Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Aren't You glad you don't have these college grads working for you & Stupid is as Stupid does and you can't fix stupid

I am worried, the money spent to educate youth and the policy makers and industry shakers is being put rather to parties and narcotics than it is to education. Doesn't people proofread any more, or verify phone numbers and such? Case-n-Point, got the latest edition of the Legacy phone book that's still published out of Orem Utah, that might indicate the amount of forward thinking. Looked in there, yes Hazzard County Choppers is listed, 3 problems, 1 Hazzard in our case is spelled with two, that's(2) ZZ's. Second the number is wrong, and no listing for Highway Hooker Toewing, 3rd the address is wrong. Certainly one would think, that the researchers who print this phone book, would at least verify the numbers listed, as to accuracy. But alas no listing for HazzardAyre, Aviation nor radio, no listing as I said for Highway Hooker Toewing, but then what do you expect from an out of area phone book publisher. Its not just here in Wyoming either, we used to have to bend the ear of these idiots 12 times prior to the production of each years phone book in Idaho. See these things are published all over the area, in all of our mountain west states, and most if not all who make up these goof ball phone books, have never left the immediate area of from which these researchers live and work. What they do is near by sheer duplication of the Dex Pages, just copy and print. What they need to do is put these kids on a damn bus haul em around to the areas these researchers are putting theses books from plus certify each number, especially business listings. 
Okay then. Was on our other cyber highway radio carrier overnight Spreaker.com . The more I use that, the more I like it, I just have one drawback you can't easily post it to where audience can grip where to find, you. But that's a simple thing. Unlike Liverstream.com where we are now, I can be on air and still navigate on my computer, even go online and go harvest news and info without it overpowering my computer that Livestream.com does. Granted it is expensive at $2,k a year but who cares? It works and they at Spreaker.com will really bill you $200.00 a month, even paper invoice style. No extra or special needs to contact tech support, and there's someone at Spreaker 24/7/365. Livestream.com really needs to take a look, Spreaker.com is soon going to biting if not already the heels of Livestream.
Later today, going to take a kick the tires of a place Mo thinks will be good for the radio operation here. I just wish I could see Mo in a skirt with stockings and heels just once, lol. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

I'm always reminded this isn't Metro Utah, or even western Idaho that's why I do my radio thing overnight

Seems much of the time, I get a raised eyebrow as to why I do this cyber radio thing overnight. The easiest answer is, overnight at least Sunday into Monday, as well as most days of the week, the locals here are in bed, and OFFLINE, so my bandwidth and uplink speed increases overnight. I'm always reminded when it comes to these things as well as the limited number of channels on our local cable system, that this damn well ain't Metro Utah nor even western Idaho. Try as you might your not going to get an upload speed over 4mbps and I'm lucky if I touch the threshold of 3.20 mbps up. Most of the time though and its consistent, I get download speed at 100mbps. Makes one wonder if I can go down fast why AllWest here, could get me an upload of near 20mbps, or at least symetrical . When we refired in Woods Cross Utah just prior to me stupidly moving here in 2014, I was getting 60mbps, up, 150mbps down. That was over coax too, so why can't that be here, then we as a radio service albeit on line, but we could be on the air 24/7/365. As it is I'm lucky if I can do 5 hours overnight. Which explains the inability for us as a company to earn money fast enough to pay our bill to AllWest. It's like telling someone to remove and replace a Cat diesel in a big rig truck with pliers and a screw driver. It just don't work. However I must say that Mindy Broadhead down in Kamas Utah at AllWest is another one of those super troopers, that has kept us online some months when the green was too lean.
Okay then, mentioned this earlier and no its not involving my fetish either. Thing is two of our brothers In the 214 who are also Knytes' and AyreWolvez members, wants a full sized quilt, made out of well feminin scented pantyhose. I guess , I'm not the only guy that digs these on women. Any flyte, these two members of the WolfPack currently deployed in the Med, could we help do this. Guess these two Wolvez want to be able to smell a lady when they cover their crainiums at night. So being as we are champions of the weird and strange things, we are going to attempt to make this happen. Being as most of us are wrenches not seamstress's our Ladies-of--The Knytes which is our womens auxilliary unit will do the construction of the quilts. Thing is because of the extreme delicacy of nylons they tend to destroy themselves, so supply on our end is a bit limited. So we are reaching out to our friends, supporters and associates that happen to be lady's and asking if you have some throw away nylons or pantyhose that are not washed, and that you were just going to toss in the trash, instead, send them to us. Deets on where to send on the air in the early morning.
Finally; we killed one bar location, but are aiming our sites on another, that while a bit hefty, would suit us better. Not that the old Hornets Nest was bad , but the location would make it really difficult to cultivate employees as well as customers. This all hinges on the dedication of a prospect named Mo. If she pans out and delivers what she says then we are in gear here. If not, September 1st , the Knytes and the WolfPack are headed home to Idaho.
Now if we could just get more oomph on our Internet. Hey Phil, at AllWest, see what you and Mindy can do about that will ya?

Pretty good when its the middle of May and you still need a space heater to stay Warm yet spend big money on natural gas for heat but your still cold

Before I get into my rant here, by now most of you know that the main officers of the Founding charter of the Knytes, has pending a vote to not continue with the buy of what was to be the Boars Nest here.
Reasons for the withdrawl of that buy are many, but much of it has to do with the lack of prebuy local support, and the limited if any, lady eye candy prospective employees. So rather than me kill myself for a community that would just asoon, see me vacate, I and President Rick, said might be time for me to look to going home back to Hazzard Idaho. And I'm pretty much decided on that. Although I'd like to finish up the radio thing first and of course getting my rigs and rides ready for such a trip. Both will take a couple of months.
Which leads me to my main topic. I'm not one for sub zero weather. Although Idaho has some of that, it usually does not last long, and I've never, even when I lived in a shop near Burley, Idaho, had to run a space heater along with the gas furnace just to stay warm. Turn it off and its freeze city. I think if somebody would buy the Wentworth here, put some serious green into it, it would be a great little place to hold up for awhile. But the people who own this, as well as like I when I brought the idea to buy that fracking bar, buy land for a bunch of money, sink a bunch of money into it, but in the end, your going to be lucky if you break even, if that. Face it friends Evanston Wyoming is not a place to drop anchor, its more of a place to take a piss, buy gas , then get outta town. Tammy did it, many others I know have done it. Now its my turn. 
Just got done burning the music tracks for tonights show, but I have that long haul to Hazzard in the morning, so I'm off to dream land. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Lack of progress makes wheels stop

I knew the news of a probable withdrawl of the buy of the property that could be the Boars Nest/Reaper Club , would get Pam's attention. As far as Pam is concerned she is a super trooper. It's the town more like the village we live in. To get a proper view here. The entire reason that I pulled the plug from the radio op's central HQ in Woods Cross Utah, with near 1gig Internet broadband speed and bandwidth, was to relocate same to Evanston Wyoming. I was blinded by a sense that with near 8% unemployment here, that it'd be a no brainer to find, recruit, train and employ and deploy, a satisfactory amount of both good looking as well as able lady eye candy to run the radio station operation. The idea was move that here, get somebody to run it, then me move back home to Hazzard Idaho. Set up the main HQ in Buhl, and go from there. Of course that was in the threshold of 2014/15. There was no idea then , to do a bar, nor me set up shop. But then came last year this month, a friend of my property managers husband said if I could find a suitable place close in to town he'd go in half. That of course, fell through. Then Joey came into the game, he flew the coupe in July, Then Nathen, in August and then of course came in little Rick, here that wormed its way until March. By the time we got the truck here and constant delays of refurbishing LexiBelle, the winter tow season was over. Nobody was willing outside of us was willing to come over and help do the heavy lifting. All through the time frame, the radio op, was number 1 on the priority list. Seems as though there is an hidden only seen by women on the outside of the Wolf's Lair, that says girls don't go in there. So that on air, ad sales and so on people never came much less called to inquire., I was in the idea just in March after the disintegration of Shelly and my relationship, to just pull the plug and get me and my WolfPack out of here. All through this, things like the Evanston Small Business Network, Chamber-of-Commerce and so on never called, never came over, didn't do anything. Now when it comes to a bikers/gearhead themed bar-grill, our first idea was the old Lotty's here. Yes where Tammy worked.(Wish she was still here) so I talked to this one gal who worked at Smokers Friendly, a smoke shop here, who sent over her teen daughter. Not something I felt comfortable with. But all I ever heard of and saw a cheer about was a damn bar, yet, the cry was out there for a resident radio station. After months and millions of phone calls we got a license. Not the old KEVA's but one of our own, with the suspension of that other license due to none air violations. That was doable just on my own since that whole thing only took $2,000.00 . Yet still no one was willing to train to be on air talent more over ladies to be on air talent. Nor ad sales, nor a resident engineer. Hell we couldn't even get an article about the club, nor the station in the local news rag. 
So where does that leave us? The observations of our Prezz, last night and mid week, when he came through, was , where is the babes on the station? Have we got a place for the station that's not in the Wolf's Lair? Have we got ladies that are able and willing to be on TV ads? Finally is there enough true eye candy to work the bar, not half sized gorillas in jeans about ready to split open. If I can get enough of that assembled here at the Lair, and a place for the station, Rick said on the phone that he'd table the meeting for Sunday, Tomarrow night, until next Sunday. In essence whether it be through Pam or whomever I can get not just cover, but committed ladies here in the Lair, by Sunday afternoon, so I can honestly say that through Pam, that we recruited people for our station and all, then there is a smidge of a chance to save this bar buy. If we can cement in the location out of the Lair for the station, then we are in gear. If not , the clubs legal eagles are primed for battle. I might remind many, that last week, I told Pam, that the club was already bracing for and was ready to say no to the whole thing of this bar deal. 
If I had been able to entertain Rick, a bit when he was here, plus showed him a running radio station, with eye candy doing the on air duties, the attitude of Rick would have been much better. It would have been an easier sell, but with things not any better than the last time Rick was here, last June, Rick is of the idea, of moving the Reaper to Montpelier Idaho, as well as the place in Bliss. 
On a personal note, With this radio thing and all and my personal financial loss's , I'm about to loose my shop. If that happens, you can bet your next tank of diesel, that my but will be in motion to relocation to Hazzard , faster than Boss Hogg eating maple bars. 
Will be on air at 07:00AM www.livestream.com/samcroradio 

Just a place to take a piss

Last night, I had the honor of entertaining our Club's President, here in Evanston. That was a grand honor to be sure until we went to the Legal Tender Lounge to grab something to eat. 
Now in life there are things you just don't do. You don't tug at Superman's cape, you don't take the mask off the Lone Ranger, you don't pit in the wind, and you damn well don't tell the founding Charter's President he can't have a steak. I don't care if its closing time in the resturant, I don't care if the Chef is about to go off shift, when the Knytes President wants a steak, you make a accomodating special effort and make the man a steak. Although there's a new shortcake there at the Legal that Big Rick likes and that sort of cooled down his fury. Otherwise that might have turned a bit ugly. 
Rick went on as he observed the lack of any sort of crowd on a Friday night here, saying, there's more excitement on the main street of Wendell Idaho than there was here. So we ventured out to the new bar of ours. Not only was the place closed, but dark and creepy. Bottom line I had to talk like a Dutch Uncle just to get Rick the want to proceed on the deal, and even then, when it goes to the meeting table Sunday night, they might vote to suspend if not withdraw the offer on the place. Rick said he'd hate the club should buy the place, then in a month or two have to resell or unload the place. I certainly got put in my place. I was often reminded by Rick, that I'm only the VP, not the Prezz, and as such some decisions especially when it comes to big purchases and buy's like the $300,000.00 that the Boars Nest is going to cost, plus the total remodel, considering that a similar place in Bliss can be had for $350k, that's turnkey with a grander patron numbers. I hate to think this, but I might have to tell our lady Pam, come Tuesday, that the club revoted and has to now decline on the purchase. Rick also suggested that I may want to look into relocating in a few months back to Hazzard or immediate area of Idaho. Considering we can sell our radio station license here, use the money to file for a Class A allocation in Buhl, Idaho and fire up all things HazzardAyre Radio right there. 
I think if I had been able to find some local female eye candy here, to at least entertain Rick, and a few other things the deal for the Boars Nest deal might not be on such thin ice, as it is, I'm near sure, Ricks Recon mission report from here isn't going to be good enough to save the buy. We see.
So how was your day?

Friday, May 20, 2016

So the Club now owns a bar , So now What?

So the Club Now owns a bar, so Now what? At 13:00 hours this day, I for the behalf of the Knytes, signed a purchase agreement for a podunk bar that will soon become The Boars Nest/Reaper Club. Question is so now what? If we can't even get people to go on air and play in the sand box together peacefully, how the hell are we going to run a up tempo bar and grill , just outside of city limits? 
Okay then , finally Mo came over to visit, and I think that has a promise, but the lady computer geek, isn't yet ready to jump in the pond just yet. Must be that I don't wear a suit and tie, and pre programmed ideas of what a media chief should look like. Just what the hell do they think that a radio station owner looks like? Not everybody behind a mic is in a suit and tie. 
The sale will proceed on the bar, but the question of just how open it will be to the public is not so clear. More than likely, the Reaper will be open to club members and supporters only and anyone else being allowed in, will be by invitation only.
My crainium is a bit better today, took a box of Goody's in the past 24 hours, and while I may be killing my liver, at least my head feels a bit better.
Like I said, Mo came over, she seems nice and all, but I'm not so sure she's the southern lady rebel type we're looking for, and maybe that too is one of those things that we went after here in Evanston, but could not complete due to a way too much of head in the sand, lets not do this here attitude. 
President Rick is on his way back , left Chyenne at 13:00 so should be sliding in here soon. 

My what a day, and oh how that transmission hurt

So I got up this morning,Went out to the shop. In comes an oil rig with a bad tranny, think the guy was looking for Nates, place, but found us instead. I'm no longer passing work off to Nate, if its a service/repair job, I'm taking it on. So started dropping this RTO125-13 out of this truck, and the jack slipped, down on my cranium it came. After some very choice adjectives, one of my bunch took me to the hospital, and as of an hour ago its on its way, money in the bank, and I feel a bit better.
Although the hospital told me to take it easy for a few hours, so I swung into the Wolf's Lair, here, took 4 Goody's and was scraffing down some Hungry Mans soup, when Pam calls. Again wanting the financial pedigree of the club. I simply said no. Then she wanted to talk to the President(Rick) who is right now in Nebraska and should be in here tonight or early morning Saturday. Now amongst the many reasons, I really didn't want to refer the business with Pam to Rick, is that I need both Rick, and the Club to know I still can swing these projects, or I might loose my spot as VP, and I'm not wanting to do that. Anything that challenges my authority, is near a death sentence in more ways than one. So I simply was ready to drop the whole damn sale, and stay on the course of finishing things up and move the whole Club's sub office to Pocatello or that area of Idaho. It didn't take long for that whole thing to be turned over and now its slated that noon today I sign for the Club, for the new brew spot. 
Now then, is there some point where the American male lost his testies, in this nation? Has it always been to where if you get more than one woman and a few girls together in one place, that any man there gets shoved to the rear? Of course this time Pam was buying, which I think fair, since the MC is about to hand her one helluva commission, I deserve at least one stiff drink. And it was a small one at that. Oh well, but here I'm trying to think of what to ask, so my mind is clear on the questions that will be asked at the table, when the check is carved. Yet twice I had to say, I'm VP, my turn. Seems as two potential bar servers there, don't like each other. One who says she's stepping up to be my civilian 1st officer here, and another. Both seem to be kind and all, but where is the telecom conversations? I understand women and all have lives of their own, with children, husbands and all, but I don't see daylight and seldom unless I have to be before noon. Some guy riding some bike that I don't know what it is was there telling me he was a candidate to being some sort of resident engineer for the station. The 1st officer candidate doesn't like another gal I met the other night at the ESBN meeting, who wants to open some sort of health food place out where consideration of planting the front of HazzardAyre Radio. My thoughts are push Mo out of the idea, Julie and I move into the same space, split the rent, as what Julie does compliments what we do in HazzardAyre and both could be of service to the other. But all that was going off is too much I don't know if they want to jump into our pool. Noon yesterday, my mind was starting to unwind. Simply because the bar thing and stress was removed all for about an hour. I wanted Julie and I even if it was in a public place to sit the hell down and discuss turkey. $5,000.00 to build our Club's site isn't bad, and that's in the works, but if there's a consideration of Julie to my exec officer, shouldn't there be a sit down? But I kept getting shoved back, and it was not a place I like to be. Guess the old adage of squaw walk in rear, Chief in front, has melted away. 
See ya'll on the radio , www.livestream.com/samcroradio 
I'll be on at noon today, going to try and get rid of this headache.