Thursday, January 9, 2025

I still dare ya'll & there's a disturbance in the force.

So what did I do Wednesday? Sleep.  Couldn't do up my vid blog on YouTube as as I  sitting in this chair on my tail had intended.
After falling on my keeper and after howling a few profain syllables crawled to my office sat in my office chair that has no padding what so ever and against my better judgement called the local meat wagon to take xray fotos of my butt. Of which came home via Lyft and sat most of the day with my brainiac propped against the wall and monitored our flight scanner for news from the fire 🔥  scene in and near LAX California. Once done there, tried to get to my pheete fell down smacked my noggin onto the floor. Took 4 packets of Goody's Powders a d hers I tizz waiting for Mr. EBT/SNAP card. Now the dare and why.
Then with all the coverage news wise I had to just wait for the suaumy of radio etc monitoring our Ohi Cal   bearueau send to them all I could do is cuddle up and relay com signals.

In 89 somewhere one of the  WolfPack  suggested that we do something  bit nasty kinky with our visual advertising.  
Since Apache Rick had already have placed a billboard pic of me with his squeeze at the time's hind paws in my mouth. So rather than being angry about it I thought toe Nd Tow. Smooshed together making toew. With that the basic concept dealt with me smooching a woman's toes in nylon hose pasted over LexiBelle with the tag, " We LuV toews. Meaning we love going towing rather Toewing. 
As it would go there was few times Erin and I in the studio 🎙  that her hind paws were not in my face up against my lips and nose. The thing became and is our slogan tag that is fully copyrighted and trademarked to and for us.
Now then albeit Erin is the absolute most beautiful woman I have ever known except maybe and it's a big maybe don't push on the maybe baby Emmy Picasso 
The difference? I have directly worked with Erin, but not yet Emmy Picasso 
Although I would relish and ravish working with Emmy Picasso 
Who wouldn't? Just wish that B.A.B.S. would me in touch with Emmy.  As if it would go I would gladly pay her airfare and motel room if B.A.B.S. would put together. Maybe for that fancy ultimate acquiesced Emmy toew smooch.
Okay then, I dare any one of the hotties around here to visit the site of the HQ.
And the rest is history except prior to the resurrection of KTOW 
We are going to throw a talent search for the hottest pheete and especially toews in the Valley. So the dare? Gals put on your smelliest nylons come to the station. Put those paws against my lips and under my nose in those nylon hose and see if you can be Miss HazzardAyre 2025. A modeling acting contract valued at $700,000.00 is the prise. So visit the studio at 250 2nd South in Twin Falls Idaho and let's smell what ya'll got.
Now for the disturbance in the Hazzard County force.
We are creating the most staunchest Rebel online on air radio op called HazzardAyre Unlimited.  What that is,is 😳 a unplugged none censored say what you will fight the system radio show and online TV show to be unleashed on the area pubafobia creation ever conceived.
Nuff said ⚙️ gear ⚙️ heads.
See you on YouTube. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

I dare ya'll.

Here's something I  Truly dare ya'll.  I  dare any of the really hot leggy women in my town to show up here at the studio 🎙  right next to Fischers Technology walk in , in seriously hot but , staunchly nylons and make me smell her feet toes and all in those nylons.
Won't tell the award but it will be beyond measure and imagination.  That's the word from the Rebel Canine
I will let ya'll know how many fillies show up if any in the afternoon on my show: HazzardAyre Unlimited.  STARTING at 14:00 Hours. On both and on 

Keep it Between the Ditches

Don't always count on big names or big name vendors.  Most times your best reliance is from local merchants and or firms.
Had a sitch that required a locksmith in my area that would give a Veteran Aviator a break was near impossible.  Every place I called no answer or a leave a dang number and message. Still by 22:30 hours I got an independent vendor to roll over here to the RX and in short order doors open reunited with the General JaXson and all be well. Which gave me access to my grub stash.
I called Hall's Lock and key I called Haffners Locksmiths no access or at least one that might do an emergency house or should I say office call. Nope. Finally got a guy in Buhl Idaho came over fixed everything and is now the one I will call if I need that kind of task done again. 
Of course there is the condition of true 24 7 365 service.  We in towing live for 24 7 365.  In fact we thrive on it. What would happen do you think would happen if the dorks at all those I called prior to One Up in Buhl, called for a toew truck and only got some fartknocker answering service or voice mail? Made a pending client wait for several hours or not even get a ETA? Either they would call someone else or not call again. That goes for property owners as well. 
Shady outfits aside a toew service or flying service is only as good as the next toew or air Ambulance run. Screw someone in the phanny and I will guarantee they won't be a repeat caller. Just won't happen. My advice? Deal local not some out in outer space corporate outfit. 
Same thing with banks and other vendors. Deal local.
Church in the AM. 
Couldn't help it.