Sunday, June 12, 2016

Then there is me and Hazzard County

Then of course there's me and Hazzard County. Now to many the Dukes-of-Hazzard was just a great hit TV show. Always focusing on the General Lee, and them Duke boys. For others it became an obsession . I am one of those. For many their view of Hazzard County looks like this 
 or maybe this 
 then of course there's the real Hazzard, and Hazzard County, 
 this is the main street of the real Hazzard. And yes it's in Idaho not Georgia. 
From the first hour when Bro and I kicked back at our home near Hazzard Idaho, and watched the first frame, of that series I was captivated. Here was a show that depicted just what was Bro and I, whose only crime to America was having a lead foot. In search of a pair of white Go-Go boots for a car show display of another ride of ours, and discovered OUR General Lee, it has been a love affair with a lifestyle that few live. From then to the twice a month run to Burbank California delivering raw pieces for making the rides most saw on the Dukes, to that hour I spent at a ice cream place in Utah the year we entered our General, in the Utah AutoRama, every waking moment, of my life and many hours of my sleep time is of or involves Hazzard County somewhere. It was though on the 2nd night that Bro and I were at the 1981 Salt Lake City AutoRama, staying in the Shiloh Inn, that I thought, the General is great and all, but neither Bro or I looked like Bo & Luke, but I sure as hell bore a striking lookalike to Cooter. 
 Then the fact that on TV Cooter drove a tow truck, in real life I drive a tow truck, on TV Cooter fixed cars, in real life I fix cars and trucks and so on, so I thought hmmm, maybe build up the hottest tow truck of that era, and show it as Cooter's Hooker , Toew Truck. Moreover rebadge the shop as the original real life version of the Hazzard County Garage, and the rest of that is history. Then the shop, got behind the idea of a rural gearheads club, called the Hazzard County Knytes(knights) which is now split between three organizations, The Hazzard Knytes, Knyte's of Anarchy, and of course the Knytes-of-Dixie. With now 50,000 members and growing everyday, what's not to love? The Dukes opened many doors, for many people, for me the show opened my eyes of my own Confederate ancestors, and my families place in that. Likewise the Dukes for many opened the world of NASCAR, to many that had no real interest in NASCAR, for me then it was 1/4 mile hot foot down drag racing. In closing; Hazzard County is not just a place on earth, or just a TV show. Hazzard County, is a place in the heart, and soul, and a way of life more than just that TV show.

The difference between being interested in a younger lady for professional reasons, and not personal ones.

Today I had the best experience I have had at Church than I have had in many times I have went. I really felt included and part of the Ward rather than just a sit on the fence spectator. Yes it was better as my two wingmen were there, Dave and Vern, althought I think Dave's wife thinks I might be a bad influence on Dave. But Dave brings out a lot of solid footing for me to be able to ask questions about Church topics and lesson questions. Or if I don't completely understand something, in Sunday school, I can ask a question, and not feel like an idiot, or at least made to feel that way.
Today Vern had to conduct the music, and singing, and although he missed a few strokes on two hymns still he did a great job. Then after taking sacrament came the talks. So Hutch's daughter had came home from her mission from Florida, and I expected a boring, drawn out monotone speech, but it was quite the opposite. This young lady captivated me and my mind that I could picture the backgrounds of the scenes her words were painting. There were no complete melt downs or teary eyed sessions, sure she got a bit weepy, but not falling apart and gushing out tears like a Rainbird Sprinkler head in the middle of a hay field. Sure Hutch's daughter is very easy on the eyes, and in someone much younger than I she could melt hearts, but the way she delivered her talk was such, that I just had to compliment her, and suggest she get in touch with me on the grounds of doing voiceovers and on air work here on HazzardAyre Radio. And why not? Having a younger voice, beit female of the Church, and all and being a partly opposing view than mine as well as someone I can bounce topics off of, would be the uplift that HazzardAyre could use. Then of course, Dave tried to remind me of finances. Which I keep trying to explain, that my finances and the finances that support HazzardAyre, that being the Knytes are two different animals. There are certain, things that a man has to bare on his own or he ain't much of a man. Just because I'm going through a tough time money wise, and paying a bunch of bills, is my load I have to lift on my own. Sure I could go the the Club, ask for money get bailed out and after several years of paying the Club, break even. But I'm not going to do that. On the other lane of this same road of thought. The Club is doing better this year financially than it has in two prior years. As a family of organizations overseen by both the Knytes itself and the UAITA , we cleared just under $341,million, in the cash stash. 
Two years ago now, I sat in a office space in Woods Cross Utah, of I4 Solutions. Needing to find suitable housing for myself and all, I was bent on going to Tooele Utah. But a voice said to me and it was a smack me up the head prompting to sniff around here in Evanston. So I did. Now yes over many months I have trash talked and cussed out this little town, and yes even Dave agrees that it'd be easier to do this radio thing in Pocatello or surrounding area as the human resources are more plentiful there. However nothing that comes easy is worth anything. I don't want to move away and look back in two or three years thinking, could've , should've, stayed put and fought the forces of evil that exist here, and have a true blue super radio station here in Evanston, that can serve everyone from Garden City Utah to Fort Bridger Wyoming. 
When I look at a young lady like Hutch's daughter, its not with hungry eyes thinking evil thoughts. It's more on the foundation, of get her on air, that gives her a marketable job or career skill, and advances the cause of HazzardAyre Radio. 
See ya'll on the air(hopefully) on at 11:00 PM. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

You can't do your duty to the Church if they don't come fetch ya

So after 3 hours of doing one of my shows and praying it would upload to which it didn't. Which means I have to redo the entire show, thank goodness for tape, and old skool methods, you'd think that with such an easy system like Spreaker biting at Livestream's heels, that Livestream would do a better job of maintaining their system. Course maybe Spreaker, might have started to knaw at their legs so much that Livestream, might end up becoming an equipment seller, reseller, rather than the overpriced streaming service it is. So there I am waiting on Elder Dean to show up to give me a lift so I could help clean the Church in exchange for the Church helping with my rent here. Which I wouldn't have had to do, had I not had to rake out $300.00 to Chad's here to remove and replace the rear main seal. Still owe $140.00 on that, which I can take care of as soon as the better half's money gets here. 
Yet no Elder Dean, no could go, as I am sniffing on fumes in the General JaXson, again until the better half's money for the Knytes gets here. Why does she need to pay back the club? Simple while she was here, she racked up quite a few bills, in excess of $4k, so the club paid those off, and now in the loyalty department of the Club, she needs to pay back the club. Loyalty and Honor to club are two of the top things to being a member of the Knytes. In my side to be true to that loyalty I can't do much for my lady or have much involvement with her, until she satisfies the Knytes. 
I know my Bishop is going to be tweaked in the morning, but I did as he told me to, I called Elder Dean, asked him to come fetch me so I could honor my duty to the ward in doing some cleaning of the building we meet in. No return phone call, and Elder Dean didn't stop by. I asked the Bishop the other night to put some go fluid in the General, so I could get there this morning, and to Church in the morning. He instructed me to arrange things with Elder Dean, I attempted, no contact, so since I haven't seen my bed, I'm headed there now so I can get on the air this evening. On: 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Again I say, Google searches are near useless, and it seems no one has a fucking idea of what I'm asking.

As I get ready to turn in and catch some snooze time after a great night on air on Spreaker, that you can now catch on YouTube, I had the frustrating experience of trying to look something up on Google Search. What I was looking for and have no idea where to go with the malady, is that my left titty gets spasms when I get a bit stressed or my adrenlen increase or eases off. So I tried to find anything so I could discuss same with my doctor here. Guess what? Yep, not one damn thing on the subject. Oh yes I got directed to several WebMd sites, and most of the discussion was more directed towards women, but what about men. Outside of the obvious, men and women share a lot more than many think. Men like women have a placenta , we can carry a baby to term inside us, we can produce albeit small amounts, but can produce breast milk, so what makes the idiotic, idiots employed by the so called search and find systems, not include this kind of information? For many years, medical science never acknowledged the fact that us male corpuscles have such things as monthly periods, hormone peaks and lows, water wait gain, as well as menopause . We experience the same cramps, penial discharge similar to vaginal discharge, the list goes on. So why is it that such a thing as a man having possibly breast cancer, and give some real information, rather than giving you a site with a list of more web sites that just might have an answer? While I understand getting into personal and individual, conditions may be difficult, still an overall explaination here or things to look over might be a good thing. Not to go all Martha Stewart on ya'll but it would be a Good Thing. 
Okay then second half here.
Nylon stockings especially Pantyhose, themselves have more than one use. While we all know the damn things are the original shapewear still, there are other things the slinky thin socks can be used for. Example, the Grant steering wheel, especially the GT series, is made with a serious flaw, in inclimate weather the things damn near destroy themselves in your hand when wet or damp. Solution? Take a pair of pantyhose, stretch the panty over the steering wheel, with just enough overlap to join together with sewing thread or as I do electrical tape. Once measured very carefully cut the legs and panty away leaving only that , that you need to cover the steering wheel. Then secure it with sewing thread, or electrical tape. The groovy part is that pantyhose comes in all kinds of colors and thickness that you can really personalize your interior. If it so happens that the smell of your favorite lady is still in them, you get to play grabass all the time your driving and no one is the wiser.
As for the legs or stockings, I keep a pair or two in my emergency tool box. If you've ever experienced that hour that you break a fan or serpintine belt long ways from town, You can tie a pair of nylon stockings together tight over your drive pullys and at least get home, or to town to effect permanate repairs. Nylons make make great pain strainers over your none gravity paint guns, shines chrome better than any cloth, and for us toewers , if you need a steering tiedown for older vehicles, a nylon stocking works terriffic . I've even used them for temp tierod when I've snapped one. 
I'll be on air tonight, starting at 15:00 or 3:00 PM Mountain Standard time, on 

Monday, June 6, 2016

People hate it when you tell the truth and are completely honest

There is a strange epidemic going on on our shores of America, plus that of in our small towns. From school teachers to politicians, to city and even business leaders. That epidemic is called out right lieing to just shadowing the truth, yet not completely saying like it is. 
In certain circumstances such not saying really a lady loos like when she asks the question , " Do I look fat in this, does my butt look big in these jeans?" yet when you get scrubbed of information that YOU should know, be it the history of the war of Northern invasion, to telling people what their local news and other information outlets usually controlled by sponsors and stockholders, YOU are usually kept from the truth. Even those popups on Facebook, of pages that are supposed to keep you informed or report the news that is obscure, and anti-establishment, even though their monikers say so, even they are dictated to by supporters, advertisers, and in todays sociatal environment all too many are worried about money, or loosing it. Oh don't say this, never say that, yet they do bark a lot. Then you find its only being truthful when its politically convenient . Like all these double talking idiots running for President, they're all guilty of something. Somewhere they stubbed their toe, and now they are belching they are the one to lead America. And yet none of them except Hilary Clinton, has any experience in foreign policy. Donald Trump is the so called the champion right now, because he brought a new box of candy to the table. In reality, he's a billionare with just a smidge of government knowledge but little experience. While there might be a mess of bad things she's done, I still think with the bunch of crooks running, having someone in the White House with a little prior knowledge is better than sending a bunch rookies into battle with pocket knives rather than cannons. 
HazzardAyre Radio and all its channels on and Spreaker is undergoing a bunch of tech and environmental redoux's in essence cosmetically and will be back on full time come the 1st or so of July. I mention that, because both our radio shows, as well as this blog and the few connected to it, are the only absolute truth in and of both society and governmental information, and we are not kneeling down and kissing the butts or sucking penus of anybody. Speaking of which, dig this 3 times, I reposted this blog, to My Bishop, as well as Mr. Wellings of my desire to have a sit down. Know what? It's Monday, and yet no response one way or another. Maybe it is a good idea, that I go through the steps to get excommunicated, from the Church . 
Yesterday I was working on LexiBelle at the shop, nearly got one piece to finish one part of the rewire, that has been needed, when I fell under LexiBelle, and fractured a rib. So all bundled up in a thing that feels like an undersized bra, and pain killers I spent most of the day home. 
I'll see ya'll on Samcro Radio starting at - 07:00.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Mixed emotions from yesterday and a more important reason there needs to be HazzardAyre Radio.

Yesterday as I stood at the rear of the Evanston Wyoming old Union Pacific Railroad Roundhouse, and had to utter the song Star Spangled Banner, I had to force myself to sing. Then came the point to say the Pledge of Allegence I was doing so with a swollen tounge. My hear just was not in it. While I wore the uniform and proudly so of our nations Marine Corps, my blood runs Confederate Gray, so thick, that it takes nurses several trys to to extract it for study. I wanted to smack the guy reading the history of the holiday, that is so called Memorial Day. The thought that the day of rememberance was built by a Yankee is just that Yankee bs. Then I read with some utter discust that now them damn idioted bigots, and racists, racist against us the Confederates and southern people, that now in so called Government funded, and as they say controlled grave yards, that now one can't have placed on, or about our places of final rest a Confederate Flag. I then heard Beth Ann's CSC Talk Radio show about the Union stripping away our southern culture, and all. She was on one and I thank her for saying the exact same things , I have been saying for some 25 years or more. It's just now getting worse. What it gets down to is this, we are on a slippery road down to Communism, and all becoming Slaves to the Government. If Paul Ryan, has his way, we will watch the TV that the Government dictates we watch, Radio Free Europe, will become Radio Free America, since no radio or media will be silenced and we'll hear what them politicians say we are to hear and listen to. We will eat what they say we must eat, hell they'll get so damn power hungry, that the Government will issue a wife for each male in this nation, not caring if its a woman wife or man wife. They'll tell you where to sleep, when to sleep, even when and where you go poop, and demand you use their brand and style of asswipe. 
When the DC Occupiers, are given any more power, when THEY say, you can't fly and be loyal to the flag of YOUR choice, what other freedoms and liberties will you retain? If and I think there is, time. Lets get a candidate for and of the United Confederate States Party. Lets stand up for our southern heritage, history, and our southern future. Several Facebook pages come up asking about seperation from the union. Asking how many would support that, my question also asks, are you willing to die, be jailed, and give up not only your time, but property and any money, to fight for today's Confederacy? I will and so will 100% of the Knytes-of-Dixie, question , will you. Will you shoot, and take up arms to defend Dixie? Could you point a rifle or pistol at another American who said he was against Dixie, and pull the trigger? Even if he was a fellow church member, Bishop, or some other? I will with a smile on my face, because once they silence Dixie, they kill America, and that USMC Uniform I wore still stands, for standing up for this nation, and defending Dixie as well. 
One of the reasons, HazzardAyre Radio was built is to give today's Confederacy a voice, not only teaching the real history and preservation of our Southern heritage, but to make sure our children and children's children have a southern future. The militia of Today's Confederacy is the Knytes-of-Dixie.