now to put this to rest. I love both Ben and Alma, but like many people out here in the Mountain West, Utah, Idaho,Montana and Wyoming, there's not a great deal of extra money for a family or a lone fan to load up the mini van to head back to Virginia, or Tennessee . If they're lucky, they might have enough money to go to a fun park in Utah called Lagoon. Now if there was a Hazzard County event for Dukes fans out here, would that not be more in tune to reaching out to those fans and saying thanks for your support all these years? This is not a competition, or anything to trash Ben and Alma's efforts, but what we are doing is giving the Mountain Western Dukes, fans an alternative to taking a trip to Virginia, or Tennessee spending mucho money when they only need to spend less money in fuel and lodging and come out west, enjoy Wyoming and soak in all things Hazzard County and Dukes under a big Wyoming sky. 
I just want and I think its deserved, that the Knytes be given a bit more credit for our contribution to Dukes fame, and retention of the Hazzard County legacy. 

Daily Diaper Rash

Have you noticed that the content and quality of your Facebook Newsfeed is getting worse? Have you noticed that you seem to be getting way too many Spammy stories, or articles that are just a tad over being trash pads? I have and its beginning to be looking like the end of the day of what Mark Zuckerburg intended to be his legacy. Oh he says he's worth billions, so was Bill Gates, but that didn't make it to where Windows and Microsoft, didn't go into the toilet and manure pile. Bit by bit Microsoft features, content from its MSN platform, free classified ads and so on disappeared, until it was gone forever. MSN Messenger was removed, much of what made Microsoft good, is gone. I went to Google Chrome, and very seldom us IE. Watch and see if Facebook doesn't start to rust as well. Many other platforms are emerging, from instaprint, to Anthropod, before too long there wont be no FB, then Mark will be selling Sandwiches at Subway, like Jared did, until he gets arrested for mauling a child gets sued, because some urban ethnic wife thinks there's a pay day or chance to get famous, so she sets up one of these people. Drags their names through the horse poop, and after its all washed out in the Kenmore, their innocent, but the bitch that brought up the crap in the first place is still riding high. There ought to be a law where these sluts can't publish articles or get money for interviews on TV for these trumped up charges. Plus can't write a book, or do a TV show or film on one of these events for at least 5 years. Don't get me wrong I'm not into censorship or getting rid of any freedoms like freedom of speech , but I draw the line that when there a pending legal case or its already over there ought to be a legally binding gag order for at least 5 years. To give the accused party guilty or not a chance to breathe. 
So woke up just a bit ago, got a call from our sweet Judy, now she wants to come to work for us. The answer is an obvious yes. Finally a female me, so I don't have to, now just need to push getting in the old city hall building. Mr. Bliss is taking his sweet time, in getting us a lease and all. Then Pam called , guess she's got paper work, yet , with this bumb leg of mine, shy of a fire, I ain't leaving the house. Both can deliver here to the Wolf's Lair, #C-202. But I find it interesting, even if the lady employee is hitched or not, they growl a bit more if they know their job hubby, or boss is involved, or purr a bit extra louder if they think he's single. Over the weekend I twisted my ankle so bad I had to go up to the ER, get a spounge wrap, and take pain pills for a few days, yea Happy Birthday to me Tomarrow . I'm making that up after the 1st, by then I'll have replenished some of the cash stash, and can celebrate in style.
So I watched Lucifer the series's season finale, don't Get me wrong the writing on this series is right on, some of the biblical references are a bit off, but close enough to entertain. Thing is I don't watch this show for any of the dude, I watch it for the babes, and there are many. It seems the in fashion, is extremely tight , rip open at the grunt of a female fart, leather pants more over body suits. Of course my question is does her private parts smell better or worse after production, and are these wearables the in fashion for everyday life. Could you imagine anybody walking into your office that worked for you, in conservative Utah and extended towns like Evanston, here which is supposed to be of Wyoming, but acts like its in Utah, but could you imagine a hottie walking in, in one of those near plastic, or leather body suits, in your office? Any mile, I'm heading back to the rack so I can be back on the air later tonight. 
Note to Pam and Judy , want me today? Come out to the Wolf's Lair aka Wentworth Apartments, #C-202, and drop off your paperwork, here. until my leg heals a bit more I ain't going out the door.

A great new morning in our Hazzard County

I'm not going to spend much time here , this morning. My head hurts, my butt aches and going through files on the old computer my eyes hurt. However this aims directly at what we in the Knytes are all about. In our world we call it Hazzard County Tenacity, more defined, Hazzard County Enginuity. Which aims at the question I always have are we the only ones doing life and commerce right? Even with the economic downturns, recession and all the Hazzard Knytes and all our subsidiaries are doing well. Nobody is getting rich understand, at least individually. Many of us do what we do for the club, because we love what we do in preserving the Hazzard County legacy, more over the Hazzard way of life. Simple, down to earth, all creeds, ethnic groups, and peoples. Sure we as a club have standards that must be stuck to, but overall, we are making good incomes from the clubs investments. This brings me to a point of order. Many think that if the club is doing well then why ain't I? If the club is knocking down $20,million in its cash stash why aren't I driving a newer ride, and living high on the Hogg? The reason is simple, I just manage the clubs finances and suggest where they go, that's my duty to the club. Myself if the shop of mine and my towing service is doing well, I do too, if not then I scrape by just like everyone else. The club makes mucho money, as for me not so much, and over the last 6 months very well not so much. Sure I miss home and Hazzard Idaho 
but right now with two rides needing serious repair and LexiBelle needing some serious TLC, relocation is just not possible right now, plus I kinda like it where I'm at. I mean where else can you walk out of your home on a crisp April night with your coffee, and watch mule deer playing? Or see the grand plan of God displayed right in front of you. Sure there are a ton of assholes here in Evanston, I have met and dealt with many here, but in times of trouble this town will circle the wagons and help where they can, and be kind about it. Of course there is the fact that the full project of our Hazzard County on air as well as online radio station isn't fully done, there is much still needed to be done. The two bars, and all still need to be bought, refurbished and redone to Hazzard County standards. But I know it can all be done and by years end. Along with OUR Hazzard County website, and all , my plate is pretty full. Again I know it can be done because Hazzard folks don't quit. That might be why, with all the failures of our nation, with all the unintelligence along with a heaping amount of Yankee stupid, as it once was said on a Dukes episode, Walon said, " Hey don't laugh, if it can happen anywhere, it will happen in Hazzard County" And its the Hazzard Knytes, making it happen, we do Hazzard , the right way. 
Next Entry; the Hazzard County Nationals aka DukesFest West, 2017, Uinta County Fairgrounds, Evanston Wyoming. Watch here for further details.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Praises to Pam

It's finally the end of my day, it's time for me to get off the computer, break open my mac and cheese, along with cottage cheese, big milk, and Ding Dongs, watch some TV and catch some sleep so I can be with all you heavy haulers overnight on RodeWolf Radio. 
I want to get this out there though, before I go, beddy bye for the night. 
I have worked with many Realty people in my lifetime. Some good, some bad, some complete idiots, and some that were close to being call girls, selling property. But I need to say, I'm very pleased and honored that our realty lady Pam here in Evanston, Wyoming is the most professional, efficient , and kind person that I have ever worked with. Now before many of ya'll think I'm pining for this lady think again, she's a friend of course, but our connection for buying property, nothing else , and it would be no different , if Pam was a Paul, or a man doing this transaction. If everyone in this small town was as good, upstanding and honest as Pam is, I wouldn't have as many sour grapes in my mouth about Evanston. At least its business community. Now I fully understand, that there are those in that business community that are not trusting. The fact that some asshole came in here to this town blowing his own horn on a radio station, LONG BEFORE us. Did not help our cause and causes. The fact that I don't wear a suit and tie, or drive a still owed to the bank new car, or have a piece of black plastic attached to my suit, shouldn't make a BIG difference. I am me, honest and attempting to not only help to this stuck up town, but to be of service to that big piece of black ribbon out there called I-80 and the main residents thereof those being the American trucker, the true backbone to this nation. Remember if you got it, a trucker brought it, or hauled it. 
The Knytes-of-Dixie started out as a 4-H truck transportation organization in 1973, grew to a membership of over 5,000 just in Idaho and Utah, by 1982 we caught Hazzard fever and became the Hazzard County Knytes(Knights) and in 2008 converted to the Knytes of Dixie. With just over 50,000 members in the continental United States, and just over 3 million world wide the Knytes have a strength, that is unmatched by any mc or truckers organization. Period. Evanston is the choice of the organization to be its Mountain West HQ, and will by the end of 2017 employee 200 people, here. And why? Because of and especially due to people like Pam of Uinta Realty.  As for me and my involvement in the Knytes, I own and drive a tow truck, as such and since 1982 have been the President of the Knytes's Towing Council, aka the Rode Knytes Association. 
Any mile need feed, and oh btw , I'm back on the market, Shelly my fiance are no more, she insulted the club, and as such, I had to break up with her. She did not and cannot pay back the club for money spent on her , thus I'm a lone Wolf once more. 
See you on the cyber radio later tonight starting at 03:00AM. At: www.livestream.com/rodewolffm 

This, that and the other you have to get the other as its a set.

 Our lady in Realty asks , " What is a letter of intent?" A real Estate letter of intent, is a written letter, that says that if the price is met and no leans or garnishments 
are attached to the property , they will proceed with the sale and vacate same in a timely manner. So why do we require this in the club? Reason is that we as an organization have went after drinking establishments at least 8 times. We go in, scout the thing, get everything all set to go, and when it has came to the owners to cry Uncle, they say they have decided not to sell. Shorty's in Boise, Sportsmans Lounge just outside of Hazzard Idaho, Hot Rocks in Twin Falls, the Oasis in Twin Falls, and Lotty's here in Evanston. This time the club says, if we buy they will sell and if they renig at the last moment we want a piece of legal paper that say's we can get a good part of our money back, for our efforts. Not just be sitting there with egg on our faces. Now then talking Idaho. Over in Bliss, Idaho is a real neighborhood bar and sorta grill called Angels and Outlaws Saloon. Frank has done great things with it, but at $350k which that includes a liquir license, next to a two bay service station garage, means Evanston Wyoming is not our only choice. Thing is, there would be no labor shortage or human resources to hire from, all the club needs to do is say we are here, and we'd have half the valley over there ready to serve. Same goes for our now just a translator station in Buhl, Idaho but could be made a full power Class 1 radio station with just the turn of a door key and installation of equipment. Plus its 20 degrees warmer. Best of all in Bliss , we'd be the ONLY resident towing service there, and a Sheriff's office that would welcome us with bells on. 
Bottom line, Evanston, its time to poop or get off the pot, the Knytes are not going to wait forever, our $371, million can be spent in Idaho just as well as Wyoming.

So the club is buying two bars, my concerns are who will run them? Where do you get employees? Same goes for the radio station and pin up girls.

So it was a Saturday night, in our studios in Woods Cross Utah. With no open bars around and the need for brew for the Reaper crew high we sat there downing a few barley pops, tuned into doing the Saturday night edition of HazzardAyre Radio. The week had gone extremely well, 4 super foxes signed up for on air shifts, we had 6 pin up girls we were as we thought in Hogg Heaven. So as we looked around the cyber highway caught a blip of a radio station here in Evanston, going dark. Shit one of the guys said, we fire that back up and we have our Wyoming booster station for HazzardAyre. Now there are some things you should never say. One is " I'll never do that or go or live there again" Because as sure as Boss Hogg robbing a old lady's property taxes, you'll do it again. In 2006 when I pulled the plug and ultimately relocated back into Idaho, I said then, " I'll never move back there again" This is one of those , "I'll never do or live there again" things, guess where I'm at. So we rather I moved here. At first the plan was, stay here long enough to erect the radio station set up, train at least two or three people along with a administrator and station manager, then I'd move back to either Utah or home to Idaho. At first I moved into an oversized Varmit hut out at Yellow Creek Estates. Really, Estates? More like the Yellow Creek burial grounds. Tired of no ability to get Internet (more on that in a few stanzas.) or cable TV, I got in my truck, not knowing where to go, found the Wentworth and with the kindness of Janet, I moved in. The first location for the station, was the 5th floor of the Wells Fargo building, here. The tower on the roof , for additional money per month, plus that floor has head shrinks, and such on it. No daytime radio noise allowed. So moved everything back here to the Wolf's Lair here at the Wentworth # C-202. So thought came needed a brew with the Reaper Crew, Big Ricky from Twin Falls was here. No Lotty's, finally went to Legal Tender, but being as BIG Ricky, is the current Prezz of the Knytes he says lets buy Lotty's, remold that into our image of the brew house on SOA, and we can really rake in cash to our stash. So I started sniffing around that quite a bit. All would have went well there except, no beer or booze license available. Back to focusing on the radio station. You can't run a bar, without that license and at $4,000.00 a month and/or buying it for $600k the numbers don't level out. So we scrubbed that, still determined to just do the radio gig and me get the hell out of here. So thought was let's at least do the chopper shop/towing service. So found a shop, but with promises from three idiots of paying half of rent and all, I kept seeing getting LexiBelle, my tow truck here fading as fast as Boss Hogg eating raw liver(the man loved the stuff). Until Rick came into the picture. August and September went okay, but in October I suffered a devastating blowout on the old General JaXson, so there went October's rent. Until the last day of October, this big rig freight hauler blows a alternator, we get the call. Out went Rick and I, got the trucker to our shop, ultimately we made some serious cash. So instead of rent in November we went and fetched LexiBelle. Which started a downhill snowball of worse turning into worst. Until Rick and I both said we can't do no more. So I got a slightly lower cost shop, split between myself and the club, Rick got his own place and here we are.
So then, club want's to go full bore on two bars in and near Evanston. Good. Both come with hefty price tags, that really isn't the problem, the real problem is, who the heck is going to work at those bars? What kind of serious eye candy is going to drive out to the Boars(currently Hornets) Nest, as well as where the Reaper Club will go? Hell we can't even get super foxes, for pinup girls, as well as such mundane tasks as being on air on our radio gig, anchors and co-anchors? Granted there are other jobs like McDonald's , Wal-Mart, and Smith's foods, and a few d0 pay $20.00 an hour, but damn few others. Even Legal Tender only pays $8.00 an hour plus tips, Yet for the same $20.00 per hour with increases of $5.00 an hour every six months of dedicated employment with us, what makes one think that just because we buy and open these Biker/Hazzard themed bars, that there's going to be biker/Hazzard County attired female foxes that will work there? 
Does make one wonder. 
Need feed, find me on HazzardAyre Radio Saturday night at www.livestream.com/hazzardayre 

What part of brotherhood of the highway don't you understand lady? And RodeWolf FM is on overnight tonight

There is something all too many people forget and/or ignore. We who are the citizens of the community of the highway respect, protect and honor others of that community. Be it in 18, 10, 6, or two wheels. 
There are those small things that get in the way and challenge loyalties and honor, amongst us. However we pull back , pull our boots up and remember, thank and do our utmost best to honor our commitment to our brothers of the highway, in our case those who are members of the Knytes or those that might as well be. I let my dear friend Rick, down by not paying him when I should have, I let affection and all of a lady that I should not have gotten involved with get in the way. Not that I wasn't warned. Rick, Roger and Nate all said don't get involved with Shelly. It ain't worth it. Many in my church ward said stay away from her. I tried like hell to get her out of here the middle of March as well as the first of April. But I have a soft heart, so I stomached her for the month. But I flat told her last night, until she pays me back for the money I should have used to pay Rick as well as the club, there is no, and will be no us. Even then its borderline. I'm not in a big hurry to have to be saddled with that baggage and problem. But I can say this, come the first of May, outside of what I need to pay, for my house and shop rents, and all, Rick will have in his hands anything I have left. He's that dear to me. Not in a queer sort of way, but I love that man, to and because he put up with me. Helped fetch LexiBelle back here to me. Along with many other bits of change for chew, and a few other minor things. Mostly giving me a hearing ear when I didn't have ANYONE else to talk too. As far as Shelly is concerned, once she has paid me ALL of the $3,000.00 she owes me, I might, I say MIGHT!! consider a reunification. But not until.
Okay then; overnight, I'll be on the air on www.livestream.com/rodewolffm . The challenges of doing radio 24/7, plus trying to get going back to towing full speed , plus all the rest is well, a challenge. Not that there are many who want or are willing to get on air, much less do anything on the administrative side of the radio gig. Even with that if we did as a club, buy a bar much less two of them, who the hell is going to work them?