Thursday, January 12, 2012

Everything that sparkles ain’t gold, more like a pile of manure.


In today’s modern hustle and bustle, we get a ton of spam, and even emails that many of us just brush aside and put in the trash box.

I’m sure the writers and authors are diligent enuff and work hard to deliver a product to us that is , to them, informative, but lack the pizzazz to get you to fully look at the message.

Then there are the local mirages that plague you .

You inquire to two newspapers of an area as to get ads and maybe a column . They say, “ Sure glad to have it” So you write a sample up, one says, “ We wont print things involving a biker club” Although The Hazzard Knytes through our affiliation with SAMCRO MC has bikes and bikers as members there is much more than bikers in the organization. Only 40% of the club is MC , the rest is split between being an incurable Dukes-of-Hazzard fan club, custom truck (big truck ) club and a military restoration organization. But did they allow the picture to be fully painted b4 they smugly kicked me to the curb. And the Weekly News Journal , wonders why no buying of ad space by me or the club, or the clubs local members. Up the street and around the corner is The Voice. They feared us because of the racy content, but didn’t mind pitching us buying ad space, with my pre condition , find me a honey to pose with my truck for the ad.

Nope, no takers , although I’ll bet money that had another female been present here that would not have been as bad as it was.

Then of course there is the coupling of the suggestion, by two under Sheriffs, both Cassia and Minidoka, that if combined myself and Charlie at A1 set up a sub station here we could get on rotation and have near open territory.

The Camels back was broken, when a local Taxi service owner here, said he’d go half on a shop. When I put him to the test, he chickened out.

So I rented a cheaper shop. Problem was, by that time , Rick and Charley gave up on the idea, the shop and where I had to move into, were too expensive together, and the place in Buhl had been rented to somebody else, so could not have turned it around. So I’m stuck, but just until I find quarters etc elsewhere.

The list goes on, but extending trust in anyone anymore to that I have closed the door.

Why American Falls ?

That’s next time here in HazzardAyre.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the day:
I'm going to stay in show business until I'm the last one left. - George Burns
Galatians 3:26-28“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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