Monday, May 13, 2024

so what do you do? it's called Hazzard County improv.

Found a new way to make an Alarm to be able to wake up on time. Set the clock on your microwave oven for when you want to wake up. When it switches on its time to rise up and howl. 
Got court this morning for the station eviction.  So I will either be here for a few days or sleeping once again in the General Jax tonight.
At least I paid my rent to Corbin heck at this rate I almost think of getting Corbin to let me sleep in my new digs where it sits. In Utah.  I  might even be doing that until I can gather the money to get LexiBelle repaired. I am yet to be convinced the west Wyoming is the best place to plant this seed.  Sure it was in 2015 but a lot of manure has washed under the bridge here in Evanston since I pulled the plug and moved from here to Idaho in 2020.
Something happens in the minds of most folks when they hear radio station. They envision a water well of money 💰 generation in just a short while.  It's like our current property 0wner.  When I was strapped for cash and attempting to put down roots here he was right on the spot ti stay in touch. I thought the guy was an upstanding guy who had a ❤️ heart.  Nope, the idiot saw $ signs and kept wanting more. Right near what old Cook saw in Jero e Idaho. Lotta 💰 
 ðŸ™…‍♀️ 9degrees off plumb. Any radio gig takes time to build or rebuild a listener base. Long before you even start to break even. Let alone make a profit. Pro radio equipment is not cheap.  Even if you do find used it's still expensive. Even a simple control console is at minimum $3k before you even start. Plus if the property 0wner holds up the key to your mailbox that is assigned to your rented office and FedEx and Ups Can't find you the equipment gets set back to the seller and you get egg on your face and a very bad rep on Ebay.  As I did here. Then even with that and I being honest I went to our slumlord here offered to do a autopay for the rent each month. Nope Shawn said no. He wanted it all in cash each month. All these things are what I'm going to bring up in court here in a few hours now. It is just a bad situation all the way around but while it's been said honesty is the best policy I think if I'd just fibbed a little I could have moved out. Of this bear trap in January and saved $100.00 each month. Had a spot at the Wells Fargo building here all pegged down. But paid Shawn my rent. And still he wanted me out. My thoughts here, I could be wrong. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Scouting America? Are they nuts?

So was reading this thing on Fakebook about BSA changing its name to Scouting America.  Was there no other Names to ponder? Was the creative juices frozen? I can think of many other Names but I ask why? And by this do we doo away with the Girl Scouts? There goes the cookies. I wait all year for those especially the thin chocolate thins. Love those. Sorry got off vector.  
This is part of this WOKE culture movement that should have been canned when it started. Look if you are one of the off center anti christ queers that is your option.  Just don't drop it on my doorstep. 
If you were one who is old enough to remember, us Farm  kountry folks in school calling you a redneck was an insult.  What we did was take that and make it comediac or at least us who grew up on a farm and know how to work.  Real work.  We made work fun. Like racing each other in moving 1/4 mile long sprinkler pipe across a farm field.  Or feeding fats or other such tasks.  It did not matter. Learning how to saddle a horse, and so on. We made life enjoyable. Most of the time we had very little in the ways of store bought or money things. About the best we could do was wait for the Shwawn guy to drive up and sell things like pizza and yummy stuff.  We had something as valuable even more so it was family. Stability and yes even radio 📻.  We'd tune in on the weekend to the Grand Ole Oprey on WSM . TV came albeit only one maybe two channels.  HEEhaw came on and you knew exactly where you were each Saturday before jumping in the truck and hitting the local dance halls. Life was a simpler place for sure but relating that to today, do you even think that a show like HeeHaw could be produced?  With the WOKE culture it'd be a difficult sale. Family values have dissolved into the dust. Kids raised up in city slums have no or little family connection.  Many youth are raised up without both mom and dad in the same home. A house is just 4 walls until it becomes a home with both parents at home and a family. Was I privileged?  No. Blessed yes. Both my Mom and Dad stuck together. As a family we all together built a mini empire.  I did well in school. I  wasn't an all star athlete but I was riding the fence of hooligan and Nerd . I enjoyed learning and still do. Picking up a book and Reading everything I could get ahold of.  I wasn't a great mathematical brain especially  calculus. But I dis okay passed all my exams and was there when quantum science started at Hazzard High School. 
If the Scouts change so the nation will drain. 
My opinion. 
Now about Pantyhose. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Now aint this a kettle of fish?


You might notice, that there is something strange here. Well, this is Hazzard County. We do things different here, We fight the system.
Was on Edge a few ago, because, Google's Blogger had a tummy tantrum, Yup, did not like an image or something, so had to reboot, then reboot again, amazing, seems as though Big Tech is needing some serious doses of Pepto-Bizmol. Whatever you feed it, it hurls back up. Makes you wonder if, in fact, there's a stupid college kid, interning at the Alphabet Company's HQ in Mountain View Ca, that catches everyone's blogs and such then just to piss you off, makes it hard to proceed expressing your thoughts and opinions. Look, I'm always doing op-eds, online and even on our radio shows. Things that need to be said, need to be just that, be said, written by, and delivered. 
Big Tech by all fairness took a heckofahit, during the pandemic. Much of which is still not recovered. To thwart these problems, Big Tech hires people at a fraction of the wages that would be needed to be paid in the U.S. to do. Like Call takers. You call up an online vendor say like GoDaddy. Need to fix a problem, that you know dang well is on their end. What you get is some oriental in the Philippines, or Singapore, who has no idea of getting into anything serious that requires a real decision. What they know, is what is on a paper board, post, that says, what the problem is, and to ask you, can it help? The problem is even with AI, I have gone the go around with GoDaddy. Any more before even putting anything down on their bot-powered texting, is, I want to talk to a human. Even then it says, wanna chat? Or asks the question, can you state the question in a different way? I always answer simply, Shut the fck up Bot, put me through to a human. It usually, does that right directly. 
On the subject of dominance Google is fielding a lawsuit in Texas, and a few other parts of the globe, on dominating a market, not allowing competition. Which is just a continuation, of the condition that existed, in this country, when A.T.&.T aka the Bell system cornered the market for landline services. Back then you even had to pay extra for things called long distance, or information aka 411. After some time and congressional actions, that outfit was broken up, allowing some competition. This led to innovation, and ultimately to the cell phone. Internet got faster, with DSL, over simple dial-up. 
Not so with Big Tech. If you get pissd at say Google, you can run off to facebook, or X-aka Twitter. The only problem there is once you get a rep, of being a badass, with one, they all talk between each other. After a while, none of them wants to deal with you.
A few years ago, there were a ton of startups trying to squeeze into the Social Media Network space. Many simply failed. Their servers got clogged, the accuracy was limited, and a few people got whacked over arguments from comments online. Even former President Trump tried to do up a Social Media thing. That went belly up, in no short order. Course that bastard, can't get things straight, in any case. Including his long-running legal problems. Look I dig where that happens. You get fame, money, or both, you make big money, and you get women wanting to cash in.  I experienced the same thing although not to the degree, of Trump. Once my Mom passed on, in 83, I was smothered, with all kinds of attention. Yet when the hussies, found that there were administrators and a board of advisers, most of them, took to legal challenges. So I dig where Trump is coming from, but I don't really think he is the one to step back in the White House. He's just too dang old. He and others piss and moan over Biden being a lot off plumb, and confused. Maybe, so or not, but Trump ain't too far behind. The responsibilities of being President of the nation here, are enormous. Your danged if you do, danged if you don't. Foreign policies, dealing with so-called allies, that just want to take a bite out of our nation's hide, are monumental. That kind of stress can make even the most stable person, nuts. 
Stay tuned, HazzardAyre Radio Sunday at 00:00 Monday after the Super Bowl, and all day Monday.

Whatch out The FCC is at it again Don't Speak loudly Someone might hear you Part 2

Again, a Grand Morning to ya'll. Don't ya'll wish that Big Tech would quit fighting you and being so dern greedy that it has to be constantly spying on you? No, they are not in a hall closet, {at least that you know of} but, from blogs to facebook chatter, it's the same, they are watching you. They eavesdrop on you, through your Smartphone, All those hot speaker aps, everything. Think Spotify, isn't monitoring everything you do? Every song, every game, every dern media anything. They got you by the testies and they is a twisting. Now your Cable/Satellite/ TV services are bytching about, the FCC clamping down on excess fee charges. About time. For example, here in Evanston Wyoming, people pay a $12.00 surcharge, for a T translator, that nobody uses. But we pay for it. We pay it's electric bill, about $200.00 a month, we pay for upkeep, that no one ever does, who is pocketing that cash? Then there is the cable access channel. Of the many of those I have seen, while I was there, and that might be, why it went dark, I wasn't there to bottle feed it, but Pocatello, had the best Cable Access Channel, ever. yet, in Evanston Wyoming, cable subscribers, pay for one, that no one ever uses. Why? Nobody to manage it? Nobody to maintain it? what. But we pay for it. The new sitch crunch of the FCC will force big and tiny cable systems, to no longer charge those tight fees. Of course, many of those are not crying, that they will have to raise rates just to cover basic expenses. Okay, fine. I say; time to break out the rabbit ears. Face it the conversion from, Analog, to digital TV was not for your own good. Or good for the video industry. What it did do, was put a bunch of tiny, re-run style TV stations out of business, requiring those that stayed in the game, to buy newer equipment, and having to, for the first time, both TV and Digitized radio, to move frequencies and no real recourse. While many went dark, many went to removing nightly newscasts. KUTV did that, and so did CH 12 out of Nampa. 

HazzardAyre Radio, stayed active, only because we were already digitized, But teat was not easy. We had to reduce our ERP, to a lower prime output, and engage 3 other stations, to triangulate a strong enough signal between the 3 to get out a decent, true stereo-generated signal. 

Even we had to whittle down a few spots in our staffing, two of which I wished we could have kept. Increased my workload 4 fold, to engineer, all 3 of our stations and contract 4 more area stations, just to feed myself and our network. 

Look, you might be a great lover of Trump and all, and while I'm glad Haly is out of the running, as her attitude towards the confederacy, is not warming. That said, under President then, Trump, his FCC Chair, was pro cell phone, not broadcast, nor that promised nationwide wide bandwidth internet that was to be free, ever was created. It was a pre-packaged deal, to get the go-ahead, yet produced no crop, no harvest. Kind of like the Free Obama Phone. 

Church at noon, and I will be on air at 00:00 hours Monday Morning.

Keep it tween the ditches.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Don't speak loudly people might hear you.


A grand Morning to ya'll this early Sunday morning. We, rather I will be on the air on HazzardAyre, following the SuperBowl. I ain't a football fan, but some of ya'll are so I'm being kind. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Say what? Dern Indian nation idots


Okay, so go to adsense. The blooming thing when I wanted to sign up with that, maybe turn a few dollars up for us at HazzardAyre. 

The dorky API says We ain't the owner of the account. Bullstuff. Are they kidding? 

I swear one day, I'm going to go to Frisco Bay Silicon Alley, and do some Bufford Pusser justice. It's good all these big tech type outfits are going AI. Great on general inquiries, but, ask abut anything on the slightly porn column, and the horse it says, can't discuss such things. Really. 

If there was ever a time for a Confederate Revivile, that time is now.

Who is with me?


Monday, January 29, 2024

Thanks for the greetings and all, but we are broadcasters first airfolk second, tow folk 3rd and Confederates by Nature

Greetings Welcome to Our Hazzard County.

Did you know today is National Fried Okra 

Appreciation Day? Dern tootin it is. Been trying to get the event funded for research there as to why them confounded Lincolnette's don't like Okra? I love the stuff in all forms cept, maybe banned and or frozen. Fresh Okra, has a smooth unobtrusive taste. Even when it's a bit slimy. Cooks great, and cut up in a bread crumb mix and deep fried. Shute I can eat that all day, and best of all cept for the bread crumb mix, Okra is calorie free, and has antioxidents that help you keep regular. Makes Geritol and Watkins Linement, look like Snake oil. 

I messed up on the title here a bit, and while I thank everyone for the postings, and all, still, understand, We are Confederate Marine's first, GearHeads second and Broadcasters third.  In that order. I'm still licking my chops and honing my skills for engineering on things Broadcast, what I know keeps me on the air, but barely. The rest I find experts, watch and learn from them, and apply what I learn. I had the best dern teacher or broadcast engineer mentor in my opinion on Earth. Kelly Klass, of Twin Falls. 

Over the years we lost touch, but looking to reconnect with him soon. In any rate, KeLLy could build any contraption to be on radio, that we ever needed. Forget calling up a big pharma radio equipment company, nooo, Kelly would dump out his bucket of parts, get out the tools, and get to building. Much of which worked better than what we could get from an equipment vendor. 

The Confederacy thing entered my sphere, while watching of course DOH. Mom started telling me stories from her childhood, Dad would tell me about his southern breeding, and over time I saw history from a whole new perspective. When I'd opt to go to see my southern Uncles, I would get to go visit, the grave yards, and monuments, it is and love it still. 

When I got out of the Union's Marine Corps, a bunch of us reformed what we call, the Confederate Marine Corps. ( Yes there was and is one). Of course being a southern fried rural gearhead, introduced me to things of the confederacy, and that generated a need to get the word out. So I took what I had learned at being a radio junky, and we created KTOW FM 105.7 of Buhl, Idaho(still active, along with KNYTE out of nearby Castleford Idaho) . 

Today what resulted from KTOW came to being HazzardAyre and KnyteWolf FM radio. Both networks of their own, yet part of the Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association, and The AyreWolvez Aviation Association aka the WolfPack. Think of the WolfPack as bikers that know how to fly. 

HazzardAyre took flight, in 2011 from Heyburn Idaho, from a tiny little house at 811 21st street there. HazzardAyre got some national TV ink, from Big Biz TV, and has grown faster than cannibus in manure, since. However self survival and preservation has resulted in way too much time away from being in the studio. 

 But a few know it all zealots kicked our butts, and stole equipment. Which brought down from $2,mil a month to near nothing. To where as bad as I hated it, had to move back here to Etown Wyoming, just to save what small bit, of sanity I had left. For two months or so, had to sleep in The GeneralJaXson, My hot rod, 
Named after two Stonewall, and Jax Teller of SOA fame. 
Hence the way I spell the Name. I froze, my butt off at night here, had to reawakened by skally wags, that thought panting the old General with parking lot gravel, and several nights of having to hit the hospital, just to get fed and get warm. 

Oh and BTW, I still have my SAMCRO MC cut. {Photo next entry. } Since then healing has began, things looking good all but two websites are being recharged, and Come March, 2024 HazzardAyre Radio CSA( Confederate-States of America} Hits Spreaker and ayrewavez. Tell me another toewing firm, and or hot rod shop together, that has a DnB listing with thefootprint we have, and then ask me why a pittly tiny leasing firm, in Utah wants our financial Pedeigree? Talk about cutting off feet despite a long beak. Asking us to look into giving access to our financials, is like asking Tony Soprano, allowing the feds to look at the Syndicate's books. No way. Rent? Maybe, buy property and build our own shop, Yes. If you own it no one can boot you out of it. 

In any case, We are Confederates first, Gearheads including aircraft second, and radio junkies third. 

Keep it between the Ditches,