Monday, December 19, 2011

Hey ya’ll said ya’ll wanted it, despite my objections

Cooters DB Header Welcome to Hazzard County

Some of ya’ll might have noticed that we have been including , Naked News in Breef on our web site. While getting the daily news with some spice added is groovy, while its kool and all, some of those gals in bikini’s on there really need to go on a serious diet. They have way too big of a butt, and short chubby legs to be in a bikini, on Internet TV , but some of you SAMCRO members wanted it, so I put it on there so I did, despite my objections. I think , and I could be wrong, that we could produce just as good if not better than that in more all gender pleasing threads. Like having a mix between guys and gals on there. Put the guys in Cowboy cut jeans, and western style shirt, a gal in short-shorts, with heels in a halter top. Deliver the news, and that might be groovy for both guys and gals to watch. Oh and yes, report the news with our Confederate slant on the days events.

All I know is that if I were NakedNews, I’d do a clean up of the stable, and do a massive recasting. No I’m not skinny , but then I’m not in a bikini or on Internet TV.

Saw a thing on MotorWeek, this past Sunday, that did a segment on the power of women in the car buying arena. It was surprising to learn that women, are not the passives in this market. More over the major decision makers. Also automotive services like towing and repair. If your in the automotive business, marketing to women might not be such a bad idea.

How we at CooTer’s are looking to doing that next entry.

As I close, this afternoon. Why is it that just about everyone, if not everyone, is on vacation for the holidays? Sure I’m all for being with the family during the holidays etc, but what about commerce? How about being there to generate some cash to pay for that load of stuff you bought to put under the tree? Speaking of gifts under the tree, have you thought of the veterans in your community or neighborhood? The single all alone soldiers, sailor, aviators, that are truly alone. How about doing something good for them. Even a small gift and a card, or a gift certificate, and a card, that says thank you for your sacrifice. Especially your fellow Confederate Marine or soldier. Even the modest of a gift, or even a plate of food, saying thank you for your service.

With the Iraq war not done, so sezz Obamabeenlyin , many of those returning are going to be unemployed and needing work. Coupled with a time of near 11% unemployment in this nation, and the strain will break this nation. It’s time to be lookin to the Confederates for relief. If ya’ll want to know what that’s all about, go to click on the listen now link, and then click on the mic in the middle of the page. What ya’ll hear will inspire ya’ll. If nothing else will make ya’ll think.

Until l8r


Quote of the day:
Silence propagates itself, and the longer talk has been suspended, the more difficult it is to find anything to say. - Samuel Johnson
Luke 1:76-78“And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven”

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Rat Patrol Files 4 It only takes one(1)


I have been down this road b4, but it requires repeating.

Especially to the management of the Heyburn Idaho, Loves truck stop there.

Having one employee with a piss poor attitude, can make a customer not want to go there anymore, or at least not until that employee has been discharged. I don’t know how many times I need to say that. True, I myself and some of the rest of my Wolf-Pack occasionally rub some the wrong way. None of us claim to be or will ever be squeaky clean choir boys, or LDS Elder types, just ain’t going to happen, but who is paying who here?

I caught this bit of hesitation there the other day when I was making small talk with one of the fuel clerks.

I was trying to input 411 to her about the blonde employee that I had a problem with so she could pass it along to the management, when another clerk said I need to finish talking to my clerk. The comment was made , hey I’m paying her not you. Fact is sugar, its me the customer, my fueling and buying things there that keeps her in employment and keeps the lights on at that joint.

Ya’ll see where I’m going here ? It only takes one bad event between an employee, or even ones self to make a customer a none customer.

Like I said it only takes one.

Back Monday, full force, going back to watching TV.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
If you don't know to the second when a drunk's gonna vomit on you, you don't survive as a strip club bouncer. - Veronica Pare and Ferrett Steinmetz
Luke 1:68-70““Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago),”

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Friday, December 16, 2011

rAT Patrol Files 3


Whoever it wuzz that coined the phrase , Thank Goodness It’s Friday, must have been the brother of that Murphy feller, that said if it can go wrong it will at the worst possible moment.

So the week that wuzz is one, I hope that I won’t have to repeat any time soon. Monday wuzz a bitch of the highest order, clutch master cylinder went out on LiL Lexi taking a clutch spring with it. So she was in the shop all week, meaning running everywhere, in BiG Lexi, which if gas were not so high priced I would not care, but at near $4.00 a gallon and going higher than the back of a cat that just saw a bulldog, and considering BiG Lexi has a pin hole just under her saddle straps on the tank, means gas goes in, but comes out faster than beer out of a sailor on liberty. Short trips to toew, but past that, not so much. But at this hour all rigs are home, snuff supply fine, and life resumes. Nice of my tech to get it done this quick, and for not scalping me money wise .

I’ll sleep much better tonight.

Ya’ll never appreciate things until they are not there. Granted the asswipes in MHI and others call LiL Lexi a POS, but she’s my POS, and anybody else calls her that is going to get a snoot full of fist. One more battle won , but the war of life goes on.

Taking the weekend off, see ya’ll on Monday.

Drive with care and happy motoring.

L8R Ya’ll

cc sig RAT SHAK SIGN 1

Quote of the day:
A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled. - Sir Barnett Cocks
Luke 1:46-47, 49“[Mary’s Song] And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name.”

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I remember the phrase that Mrs.. Brailsford at Hazzard High School taught us in typing class, the phrase was, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country” This was an excersize to getting us used to the keyboards etc.

Now b4 many of you scoff at me going to typing class, or business ed, dig this; there was a 3 to 1 ratio of gals to guys in that class, meaning opportunity to engage things that smell good and feel even better on the lady department were better than going to say Football or some odd sport. Fact is though had there been a High School drag racing team then at Hazzard High, I might have done that, but that is a thing for another entry. The thing is those words we learned are more prevalent today than they were then(mid 1970’s) .

Our southern nation, in fact all of this nation is under attack. Many do not see this, as many are feeling all fuzzy over the so called end of the conflict in Iraq, and the return of our troops. Yea like that’s really it. Sure some of the troops are coming home, and true the nightmares of war are not as severe for those coming home from Iraq, as they were for those coming home from Vietnam, but, there are scars and all none the same, and is Obamabeenlyin going to give direction to D-O-D, to put money into job retraining and other deserved VA benefits? Will the mistakes we as a nation made on the chickening out from Vietnam, going to be repeated? Like spending billions to rebuild that nation, as well as opening up the adoption of Vietnamese children and people to come to the USA, that will get, the priority for low income housing, welfare, and SSA benefits, over hard working AMERICAN born people. Will we do that with Iraq? Or seriously say to them, hey we did our part, its your ball game now , see ya at church? Some how I am nearly convinced that what ya’ll will see this nation allowing Iraq to suck off our hind teat, for at least 10 years. Why? There’s oil in that desert.

This is an example of a government gone wyld that needs reined back, and the only ones to pull back on those reins are us, the southern nation. Yes Today’s Confederates.

The Knytes-of-Anarchy are there doing a heavy fight, we got the Confederate Party established in Idaho and Utah as a real political party that someone can run on and get elected on. We established the Western Confederacy Historical Museum, and of course we established Confederate Star Media, to get the voice of today’s confederacy out to those who care and those who are ignorant.

So why should the Southern nation care about these western northern Yankees?

Think of the learning from your Holy Bible, remember when Jesus taught that its better to try to enrich and teach those who are sinners and don’t know, rather than constantly rehash things with those of us Confederates that already know. Its better to find that one lost sheep , rather than worry over the other 99. Same goes for the western northern Yankee’s . We in the Knytes-of-Anarchy already know the teachings and are still constantly learning, but what about, those who don’t? Sure we have our summer camp outs here where the teaching occurs, but the public who could benefit, has no knowledge and therefore needs to be brought into our fold.

How do we do that? Mass media. However much of mainstream media ignore or block access, simply because they were brainwashed years ago to do so.

Therefore, the Knytes-of-Anarchy, through Confederate-Star Media , created; HazzardAyre Radio, and 4 Mountain West Radio stations to bring that knowledge of the south to these folks here that could benefit. Sure its a big challenge, but too remember Simon and Goliath? With God' help and grace anything is possible. As such why not ya’ll give us a helping hand. We are asking all of our Southern friends, including Dixie Broadcasting, our fellow soldiers and officers of the Sons of Confederate Veterans help us so we can help all. As many of you know the Knytes-of-Anarchy just spent, $3,million bucks buying KBAR here. Shy of a few minor regulatory FCC tid bits, its ours. We acquired 105.3 out of Malta Idaho mid summer, and don’t forget, KDXC FM 105.7 out of Buhl Idaho, KTOW FM 93.3 American Falls Idaho amongst others, and you can see that the income versus expenses is a bit topsey turvey. So in short, if you have a Southern based business and albeit I know times are hard right now, but if you can dig in, send us a one time gift, or become a sponsor, at a $100.00 a month, that allows unlimited airing of your message on our stations and network, all month, no matter the length, whether it be 60 seconds or 30 seconds, we just need your help. This will keep the southern confederate voice alive and us helping to educate the unknowledgeable as well as the ignorant. If you can help, send your donation to: Knytes-of-Anarchy, Radio Fund, 811 21st Street Heyburn Idaho, 83336. If you want more information on advertising, give me a shout at 208-212-9653. Anytime.

We have been blessed by the connection we have made with Dixie Broadcasting, Ray and his friendship are treasured, and I would trust that Ray would pass this along over his website as well as his other associates.

Look as much as one might think, I’m not rich , with much dollars rolling out my ears. When I’m not in service for and of the Knytes-of-Anarchy that includes HazzardAyre Radio, I drive a tow truck and fix trucks. There has been little snow so not much dough this year for me. Hell , I’m trying to keep the lights on. But collectively myself and the rest of the 5000 active regional members of the Knytes are doing things, but it does , sadly cost money. We need your help. So see if ya’ll can’t make at least a donation of $100.00 or do a long term help of becoming a sponsor on HazzardAyre Radio. Or to help us get the rest of our web site up.

Any mile, we need all Southerners and Confederates at heart to come to our aid.

More Rat Patrol this afternoon.

L8R Ya’ll

cc sig RAT SHAK SIGN 1

Quote of the day:
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Luke 1:46-47, 49“[Mary’s Song] And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name.”

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Could have been worse, but not completely sure yet. Looks like LiL Lexi’s gear changing problem might be due to the hydraulic master cylinder not the clutch. After going through 3 cylinders still will not maintain pressure so further work needed but, might be that is all it is.

Okay then, Big Lexi has developed a leak, in the fuel delivery system, not a hose but perhaps a hole in the tank under one of the saddle straps. Fixing that today.

Did you hear? My old buddy Howard Stern is going to host next seasons, America’s got Talent. That’s right , according to sources at XM and all Old Howard is taking that queer English dudes place(yippie) . Already there are sponsors and so called goody two shoe types lining up to fight the gig for Howard.

The gig, is worth $20,million in Sterns pocket, and the show went as far as to transplant itself all the way to NYC from the original hq of Hollywierd. Just to satisfy Stern. My only question is; How do I get one of these 20, mill gigs?

Hey Simon, put me on there too, will ya? I can take Mandell’s place, (lol).

Just shows us rebels can succeed too, huh?

More Rat Patrol Files l8r in the day.

L8R Ya’ll

cc sig RAT SHAK SIGN 1

Quote of the day:
Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it. - Henry David Thoreau
Luke 1:46-47, 49“[Mary’s Song] And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for the Mighty One has done great things for me— holy is his name.”

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Some unfinished business

Its been said b4, by those much smarter than I, that to ignore learning, is to become more than ignorant, and more like completely stupid.
If ya'll thought you knew the history of our beloved southern culture, ya'll might be surprized, at what ya'll didn't know.
That that we have established connection, I urge you fellow Confederate patriots, Knytes-of-Anarchy members and those who care, log onto go to the listen here now hyper link, and tune in what ya'll learn will amaze you.
Until L8R

Fresh Ayre Everyday

Cooters DB Header

I don’t know about ya’ll but every day I get at least 8 or more inbox messages from newsletters. Some I have subscribed to, some not so much. Unfortunately most of them contains stuff they whoever wrote that newsletter, covered yesterday, the day b4 and/or even last week. Even last month. The goofy thing is they have a staff, and bookoo bucks doing their gig.

Here at HazzardAyre, there is NO PAID STAFF, there are volunteers of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, that do engineering on the electronic infrastructure that keeps HazzardAyre Radio on the air and HazzardAyre Gazzette in print.

In the Mountain West of 7 states there is a membership population of 5,000 in the Knytes-of-Anarchy, dedicated to one thing, keeping this nation free, as well as free of oppression. Regulation that prohibits growth, and prosperity , and disintegrates liberty. All too many of our ancestors from the deep south and even a few on the other side of the Dixie line, fought all too hard and all too many died defending Freedom and Liberty on American soil. Not that in other nations or defending a gas pump or oil well but on American soil.

To be able to accomplish these goals depends on the ability to deliver prudent and decisive information every day. Some times disguised but delivered none the less. Few of the south get in the tent with Yankees, but still Yankees vote, and why not make some of these Yanks, Confederates? That’s the mission of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, and I want to say this here as I close because some people have accused me and the club, of being racist. In fact , there be no application of racism in the club, just as in reality the war tween the states had nothing to do with slavery. The Knytes-of-Anarchy does not care if your black, Chinese, Mexican, or Cardasian, Vulcan , Andorian it don’t matter. If you believe in our principles and ideals, then your welcome to become a member. Of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, whether you ride or fly or not, it don’t matter. If you believe in the ideals of Southern life, you belong in the Knytes of Anarchy.

Until Friday.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In practice, there is. - Chuck Reid
Luke 1:30-33“But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.””

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